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Park Hang Seo: “Papa Leadership”

LỚP 1091
Instructors: Bùi Thị Vân Quỳnh

Nguyễn Thịnh Lâm Khang - 22207145

Introduction to Park Hang-seo

Park Hang-seo is the 67-year-old Korean coach of the Vietnamese team. He

officially became the head coach of the U23 Vietnam football team and the Vietnamese
national team in 2017 until 2023 . Under his leadership, the Vietnamese team has
achieved many remarkable achievements, including:
• Bringing the Vietnamese team to the U23 Asian finals for the first time in history.
• Vietnamese team makes history by reaching the Asian Cup finals. Enrolling the
• Vietnamese team in the 2022 World Cup qualifier.
• Vietnamese team ranked 15th in the world.
• Led the Vietnamese team to first place at the AFF Cup in 2018 and 2020.

Democratic style

Park Hang-seo leadership style is Democratic style. According to Dr. He was

identified by the media as papa's leadership style. Han Jung Woo, "papa leadership" is
the art of leadership, as demonstrated by Mr. Park's treatment of the players as if they
were his children. In other words, when a leader is both generous and capable of
communicating and leading in the manner of a kind and respectful father or mother,
people will be drawn to and motivated to do their jobs better than expected." - Shared
by an RMIT University lecturer. He always strives to build a family-like bond between
members of the teams he leads, as well as through actions that demonstrate his care and
kindness towards the team. These actions turn him into a friendly father who always
makes the players smile and bond as a team, but he is also a scientific and fair leader -
someone who always making decisions based on facts and common sense, someone
who is always encouraging and sends a clear message that the players' efforts will be
appreciated in practice.
He has a funny personality, but at work Park Hang-seo is known as a very serious,
professional and dedicated person to his work. He is also a conformist and demands
absolute discipline. He always encouraged his players to try their best, never give up
and always keep a fighting spirit. Park Hang-seo regularly motivates and puts pressure
on his students to achieve higher goals. At the same time, he regularly guides and helps
players overcome the most difficult moments. Park Hang-seo is known as a coach with
a spirit of solidarity and creativity. He always encourages his players to support and
help each other to achieve common goals. Park Hang-seo's spirit of solidarity and
creativity has helped the Vietnamese team achieve many significant successes.

Create a culture of self-discipline, discipline and collectivity

Coach Park Hang-seo put the culture of self-discipline, discipline and teamwork
first right from his first days in charge of the Vietnamese team. All team members, from
coaching staff to players, must follow the rules. His football philosophy is collective
and disciplined. He required the players to be responsible for themselves, responsible
for every pass on the field. He once said: "There will be no one in the Vietnamese team
who is a star. Everyone must look in the same direction and achieve the set goals." He
treats everyone equally, with no favors or favoritism for the older or younger, the main
or supporting players. Although he is a cheerful and even humorous teacher, but he is
also a strict disciplinarian. That discipline is evident from the Vietnamese team's first
training sessions, as well as the players' meals and sleep patterns. In order to get the
Vietnamese team in shape as soon as possible,, coach Park Hang-seo has issued many
regulations that force the players to follow under his guidance. Among them are
regulations requiring Vietnamese team players to be completely punctual, follow the
team's schedule, practice, eat, and rest, with no specific curfew. Violations will result
in severe discipline. Vietnamese players are also not allowed to use mobile phones when
eating or going to meetings with the whole team to avoid distractions, affecting the
team's concentration. That culture is strongly demonstrated by the fact that even after
the match, all team members never let loose, still go to bed at 10 o'clock, do not wander,
do not drink, do not hang out. Do not rest on victory, and still very determined to
practice regularly for the next match.
Coach Park Hang-seo is praised for instilling a sense of self-discipline, and
teamwork in the Vietnamese team. He also fosters a fair, unbiased environment that
values personal responsibility. He also imposed stringent disciplinary measures to
ensure the team's focus and determination. All of this has helped the team grow steadily
and continuously.
Family culture, solidarity and development

To motivate students to best develop their abilities and contribute to the collective
achievement, it is important that the between players and between players and the coach
understand each other and have a close relationship.

The relationship between players

When he started leading the Vietnamese team, Park Hang-seo applied regulations
for players to share rooms at his request. Players in the same position would live
together instead of freely choosing roommates to increase solidarity and mutual
understanding among players on the team. This regulation is intended to increase
closeness between members and limit isolation.

The relationship between the players and Park Hang-seo

Coach Park Hang-seo is also a person with a close personality. He often goes to
each player's room to talk so they can understand each other better. From there, the
coach's relationship with the players becomes more intimate, while also understanding
people, their personalities, their strengths and weaknesses.
Coach Park Hang-seo has created a working culture of solidarity and closeness,
like a family. He applies regulations to increase understanding and closeness between
players, and regularly communicates deeply with each player to better understand them.
For example, he often goes to each player's room to talk one-on-one so they can
understand each other better. This not only helps increase intimacy between coach and
player, but also helps him better understand the personality, personality and strengths
and weaknesses of each player. These factors have contributed to creating a united team.
Culture of meetings

Park Hang-seo is a person who requires frequent meetings and talks a lot with
colleagues and players. He does not have a fixed meeting time and can meet to discuss
strategy at any random time. At the same time, he also hates those who do not listen and
take good notes after the meeting. The above has created a culture for the players that
is always ready and focused on meeting to discuss strategies and always carrying a pen
and notebook with them to take notes.
PHS meetings are also democratic, he uses group intelligence very well and
encourages everyone to voice their own opinions. He also employees the to make
decisions about some aspects of the project. For example he didn't work directly with
the goalkeepers, so he couldn't know the performance, thoughts, and motivations of
each person. So he will assign relevant responsibilities to the goalkeeper coach, from
there the person who is given the right to monitorthe goalkeepers will be able to
recommend who is suitable to go to the football field.
Coach Park Hang-seo was praised for his democratic leadership, strategic vision,
and ability to create a focused and prepared work culture. He knows how to effectively
assign responsibilities and take advantage of group intelligence, contributing to the
success of the Vietnamese team.

Understand the qualities of each student

Striker Cong Phuong gave praise to his teacher, Coach Park: "Mr. Park Hang-seo
is an extremely good coach, with a deep understanding of football in general and each
U23 Vietnamese player in particular. That is the key to helping him come up with the
best tactics."
During the first 42 days of joining U23 Vietnam, many nights in a row, Mr. Park
Hang-seo watched many times the recordings of U19 Vietnam matches, then the U19
and U20 Vietnam tournaments in the European finals. Asia 2016, World U20 World
Cup 2017. From those recordings, Mr. Park decided to choose the main team to play in
the U23 Asian Finals, including the previous group of U19 players mixed with the U20
group. This helps him know the strengths and weaknesses and personalities of each
player, helping Mr. Park understands who he should use and when is most appropriate.
With the philosophy that football is a collective sport, thanks to solidarity and
consensus, coach Park Hang-seo built the Vietnamese team into a team without stars.
Mr. Park does not prioritize any "star" players. A typical example is that coach Park
Hang-seo effectively used defender Pham Xuan Manh - who was added to the U23
Vietnam team at the last minute. This is a very versatile player who can play in many
different positions, from attack to defense, from the middle to the edge. And coach Park
Hang-seo has used Xuan Manh's versatility very well. In any role (whether playing
right-back or center-back), Xuan Manh completed his duties well, not leaving too much
of a gap compared to the people he replaced.
Thanks to the "papa" leadership style, often known as the Democratic style of
leadership. Coach Park Hang-seo is regarded for his deep understanding of football and
his ability to recognize the qualities of each player. He effectively took advantage of the
players' abilities, not just the bright stars, to build a strong and united team. These
factors have contributed significantly to the success of the U23 Vietnam team.

What can we learn from Park Hang-seo?

When learning about Mr. Park, I admired and learned a lot from him. Firstly, Park
Hang-seo is a coach who has succeeded in building a strong and united team. He
encouraged his players to do their best, never give up and always keep a fighting spirit.
He also fostered a spirit of solidarity among his players, encouraging them to support
each other and work together to achieve common goals.
Second, I realize that one of Park's strengths is the ability to listen seriously and
accept critical opinions as well as effectively use group intelligence in decision making.
He understands each player's strengths and weaknesses through listening, so he can use
those who are better than him, willing to empower them. Thanks to that, each individual
has the opportunity to maximize their strengths.
Third, Mr. Park's leadership style is known as 'papa leadership' because his care
and encouragement are like those of fathers, helping the team . This helped the players
a lot during a serious crisis of confidence due to internal conflicts and consecutive
previous defeats. Mr. Park brought confidence and motivation to the players on the team
to advance rise strongly to reach the heights of football. By valuing discipline, providing
clear work rules and creating a healthy competitive working environment among
players. At the same time, he also trains and fosters talents and promotes the talents of
each position. Finally, he is always very thoughtful when giving the players very
intimate gestures such as shaking hands, hugging and kissing after the match, praising
them in front of the media and remembering their birthdays. That enhanced his
relationship with everyone and gave the players a great source of motivation to break
limits and win.

Leadership improvement plan

To promote the creative spirit in the group, I need to encourage new and unique
ideas from group members, without hastily distinguishing right from wrong or good
from bad. At the same time, create a comfortable and safe atmosphere so that group
members can freely express and test their ideas.
I also need to learn more about listening skills to seriously and sincerely
understand the opinions, suggestions, feedback and complaints of group members,
without judging or ignoring. I should also be willing to accept criticism and opinions
that are different from mine, without being resentful or dismissive. From there, I can
use group intelligence well in decision making, without being arbitrary or biased.
Finally, communicate clearly, honestly and convincingly with the team, without causing
misunderstanding or confusion
I learned a lot from Park Hang-seo from the way he listened and understood the
strengths, weaknesses, and personalities of the players. That made me know I should
add more human resource perception skills. To do that, I need to regularly actively talk,
listen and observe the behaviors, thoughts and personalities of everyone in the group.
Next is to analyze them to understand who they are and how to use them effectively and
appropriately. From there, I can confidently empower people who do better than me to
avoid the situation where I'm overloaded because I do too much work in the group.


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