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SET ee iscminn REE eter con Useful language: collocations, 4 Choose the correct. ternative inate, 1 Eating badly can rest on 2 That ol ys known for, | 3 My teacher ist not satis in poor health, of ts beautiul castle Hannah is proud of for hey Ittakes time to get used to/of ing another county, reac bated of/on events that ea eneeco Lng dtappointed for! withthe fod mre oae Sova of/incanning 00 mets nner 1 second 2 0 ero in to comet fxm to. 11 the lst bus ho 2 rmheppy because my team complet the colocations Me $01 had to wal 4 Pre 5 Fil get acar ify, my driving tes ‘ 6 Thetiecors ar 2 meet net we ® Some ootaies 16 of money every week 3 crete 45.00%} song caeg” PP re tn Ft ota sy wy 1 My ob involved heling the band to hei eupent neta A put B make © stand D set a 2 Tre toundot te wavsmaksyousen A Omar nts 3 wanted to chan A singed gt re Ste. bute. ling me a the deta 5 required C insted D dereandee 4 twas woken up inthe night by 9 noe which came tom the ft or Fee Lig eat A jgaplino hre wre about 500 people fae De gah a eta Mii or net eeing hare. ot ty fe ce ae 7 Paee nt! ane ind of madd hers om Ai og 2 attude eC eling, pre tote, 8 Friends can’t alway peo thape 7 207%. een each ern ha evn pin Aon 8 of for > mnen et oy nest conte ol th na Imre eee a 20 toe seca ono 3 019 ane a tese vrei | foomed | ‘ime scien ‘arewetime meee 7.009 on fess eur foto {ch opt fons ages'nfon nes hve ere curries Example: a EEE scionsun follow the exam instructions, using the advice to help you. 10 Aoepoutot 8 put up with 6 6 a ut, however, 90a i Pe Inthe case ofa srports, withhun ‘A neighbouring close A The sient looked at satelite (8). Studied computer models of the way clouds behave 2 A tately B recently 3 & images B figures © A totaly 8 extromety 8 A joined B attaches © A forecasts cetainies 7 A vest B intuence BA cow B unsure Roading and Use of Ealich Part 1 mice out on Planes can make it rain LUvng next to an airport has always meant having to) plies landing and taking of, Now it seems that (1) tad weather, scoring oa) published sty ce c c c ce ° c ‘of clouds above apo, and also 8 plane es through a very cold coud, the ai beind expands rapidly. Tis sudion drop in temperate, (6) tte hole formed inthe cloud where the plane has pasced though, ca ‘ofan or snow on the grou est fights every day, thiscan ha on weather pater up 0100 klometes aia, Tho resesrchers point that sire passing through clouds 78 (8). entirely consequence nlialy Reading and Use of English Part 1 For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, Cor ) best ‘here i an example a the beginning (0 © stand up or resients also have Wat thay found was thet as sot atc tha “ wll D suroundes D recy © perecty combina opportunites moression improbable (CBE Uncertnag ie cna sang et gnicant fits each gap, CE ck Tepminales ees eee Fasc Tr oeaee or Bare ee eS uy Reading and Use of English Part 2 CE ee iomstion Useful language: relative pronouns, auailiary verbs and reference words 1. Complete the sentences using each word once = Geant ad ding 1 This mountain is considered to ‘one ofthe most iffiut ta climb in the wort 2 Some parents would rather their children ot have to take so many exams 3. Ashe walked onto the stage his mind went blank and he could’ think to say. 4 We enjoyed our day atthe beach, ich we swam several times, 5 Ihave been intending todo thisjob fr ages but jst havent got toi 6 The planet Venus is very hot, Marsis extremely cold, 7 We needed some more milk, but there wasn let in the fridge {8 My mother went to that school and ‘i. My daughter wil too. the high ries makes sense to keep spending 30 much money. 9. Diamonds and other ewsllery are stil popular 10-1 don tink ‘ho ofthe underlines expression in these sentences writen by Fist candidates ae correct Correct te eight expressions that are wrong 4 still have to finish my project, what keeps me very busy 2 really enjoy paying withthe computer at your house, because at home t havent got it 3. The nurse said, Your mother would lke to havea word with yau, then she went out 4 Unfortunately, cannot attend the meeting gving a | have another appointment, 5 This device con save us money on other cost, although its high purchase pce § twas an e-mail from my uncle who lives in Spain who's name s Enrique 7 Rose and Damian’ engagement has turned out tobe a total failre, on account of the fact they have nothing in common, 8 Nowadays there are more and more paces when we cannot ute our phone. 9. The weathers very cold and the roads are bad because is alot of snow, 10 sve chosen two activites, whase ae aling and climbing, Reading and Use o Engi Part 2 Reading and Use of English Part 2 mPa uaa sty ead the atl without ng any gps. What is thew aerens coy purpose? 19 the atic to hap you. J ‘and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ssions 9-16, read he txt below re ech ‘gap. There is an example at the beginning (0) examoe: (0) (O1F] TT 1 Doo nO 140 cat an eaasson ines To 8 camper 9 ver frm. ‘ofthat, thre re runing cools |e agg ‘s00m 109008 SYOTY Sa en reor rnain seater eres? a expensive to purchase and maintain, 28 Marea trem Cycling makes financial sense the enironmental impact of ‘rece days, most people ae avare ©) Sn eye oi) YL repo lo No) ce oes a to “rsratcnton man nna ey wo 0S drvog 0 cyetna. Cars cost otto bay ane (12) yay on whe, O19) Teh patted sic 9 eee etalon yark. And if a lot more people took up cyeting, Goreng pte an sy 9. fe Fat pes ek OS Seonmetcaisemsleraens i tno taxes lo pay for (18) : fies youcan You Reading and Use of eg Part 2 Lene prom Egish erate dee alse, Youve esearch the opans independ. apts yar before you go avayand be aware ofthe padesequredin he fist year qultyoraplce on one ens iebuphs | tne 64 inematonal exchange office, Helen etch sy had apound or eery ine at sues told met asthe bet experience ofthe Mould bea very wey woman indeed Be snc nety yer enty ccc crer toe tet bared Peeeneuayettonetning Be cc ncycywaneisoe 1 Look at tho exam instetons below: What kindof texte. magatineatels tr (BE peat 0 ate yo mas nat tent sy 2 Read the text quickly. 4 2 ate tomnsceawa 3 Fotow the oxam instructions, using te advice " rerctons sing hea . 1 th ave to cecoftheichome unversty’ annual fees. A eve aveling abroad ieee toa larger student (Tae Untetoe ay words inte = 1 One eason Sara Doar stent at Eabugh Unverty was tat veer ———!] |A. she could first study abroad and then move to Edinburgh, ina year abroad ————_ hor setr had prevous eed a Eau a —_ = |G she could do part of her studies at a suitable university abroad. he tucying abroad hada profound ofc on Sarah Morison 1D mostaf te etudants at Edinburgh spend a year at an overseas university, = Alot can happen i | he mary tudes bere | Asst sarng out at alton spectacular California, Serdcey- never | How did Sarah fel when she wont to Berkooy? | coastn, fl fortunate to have aster essing that this would afer eased wee Hecate ‘who had almost every future decision woul ae ‘A. She was pleased to find the people were exactly as she had expected, eat ‘pend a year of my degree abroad. it ee a B She knew she wanted to make the most of her stay there. ‘coms that the arenot rough older sbings explaining OH Kar ofyour exchange, youareawar tat he {© Sho wantod to get a job rater than begin studying immediately. | they atop time youhaveinyournew couneyistmtedand 101 Sha began to wieh far say there oud bo. Pla shore ‘exchange, be wasted Your ee ‘=xPerience is shaped by a predevermined, 33 Whe ‘Sarah feel she achieved at Berkeley? seartand end, which imme ee aol whi a enn mc vin ws eta Peer ete ene = worldwide changes where anifcance ofthe time in Between 1B She tok the fist steps towards becoming a teacher. Mf | students swap pl ocesvih ten temshonne ne fora semester ora year dri wer Fo che em ack She developed her posturing skis sigicantly je at during eer degree the umber he frst mec are, stared oworkat The Day | She ensure tat she would graduate witha frst ss degree 32 ook er tous on | Srey on of: together with the costand me pene bin Berkey sudennewspapes moved on toss ny | Seta dana sierra ae weh monte ae 2+ vst dos ahs stn cost ten eaten uesy charge? baat all over the on A. As. student you can get reduced rates for health insurance. 33 Focus on her fostings aftr A deciding facto forme World nto co-operative hous you can get |cocattermtemendonigiondae Si aacarepraran erent steeci | ee ak eee ee hee eye edrbapronsee er 7 msg ee ree ae ee re Peopl om Caeua,CatoandChieandieane, | 1D Taking cheap fights abr can save you lat of money ‘hat holding on to any stereotypes | might have about | 95 Wr elt iking tena "sca cone ful as assuming that all reel tate bent ‘European people lived on farms. | Seem age ; f lecamharpmatsenecy hen carty secon atngsine The grades earned at Berkley dr actualy coune © etary satay anne — forstueneie te Preeinnng poe signed up| {38 What doos Heln Letch suggest inthe final paragraph? et seme enna te 2 Sacre mers tum tera tenos ace 4 t0ur of San Fra Sen oe ony | D She should be paid a far higher salary for organising international exchanges. tema behee ‘han 230 exchange places overseas universes nth US. Canada, Ausra New Zand Ina China Soueh | Korea. apn, Singaporean South Ames, | ese a his choice. si found that deciding to spend ayer aoa as something ofa novey wh nso "my bends ving more thought to enbr " ‘0 embracing Edinburgh | ‘Hen Packing their bags oleae chy tha had only je ‘become ther home: er, fortified by my siers advice ‘nd Calfomian fend who tld me! would love the ‘east applet spend my thr year atthe Univers of 70 | Tost 2 Exam practice esding and Use ofS Part § Reading and Use of English Part § Test 2 Exam Practice LT simon CD etos ion Reading and Use of English Part ¢ tt tme sunina ve 39° fio the same programme. Inrocucton to the text in aes below, (© feton, acversoman ist? st ergigeteneon ta na ena 2 Foto the exam instuctons, wa serccn fs na the svc to hap you, sia ‘th this information, before any stores ‘ctully ome in, he then decides onthe rows pric ofthe day. | Working as a TV news tah Cole has prduced TV news fr decades nw, pea. ot of his considerable experience in ee the so aching Fm intenainal cbr tpl | Rob's time bend the camer has coincided with [eter een tft You need o be kets lee and of ou creyone bong oa nowap Staged ye PES, throu the bith of 2 s You have ob obese with mately following it Event couce, doing apie, fino inthe worl. Al, some pec Also, ome people thin ou ening ing. That would Robyahays worked ia frei int the media just bea casei ound ex bea mistake ou a vad the World. As you can Tot ofthat, tke his phon, soil edi imaging ther aly vn comeing edo arene | ste colt 37] Ron do Ta some was, Ros b shoul remain fy constant forthe nex few yeas "They wil atomys rv to get his journalists’ news a resend ahead the newogatiting. Howewn wesc respon for hick news is diver W ed, When startin TY, he ern | mou vn ‘ed to cosa a DARN sy ess meter of making ae rier produces, « | ce, camer operator, as ‘mutaskng camera ais the Por comes into the dn 1= through cite cs even a seperit ighting Internet ober routes and Bet or other routes - and ] Now there's just the 7 | othe tite geting note te | peowork congrats | fis ready to run on air paid | erator who so cis and supper | Ifyou hacky mos hating | done, Te ow he writen material tating on ob wel Points, on the othe aan 7 ss je Wb rw of People inthe nai eee] Pow'tbeputon; he ha aealy ured to happen aS | cath oraiviouseangs TM dense op Stabler end quer snd mate ndemane | Roading and Use of gion Part 6 Reading and Use of English Port 8 Nou might wrt to juste ight prcon atthe the device around and pressing the button also enables ve broadcasting F hey would be loaded down with equipment ro some of ther would be Inked by cable. (Ge exentene you cans on of A In those days it was possible to start a career in news without even going to university: you went straight int traning ona local paper Making sure it does eo matters, especially given the friendly competition with other TV networks: beating the other networks” i a ‘eal highlight | always endeavour to reply, but from my oun ‘experenes too many people don't get back to you, so t's best to keep trying, 37 Loot er asetance Pat ise on pang on te morang morn at he soy ns neon or ge uso “0 1rensetonen sass Jovem ave ood WOK? 2inatingoteng se i keep retin Bough 9 Whee ECC Reading and Use of English Part 7 CE i: hromton EGE cionsen 1 Look at the exam instuctions below and the tle and 1, What kind of txts? How many parts itn? 2 What sth topic? Wo ae the people? What kindof ieforation must you fi? layout ofthe text on page 8 2 Fotow the exam ina z ructons, using the sdvice to hep you, 's supris atthe job her ond now has? 43 Lok canta ih ne (osoy ine tt oemuoty sap oe 1 Sure that his time the fecship wit at? {his bere may have changed asa et rt 19° 88 a eau of meeting her fn hatn or ye and ei Siero comns her frend have similar mato — cary cane Sel at rn what ent wou have et ce anes st neon ‘earets losing contact with her fiend years ago? ae BY press regret? J was nally unsure whether she wanted to ak to her fiend gain? : "ry ard rare! {old her hen she was sad to hear what had happened was surprised at how litle ne erm ina iotews aoe admits she wrongly precited her rand would never have a ‘successtl carcor? ‘nn sews wong 80 | Test 2 Exam practice Reading od U of Engh Part 7 Friends peo fin 1100 Hes wth nae we vay ton wel oe zi wee quite dle people For intane. 1m shoul ave made mate of an efoto say toch more ambitious an her ahae no plans tsa. tay, whereas se aleady has tw chien. fs qutea onesies, and aout ta wee bath tenet with ot avn nes ~ and weve ene catching uP Arineach the’ ews 1 dort ey kro wher inthe fle el ave enough in corimion to hep he etorship re Iola Nowak ‘The fishing tat struck me was ht Natal il old muh these as she i ten yas ne uni some cies pope otha vents seca hose who hve srs perioral sues to el wth ing tat tine. She's ail vey hen on spots, wich im a bt she remains scl a he ever vas suppose Fit people | hot of when the de of corating my od sates cece to me, and seat you can do that, tel a easy thers you could lose och wt ter © Olive Morgan Back in or sho! dys ays ied Mega, bt she was neve het an thing se otook itor granted that se woul nd ping 2b tha di equte ulations, How kus ot ke wen onto ey We eae and oto yas wa a Phlosphy lec 2 top university. The oer mt | ade vas bing he ‘autous seat sponding when she fist gt in touch wth te ie ast tana, when in fit S00 25 we Sw eae theron the een we tte cating gin 3 at te yea gap had never nse. think we bh uly eased that we woulda vert arth ie hat hapen 2g Reading and Use a Engh Part 7 ple talk about the school friends they have met up with again thanks to social media websites. again Maite sive | as deli when Catt me sess goad job Somer aways knew she'd do wal, though Imus ones tat back then she wa the is peo I woul fave hopeless at ats ut when she peed on my top screen sea hoe yeas was ipsa by how rte he sounded an looked iin at he ight be hing am inuece one vr Snce we met up again, Ive ound ysl taking» rove seus aude ta my ct with prometion nw al posit. Yen in When else my ol elissmate Kings ying 0 conic me theta oa econaineping. Somehow ays known tat ne way or ante we ‘yee bound tou int exch tes some point, because ‘hen we et eo! wed th gone oft the sae subjet at divert nies, Wht ha een peed Sec though wos the mes that shed dt ater er sues ing to peal pons. | expresses ny spat ba she used me she eevee 3d cently graded, nd that since then she's been woking inadveisng. Which of couse nc what do, to. (Tae Yon a age te dr (a Arent nat eye a en a Test2 Exam practice | at Part 4 (essay) Test 2 Training Aer | CD ei rosin Understanding the task; ordering points or ‘easons; adding information * Fate cas nt tnt aout Wig Parts wing each tom mare box one, saninat both eo | formal idea inning pinion own plan’ range 146 in Wing Pat 1, you write an essay ging your _) ‘Words You are given to very bit) wing, and you ao have to add anf) (© & particular tonic inst to guide your of youronn. You can choose to wre 2 tite ort tyyertpe nn eae te wa La Stents hay Yrs ee {a punctaton, and ry to use a wide (1) You shoud always make a9) Point you a acing to mention about (1 of words, prases and suc ‘or you text betore you starting, bing he of the thee notes, 2 Wn yur partner you have oe hin to taking expresons foreach of 1-4 1 tomake the fist point 2 tomake mere points 3 to make the last point 4 twinroduce the conclusion 2 (ich het linking xpress canbe wed the begning oa sentence, flowed by a comma? Which Se stmt wales tet tee trtamene ewinen ep 4@ took ae Wing Pr ora tak and anesthe questions. j_wasti te foie of they? 2 Which wo pois you dacs? |inv0u Engish clas you Rave boan king about ne probiens of Pi | New vou Evol eacer nas asked you towntoan ooo, |" essay using alte nots ang reasons fr your pint of view. | (Cars shouldbe banned from city centres, | te O86 and patton 2 ranscert 3 your um ice “Sentara ng] eer ng ne riper eq frau tester or Bee ihe writers opinion and where isi tated? the writers opinion Gk Wat ops 1-8 with suitable 1: In most casas more than one answer inking expressions. In most ith stab ios : - ‘everywhere, thre is growing concer about the effect of motor venison the thar is growing con ; ot can uty of wan fo profi cars rom urban area, and 0 [nvaitans quality of te. Some people -. . ‘contnbuting to the ; : shicies poison the air with their exhaust fumes, 91 ee ee E ties less pleasant places Frc sean toe ee oi su, especially for children, and for old or atsabled people, (5). os i tives to travelling by car, such as the tube, bee crt am ls far more people woul fe tow wo rcs ore pr se ene et ian Fe without cars would be much better places to live, ae en wept ere, retro bce sou bec tamara ae €2 | Test2 Tainng ID wren ras crn CR veticn rir : Look atthe exam nstnctons below 1 What do you have owt about? 2 Wno's you essay for? Wich to man points mus 1 WS question. Write os fine editor. You must write in an —» You have to organise your text into paragraphs, 7 rececta ee rose haw —eNie tere 40-00 ppp sy Bsc nas cig nd wri "have beon talking about the effects of ae Frateuctions indude o description of @ + You should write full sentences with correct You must answer | lnyour Engh cass yo | environment. Now your J language: formal expressions ‘Text layout; formal & informal Pre oma eres wih he wrt re. language; error correction RGungarewontorveting 4 Leokat th exam rons bl. re 1 ats the sation? ring ons i os 2 neta yor en rom you |} we “advertisement in the newspaper. Whe at a trecenly your adverts aoe If 1 twould ket forthe potion fwoinee chet. Seng 1} < tam to inform you serious incident fea }] 1 eeforment din ‘eo your recent etter, woul tke to make TWO yy, erenty ftned this event a {| 2 hows prints Siycente theatre but you de not Describing youself enjoy it bow on ig sabe operons gad wont | er “The perfect evening out 1 Ihave had some ofthis Kind of work tam particulary atsoling robles + Tope muse « Healt would be for ojo ae have the ght entertainment, ith famous stil arias 4 thave a good of information technology, + Bxcelent restaurant 2 Do tho exam ack (Gat Use exrvesions sh os sy complaining “+ Discounts available for ~ Seer et ort ee [conolan panned aesrpried —consont | younapeone CBE pss rom ion wt Sica aia ones es ons SSE ra wed wr telove ten) orm sea ¢ I wish to make 2. ‘about the delay in delivery. ‘eons oe eee] ‘tonne ‘od ce gt eon tn oe 1 poor layout. Where should it be ‘heok eur esay for metanes © would be most i vnondd nd nea fivided into paragraphs? eee 2 two informal expressions, four 'b Would you...» ensue that this doesnot happen eee ae (of informal punctuation Change < Meel Jskyou to make a fomal written 20109, sete ae ce 4 | would therefore {you to investigate this matter, et Test 2 Exam practcn — Woting Part Wing Part 2 Test 2 Tang | 88 Writing Part 2 (letter any ea tions below and the situation. Think about who you have to writ the exam instruc 8 a ts to include, Should you use formal o Informal language? hs wil you need? plan and write down ll your ideas. How many paraora vr headings, Alo note down some words and phrases oF 1 from Useful language on pages 38 and 3 range of vocabulary and joe toa ae sesso stow spay a ver Su psed ofa wan clad ts. st ideas under paragran put your best i But aragraph.indudng expression tr your text, Keping tothe topic arto your plan. Use a wide fe tsa make sure your hanciting e350 eB rs Haugh ie atte end to check for mistakes ond hat you have wsten a eat a0 words Perec enh oto |mart aha ym $ Q Stusy ne ex nstucdos teow ad he model eter writen by Fle, sy ‘and tho mode tor writen by Felipe, ery strong | 1s Felipe’ letter the right ength, and written in suitable syle? suitable ty 2 Where dose! he deat wh rete pith 4 What has he sent with hs eter? Why? pce sara, 0 Dar Me Kay. 5 What does he sugges tothe employer? tp ous rc. | _Tebnesen th adriana ina ahanguoge npn Look tthe exam instrections below. 4 hat do you have to read? 2 Whiting oto 8? {Which points mst you eal ith? 46 Wat ste should you wrt in? | “hemes | apse seme | | + proud worang hous tsoeenced nth id ork es 6 '6 manager is Haron, [suitable fora job st our até, ae ‘You see this advertisement in an Engish language magazine. [Torn seas nye tn Cour Cans ‘rte your letter of aplication Youson larkge SS scieren nce tera on ae rear a Aa Do you speak English and at least one other language? hep Cot te yy ttt nial npedigintiors ea ne roti gs he | nrecninaerosneae | peoreseeene oe tence rica meneame | om sepa —_ |i coy arta crane a your tetr of appaton teaver — tp atte erates rycen de ote fo 2. Study the exam question and write your answer in 140-180 words i an appropriate ste. 98 1 Test 2 Tanng eat 2 Exam practice MPR Writing Part2 (review) Task information (review) + The review task in art? tess your ability to Th + The instruction a teyou where your review dkscibe something youave experienced fg,” wll be pubiined (eg ne sade net) Programme o produc and giv your” You therefore have to writen an propriate Spink of tha rconmendaton tthe ye reader You read description of a station an then te a evo of in 140.190 words ou Should allow about ao minutes fortis task, inlacing time atthe nd to chek your werk + You need to organise your text nto paragraphs + You should write fll sentences and ty to use ‘correc grammar, punctuation and spelling and 28 goed range of language. Useful language: review 1 Match tho neosngs inte bor withthe groups of expressions 1-4 iaiang ello ao vane Recnmancng —Chicee Pad] 1 a Teas one of the bet. Ihave ever The .. was absolutely perfect and Wie had (a pleasarvan enjoyable marvelous, etc} time at 1 was pleased to se that Anyone who likes... ileal enloy Don't mis the opportunity to 1m sure everyone wil find. worth istening teistingrrying, ete), jeateeateeeem you gt the chance to... ee Ivbuy onelgo rise of there, ee), I would advise was even better than we had expected | vould strongly) advise against (watching! readingleating. ee) this. My adic iso avoid this. and... instead "wou suggest dng a beter than thi ‘The advertisement said that ... but in fact. wana oe abe We were (rather disappointed to find that ‘There weren't enough. ./ie was too . to ‘There should have been "thought there was going tobe... but there wt only There wasn't any. at all 2 Complete the sontences wth contrast links. Use each word once, [pie een aeepte ath toner] 1 the concer stated on tin itfnised ear 2 iia ay oy tw al eye or holy The theme par haste eclenides.he quues Wee Ero 4 It's2 good film, in..... of the poor acting at times. tee 5 woud certain read is ook aga though X80 paps ong. 88 | Test 2 Taning ting Part 2 Sy Rewite 1-5 0 that the second sentence means the same asthe rst. fits late at night, but the lob waestll empty. —e The lub was stil empty. even The traffic was ean, butwe atved on time. —e Inspite We asked see for coffee, but the waiter didet bring it. —eAthough : {We were a Tong way from the stage, bt ould see the band onthe screens. —e Even The bed was too short but I would sil ecommend tishotel, —e Despite Understanding instructions 41 Study the exam instructions below ond undetine the hey words 4 What situation do you have to think about? 2 Who are you golng to write review for? What style of writing is sultable? 3. Whet two things do the instructions say you must do? 44 What ele should you ads? ‘You see this notice ona travel website [ Reviews wanted! ‘Wat eid you think ofthe last olay home you stayed in? Wate 2 reve of a house or parent anahere inthe word for our popuse ‘Scat for tavelers and turets. Desorbe the Holiday hore and sy ‘iy you dd ore not enjoy your say there Interesting reviws wl appar on or sto within 24 nous. te your review in 140-180 words in an appropriate style. 2 Quickly read the model evew below. Did the writer enjoy staying nthe apartment? ~« partment fy ert. peasant fortnight ta thre bedroom apartment in Paya partment Tete bcm aerate ard Wo baa uma Tre ithe and brass were ra prea Vedoems wee spac Ww Cs) DAM Beds nea ao tough he twas advert as big ve minutes wal fom the ben, we vere ome tn ts Sacer tot fen oo tenants when re mal oad beeen the wo |— Peis Aaa don, ee was buacing ste rg net dr, mat far to nosy © Sep afer about ghtin he morn a roses —_| ype oft, we had on endjabe ty athe partner as es confab ae i poste] Ln et pops aca ie eras persed to es sety features | "aneihen me ome. you have the opportu to stay there would ads tang = aes Puc ul dec tht nt dors balding works fired. | recommendation Says whether they enayed tt 3 Study ne tox and the notes mor carol. + what easors does the writer give for enjoying being there? What advice does hehe give? 2 What adjectives (words and phrases) describe the apartment and the building?” [Ti Seto au lan $3 Which contrast links are used? Which other linking expesions can you find? Te ure 4 Which expressions similar to those in Useful language on page 68 does the writer se Sgr reer (e.g, sponta pleasant fortnight at 7 yous oro Weng Part 2 est 2 Teining | 88 Morr Writing Part 2 (review) Action plan "meng races tiket ardor eto review Ori we our 2 rend eet te hlds nacre anraaran a i Berns cage” 5 Write your text in ‘advise or recommend. 7 Use some ofthe contra Positive and negative points 1 Read the exam task blow. 1 Who is yourraviow for? 2 What te things do you have todo? ‘You see tis announcement nthe = Ena anquage maga of our coege. Restaurant reviews wanted [Clases sometins th oc Boing cut ora meal together | restaurant that you tice, Dese | 003, and expan win being ther, lebrate special occasions by White a rviow ofa suitable ibe the atmosphere and the ¥ YOU think your class would enjoy The te est "eve wt epee nn et the magazine, “| L 2 wt 0 You review in 140-190 word 0-190 words nan appropiate. 1 est 2 Exam practice 2 sive thts appropri forthe publication andthe reader ete 6 Use some ofthe expression from Useful language on page 88 pate, clicne sinks on page dese unespected ings orto ee 8 Finny recommend Seng oF avsing re acai the subject ofyeur view wre would make the perl doy cut ce Ye ove esgic a Woting Pare 2 [ending experiences — norm reese opinions tong efor you choot the article task in Writing Part 2, be sure you know enough about the (9) v-- ovrte 140-190 words about it, You wil usually be asked to write for a newsletter or 2) nd your readers will have the same @). 2s you for example a habby or type of musk TO ‘ch ther attention, you shoul think of a good, short (4. fd then write an intresting in the fist paragraph to Keep them reading, You con write your text in quite an 6 © Syhaiogsee Oh Colour acter nd expres you evn ®. Mos can ake neue desipton of your onn (9) Sod arta the (iy Ste rcs pricy mtaesting y making your readers nk bout wha they have just read Useful language: strong expressions 2 Match te son exoesins in ales wth he acts nthe Box [Densitd caer cowindPat_pagy sll sunire tawny] {6 The people looked miserable as they stood in the rain walting for buses that never came 7 Further up the hil are the eemain of ancient was hat once protected the town. 8 After a full days skiing without a break for lunch, we were starving {The ivng room was tidy and the bathroom was absolutely spotless. 10 The stadium is aays packed when local teams play eachother. 11 The ice-cream desserts are even more delicous than they loak on the menu 2 ifthe airconditioning on the Metro breaks Gown it gets Baling down thee. 3 From the top ofthe skyscrapy, the vice far below lok tn. 4 Inspring there are gorgeous wil lowersin 2 vole range of colours. 5 itis astonishing how few people vst sucha ‘magnificent old building 3 Use each ofthe words in Kalin sentence of your own Understanding instructions 31 study the exam instructions below and undertine the key words. 41 Who has asked you to write the arte? 2. What will happen if you write one ofthe best articles? ‘You s0e this announcement in your college newsletter, Taine | St Travel antcles wanted | Have you been somewhere recent that you relly ited? If 30, rite an ate | scribing the place and explaining why You would recommend it a ather peopl, The best articles wil be published in the next month's Newsletter. | \Wte your article In 140-180 words n an appropriate style 2 Quick read this strong First concdate’sartile andthe notes next 1 sthe text well organised into paragraphs? 2 tsitwritten in an appropriate syle? 3 Does it deal with both parts of the tase 50, where? Titestates when ‘Summer inthe South of France and where Enthusiastic Fist the weather was fantasti. The sun was scorching al he te. with no coud inthe sky. That meant teoud [fev setter sini es | reosoh ct Pest pill | ern th county was breathtaking - sere wates, pace beautiful architecture and al those pa trees! But the thing | ied most was the hospitality of the people thee Everyone wes 0 fren, wing to lp. Therefore, twas dea simple to ithe hike Gives examples Inmy pion yc et br er 6 mater wat acyou | Ghee ers |Your pe erage id pent paca | cn ba wats Teme ped wien te oe stebedesehcpesoneon dows tsenseng | opinions To sum up, the French Riviera isan absolute dream and 1 | ively final Find examples ofthe following inthe arte, 1 edition tinks 2 revutlinks 3 strong expresions, inducing adjectives and phrases 4 Informa! language ting Part 2 per ec eae COREE ine task below, ed ta ol 4 Who ae you witig for? on 2 Which tw tinge must you wt abou Writing Part 2 (article) 1 you #08 this announcement in an online magazi ‘Articles wanted Health and fitness tn today’s works, how can we remain healthy? How can we keep oursalves ft? Write us an article answering these questions, te within a week. “The best article will appear on our website with 2 White your ate in 140-190 word in an appropiate sy. Senate ene you Loa Test 2 Gxam practice Wting Pot 2 ont a2 ‘oom Egon we Aa wa fan! Ere Part 2 Tealning As Source rates ae you sere otha Stason Say Samm pane nares oom vague A eo meine ‘em. am ne cn yh ae i ie hes ibaa ann ters eo ‘stele ae hase ees a be Ot arpa. They 194 | newer Key & transept Arson a ca pore ar a od lms ad fea cohen antassvrak cost eg res Say ew das on seres Anatho-magen a eot of aes oy Sei aver timp oa ro ‘en: Nowa ata we Hs sane ‘nrTeatt ome wy ey eee ea acai te by foodin te aunt's vey ane Part a Taning ae ios ge ten wae Sona elma n ata nga cshvather The Schaerer ata net Exec n ot courte herr, can et ‘Slrinow: 50 ba abt 9 oe, ez? Win ht you can ‘eo eodfrmoch geass ao See tey MLA Aa Yt Stns 9.19 Hr Pe een an ele the twas he rs cs OY ‘Siow cy? Tse toes ook art. ud yauage? SNe ‘Forme ruts ate oa eS ne Wl. ron he motor eows dere, stone cas Foe pl a cts ‘Symng imine snr ound Stet Te oe, tn tine Soma toe sn et tt Seri oy andr ee oo Part a Training Os Spolie Lik eeyowteattesane. Irycurty bce manson) far eranpite worst ‘tse yea ger rags |e thy havea Maral (05 bt re that ho ety 8 Werk Maio (9) Soy, col you sy toni, pense? Maraot OX titties aoe Imuctnes ilcoerying inte hus, tha yo fobs you a by han ne leanne naa ar a vi a yt happen ne (eager tat now every Nome a9 Intertoto Uh sre pote a7 We us oo mary -aper 3 Reading and Use of English Parts ‘Tealning Exam practice Advice Exam task ‘nwer Key &traneriot TT, ee Ce Part 2 Training ‘navies Exam task arta raining cg the ects eed aide he Fea saves CaS oe te Exam tas 2 cre asin ey aa Part 4 Training mgs: pried speech, ning wot, conn, Advice Exam task A ityate 6 npliog 27a ale oa scon res Talning Aa Exam practice regia sa apes sa BS tgs oe Part 6 Exam practice fom oe sor pope Tee 2 F.Theeme tt efe akthe sty edy oawer Key &anacrt | 397 Anse Key & traserot, ‘Writing Par 2 (letter) Training es ange! ool expressions 2 Sample nite yas Fst) Wilting Part 2 (review) Tralning Undeetandg etctions Answer Ky &tronscrit | 199 Exam practice (review) 2 Sample esen tat Writing Pact 2 (ote) Training usin Uncereanng ntans 200 | vmware Exam practice (article) eee cere ay ra me naa oe per 3 Listening Exam practice Para 3 1ajatgecaa estoy oe won art 3 Advice a Advico Part 2 Advice Cer Avice ‘Speaking Paper 4 Part. Tralning art 2 ‘Tealning Exam practice Pepsin c= Parts Tralning evn xpesions Exam practice Part 4 ‘Tealning

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