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NAME:_______________________________ DATE:__________________
TRACK: _____________________________ SCORE: _______________

I. Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully and choose the best option. Using your pen, shade neatly and
completely the circle that corresponds to your chosen answer. If you want to change your answer, put an “X”
mark over your original answer, then shade the circle which corresponds to your new and final answer. You
are allowed to change answer for each item only once.

1. Which of the following statement about bodily gestures related to language, is true?
A.There can be little doubt, that bodily gestures are involved in the development of language.
B.Bodily gestures are not important in the development of language.
C.Understanding is difficult with bodily gestures.
D.It is a must for the speaker to display bodily gesture to show development of language.
2. All of the statements about signed language are false ,EXCEPT ONE.
A.Signed language is done orally.
B.Signed language has all the lexical and grammatical complexity of spoken language.
C.Every speaker is an export of signed language.
D.Nobody is interested to use signed language.

3. One possible advantage of vocal language is it’s___________.

A.arbitrariness B.arbitraris C.abritraries D.arbitrary

4. Short version of microphone?

A.mike B.micro C.MC D.m phone

5. The following statements about manual signs are wrong,EXCEPT.

A.Manual signs are ignored in institutions.
B.In schools,manual signs are pre requisite.
C.Manual signs readily become conventionalized and convey abstract information.
D.Manual signs are students less priority.

6. The period from the late________ to the middle ________ is known as the golden age of comic books.
A.1930’s -1940’s B.1940’s-1950’s C.1920’s-1930’s D.1930’s-1935’s

7. The modern_______________ came in the early 1930s in the United States as a giveaway.
A.comic book B.premium book C.fantasy book book

8. Famous Funnies book strated in _____________,marked attempted.

A.1920 B.1940 C.1934 D.1944

9. _____________was introduced in Action Comics in 1938.

A.Batman B.Superman C.Wonder Woman D.Spiderman

10. Approximately ___________ different comic books were being published in the United States each month.
A.160 B.200 C.300 D.150

11. How many percent of US children said to read comic books on a regular basis?
A.100% B.90% C.80% D.95%

12. The period of early Modern English-that is,the sixteenth,and seventeenth centuries-was also called?
A.English Era B.English Renaissance C.English Decade D.English Period

13. Who is known to be the greatest writer of the Early Modern English period?
A.Aristotle B.Lincon C.Socrates D.Shakespeare

14. The history of English since _______________is filled with many movements and counter movements.
A.1800 B.1200 C.1600 D.1700
15. The invention of printing was introduced to England by___________ in the year 1472.
A.Willam Carlos B.Carlos Stwart C.William Caxton D.Howard Willer

16. One change in English spelling was the elimination of a_____________in certain unstressed positions .
A.consunant sound B.initial vowel sound C.initial consonant sound D.vowel sound
17. For us,Middle English is simplier than Old English just because it is closer to_____________.
A.French English B.American English C.Local English D.Modern English
18. Calorie is also known as ,_____________,and is a unit of energy.
A.kilocalorie B.percalorie C.gramcalorie D.finecalorie

19. What unit that represents the energy required to heat a kilogram of water on degree Celsius?
A.Protien B.Calorie C.Kilogram D.Gram
20. Which statements is not true about Calories?
A.The number of calories burned during exercise depends on various factors.
B.People link calorie to food.
C.Food calories will not take the form of fat.
D.Calorie is a unit of energy.
21. In order to survive,the average individual requires approximately________to________calories per day.
A.2000-5000 B.3000-6000 C.2500-3500 D.2000-2500

22. Add and subtract ________________calories over the course of time to gain or lose a kilogram.
A.6,600 B.8,800 c.5,500 D.7,700
23. _________________chewing gum was actually developed as a premium to be given away with other product .
A.Whrigly’s B.Wrigley’s C.Wrigly’s D.Wrihgly’s
24. William then realized,that the demand for ________________was stronger than the demand for the original
A.local B.imported C.premium. D.imitation
25. William W started out with two brands of gum,the_____________.
A.Vassar and Lotte B.Vessar and Lotte C.Vasser and Latte D.Vassar and Lotta
26. The word which defined asa situation in which rewards are distributed unequally on the basis of
A.competition B.cooperation C.corporation D.coordination
27. It is defined as a situation in which rewards are distributed equally on the basis of mutual interactive behavior
among individuals.
A.cooperation B.corporation C.coordination D.competition
28. _________________ is necessary among team members,in order to win.
A.coordinition B.critique C.cooperation D.appraisal
29. The word competition derived fro a latin verb which means,_______________. seek forever seek together push each other deal with one another
30. When uninterrupted by some practical issue we are engaged in what is now known as a ________.
A.revelry B.restrain C.reverent D.reverie
31. The “real”reasons for our beliefs are concealed from ourselves as well as from __________.
A.authority B.others C.friend D.religion
32. ________________,which are the result of experience or of honest reasoning do not have the quality of
“primary attitude”
A.facts B.opinions C.suggestions D.advices
33. _________________ is the self-exculpation which occurs when we feel ourselves,or our group,or error.
A.organizing B.remembering C.rationalizing D.analyzing
34. _____________uses the term “idle curiosity”somewhat ironically,as is his wont.
A.Galileo B.Holmes C.Dewey D.Veblen
35. This person had artistic ability and might have turned out to be a musician or painter.
A.Galileo B.Veblen C.Holmes D.Dewey
36. The dynamos and motors come into being as the outcome of _______________experiment.
A.Faraday B.Einstien C.Galileo D.Plato
37. According to_____________report,her death occurred from effects of asphyxia and,cerebral anemia.
A.autopsy surgery’s B.autopsy surgeon’s C.atopsey’s surgeons D.autopsy
38. The following situations belongs to formal speech style,except.
a.delivering campaign speeches
b.delivering a speech at the UN Summit
c.delivering news reports
d.reading pledge of allegiance to the flag
39. It is an utterance that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect.
a.speech act c.speech style
b.speech timing d.speech topic
40. It is an speech act that is describe as an actual act of uttering.
a.illocutionary act c.locutionary act
b.perlocutionary act d.motion act

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