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Personal Profile

Name (Optional) :
Surname, Given Name MI.

Gender : ( ) Male ( ) Female

Year Level :

II. Directions:
!lease indicate the extent to which you $trongly Agree ($A), Agree (A), Undecided
(U), Disagree (D), and $trongly Disagree ($D) with each of the following
statements by placing a check mark (\) the space provided for.

III. Interview Proper

. %e Human $ecurity Act of 2007, wic before te ratification known as te ~Anti-
%errorism Act is designed to protect te People and te $tate against terrorism
and oter lawless elements.

( ) Strongly Agree ( ) Undecided ( ) Strongly Disagree
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

2. %e enactments of te Human $ecurity Act of 2007 ave not indered te rigt to
assemble, to organize and te freedom of speec among Filipinos.

( ) Strongly Agree ( ) Undecided ( ) Strongly Disagree
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

. %e Act does not curtail te constitutional rigts of te People.

( ) Strongly Agree ( ) Undecided ( ) Strongly Disagree
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

. %e Act does not prejudice te respect for Human Rigts wic is absolute and is
protected instead.

( ) Strongly Agree ( ) Undecided ( ) Strongly Disagree
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

. Human $ecurity Act as made our country politically stable.

( ) Strongly Agree ( ) Undecided ( ) Strongly Disagree
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

. %e Human $ecurity Act is vague and does not provide a clear distinction.

( ) Strongly Agree ( ) Undecided ( ) Strongly Disagree
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

7. %e Act does not prescribed legal procedure and it migt wrongfully tagged
progressive and militant groups as members of lawless bodies.

( ) Strongly Agree ( ) Undecided ( ) Strongly Disagree
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

8. %e Human $ecurity Act is prone to abuse of power by repressive government

( ) Strongly Agree ( ) Undecided ( ) Strongly Disagree
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

9. %e Human $ecurity Act is a travesty against te sacred tenet of freedom bestowed
on people; ence, contrary to te civil and political rigts.

( ) Strongly Agree ( ) Undecided ( ) Strongly Disagree
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

0.%e Act denies te rigt of due process and presumption of innocence among te

( ) Strongly Agree ( ) Undecided ( ) Strongly Disagree
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

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