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Unit Relative clauses 2:

93 clauses with and without who/thatlwhi

Look at these example sentences from Unit 9,.
r The woman who lives next door is a doctor. ior The wom:ln that lives ...)

The woman lives nexr door. who i= the womani rs the subiect

I Whcre is the cheese that was in the fridge? {or the cheese which was ...)

The cheese was in the fridge. that (= the cheese) is the subiect

You musr use who/that/which when it is the subject of the reiative clause. So vou cannot say
'The woman iives nexr door is a doctor'or'Vrhere is the cheese was in the fridgei'.

iiE Sometinres wholthat/which is the obiect

n The wonlAn who I wanted to
oi the verb. For exanrple
see was awav on holidav'
who (= the woman) rs the obiect
I wanted to see the woman
I is the subject

Lr Have vou found the keys that you lost?

that 1= the kcvs) rs the obiect
You lost the keys. you is the subject

\ü/hen wholthatiwhich is the object, \/ou can leave it out. So vou call say:
n 'Ihe woman I wanted to see was awa\'. or Thc woman who I wantecl to see
ü Have vou found the kevs vou lost? or ... the kevs that you lost?
n The dress Liz bought doesn't {it her very weli. ar The dress thatLtz bought
j tr Is there anwhing I can do? or ... anything that I can do?
i: Note that we sav:
the keys you lost (not the keys you lost them)
the dress Liz bought i,not the dress Liz bought it)

Note the position of preposirions (inltolfor etc.) in relative clauses:

Tom is talking to a woman - do you know her?

-------*'Do you know the woman (who/that) Tom is talking to ')


I slept in I a bed last night - it wasn't very comfortable

The bed (that/which) I slept
r.-- Are these the books you were looking for? .n' ... the books thatlwhich you were...
n l'he woman he fell in love with left him after a month. or The woman who/that he
n The man I was sitting next to on the plane talked all the time. or
The rnan who/that I was sitting next to "..
Note that we sav:
the books vou were looking for \not the books vou were looking for them)

You cannot use what in sentences like rhese lsee also tlnit 92C):
I Evervthing tthat) they said was t':ue. \,notEvervthrng what thev said)
tJ I gave her all the moner' lthat) I had. lnot all the monev u'har I had;
What = 'the rhingls) that':
tr Did ,vou hear what thev said: 1= the things that thev said)

186 Relative clauses 1 * Ljnit 92 Relative clauses 3-5 - Units 94:96 Whom * Unit 948


What do you say in these

situations? Complete each
1 Yöur friend lost some keys. sen tence with a relative
You want to know if he
Have you found has found them. you
2 A friend is wearmg a dress. You
like it. you tell her: )
I like the dress
3 A friend is going to see a
film. You want to know the
What's the name of the film name of the film. You
4 You wanted to visit a museum.
It was shut when you got
The museum there. You tell a friend:
5 You invited some people to your was shut when we got
party. Some of them couldn
Some of the people t
come. You fell someone:
6 Your friend hdd to do some work. couldn't come
You want to know if she
Have you finisired the work has finished. you say:
7 You hired a car. It broke down
after a few miles. You tell
The car a friend:
8 You stayed at a hotel. Tom had broke down after a few
recornmended rt to you.
n7e stayed at a hotel You tell a friend:
Complete each sentence
ustng a relative clause with
a preposition Choose from
we wenr b a party last the box.
night you can rely on Gary
I work with some people we were invited to a wedding
I applied for a job you told me abour a hotel
I saw you with a man
1 Are these the bobks .....UeW....!!-r.g{_e*..h-oklng....f
Unfortunately we couldn,t
go to tJre wedding
I enjoy my job. I like the people
4 T7hat's the name of that,hotel
5 The parfy
didnt get the job wasn't very enjoyable.
is a good person to know.
He,s somebody
ITho was that man
in the restaurant?
already complete, leave
the space empty.
that I had is also correct)

they want.
it for you,
goes wrong?
I can.

he says.
A Whose
\7e use whose in relative clauses instead of his/herltheir:

we saw some people - car had broken down

-----+'We saw some people car had broken down.

Ve use whose mostly for people:

n A widow is a woman whose husband is dead. (her husband is dead)
tr what's the name of the man whose car you borrowed? (you borrowed his car)
tr I met someone whose brother I went to school with. (1 went to school with his/her
Compare who and whose:
tr I met a man who knows you. (he knows you)
tr I met a man whose sister knows you. (his sister knows you)

Whom is possible instead of who when it is the obiect of the verb in the relative clause (like
sentences in Unit 938):
n The woman whom I wanted to see was away. (I wanted to see her)
You can also use whom with a preposition (to whom / from whom / with whom etc.):
n The people with whom I work are very nice. (I work with them)
But we do not often use whom in spoken English. !7e usually prefer who or that, or nothing
(see Unit 93). So we usually say:
n The woman I wanted to see ... or The woman who/that I wanted to see ...
n The people I work with ... or The people who/that I work with ...
You can use where in a relative clause to talk about a place

the restaurant - we had dinner - it was near the airport

------+ The restaurant we had dinner was near the airport.

I I recently went back to the town where I grew up.

(or ... the town I grew up in or ... the town that I grew up in)
n I would like to live in a place where there is plenty of sunshine.

We say:
something happens or
the day I the year / the time etc.
that something happens
n Do you remember the day (that) we w€nt to the zoo?
n The last time (that) I saw her, she looked fine.
D I haven't seen them since the year (that) they got married.
., reason lI something happens or
I that/why something happens
n The reason I'm phoning you is to ask your advice.
(or The reason that I'm phoning / The reason why I'm phoning)

Relative clauses 1-2

- units 92-93 Relative clauses 4-5 + units 95-96 whom * unit 96
Exercises unit 94
94.1 You met these people at a party:

My mother writes 2 J
detective stories.
My wife is an
English teacher.

4 5 6
My ambition is We've just My parents used to
to climb Everest. got married. work in a circus.

The next day you tell a friend about these people. Complete the sentences using who or whose.
1 I met somebody whose molher wri*p.s äp*pr*);rz
2 Imet a man
4 I met somebody

Read the situations and complete the sentences using where.

1 You grew up in a small town. You went back there recently. You tell someone this.

2 You want to buy some postcards. You ask a friend where you can do this. :

Is there a shop near here

3 You work in a factory. The factory is going to close down next month. You tell a friend:
The factory is going to close down next-month.
4 Sue is staying at a hotel. You want to know the name of the hotel. You ask a friend:
Do you know the name of the hotel
5 You play football in a park on Sundays. You show a friönd the park. You say:
This is the park on Sundays.
Complete each sentence using who/whom/whose/where.
1 V/hat's the name of the man .....Nh..0..?..g..... car you borrowed?
2 A cemetery is a place people are buried.
3 A pacifist is a person believes that all wars are wrong.
4 An orphan is a child parents are dead.
5 Vhat was the name of the. person to you spoke on the phone?
6 The place we spent our holidays was really beautiful.
This school is only for children first language is not English.
The woman with he fell in love left him after a month.

'1 I'll I {irsL me} uor,r

always remember the day
2 Itll never forget the time
The reason was that I didn't know your address.
Unfortunately I wasn't at home the evening
The reason is that they don't need one.
was the year
There are two ttpes of relative clause. In these examples, the relative clauses are

Type 1 Type 2
n The woman who lives next door is n My brother Rob,
a doctor. is a doctor.
tr Barbara works for a company that n Colin told me about his new job,
makes furniture. he's enio)'ing very much.
n \X/e stayed at the hotel (that) you n stayed at the Park Hotel,
recommended. friend of ours recommended.
In these examples, the relative clause tells you In these examples, the relative clauses
which person or thing (or what kind of tell you which person or thing the
person or thing) the speaker meansl means. Y/e already know which thing or
'The woman who lives next door'tells us person is meant: 'My brother Rob', '
which woman. new job' and 'the Park Hotel'.
'A company that makes furniture'tells us The relative clauses in these sentences give
what kind of company. extra information about the person or
'The hotel (that) Ann recommended' tells
us whicb hotel.
We do not use commas (,) with these clauses: Ve use commas (,) with these clauses:
n We know a lot of people who live in n My brother Rob,
London. is a doctor.

In both types of relative clause we use who for people and which for things. But:
Typ" 1 Typ" 2
You can use that: You cannot use that:
tr Do you know anyone who/that speaks tr John, who (not that) speaks French and
French and Italian? Italian, works as a tourist guide.
ü Barbara works for a company n Colin told me about his new job, which
which/lhat makes furniture. (not that) he's enjoying very much.
You can leave out who/whicl/that when it is You cannot leave out who or which:
the object (see Unit 93):
n '!üüe stayed at the hotel (that/which) you 11 We stayed at the Park Hotel, which a
recommended. friend of ours recommended.
n This morning I met somebody n This morning I met Chris, who I hadn't
(who/that) I hadn't seen for ages. seen for ages.
, do not often use whom in this type of You can use whom for people (when it is the
clause (see Unit 94B). object):
n This morning I met Chris, whom I
hadn't seen for ages.

In both tlpes of relative clause you can use whose and where:
tr We met some people whose car had E Liz, whose car had broken down, was in
broken down. a very bad mood.
I IJThat's the name of the place where you n Jill has just been to Sweden, where her
went on holiday? daughter lives.

:Relative clauses (Type 1) Units 92-94 Relative clauses (Type 2) Unit 96

- -
Ex ercrses
95.1 Make one sentence from two. Use the sentence in brackets to make a relative clause (Type 2),
Y'ouwill need to use who(m)/whose/which/wh'ere.
1 Catherine is very friendly. (She lir;es next door.)
Ca*hertne. who üxes nexL dnor. Ls vesu
2' stayed at the Park Hotel. (A friend of ours had recommended it.
Wa ab the Paxk HoLeL. whirh a {ri*xd, ol ours ha-d, retnmmexd*Ä,.
3 Vc often go to visit our friends in Bristol. (It is not very far away.)

4 I went to see the doctor. (He told me to resr for a few days.)
5 John is one of my closesr friends. (I have known him for a very long time.) !

6 Sheila is away from home a lot. (Her job involves a lor of travelling.)

7 The new stadium will be opened nexr monrh. (It can hold 90,000 people.)

8 Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland. (My brother lives there.)

9 A friend of mine helped me ro get a job. (His father is rhe manager of a company.)

5.2 Read the information and complete each sentence. Use a relative clause of Type 1 or Type 2.
Use commas where necessary.
1 There's a woman living next door to me. She,s a doctor.
The woman who llvzs nexL ln mz Ls a d,oc,Lar
2 I've got a brother called Rob. He lives in Australia. He's a docror.
My brother Rob who üvp.s tn AusLrd)n- Ls a-
3 There was a strike at the car factory. It began ten days ago. It is now oveL
The strike at the car factory
4 I was looking for a book this morning. I've found it now.

5 London was once the largest city in the world, but the population is now falling.
The population of London
6 A job was advertised. A lot of people applied for it. Few of them had the necessary qualifications.
Few of
7 Amy has a son. She showed me a photograph of him. He,s a policeman.

Correct the sentences that are wrong and put in commas where necessary. lf the sentence is
correct, write '0K'.
1 Colin told me about his he's very much.

2 My office that is on the second floor is very small.

3 The office I'm using at the moment is very small.

4 Ben's father that used to be a teacher now works for a TV company.

5 The doctor that examined me couldn't find anything wrong.

6 The sun that is one of millions of stars in the universe provides us with heat and light.


Prep ositions + whom/which

You can use a preposition before whom ({or people) and which (for things). So you can
to whom / with whom I about which I without which etc. :
tr Mr Lee, to whom I spoke at the meeting, is very interested in our proposal.
tr Fortunately we had a map, without which we would have got lost.
In informal English we often keep the preposition after the verb in the relative clause
do this, we normally use who (nor whom) for people:
tr This is my friend from Canada, who I was telling you about.
tr Yesterday we visited the City Museum, which l'd never been to before.

All of / most of etc. + w,horlwhich

Study these examples:

Mary has three brothers. All are married. (2 sentences)

"f mü
------+ Mary has three brothers, of ilüH are married. (1 sentence)
They asked me a lot of questions. I couldn't answer most of (2 sentences)

------- They asked me a lot of questions, most of I couldn't answer. (1 sentence)

In the sarne way you can say:

none of / neither of I any of / either of
+ whom (people)
some of I many of / much of. I (a\ few of
+ which (things)
both of / half of / each of / one of / rwo of etc.
tr Martin tried on three jackets, none of which fitted him.
ü Two men, neither of whom I had seen before, came inro the office.
n They've got three cars, two of which they rarely use.
tr Sue has a lot of friends, many of whom she was at school with.
You can also say the cause of which / the name of which etc. :
n The building was destroyed in a fire, the cause of which was never established
n \Ve stayed at a beautiful hotel, the name of which I can't remember now.

Which (not whatl

Study this example:

: ,, i'. 1:i:.'. l,
. i, t:t .,,. surprised everybody. (2 sentences)

surprised everybody. (1- sentence)

relatiue clause

In this exampleo which = 'the fact that he got the job'. You must use which (not what) in
sentences like these:
tr Sarah couldn't meet us, which was a pity. (not what was a pity)
n The weather was good, which we hadn't expected. (no,t whx we hadn't expected)
For what, see Units 92C and 93D.

All of / most of etc. * Unit 88 Both of etc. - Unit 89 Relative clauses 1-4 - Units 92-95
erctses unit 96
6.1 Write the relative clauses in a more formal way using a preposition + whom/which
1 Yesterday we visited the ciry Museum, which I,d never been to before.
Yesterday we visited the City Museum, ...'h..,y*hM....!.'.&...n_e.:*t....b-w....b.-e.fu:g........,......-...........................
2 My brother showed us his new car, which he's very proud of.
My brother showed us his new car,
3 This is a photograph of our friends Chris and Sam, who we wenr on
holiday with.
This is a photograph of our friends Chris and Sam,
4 The wedding,:which only members of the family were invited ro, rook place
on Friday.
The wedding,
took place on Friday,

Usethe information in the first sentence to complete the second sentence. Use
all of / most of
etc. or the ...
of + whom/which,
L All of Mary's brothers are married.
Maiy has three brothers, aJL whom are marri.eÄ
2 Most of the informätion we were given was useless.
were given a lot of information,
3 Jane has received neither of the letters I sent her.
I sent Jane two letters,
4 None of the ten people who applied for rhe job was suitable.
Ten people applied for the job,
5 Kate hardly ever uses one of her computers.
Kate has got two computers,
' 6 Mike gave half of the {50,000 he won to his parenrs.
Mike won {50,000,
7 Both ofJulia's sisters are teachers.
Julia has rwo sisrers
8 i *"rrt ,"; p;rq:i
knew only a few of the people there.
There were a lot of people at the party,
9 The sides of the road we drove along were lined with trees.
drove along the road, the
10 The aim of the company's new business plan is to save money.
The company has a new business plan,

Join sentences from the boxes to make new sentences. use which.

t This was very kind of her.

2 This means we can't go away tomorrow.
Jane doesnt have a phone.
3 Neil has passed his exams.
This makes it difficult ro conracr her.
4 Our flight was delayed. This makes it difficult to sleep sometimes.
5 Kate offered to let me stay at her house. This-was€?iry.
6 The street I live in is very noisy at night. This is good news.
7 Our car has broken down. This meant we had to wait three hours at the
't Laura couldl{t come to the partg
2 Jane

Key to Exercises

3 Every 6 that/which gives you the
meaning of words
4 Each 7 wholthat invenred the
3 - (that is ako correctl
5 every 4 what
6 every 8 that/which can supporr life
5 that
7 each 6 what
8 every 92.4 7 - (thar is also correct\
9 every 3 rhatiwhich sells 8 what
10 each 4 who/that caused 9 - (that is also correctJ
11 Every S, pI{ (wlro took is also correct)
12 each 6 tha/which is chansins UNIT 94
7 O( (which were ii aäo
correct) 94.t
2 Sonia and I had ten pounds
8 that/which won 2 whose wife is an Enelish
each. / Sonia and I eäch had teacher
,i ten pounds. 3 who owns a restaurant
r$' 3 Those postcards cost g0 pence UNIT 93 4 whose ambition is to climb
each. / Those postcards are g0
93.1 Everest
pence each. 5
4 3 OK (the people wholthat we who have just got married
Ve paid {,120 each. / T(e each 5 whose parents used to work
met is also correct)
paid {,t20.
4 The people who work in rhe in a circus
91.4 offce
2 everyone 5 OK (the people who/that I
2 where I can buy some
3 every one work with is also corcect)
4 Everyone 6 OK (the money rhar/which I
3 where I work
5 every one gave you is also correct)
4 where Sue is staying
7 the money that/which was on
J where Vwe play football
the table
UNIT 92 8 OK (the worsr film thatlwhich 94.3
92.1 you've ever seen ls a/so 2 where
2 A burglar is someone who correctl 3 who
breaks. into a house to steal 9 rhe best thing that/which has 4 whose
things. ever happened to you 5 whom
3 A customer is someone who 93.2
5 where
somerhing from a shop. 2 ,/ whose
4, A!"{.
shoplifter is someone who
you'rcwearing or
tha/which you're wearing
8 whom
steals from a shop.
3^ you're going to see or 94.4
A coward is someone who is
that/which you're going to Example 6nsu)ers:
not brave. see
6 An atheist is someone who
Uwe wanted to visit or 2 I?ll never forget the time we
thalwhich Uwe wanted ro got stuck in a lift.
doesn'r believe in God.
7 A pessimist is someone who
visit 3 The reason I didnt wrire ro
5 Vye invited to the parry or you was that I didn'r know
expects the worst to.happen.
8- A tenant is someone *ho p"y, 5
who/whom/that we invired ...
you had to do ot 4
your address.
Unfortunately I wasn't at
renr ro live in a house or flat.
that/which you had to do !9*. the evening you phoned.
92.2 7 Vwe hired or J_ lhe reason they don't have a
2 The waitress who/that served that/which Vwe hired car is that they don't need one.
us was impolite and 8 Tom had recommended to us 6 7996 was the year Amanda
impatient, or thar/which Tom had got maüied.
3 The building that/which was recommended ...
destroyed in the fire has now UNIT 95
beenrebuilt. 2 we were invited to or
4 The people who/that were
thatiwhich we were invited to
affested have now been
3 3 'S7e often go to visit our
I work wirh ol friends in Bristol, which is not
who/that I work with
5 The bus thatlwhich goes ro
4 you told me about or
very away.
tne atrport runs every half
thatlwhich you told me abour
4 I went to see the doctor, who
hour. told me ro resr for a few days.
5 we went to last night or
5_ John, who/whom I've known
92.3 thar/which we went ro ...
for a very long time, is one of
2 wholthat runs away from 6 I applied for ol my closest friends.
home that/which I applied for
7 6 Sheila, whose job involves a
3 that/which were on the wall you can rely on or
lot of travelling, is away from
4 that/which cannot be who/that you can relv on
home a lot.
explained 8 I saw you with or
7 The new stadium, which can
5 who/that stole my car who/that I saw you with
hold 90,000 people, will be
opened next month.
Key to Exercises

8 Glasgow, where my brother 96.3 4a excrtrng

lives, is the largest city in 2 Jane doesn't have a phone,
b exciting
Scotland. which makes it difficult to c ercited
9 A friend of mine, whose contact her.
father is the manager of a 3 Neil has passed his exams, 2 interested
company, helped me to get a which is good news. J exciting
iub' 4 Our flight was deiayed, which 4 embarrassing
meant we had to wait three
95.2 5 embarrassed
hours at the airport.
3 The strike at the car factory, 5 Kate offered to let me staY at
6 amazed
which began ten days ago, is 7 astonishing
her house, which was very
now over. 8 amused
kind of her. terifying ... shocked
4 I've found the book I was 6 The street I live in is very
looking for this morning. or I0 bored boring
noisy at night, which rnakes it interesting
... the book that/which I was 1 boring
difficult to sleep sornetimes.
looking for. 7 Oru car has broken down, 98.3
5 The population of London, which means we can't go 2 bored
which was once the largest away tomorrow. 3 confusing
city in the world, is now 4 disgusting
{alling. 5 interested
6 Few of the people who/that UNIT 97
6 annoyed
applied {or the job had the 97.1 7 boring,
necessary qualifications. 2 the man sitting next to me on 8 exhausted
7 Amy showed me a the piane 9 excited
photograph of her son, who is 3 The taxi taking us to the 10 amusing
a policeman. airport 11 interesting
95.3 4 a path leading to the river
2 My of6ce, which is on the 5 A factory employing 500 UNIT 99
second floor, is very small' people
3 OK (The office that/which I'm 6 a brochure containing the 99.1
using .-. is also correct\ information I needed 2 an unusual gold ring
4 Ben's father, who used to be a 3 a beautiful old house
97.2 4 biack leather gloves
teacher, now works for a TV 2 damaged in the storrn
comPany. 5 an old American 61m
3 Most of the suggestions made 6 along thin face
5 OK (The doctor who at the meeting
examined me ... is also 7 big black clouds
4 The paintings stolen from the
8 a lovely sunny day
colrect\ museum
6 The sun, which is one of 9 an ugly yellow dress
5 the man arrested bY the Police 10 a long wide avenue
millions of stars in the
universe, provides us with 97.3 11 a litrle old red car
heat and light. 3 living 12 anice new green sweater
4 offering 13 a small black metal box
5 called 14 a big fat black cat
UNIT 96 6 blown 15 a lovely little old village
96.1 7 sining ... reading 16 beautifirl long black hair
2 of which he's very proud 8 working ... studYing 17 an interesting old French
3 with whom we went on painting
97.4 18 an enormous red and Yellow
4 to which only members of the
3 There's somebody cPming. umbrella
family were invited
4 There were a lot of PeoPle
travelling. 99.2
96.2 5 There was nobodY else staying 2 tastes/tasted awful
2 most of which was useless there. 3 feel 6ne
3 neither o.f which she has 6 There was nothing written on 4 smell nice
received it. 5 look wet
4 none of whom was suitable 7 There's a course beginning 6 sounds/sounded interesting
5 one of which she hardly ever next Monday.
2 happy
5 haU of which he gave to his UNIT 98 3 happily
parents 4 violent
7 both of whom are teachers 98.1 5 terrible
8 only a few of whom I knew 2a exhaosdng
6 propedy
9 (the) sides of which were lined b exhausted
7 good
with trees 3a depressing
8 slow
t0 the aim of which is to save b depressed
money c depressed 99.4
3 the last tlrro days
4 the 6rst cwo weeks of May

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