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ACTIVITY: Term 1 Week 4


Step1: Set up new spreadsheet and copy the following data into it.

Step 2: Set this data type as a currency.

Select data (column C) then right click on the selection and select Format Cells.

From format cells menu select Currency then click Okey.

Step 3: Enter the following formula in D2 then press enter.


Step 4: One of the magic things about spreadsheets is that they can recognise patterns and apply
them over a range of cells. This action is called fill down.

To do this, hover over the right bottom corner of D2 where a crosshair will appear, then drag this
crosshair down from D2 to D17.

Step 5: Fortunately, spreadsheets have formulas built in. The one you need for this activity is for
SUM. Enter the formula =SUM(D2:D17) into cell D18. The following figure is showing your
spreadsheet after step 5 with formulas in Total cell.
Step 6: Building a Pro drone takes around 3.5 hours. Labour is $12 per hour. Add rows 19 and 20
with the following formulas entered in D19 and D20 and showing LABOUR and TOTAL COST. Your
spreadsheet should look the following figure after Step6 with formulas in Labour and Total Cost cells
(D19 and D20).

Step 7: You need to add some profit on total cost. Set up this to 15 percent.

Add 0.15 to C21 and format this to percent using the format menu item.

Enter the formula in D22 to give a final total retail price for the drone. See the following figure.

Step 8: Creating pie chart

You need to select only the data in column A and column D by holding down the Ctrl key you can
highlight only the data in Column A (A2 to A17) and Column D(D2 to D17).

To insert a chart, select insert from your spreadsheet menu. Select the 2D pie chart style.
Step 9: Creating column chart

Create a new worksheet by clicking on the ‘+’ sign at the base of the window.

Enter the sales for October to January by entering it into the new spreadsheet.

Use the menu to create a column chart by highlighting the following data and inserting the correct
chart. (Highlight row 1 and row 5)

$300.00 Earnings
r r r ry
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tc o m m n
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Step 10: Creating line chart: Create a new worksheet by clicking on the ‘+’ sign at the base of the

Enter the sales for October to January by entering it into the new spreadsheet.

Use the menu to create a line chart by highlighting the following data and inserting the correct chart.
(Highlight row 1, row2 and row3)
Sales Figures
October November December January

Standard drone Pro drone

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