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opinion Citizen Contibutor

briefing to the Prime Minister on the coming out of his people in Beijing or beth House Fellow of Oxford Univer-


eve of Mr Singh’s visit. If what has Burma. The RAW should be forced to sity and author of the well-acclaimed
been reported about Chaturvedi (and acquire some teeth and loose worthless “Insurgent Crossfire”. He is a known
not exactly denied by him or the agen- flab -- and that’s for its chief as well. expert on Burma, Nepal, Bhutan and

cy) is even half true, the RAW should (Subir Bhaumik is BBC’s bureau Bangladesh as well as on Northeast
hang its head in shame. And we can- chief for Eastern and Northeastern India and has written for several aca-
not expect any worthwhile intelligence India. He is a former Queen Eliza- demic publications)

Why should India But China is worried over the trou- As they say, charity begins at home.

I have measured
have an external ble in Tibet and that is our good chance Or around it.
intelligence agen- to act in Burma. China is keen not to Since the Chinese intrusions in
cy like the RAW? screw up its image in the rundown to the disputed Himalayan borderlands

out my life with

The least we the Beijing Olympics. The way to put have increased and since they are of-
can expect these pressure on China is to publicly state ten talking hostile on the border, we
sleuths to do for that India wants negotiations between should flex our sinews in Tibet. In a

coffee spoons
the country is to China and the Tibetan exile govern- calculated way, not in a stupid Captain
do some advance ment for a lasting solution in Tibet. Baumgarten style, the way Nehru or-
intelligence gath- So far, the Chinese have played their dered his great General Kaul “to throw
By Subir Bhaumik
ering. Unless we cards well. Every time they have the Chinks out.”
know of some impending development put pressure on Dalai Lama, he has We should push the Chinese to
well in advance from their reports, why climbed down. The Chinese make an open negotiations with the Dalai Lama

should the taxpayer shell out so much accusation, the Dalai Lama denies for a permanent solution to the Tibetan
money for the rather expensive upkeep it and supports the Chinese position. problem. And this is the right time to here is something about ‘a cup of many flavours, the variety is amazing). People from all
of these officials in foreign lands. In Brilliant statecraft, is not it. The Chi- do it, now that it has been proved that coffee’- that takes you far back walks of life- some ‘show-offs’, some ‘put-offs’. But, only
recent months, two major develop- nese started blaming Dalai Lama for taking the train to Lhasa has not settled in time. It is what memories are those who know that ‘a coffee’ is ‘more than just a coffee’,
ments in the neighbourhood has caught the recent trouble in Tibet and said he the problem in Tibet and the embers made up of! It is where dreams begin should walk in to create the soft memories that are built in
us napping. Neither our Ministry of was trying to ruin the Olympics -- and of rebellion still burns. We should not
and stories start! It is what friendships strange little coffee houses.
External Affairs nor our Cabinet Sec- then you have the Dalai Lama coming be scared of possible Chinese moves
retariat (of which the RAW is a part) out openly in support of allowing the in Northeast or in Burma or Pakistan. are held on together with! It is, where It never really is an ‘everybody’s joint’. But for the
had any idea about why General Than Olympics to be held smoothly. That We can always open Tibet to China’s love begins- over a cup of coffee. “For some bodies to whom coffee joins the company that
Shwe suddenly announced a referen- should not happen. India should get discomfort and the West will be with I have known them all already, known comes along, it simply blends with the music in the back-
dum on a new constitution in Burma to the Dalai Lama to press for negotia- us on that. Rosemary Ishorari them all- have known the evenings, ground, or the lights in the foreground, or the seats we
be followed two years later by elections tions -- the Tibetan leader should not Similarly, when China is busy mornings, afternoons, I have measured out my life with sit in- wooden-benches, cane-chairs, cushioned-settees or
. And then Tibet erupted in angry pro- announce any concession to Chinese with Tibet, we should use whatever coffee spoons”. (The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufock. Eliot little-couches. It is just there. A tiny little place, lost in a
tests, Delhi again had no clue. So For- position unless Beijing starts nego- influence we have with the Burmese T.S.) street corner or as conspicuously noticeable as the taxes
eign minister Pranab Mukherjee had to tiations with him. China is waiting generals to push them to a much faster Every little grain that is churned and tossed and turned they charge. Yet it is the soul and center for coffee-addicts
assure journalists that “India will soon for him to die -- after that, they will course of democracy -- referendum and blended with, oh so many delicious flavours spells a to whom it is a shot of Tequila for gloomy days. And to
react formally”. foist a Dalai Lama of their choice in and elections all within this year. The sensation like never before. Every mood has a flavour to some a link with the past- for sometimes it is here that
Both the issues are crucial to India. the Tibetan people and that should not world will greet us if we manage to get
go with it- Cappuchino, Mochachino, Café Latte, Café nostalgia is born. And to some, a haven for the present
The Burmese military junta is facing a be allowed to happen. The Dalai Lama the Chinese to sit with Dalai Lama on
serious internal crisis. Senior General for all his failures to handle aggressive Tibet and push the Burmese generals Mocha, Irish Coffee and it goes on. where moments spell the magic of love. It is where the
Than Shwe is sick, possibly dying of Chinese diplomacy has been remark- towards democracy. That’s easier said But the experience is less about exploring the exotic clock ticks on, but time is never ending. Till blissful sagas
colon cancer. His number two General ably successful in holding together than done but if we aim for the sky, we world of coffee beans. It is more about hours and moments of love, friendship, companionship, or just the experience
Maung Aye is all set to depose him, the exile Tibetan community in India will at least hit the roof, Otherwise we that come and go faster than the sips we gulp down. We of a cup of coffee is borne and nurtured to carve a niche
given a chance. Maung Aye is said to -- and it is India who should take ad- will always lie on the floor and gaze cannot hold on to time or moments or relationships. But for itself in our hearts, that shall go down in the pages of
be close to India and is possibly com- vantage of it. at the stars, hoping all these will take we can hold on to memories we build of them, to trav- our diary.
ing to Delhi next month. It is important But as the Dalai Lama says, India their own course. el with us through passages of time. Memories that are ‘Starbucks’ may have made the ‘coffee-culture’ a
that Delhi not only knows why Than is far too cautious on Tibet. There is But to begin with, our cabinet and shaped and treasured in little spaces of our hearts are of- global phenomenon and charmed the masses around the
Shwe suddenly called for the referen- no reason why we should be. India is high executive need to know well in ten built in coffee houses or experienced over ‘Nescafe’. world with so wonderful an idea. But, to me, a sip prom-
dum or the elections -- and also which seen as a key player in Tibet and in advance why Tibet is blowing up and There is never a word that sounds more soothing, a joke ises relief ‘from the madding crowds’. They simply seem
way the wind is blowing in Burma. If Burma -- and if the government does why is Burma’s military strongman
more funny, gossip more exciting or love more intoxicat- to evaporate with a steaming cup; leaving my world to
we know for sure that Than Shwe is not live upto global expectations, we announcing referendum and polls. The
physically sinking, we should use our should forget about a permanent seat grapevine in Delhi has it that Prime ing, when cups of coffee in our hands keep us warm or center around just me and my coffee-table; an intoxication
influence with Maung Aye to negotiate in the Security Council or playing a Minister Manmohan Singh is furious chilled but steady. It is the ultimate panacea to “burnt out not worth killing- that I never want should ever be doused!
a much faster return to democracy. If key global role on climate change. with the RAW chief Ashok Chaturvedi ends of smoky days.” (Preludes. Eliot T. S.) And like T.S.Eliot, I shall “measure out my life with cof-
we dont take the initiative in Burma, First we should show the world we can because he even got the names of the And the quaint little corners we can lose ourselves fee spoons”- and that too, forever!
China will. act decisively in the neighbourhood. Chinese leaders wrong during his in; quaint people who flit in and out of the door (like the By Rosemary Ishorari

 April 08 April 08 

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