TPT - Vol - T 009 Rev 1 TPT Volunteer Task Fence - Furniture Painting

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RA No.

TPT VOL T 009 Rev1


Assessment Review Date

12/11/2019 12/11/2020
Date (To be within 12 Months)

Work Area Across the Parkland Estate

Reason for Assessment (Tick appropriate boxes)

Initial Assessment x Periodic Review Change of Equipment
Change of Work Process Change of Personnel Abnormal Activity
Relocation After an Accident / Incident Other
Brief Description of Assessment: FENCE/FURNITURE PAINITNG TASK

Volunteer painting tasks, at request by the landscape office for memorial benches, picnic benches and or wooden
fencing. These can occur in various locations across the Parkland Estate.

Carla Boswell
Mike Thomas

Hazard = Something with the potential to cause harm.

Risk = The likelihood of a hazard causing harm & its associated severity.

‘Concentrate on the significant, ignore the trivial’

Part 1 – Hazard Identification

1. General Description of the Work Area Associated Hazards

Construction tasks area carried out across the parkland estate on sites owned 1. Slips, trips and falls
and managed by The Parks Trust. All sites have public access and all site- 2. Plant/fungi allergies
based risk assessments can be downloaded for the website: 3. Insect bites/stings
4. Heat exhaustion 5. Hypothermia
based-risk-assessments/ 6. Pathogens/Toxins
7. Biological Hazards
8. Broken glass/sharps

2. Plant, Equipment and Vehicles in or adjacent to the work area Associated Hazards
A selection of hand tools and equipment used for the task include:
9. Cuts, splinters
1. Standard litter pickers scratches, lacerations
2. Handi hoops and abrasions
3. Black sacks 10. Slips, trips and falls
4. Shovels/spades 11. Muscular – skeletal
5. Rakes injuries
6. Mallet and hammers 12. Impact from moving
7. Dust masks vehicles
8. Eyewear protection 13. Chemical irritants
9. Scraper 14. Eye injury
10. Sandpaper
11. Wood paint/varnish
12. Work vehicles may be used on site

Rev -1 The Parks Trust
RA No. TPT VOL T 009 Rev1

3. METHOD STATEMENT Associated Hazards

Description of the task / process to be carried out (step-by-step tasks).

This section should describe exactly how the work will be done and by
Painting Tasks by volunteers or coprorates supervised by TPT staff,
can only take place during the summer months of dry weather.

1. Pre-task site briefing undertaken by TPT staff as task leader at Muscular – skeletal injuries
the beginning of the session and delegate duties. Slips, trips and falls
2. Task Briefings - This will cover the task talk and description of Plant/fungi allergies and
activities required for the sessions with a demonstration of litter stings
picking techniques and safe use of equipment, maintenance Insect sting/bites
and storage on site. Heat exhaustion
3. Volunteer participants are divided into two teams depending on Hypothermia
numbers and equipment available and issued gloves, eyewear Pathogens/toxins
and ear plugs (PPE) to work on the construction tasks. Broken glass/sharps
Biological Hazard -
4. A – Painting preparation: Using litter picking equipment to dog/animal waste
cleanse area of litter prior to paiting. Once cleared, those unable Dermititus
to do manual task can be grouped to cleanse the rest of the Chemical irritation/burns
Park. The large/heavy items and bags of rubbish to be left at Ill health, dietary
various paths to be collected by carrying aid or truck at the end requirements
of the session. Weigh the rubbish at the end of the day when
counting number of bags. Secateurs and loppers can be used to
open the pathways where overhanging or overgrown vegetation
to get to rubbish as required. Using metal scrapers nad
sandpaper to scrape off and sand down damage and flaking

B – Painting:
Refer to the safety data sheet for each paint supply per task as
part of the risk assessment.
PPE Nitrile gloves to be worn
Paint should be decanted when in use and kept in sealed
container with lid.

5. Task leader/staff to ensure all participants adopt the correct

positions and use of equipment throughout the duration to
ensure not injuries are prevented and sharing heavy loads,
rotating tasks when required.
6. Refreshments available back in the function room at the end of
each session. Hand sanitiser and water available for welfare of
volunteers on site.
7. Designated First aider: Carla Boswell

Assessors Signature(s)

ALL Those involved in making the Risk Assessment to sign

Rev -1 The Parks Trust
RA No. TPT VOL T 009

Part 2 - Detailed Assessment of Risks

Hazard. Persons likely to Existing Control Measures. Risk Rating. Action required to reduce / control risk. Corrective Residual
Potential harm and how caused be affected (Describe all existing measures taken to (See Table 1) (Further improvements that could be made to the Action Risk Rating
(List all hazards identified in part 1) reduce risk) control measures. To be agreed with relevant Number (After further
manager & H&S Advisor) (If further actions)
are required)
Slips, Trips and Falls Staff Referring to the site risk assessments During the task CB will managing any
Volunteers demonstrate all sites and centres are 2x2=4 developing issues and keep the work area
Members of the well maintained. clear and tidy.
public Site briefing to warn participants of MEDIUM
such hazards and remind safe
storage of equipment and bagged
rubbish to avoid trip hazards.
Volunteers to be wearing suitable
sturdy boots/shoes.

Plant and Fungi allergies and stings Staff All participants will be wearing PPE During the task CB will managing any
Volunteers gloves to protect from plants when 2x1=2 developing issues and reminding
Members of the handling vegetation to access litter. participants to wear gloves. Unlikely to
public LOW have insect bites and stings at this time of
Advise participants in advance to
wear long sleeved tops and long
trousers to reduce nettle stings.
Hayfever sufferers to carry anti-
histamine medication if applicable in
Insect sting/bites Staff TPT staff to check for known allergies CB responsible for reminding participants
Ticks and associated Lyme disease Volunteers at beginning of task. 2x1=2 to check for ticks at the end of the session
Members of the Warn participants of potential insects and on arrival home.
public LOW
and stings and bites, move away from
stinging insects slowly.
Advise participants to wear long
sleeves and trousers, tucking trousers
into socks to cover all exposed skin.
Advise participants to avoid using
beauty products with strong perfumes
prior to task to minimize attraction.
Carry insect repellent to reduce
attraction potential bites/stings

TPT-VOL -T- 009 Rev - 1

RA No. TPT VOL T 009

Hazard. Persons likely to Existing Control Measures. Risk Rating. Action required to reduce / control risk. Corrective Residual
Potential harm and how caused be affected (Describe all existing measures taken to (See Table 1) (Further improvements that could be made to the Action Risk Rating
(List all hazards identified in part 1) reduce risk) control measures. To be agreed with relevant Number (After further
manager & H&S Advisor) (If further actions)
are required)
Advise all participants to check at the
end of the day for any bites, stings
and unwanted visitors on their skin.

Heat Exhaustion Staff Volunteers are advised to wear sturdy CB responsible for reminding participants
Volunteers footwear and suitable clothing. 2x1=2 to drink water and apply sun cream in hot
Members of the In periods of hot weather, taking weather. Both of which are supplied on
Public LOW site.
plenty of drinking water and applying
CB responsible for checking the weather
sun cream is essential. conditions prior to and during the task to
make the decision to cancel or finish the
session early.

Hypothermia Staff In the event of heavy rain during a CB responsible for checking the weather
Volunteers task, the task will finished early. 2x1=2 conditions prior to and during the task to
Members of the In extreme weathers- heat, cold, make the decision to cancel or finished the
Public storms task is avoided. LOW session early.

Biological Hazard – Dog/Animal Staff No eating, drinking or smoking is 2X1=2 During the task CB will managing any
waste Volunteers permitted during any task LOW developing issues and reminding
Wash hands before consuming food, participants to wear gloves.
drink or smoking.
Remind all participants, it is not
necessary to collect dog waste with
Antibacterial hand gel is provided for
Contaminated waste, broken Staff Pre-task brief to include potential 2X1=2 During the task CB will managing any
glass/sharps Volunteers hazards and remind all participants LOW developing issues and reminding
not to pick up sharps, needles or participants to wear gloves.
broken glass.
Gloves to be worn and litter pickers
Never place hands inside litter bags
or containers.

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RA No. TPT VOL T 009

Hazard. Persons likely to Existing Control Measures. Risk Rating. Action required to reduce / control risk. Corrective Residual
Potential harm and how caused be affected (Describe all existing measures taken to (See Table 1) (Further improvements that could be made to the Action Risk Rating
(List all hazards identified in part 1) reduce risk) control measures. To be agreed with relevant Number (After further
manager & H&S Advisor) (If further actions)
are required)
Visual inspection of areas should be
conducted and at all times, placing
hands into areas that are not visible
should be avoided. For example, not
plunging hands into dense
Any sharps found should be left and
the Volunteer Co-ordinator/member of
TPT staff notified immediately to deal
Community Ranger team to be
notified on the Duty Ranger Phone
07770 646 583
Bags to be carried by adults, away
from legs to prevent injury
No eating, drinking or smoking is
permitted during litter picking.
Cuts, splinters, lacerations, impact Staff All participants will be wearing PPE CB responsible for removing any damaged
and abrasions from construction Volunteers gloves when using and sharpening 3x1=3 tools and/or equipment from the work area
tasks tools to minimize splinters and cuts. as they arise.
Eye protection provided if required. LOW
Ensure hard hats are worn when CB to ensure participants are not working
using drivalls, sledge hammer and too close together.
pick axe.
CB responsible for First aid on site and
Advise participants to wear long reporting any incident.
sleeves/trousers to minimize cuts and
scratches from vegetation and wood.
First Aid kit to be carried and notify
participants of location at pre-task
All tools must be checked before use
that tool heads are secure, crack free
and cutting edges are sharp.

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RA No. TPT VOL T 009

Hazard. Persons likely to Existing Control Measures. Risk Rating. Action required to reduce / control risk. Corrective Residual
Potential harm and how caused be affected (Describe all existing measures taken to (See Table 1) (Further improvements that could be made to the Action Risk Rating
(List all hazards identified in part 1) reduce risk) control measures. To be agreed with relevant Number (After further
manager & H&S Advisor) (If further actions)
are required)
Muscular – skeletal injuries Staff Briefing to include safe use of CB responsible for reminding participants
Volunteers equipment and litter picking 2x1=2 to use the correct lifting/equipment use
demonstration. techniques, to take regular breaks and
LOW change bags to reduce likelihood of injury.
Briefing to include standard kinetic
During the task CB will managing any
approach to manual handling (feet developing issues and keep the work area
comfortably apart, bend at the knee, clear and tidy.
keeping back “naturally” straight, CB responsible for First aid on site and
avoid stooping/twisting/turning while reporting any incident.
carrying, keeping head up and a
“relaxed” grip.
Advise anyone with back pain to stop
Work posture should avoid stooping-
bending from knees if required.
Rotate tasks so that individuals are
not repeatedly bending to remove low
vegetation or over reaching/straining
with repetitive tool use.
Use carrying aid where possible.
Only fill back sacks 2/3 full of litter
Suitable footwear is required- no open
toes, preferably a flat with robust sole
and ankle support.
Work site to be kept clear of tools and
debris and access routes maintained.

Driving - Impact from vehicles Staff During start and end of session, staff CB responsible for driving on site and
Volunteers 1and contractors to drive at 10MPH 3x1=2 warning volunteers of route.
Members of the with hazard lights on.
public LOW
Dermititus Staff Particpiant provided with PPE During the task CB will manage any
Chemical Irritants/burns Volunteers All aprticiapnts to wear gloves 3x1=3 developing issues.
Members of the Decant paint into smaller pots when in
Public use LOW

TPT-VOL -T- 009 Rev - 1

RA No. TPT VOL T 009

Hazard. Persons likely to Existing Control Measures. Risk Rating. Action required to reduce / control risk. Corrective Residual
Potential harm and how caused be affected (Describe all existing measures taken to (See Table 1) (Further improvements that could be made to the Action Risk Rating
(List all hazards identified in part 1) reduce risk) control measures. To be agreed with relevant Number (After further
manager & H&S Advisor) (If further actions)
are required)
Always refer to the Data Safety sheet
for information on iritants.

Eye injury from wind blown paint Staff PPE provided (dust mask & eyewear) 3x1=3 During the task CB will manage any
flecks and wood debris Volunteers developing issues.
(sanding/scaping dust) Members of the LOW

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RA No. TPT VOL T 009

Part 2 - Detailed Assessment of Risks

Table 1. Risk Rating
Risk rating = Severity x Likelihood

Severity (S)
[Severity] & [Extent]
Slightly Harmful Harmful Extremely Harmful
Risk Assessment [Minor injury / illness, first aid [Serious injury / illness, hospitalisation, [Fatality, loss of limb, permanent
treatment, minor equipment equipment damage] disability, equipment destroyed]
damage] [Several persons affected]
[Affecting only one person] (2)
(1) (3)

Very Unlikely (1)

Low Low Low
[Minimal interaction]
[Possibility of Avoidance]

(1) (2) (3)

[Occurrence of Hazard]

[Remote possibility]
[Exposure to Hazard]
Likelihood (L)

[Easily avoidable]
Unlikely (2)
Medium Medium
[Much interaction] (2)
[More likely] (4) (6)
[Some possibility to avoid]
Likely (3)
Medium High
[Intensive interaction] (3)
[Quite likely] (6) (9)
[Little possibility of avoidance]

1–3 Tolerable Risk Monitor regularly to ensure that the risk does not grow.
4–6 Moderate Risk Potentially serious. Long term issues anticipated. Plan ahead.
9 High Risk – Intolerable ACT NOW.

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Part 3 - Review
Category No: 1 Regular (24 monthly) review 2 Result of accident 3 Result of near miss 4 Change of process 5 Change of location 6 Personnel change

Date: Category Assessors/s Comments Action Required Date Closed


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RA No. TPT-VOL-T-009

Part 4 - Briefing Sheet

Use this sheet to record persons whom have been briefed on the contents of this risk assessment.



TPT - VOL – T - 009 Rev - 1

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