Cemem Whisker Modified Agent

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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Pavan patel,2Vivek Patva,
Stuent 2nd Assisatant professor
Sankalchand patel collage of Engineering Visnagar, Mehasana.Gujrat,India,
Sankalchand patel collage of Engineering Visnagar, Mehasana.Gujrat,India,

Abstract : Engineered cementitious composites (ECC) also called as Bendable concrete is an easily molded mortar based
composite reinforced with specially selected short random fibers. Engineered cementitious composite developed in the last
decade. A new kind of multi scale engineered cementitious composite which contains polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber and calcium
carbonate (CaCO3) whisker, was designed from the perspective of multi-scale structure and fracture process of cementitious
material. ECC proportions was casted and the mechanical properties including compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural
behavior and microstructure of the mixtures were studied. The result indicates that the strength and ductility of ECC was
enhanced with proper addition of CaCO3 whisker. Moreover the PVA fiber can be appropriately reduced due to the existence of
CaCO3 whisker, which is beneficial in decreasing the production cost of fiber reinforced cementitious composites for large –scale
construction projects.

The present work is dealing with the effect of CaCO3 whisker & poly propylene fiber on the engineering properties of ECC. The
slump cone test,compressvise strength,tensile strength,flexural strength,sorptivity test, water absorption test has been conducted
on the hardened concrete specimens. The various test at 7,28,56 days are observed for checking the feasibility of CaCO3 whisker
& PP fiber in concrete.

Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC), also called bendable concrete, is an easily moulded mortar-based composite
reinforced with specially selected short random fibres, usually polymer fibres. Engineered cementitious composite (ECC) is an
exclusive type of cement mixture with unique composition of low volume fibres and different composites so as to impart high
ductility, high tensile strength besides ability to repair. Conventional concrete and fibre reinforced concrete has brittle nature and
hence crack easily under environmental and mechanical loads affecting durability of structures. Efforts to modify the brittle nature
of conventional concrete resulted in development of eccs offering durability under a broad range of environmental exposure, low
embodied energy, and negative carbon footprint making it environmentally sustainable construction material with self–healing
potential. Eccs demonstrate tight crack width and development of these cracks in fact increase ability of eccs to resist effects of
hot, frost and humid weather conditions besides its low permeability coefficient and higher resistance to steel corrosion compared
to other common substitutes.
CaCO3 whisker is a kind of inorganic mineral micro-fibre with excellent physical, chemical and mechanical properties, which can
play the role of chopped fibre in the microstructure of composites. Early studies showed that CaCO3 whisker could improve the
mechanical properties of cement, and also had good durability in the alkaline. environment of cement. In this research, CaCO3
whiskers and polypropylene fibres were added into the cement mortar together and the split tensile strength was tested to evaluate
the performance of matrix to resist tensile stress. Through the splitting tensile test, the composite toughening effect of whiskers
and fibres on cement mortar were studied and the toughening mechanisms were discussed.

3.3 Theoretical framework

As we are not using coarse aggregate in the Bendable Concrete, there is no separate mix design for the Bendable concrete. For
this research we have to estimate the different mixes having different constituents which are Fibbers and Fine aggregate.
Samples of the materials of concrete for use in the particular concrete construction work shall be obtained by careful sampling.
Test samples of cement shall be made up of a small portion taken from each of a number of bags at the lab.
The proportions of the materials, including water, in concrete mixes used for determining the suitability of the materials available,
shall be similar in all respects to those to be employed in the work. Where the proportions of the ingredients of the concrete as use
don the site are to be specified by volume, they shall be calculated from the proportions by weight used in the test cubes and the
unit weights of the materials.

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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

The quantities of cement, each size of aggregate, and water for each batch shall be determined by weight, to an accuracy of 0.1
percent of the total weight of the batch
The concrete shall be mixed by hand, or preferably, in a laboratory batch mixer, in such a manner as to avoid loss of water or
other materials. Each batch of concrete shall be of such a size as to leave about 10 percent excess after moulding the desired
number of test specimens.
Workability can be defined as the property of concrete that determines the amount of useful internal work necessary to produce
full compaction. It is the useful property as it determines the processability of mix. The incorporation of fibers in ECC however
makes the placing of ECC more challenging job than concrete. The efficiency of fibers can be significantly reduced if fibers are
not uniformly distributed due to low workability of fresh ECC mix. Therefore, during the casting process, the mix should
maintain its initial flowability by effective use of the additives. So the self compacting ECC develop due to get better workability.
In the present study slump cone is used to measure the workability
Types of Specimens

Specimens Property Sought

Cube (70.6×70.6×70.6 mm) Compressive Strength

Beams (100×100×500 mm) Flexural Strength

Cylinder (150mm dia. × 300mm height) Split Tensile Strength

Disc ( 100mm dia. × 50mm height) water sorptivity test

The mould shall be of 70.6 X 70.6 X 70.6 mm size conforming to IS: 10086-1982. In assembling the mould for use, the joints
between the sections of mould shall be thinly coated with mould oil and a similar coating of mould oil shall be applied between
the contact surfaces of the bottom of the mould and the base plate in order to ensure that no water escapes during the filling. The
interior surfaces of the assembled mould shall be thinly coated with mould oil to prevent adhesion of the concrete.
The test specimens shall be stored in a place, free from vibration, in moist air of at least 90 percent relative humidity and at a
temperature of 27° ± 2°C for 24 hours ± ½ hour from the time of addition of water to the dry ingredients. After this period, the
specimens shall be marked and removed from the moulds and, unless required for test within 24 hours, immediately submerged in
clean, fresh water or saturated lime solution and kept there until taken out just prior to test. The water or solution in which the
specimens are submerged shall be renewed every seven days and shall be maintained at a temperature of 27° ± 2°C. The
specimens shall not be allowed to become dry at any time until they have been tested.
This method of test specifies the procedure to be adopted, either in the laboratory or during the progress of work in the field, for
determining, by the slump test, the consistency of concrete where the nominal maximum size of the aggregate does not exceed 38
70.6 mm × 70.6 mm × 70.6 mm concrete cubes should were first casted concrete. During casting, the cubes were mechanically
vibrated by a Vibrator. After 24 h the specimens were remove from the mould and subjected to water curing for 7 and 28 days.
After curing, the specimens were tested for compressive strength using a calibrated Compression Testing Machine of 1000 KN
PROCEDURE: The 7 days and 28 days compressive strength of cube were tested in the following manner.
1. After cleaning the bearing surface of the compression testing machine, the concrete cube should be placed on its
smooth face side. The axis of the specimen should be carefully aligned with the centre of the lower pressure plate of compression
testing machine. Then an upper pressure plate should be lowered till the distance between pressure plate and the top surface of the
specimen achieved. No packing used between face of the pressure plates and cube.
2. The load should than be applied without shock and increased gradually at a Load Pace rate of 5.2 kN/s until the
specimen was crushed.
3. The compressive strength calculated in N/mm2 from the max. Load sustained by the cube before failure.
Compressive strength= (P / A)
P = Failure Load (N)
A = Cross Sectional Area (70.6 X 70.6) (mm2)

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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)


The tensile strength of concrete is approximately 10% of its compressive strength. The tensile strength of concrete can be
measured by the direct tensile loading test or indirect tensile load test. However, the application of direct tensile load to the test
specimens is rather difficult. For this reason, tensile strength of concrete is usually measured by the flexural (bending) strength of
concrete or by the indirect tension test like splitting test.
Tensile splitting strength tests of concrete block specimens should be determined at 7 and 28 days of age. For every age three
specimens should be tested. The measured splitting tensile strength, of the specimen shall be calculated to the nearest 0.05
N/mm2 using the following formula:
Split Tensile Strength = (0.519*P) / S2
P = Failure Load (N)
S = Cross Sectional Dimension of the Specimen (mm)
measures the rate of movement of water Front through the concrete under capillary suction. It is particularly sensitive to the
micro-structural properties of the near-surface zone of concrete and therefore reflects the nature and effectiveness of curing. The
lower the water sorptivity index, the better is the potential durability of the concrete. Sorptivity values vary from approximately 5
mm/√h for well-cured Grade 30-50 concretes to 15 – 20 mm/√h for poorly cured Grade 20 concretes When the mass of water
absorbed is plotted against the square root of time, linear relationships observed, and the slope determines the sorptivity (S).
The 70.6 mm × 70.6 mm × 70.6 mm cube blocks after casting were been immersed in water for 28 days curing. These specimens
were then been oven dried in Hot Air Oven as shown below for 24 hours at the temperature 110°C until the mass became constant
and again weighed. This weight was noted as the dry weight (W1) of the cube. After that the specimen were kept in water for 24
hours. Then this weight will noted as the wet weight (W2) of the cube.
% Water Absorption = [(W2 – W1) / W1] x 100
W1 = Oven dry weight of cube in grams
W2 = after 24 hours wet weight of cube in grams.

Detailed Calculation for Design mix for Grade M 20 (As per IS : 10262 - 2009)

a) Grade of designation : 20 N/mm2

b) Types of cement : OPC
c) Maximum nominal size of aggregate : 20 mm
d) Minimum cement content (As per IS: 456 -2000) : 300 kg/m
e) Maximum water-cement ratio(As per IS: 456-2000) : 0.45
f) Workability in terms of Slump : 25-50 mm
g) Exposure condition : Moderate
h) Degree of supervision : Good
i) Type of aggregate : Crushe

Table 1 Compressive test average result

Sr. Load 7 days Load 28 days Load 56 day

No. (KN) Compressive (KN) Compressive (KN) Compressive
Strength Strength Strength
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
1 117.91 23.42 164.08 32.68 171.41 35.84
2 120.09 24.05 189.65 38.03 194.19 40.76
3 107.28 21.08 164.64 33.25 163.48 35.20
Avg. 22.85 34.65 37.26

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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Table 2 Flexural Strength test average result of Normal Control

Sr. Load 7 days Load 28 days Load 56 day

No. (KN) Split tensile (KN) Split tensile (KN) Split tensile
test test Strength
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
1 6.37 3.02 9.94 4.97 11.27 5.63
2 7.90 3.95 12.86 6.43 16.02 8.10
3 11.44 5.72 15.04 7.52 16.84 8.42
Avg. 3.02 4.97 5.63

Table 3 Split tensile test result of Normal Control

Sr. Load 7 days Load 28 days Load 56 day

No. (KN) Split tensile (KN) Split tensile (KN) Split tensile
test test Strength
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
1 119.50 1.71 232.14 3.35 281.00 3.75
2 131.62 2.97 257.08 3.66 307.96 4.33
3 167.28 1.36 297.21 3.18 238.38 4.68
Avg. 1.71 3.35 3.75

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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Table 6.13: Sorptivity Test Result of different mixes

28 Days result in 56 Days result in
Name of Elapsed time in Result Elapsed Time Result
mix min in 10 mm/min0.5
in min in 10 mm/min0.5
Mix-1 30 4.52 30 2.36
90 4.06 90 2.58
180 3.70 120 3.49
Mix-2 30 2.30 30 2.36
60 3.36 60 1.84
180 3.78 90 4.03
Mix-3 30 1.68 60 3.12
120 3.43 150 2.08
180 4.79 180 3.89

1.Its shows that Compressive strength increases with increasing fibre content. But when it reaches up to its optimum value of 1%,
and it starts decreasing with the increasing content of fibre.
2. The present study indicates the comparison between conventional concrete with fly-ash of margin of 30% and ECC PVA with
same percent of fly-ash.
3. The conventional concrete shows reduced workability due to addition of fly ash. The studies of paper shows that there was
considerable increase in flexural strength also increase as content increase.
4. The toughening effect of CaCO3 whisker on cement mortar was obvious. The compressive strength of ecc was increased by 23
to 30 Mpa at maximum with the CaCO3 whisker content of 10%. 
5. The splite tensile strength of ECC was increased maximum 15% of CaCO3 whisker after increase of whisker strength was
reduced. The splite tensile strength of the ECC concrete was much better when compared to the conventional concrete. 
6. In this paper the flexural strength of bendable concrete is more strength than the conventional concrete and it is more flexible
so that it resists cracks and more efficiency in seismic regions. 
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