Final M4 L2 Day 3

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Module 4 Lesson 2 Day 3 – partea de final

September 11 attacks, a series of airline hijackings and suicide attacks

committed in 2001 by 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-
Qaeda against targets in the United States, were the deadliest terrorist attacks on
American soil in U.S. history.
On September 11, 2001, groups of attackers passed through security check
and boarded four domestic aircraft at three East Coast airports. Soon after takeoff,
they disabled the crew, some of whom may have been stabbed with box cutters the
hijackers were hiding, and took control of the aircraft. At 8:46 AM the first
plane, American Airlines flight 11, which had originated from Boston, was piloted
into the north tower of the World Trade Center, in New York City. The second
plane, United Airlines flight 175, also from Boston, struck the south tower 17 minutes
As a consequence, each structure was badly damaged by the impact and
erupted into flames. The World Trade Center’s heavily damaged south tower
collapsed, and the north tower fell 29 minutes later.
This act of terrorism resulted in the death of 3,000 people that day: some 2,750
people in New York, 184 at the Pentagon, and 40 in Pennsylvania; all 19 terrorists
also died.
At this point there was no doubt that the United States was under attack.
Therefore, President Bush addressed the nation from the Oval Office in a speech that
set up a key doctrine of his administration’s future foreign policy: “We will make no
distinction between the terrorists who committed and those who harbor them.”
Consequently, the United States initiated a global “war on terror” to destroy Al Qaeda
— a campaign that expanded into decades-long wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and
elsewhere. In addition, the attacks of Sept. 11 led to fundamental changes in the
United States as well, ranging from increased police surveillance to a rise in

Task 1. Read the text and select True or False.

1. The hijacking was possible because of weak security measures. T/F
2. The attackers hijacked and crashed the planes into two different regions of
the US. T/F
3. The text mentions short and long term effects of the attacks. T/F
4. The text is about several possible causes for the 9/11 attacks. T/F

Task 2. Match the causes on the left to the effects on the right:
1c The hijackers disabled the crew and,
1e consequently, took control of the airplanes

2c As a consequence of the planes crashing into the towers,

2e they eventually collapsed.

3c The towers collapsing resulted in

3e the deaths of around 2750 people.

4c Because the United States felt under attack,

4e President Bush declared “war on terror”
5c Due to the fact that the hijackers managed to board the plane with basic
5e the security protocols have been increased

6c The fact that many people blamed Muslims for the 9/11 attacks
6e led to an increase in anti-Muslim violence

Task 3: Read the paragraphs and select which represents a cause or an effect:

One of the most disturbing aspects of the 9/11 attacks was that 19 al Qaeda hijackers
were not only able to board commercial aircraft with basic weapons but also force
their way into the cockpit. It was clear that 9/11 was both a failure of America’s
intelligence agencies to identify the attackers and a failure of airport security systems
to stop them. Cause
Airport security introduced U.S. travelers to extensive new protocols. Tickets and
photo IDs became required to get through the screening area. Laptop computers and
electronics had to be removed from carry-on bags. Shoes were taken off. Liquids were
restricted to 100 ml containers. And conventional X-ray machines, which only
detected metal objects, were eventually replaced with full-body scanners. Effect

Even though politicians and the police repeatedly stated that Islam was a peaceful
religion whose true teachings had been reinterpreted by terrorist extremists, many
people in America and around the world still connected the 9/11 attacks with Islam
and wanted to get revenge on anyone that even looked Muslim. The fear was that the
9/11 attacks were just the beginning and that more terrorist groups were active in
American cities. Cause
In order to find these “terrorists among us,” Congress gave the FBI new abilities to
collect and share data. For example, intelligence agencies were given the power to
search an individual’s library records and internet search history. Agents could search
a home or listen in on a phone line without notifying the owner. Effect

Task 4:
Example clopotel plus structura: cauza + detalii+exemplu+connective
+effect+detalii +exemplu

One of the most disturbing aspects of the 9/11 attacks was that 19 al Qaeda
hijackers were not only able to board commercial aircraft with basic weapons but also
force their way into the cockpit. It was clear that 9/11 was both a failure of America’s
intelligence agencies to identify the attackers and a failure of airport security systems
to stop them. As a result, airport security introduced U.S. travelers to extensive new
protocols. Tickets and photo IDs became required to get through the screening area.
Laptop computers and electronics had to be removed from carry-on bags. Shoes were
taken off. Liquids were restricted to 100 ml containers. And conventional X-ray
machines, which only detected metal objects, were eventually replaced with full-body
Task 5. Read the paragraph and select the correct cause and effect set describing the
The horrific attacks and hostage taking by Hamas on 7th October have
reignited the conflict between Israel and Palestine, with major consequences for both
sides. On the one hand, because of persistent attacks on Palestine, the Israeli economy
continues to suffer from falling demand, rising costs and labor shortages or a decrease
in tourism flow. On the other side, the conflict in the Gaza Strip resulted in Israeli
strikes that have done enormous damage to buildings and civil infrastructure, bringing
down several apartment and office towers, service facilities such as schools and
banks, homes and security compounds.

Cause: The horrific attacks and hostage taking by Hamas

Effect: reigniting the conflict between Israel and Palestine
Feedback - the focus of the paragraph is on consequences of the conflict between
Israel and Palestine which are detailed and exemplified.
Cause: the conflict between Israel and Palestine
Effect: the Israeli economy continues to suffer; damage to buildings and civil

Task 6
Now it’s your turn!
Write a paragraph in which to present a cause and effect given below. Make sure
you mention the details required.
Cause: Russia attacked Ukraine – focus on when, where, how.
Effect: Ukrainian population fled to neighboring countries – focus on why,
where and how.
Don’t forget to use connectives such as: as a consequence, because of, led to,
result in, caused by, due to, etc.

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