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At the end of the lesson, EXPLORE
you will be able to:

• Determine the structure Think-Pair-Share: What words do you associate with the term
of a professional text “professional”?
• Differentiate the language
used in professional texts
from various disciplines 1. _______________________________________________
• Explain the specific 2. _______________________________________________
ideas contained in various
professional texts 3. _______________________________________________

Guide Questions:

1. Do you agree that professional texts have a distinct look? Explain.

2. If you were to create a slogan to describe professional texts, what
would it be?

Professionals operate within a workplace governed by certain structures and conventions.

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Read the sample professional text below and examine their contents in
terms of language, tone, structure and purpose.

Department of the Interior and Local Government

February 28, 2018






The Philippines will observe this year’s Earth Hour mainly at the CCP grounds in
Manila to join the global Earth Hour movement, with cities and municipalities
all over the world switching off lights from 8:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. of March
24, 2018. The action is expected to send a stronger message to everyone to
take part in protecting our planet’s biodiversity from the devastating effects
of climate change. As a signatory to the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, the
Philippines’ participation in the global campaign highlights the need for every
Filipino to take action today as climate change continues to threaten our
country’s biodiversity and our way of life.

In this connection, all Provincial Governors, City Mayors, Municipal Mayors and
Punong Barangays are enjoined to support the Earth Hour 2018 movement by
way of:

1. Encouraging all local officials, personnel and constituents to observe the Earth
Hour on March 24, 2018 (Saturday);
2. Switching off lights during the Earth Hour, including streetlights, signages and
key monuments in public areas during this global “lights out” event;
3. Mobilizing the private sector to support Earth Hour by switching off their
signage lights or some of their lights in their facilities, as their operations/
business will allow;
4. Documenting your own Earth Hour event and send to World Wide Fund for
Nature (WWF, or through or upload online and add
social media hashtags #EarthHourPH2018 and #Connect2Earth to showcase
endeavors to celebrate Earth Hour 2018 around the country, or may join WWF-
Philippines’ Earth Hour 2018 event page: http// which
will be up by March 1, 2018; and
5. Pledging to go “Beyond the Hour” by publicly promoting renewed ways/
practices/programs of initiating change, which can include environmental
projects/actions that the offices and individuals are willing to undertake
throughout the year.

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All DILG Regional Directors and the DILG-ARMM Regional Governor are also
directed to cause the widest dissemination of the Memorandum Circular to
LGUs within their respective areas of jurisdiction.


Officer-In-Charge, DILG

Source: Department of Interior and Local Government website (


Professional Text Defined

In his book Professional Discourse, Kong (2014) defines professionals as
those who have completed specialist training or education required for
In your present academic
setting, what features of
membership in certain professions. The communication that they engage
professional setting do you see? in to achieve their goal in the workplace is referred to as professional
discourse, and the output they produce as a result of their professional
discourse is referred to as professional texts.

Professional texts are forms of communication written in the workplace

with the intent to accomplish a goal, be it an increase in sales, the
dissemination of a certain policy, or the launch of a new product. In
most cases, both the writer and the reader of professional texts are
professionals who wish to achieve their goals in the workplace. Although
these professionals may represent different organizations and have
different professional expertise, they affirm their similarity as reflected
in their common goal. Examples of professional texts include research
papers, business reports, commentaries, guidebooks, legal documents,
government memoranda, and other forms of professional writing
reflecting context-specific language, issues, and practices.

Communication among professionals often involves the intent of getting something

done in the workplace.

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Types of Professional Discourse
In Professional Discourse (Kong, 2014), workplace communication is
classified as:

1. Intraprofessional discourse. This is the kind of communication

that takes place in a particular context or profession, such as the
communication that takes place among professionals in the academic,
hospital or engineering setting, or those in the legal profession. This
kind of discourse may be compared to a linear form of communication
taking place among people who have the same professional expertise
and are in the same professional field. They share the same lingo or
vocabulary and are confronted with the same work-related issues. The
relationship is parallel and no one is higher or lower than the other.

2. Interprofessional discourse. This is communication between

professionals from different fields. An example of this type of communication
is what takes place between medical doctors and medical representatives,
between civil engineers and architects, between school administrators and
textbook writers. The communication that takes place as a result of the To what extent does the
transaction between and among these professionals may be described as work environment shape the
vocabulary of professionals in
non-linear, since the professionals here do not operate within the same work the workplace?
environment. They are not confronted by the same work-related issues and
the language they use in the workplace is different due to their varied contexts.
When a hierarchy such as this
3. Professional-lay discourse. This is the transaction that happens
exists, is the lay person at a
between lawyers and their clients; advertisers and their target customers; disadvantage?
interior decorators and their clients; architects and homeowners. In this
type of discourse, the communication will result in a mutually beneficial
transaction, although
it is possible that not
both are professionals.
In terms of status, one
may be more superior in
academic qualification or
expertise. For example, in
the transaction between a
lawyer and a lay client, only
the lawyer understands
the complexities of the
legal profession. The
transaction relies heavily
on the lawyer’s professional
expertise, leaving the client
totally dependent on the
Professional-lay discourse also takes place between a doctor and his
patients where the doctor is the professional with expertise in the
medical field.

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Language of Professional Text
One of the defining characteristics of professional text is its language
which is characterized by the following:

• It is clear and concise. Professional text uses language that can be easily
understood by its intended readers in the corporate setting. The purpose
is stated explicitly through clarity and brevity of meaning. Because of its
straightforward approach, professional texts do not waste the reader’s
time. Notice how the sample professional text refrains from using jargon.

• It is purposive. The aim of professional text is always to establish good

relationships and bring about a favorable response that leads to positive
action. When you read a professional text, you will get the sense that something
needs to be accomplished but at the same time it is done with courtesy and
tact. There is a sense of a smile or a handshake being extended when reading
between the lines while encouraging the reader to take action. Professional
texts aim to make both the writer and the reader arrive at informed decisions
that would be beneficial to the professional organizations that they represent.

• It is structured but not too formal. Professional text differs from

literary writing and casual writing, or writing meant to entertain, inspire
or tell a story. It is also different from academic writing which is more
Which feature of professional formal and uses the third person and passive voice. Professional text has a
text makes it similar to academic seriousness in tone and adheres to rules of correct and formal writing but is
text? less formal and often uses the active voice. In the sample professional text,
notice how the professional text resembles any ordinary business document.
But like academic writing, professional text consists of an interesting and
eye-catching introduction, a well-organized and clearly explained body,
and an effective conclusion.

Professional texts help readers make informed decisions in the workplace.

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Purposes of Professional Text
Professional texts are generally written to disseminate information
to and for professionals in a particular industry but it usually has the
following underlying purposes:

To persuade
Example: Medical doctors writing professional texts to
senators appealing for the approval of marijuana as a
form of treatment

To inform
Example: Advertisers writing a professional text
informing their clients about a new product or service

To take action
Example: A group of civil engineers writing to the
DOST (Department of Science and Technology) to
request funding for a building project

To instruct
Example: The Human Resources Department of a
company issues a memo to its employees containing
guidelines on how to file a leave of absence.

To acknowledge common goals

Example: A president of a company affirming another
university president regarding their policy on research
initiatives, salary hike, consortium

How often have you written
professional texts even while
you’re still in a school setting?
In what ways are those writing
activities preparing you for the
real-world workplace?

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