Application of DVD/CD Pickup Optics To Microscopy and Fringe Projection

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Application of DVD/CD pickup optics to microscopy and fringe projection

Article in American Journal of Physics · June 2010

DOI: 10.1119/1.3293132

6 9,318

5 authors, including:

Jose A. Ferrari Erna Frins

Universidad de la República de Uruguay Universidad de la República de Uruguay


Gastón A. Ayubi César D Perciante

Stanford University Universidad Católica del Uruguay Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga


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Application of DVD/CD pickup optics to microscopy and fringe projection
José A. Ferrari, Erna Frins, Gastón Ayubi, and Juan Gentilini
Instituto de Física, Facultad de Ingeniería, J. Herrera y Reissig 565, 11400 Montevideo, Uruguay
César D. Perciante
Facultad de Ingeniería y Tecnologías, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Av. 8 de Octubre,
2738 Montevideo, Uruguay
共Received 17 August 2009; accepted 22 December 2009兲
We discuss a low-cost microscope that is constructed using commercial DVD and CD pickups and
demonstrate its fine focus capacity and high resolution. Also, we demonstrate a fringe projection
interferometer that uses the three-beam positioning system of a CD reader. We show that with a
simple rotation of the grating placed inside the pickup head, an electrically controlled fringe-shift
system is obtained, which can be used for 3D profilometry. Despite the low cost of these systems,
they have a performance comparable to more complex systems. © 2010 American Association of Physics
关DOI: 10.1119/1.3293132兴


Commercial DVD/CD pickups are sophisticated optical
instruments that use high aperture lenses mounted on electri- A schematic layout of a typical DVD/CD reader is shown
cally controlled 2D translation stages. Pickup heads contain in Fig. 1, with a mirror M, an IR-laser diode LS1
other high quality optical elements such as collimated laser 共␭ ⬇ 780– 790 nm兲 for reading CDs, a visible laser diode
diodes in the visible and near infrared 共IR兲 spectral regions, LS2 共␭ ⬇ 635– 650 nm兲 for reading DVDs, a four-quadrant
beamsplitters, mirrors, and gratings, which are useful in a photodetector PD, beamsplitters BS1,2, focusing lenses L1,2,
variety of optics experiments commonly performed in under- and a 2D translation stage S for focusing and radial tracking.
graduate laboratories. There are other pickup models that have only one objective
In the past decade several new applications of DVD/CD lens. Often both laser diodes are packed together, and the
pickups have been proposed, such as scanning microscopy,1,2 beamsplitter BS1 is suppressed. A description of different
position and vibration sensing,3,4 profilometry,5,6 particle versions of DVD/CD readers can be found in Ref. 10.
detection,7 DNA scanning,8 and cell analysis.9 In these ap- To use the DVD/CD pickup as an optical microscope, we
plications the DVD/CD four-quadrant photodetector and its removed the four-quadrant photodetectors and “looked”
autofocus capacity are utilized, which assume a knowledge through the hole in the pickup metal housing, as shown in
of the electronics driving the pickup. Often this knowledge is Fig. 2. For our purpose the only essential element of the
accessible only to electrical engineers and is not well known DVD/CD head is the objective lens L1 mounted on the 2D
to most physicists. For this reason applications of DVD/CD translation stage; the other optical elements, for example, the
pickups are not discussed in most undergraduate optics labo- secondary lens L2 and the beamsplitters BS1,2, can be re-
ratories. moved. The lens L1 produces a high resolution magnified
In this paper we discuss an optical microscope with a res- image of the test object T a few centimeters away from the
olution of the order of a couple of microns and a fringe metal housing; this image can be acquired by using a digital
projection interferometer for 3D profilometry, both of which camera 共C兲 without objective lens.
can be constructed using commercial DVD/CD pickup optics To avoid undesirable astigmatic effects, it is strongly rec-
and that require no special electronics knowledge. Any avail- ommended to remove the tilted thick beamsplitter plate BS2.
able DVD or CD pickup can be used for the microscope The original purpose of this thick beamsplitter is to produce
because the only required optical element is the objective 共intentionally兲 an astigmatism effect on the four-quadrant
lens mounted on the electrically controlled 2D translation photodetectors, which plays an essential role in the autofocus
stage. It might appear to be preferable to use the optics of a mechanism of DVD/CD readers.10
DVD because it has higher numerical aperture than a CD. In In our experiments the sample was mounted on a standard
practice, however, the resolutions obtained with DVD and mechanical translation stage 共not shown in Fig. 2兲, which
CD pickups are of the same order of magnitude, as we will provides the coarse positioning of the sample along the
discuss. z-axis of the order of ⫾0.5 mm. The electrically controllable
The fringe projection interferometer requires a specific CD vertical movement 共in the z-direction兲 of the translation stage
pickup type with a three-beam tracking system. This type of S was used to achieve precise focusing of the images across
tracking system is widely used in CD-ROM drivers, but it is the photodetector array of the camera. This movement can be
not used in most DVD models. The three beams are gener- controlled by applying a voltage of the order of 0–40 mV
ated by a diffraction grating placed in front of the laser diode directly to the corresponding driving coil of the translation
and produce a stable fringe interference pattern in the far- stage of the DVD/CD head, bypassing the whole driving
field of the CD lens. By slightly modifying the original CD electronics of the DVD/CD driver. The horizontal movement
architecture 共specifically, by rotating the grating 90°兲, it is 共x-direction兲 of the translation stage does not play an essen-
possible to achieve an electrically controllable fringe-shift, tial role in our microscope, but provides an electrically con-
which is essential in 3D profilometry using fringe projection. trollable displacement of the lens L1 over the test sample.

603 Am. J. Phys. 78 共6兲, June 2010 © 2010 American Association of Physics Teachers 603
Fig. 1. Schematic layout of a typical DVD/CD pickup, with a mirror M,
laser diodes LS1,2, a four-quadrant photodetector PD, beamsplitters BS1,2,
focusing lenses L1,2, and a 2D translation stage S.

To demonstrate the application of DVD/CD pickups in

optical microscopy, we obtain representative images using a
standard DVD-ROM drive 共model DHI-G40, Ultima Elec-
tronic Corp.兲 and a digital camera 共480⫻ 720 pixels兲 whose
objective lens was removed. The light source was a 650 nm
LED placed a few centimeters from the semitransparent test
samples. Fig. 3. 共a兲 Image of a USAF 1951 resolution test pattern. At the image
An estimate of the microscope resolution was obtained center is shown the bars of the sixth element of the seventh group, which
using the USAF 1951 resolution test pattern 共Edmund Op- correspond to a resolution of 228 lines/mm. 共b兲 Plot of the intensity varia-
tics兲. This pattern is still widely accepted as a test of the tion along a vertical line 共y-direction兲 across the horizontal bar patterns of
resolving power of microscopes and cameras. The pattern the sixth element of the seventh group.
consists of groups of six elements, each of them consists of
three horizontal and three vertical equispaced bars. These R共lines/mm兲 = 2关G+共E−1兲/6兴 , 共1兲
bars have a precisely calibrated spacing that depends on the
group and element numbers. For example, the bars of the where G is the group number and E is the element number of
first element of the first group are spaced a distance of the largest bar the imaging system cannot discern.
0.5 mm from center to center 共corresponding to 2 lines/mm兲, Figure 3共a兲 shows a partial image of the test pattern. At the
the bars of the first element of the second group are spaced image center the bars of the sixth element of the seventh
0.25 mm, and so on, with dimensions from large to small group are shown, corresponding to a resolution of 228
with increasing group and element numbers. lines/mm and a separation of 4.4 ␮m between bar centers.
The largest bar that the imaging system cannot discern is Figure 3共b兲 shows a plot of the intensity variation along a
the limitation of its resolving power. The resolution of the vertical line 共y-direction兲 across the three horizontal bars of
system is given by 共see Ref. 11兲 the sixth element of the seventh group. From this image it is
clear that the resolution is about 2 ␮m because the distances
between the center of the bright and dark regions are resolv-
able. A more precise estimate would require the use of an
expensive high resolution target possessing elements of the
eighth and ninth group. Figure 3共a兲 shows a small amount of
blurring of the vertical bars. By rotating the pattern, we have
verified that this spurious effect is not due to the pickup
optics but is due to an imperfect USAF-pattern. Thus, our
resolution estimate is of the order of four times the Abbe
resolution limit ␭ / 2NA for a diffraction limited lens, with
␭ = 0.65 ␮m being the light wavelength and NA⬇ 0.6 being
the numerical aperture of the DVD lens.
An intrinsic limitation of DVD lenses 共unlike CD lenses兲
is due to the fact that they have three different regions:10 The
central paraxial region contributes to both DVD and CD
read-out; a relatively narrow annular region corrects the CD
read-out but is effectively lost for the DVD read-out, and the
outer region is only useful for the DVD read-out. Thus, there
is a certain amount of aberration due to the contribution of
the different lens regions. We have found empirically that the
Fig. 2. Optical microscope using DVD focusing lens L1 and 2D translation resolutions obtained with CD pickups are of the same order
stage S. C is a camera without objective lens, and T is the test sample. of magnitude as those obtained with DVD pickups.

604 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 6, June 2010 Ferrari et al. 604
Fig. 5. 共a兲 Three-beam interference produced in the far-field of a CD reader
with fringes along the translation direction. LS is a laser diode, G is a
diffraction grating, and L is the objective lens. 共b兲 The curved arrow indi-
cates a 90° rotation of the diffraction grating.

The three-beam method is widely used in CD-ROM driv-

ers. The method uses two additional lateral light spots sepa-
rated a distance d ⬃ 20 ␮m from the central spot generated
by means of a grating placed in front of the laser source. The
reflected light belonging to the auxiliary spots provides an
error tracking signal that is used to move the pickup head.
It is interesting that these three beams interfere when
propagating in free space. The three-beam interference pat-
tern is not visible with the naked eye because CDs work in
the near-IR spectral region with ␭ ⬇ 780– 790 nm. The inter-
ference pattern can be made visible using a standard digital
camera because CCD/CMOS-photodetectors are sensitive in
the near-IR-spectral region. For the present application it is
Fig. 4. Images obtained with a DVD-reader. 共a兲 Liquid-crystal droplets dis- not necessary to remove any element of the CD pickup head.
persed in a polymer matrix. 共b兲 Human red blood cells with a typical diam- The digital camera “looks” obliquely at the fringes projected
eter of 6 – 8 ␮m. 共c兲 Membrane of onion epidermal cells.
over the test object 共see Fig. 6兲 and not through the objective
lens of the pickup head as before. Thus, the camera must be
used with its own objective lens.
Figure 4 shows other illustrative images acquired with the Because the three pointlike sources 共light spots兲 are very
DVD microscope. Figure 4共a兲 shows the image of liquid- near to each other and the numerical aperture of the CD
crystal droplets dispersed in a polymer matrix. In the image objective lens is high 共NA= 0.45兲, the far-field pattern con-
we can see some large liquid-crystal droplets surrounded by sists of a light cone of ⬇26° aperture containing 10–15 well
many small droplets and an optical fiber 共currently utilized as contrasted fringes.
spacers in PDLC-cells12兲 with a diameter of 10 ␮m. Figure We take the x-direction as the direction of the horizontal
4共b兲 shows erythrocytes 共human red blood cells兲 with typical movement of the pickup stage. The three tracking light spots
diameters of 6 – 8 ␮m, and Fig. 4共c兲 shows the membrane of are separated in the y-direction, as shown in Fig. 5共a兲. To
onion epidermal cells. obtain fringes along the y-direction as required for the appli-
cation discussed in the following, with electrically control-
lable shifting in the x-direction, it is necessary to rotate the
III. FRINGE PROJECTION SYSTEM USING A CD grating G placed in front of the laser by an angle of 90°
PICKUP around its axis, as shown schematically in Fig. 5共b兲.
A. Interference pattern In standard CD pickups the grating is in a 5 ⫻ 5 mm2
plastic frame, which can be easily demounted and mounted
For retrieving the information recorded on a spiral track, again 共after a 90° rotation兲 inside the pickup head. In other
as what occurs in DVDs and CDs, an automatic tracking CD pickups the grating is fixed to the laser module, and it is
system is needed to maintain the focused beam on the track necessary to rotate the whole module by 90°.
center. Several methods have been adopted in commercial Because we are working in the far-field of the CD pickup,
devices, such as the three-beam method, the push-pull the spherical waves emerging from the central and lateral
method, and the differential-phase-detection 共see Refs. 10 spots can be approximated by three plane waves. The field
and 13 and references therein兲. amplitudes of these waves can be expressed as

605 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 6, June 2010 Ferrari et al. 605
共7兲 we conclude that the deformed fringe pattern acquired by
the camera is given by
I共x,y兲 = R0共x,y兲兵2 + a2 + 4a cos关共2␲/p兲x
+ 共2␲/p兲tan共␣兲z共x,y兲兴 + 2 cos关共4␲/p兲x
+ 共4␲/p兲tan共␣兲z共x,y兲兴其, 共8兲
where the factor R0 replaces I0共rជ兲 in Eq. 共5兲 and takes into
account the surface reflectivity of the test object.

B. Application to 3D profilometry
Because the interference pattern is generated by a grating
fixed inside the pickup head, the system is mechanically very
stable, but the electrically controllable movement in the
x-direction lets us obtain a fine fringe displacement. There
are many proposed techniques for 3D profiling by fringe
Fig. 6. Fringe projection on a test surface z共x , y兲. C is a digital camera 共with
projection. A simple technique is to measure the fringe de-
lens兲 for acquiring the deformed fringe pattern, and L is the objective lens of
the CD head. formation with respect to straight fringes projected on a ref-
erence plane. The typical resolution of fringe projection tech-
niques is the order of p / 10 共see, for example, Ref. 14 and
references therein兲.
E1共rជ兲 = E0共rជ兲exp关ikជ 1 · rជ兴, 共2兲 A particularly interesting method uses the fine fringe dis-
placement in the x-direction for generating a series of equally
E2共rជ兲 = aE0共rជ兲exp关ikជ 2 · rជ兴, 共3兲 displaced fringe-shifted interference patterns. The 3D profile
of a test object can be retrieved by applying phase-shifting
E3共rជ兲 = E0共rជ兲exp关ikជ 3 · rជ兴, 共4兲 interferometry 共PSI兲 algorithms.14,15
A simple retrieval algorithm can be obtained by acquiring
where kជ 1,2,3 are the wavevectors emerging from the light four fringe-shifted images with fringes displaced a quarter
spots, rជ = 共x , y , z兲 is the position vector of a generic point in period p / 4 with respect to each other. We let I1共x , y兲
the far-field of the pickup, E0共rជ兲 is the field amplitude of the ⬅ I共x , y兲, I2共x , y兲 ⬅ I共x + p / 4 , y兲, I3共x , y兲 ⬅ I共x + p / 2 , y兲, and
共symmetric兲 lateral waves, and a is a parameter 共⬎1兲 equal I4共x , y兲 ⬅ I共x + 3p / 4 , y兲. From Eq. 共8兲 with the assumption
to the amplitude of the central wave as function of the weak z共x , y兲 ⬵ z共x + p / 2 , y兲, it is easy to show that

冉 冊 冉 冊
lateral ones.
The intensity distribution of the interference pattern pro- p I4共x,y兲 − I2共x,y兲 x
z共x,y兲 ⬵ tan−1 − .
duced by the three waves is given by I ⬅ 兩E1 + E2 + E3兩2 or 2␲ tan共␣兲 I1共x,y兲 − I3共x,y兲 tan共␣兲
I共rជ兲 ⬵ I0共rជ兲兵2 + a2 + 4a cos关共kជ 1 − kជ 2兲 · rជ兴 共9兲

+ 2 cos关2共kជ 1 − kជ 2兲 · rជ兴其, 共5兲 The linear term in the x-coordinate on the right-hand-side of
Eq. 共9兲 can be eliminated by using the fringe pattern on a
where I0 ⬅ 兩E0兩2 is the intensity of the lateral waves and smooth plane surface 共that is, z共x , y兲 = 0兲 as a reference 共see
kជ 1 − kជ 2 ⬵ kជ 2 − kជ 3 共see Fig. 6兲. the following兲. The arc tangent operation provides a wrapped
Now, assume that the fringe pattern is projected on a sur- 共modulo 2␲兲 map of the profile, but efficient unwrapping
face z = z共x , y兲 and that the scene is viewed with a camera C algorithms for eliminating the 2␲ discontinuities have been
with an objective lens whose sight direction forms an angle proposed 共see, for example, Ref. 14兲. MATLAB, for example,
␣ with respect to the main direction of propagation of the includes an unwrapping procedure.
incident interference pattern, as shown in Fig. 6. In the Although the CD pickup generates a three-beam interfer-
共x , y , z兲 reference system of the camera, we have ence pattern, the algorithm used for the 3D profile retrieval,
Eq. 共9兲, is similar to that obtained in two-beam
2␲ sin共␪兲 interferometry.14,15
kជ 1 − kជ 2 ⬵ 共cos共␣兲,0,sin共␣兲兲, 共6兲
␭ In our experiments on fringe projection, we have used as a
test object a small ball with a diameter of 3.7 cm, which is
where ␭ is the wavelength of the light and sin共␪兲 illuminated by the fringe pattern generated by a readily avail-
⬵ d / z0共Ⰶ1兲; d is the distance between consecutive light able CD-ROM driver 共Samsung, model SW-208兲. The ball
spots, and z0 is the mean distance from the spots to the ge- was placed at a distance of ⬇10 cm from the camera, and
neric point 共x , y , z兲. From Eq. 共6兲 we obtain the viewing angle ␣ ⬇ 23°. The reference plane is orthogonal
to the propagation direction of the interference pattern, and
共kជ 1 − kជ 2兲 · rជ ⬵ 共2␲ sin共␪兲/␭兲关cos共␣兲x + sin共␣兲z共x,y兲兴 the viewing direction of the camera is oblique to it. The
⬵ 共2␲/p兲x + 共2␲/p兲tan共␣兲z共x,y兲, 共7兲 situation is similar to that discussed in Sec. III A, but now
we have to subtract the profile of the tilted reference plane
where p ⬅ ␭ / sin共␪兲cos共␣兲 denotes the fringe period along the from the total profile retrieved from Eq. 共9兲.
x-direction on a reference plane 共z共x , y兲 = 0兲 parallel to the The laser diode of the CD-ROM was driven directly 共by-
plane of the photodetectors of the camera. From Eqs. 共5兲 and passing the CD driving electronics兲 with a current of the

606 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 6, June 2010 Ferrari et al. 606
chanical and optical elements in DVD/CD pickup heads. For
example, suppose that the light coming from the reading la-
ser is focused on a reflecting surface rigidly attached to the
pickup body so that some light is reflected back and detected
by the photodetector array of the pickup. Because the objec-
tive lens is mounted on the soft springs of the translation
stage, it can function as the sensing element of a 2D optical
accelerometer, in which the amount of reflected light gives a
measure of the amplitude of the mechanical vibrations of the
system. Another possible application of the fringe projection
feature of CD pickups has to do with Doppler anemometers,
which currently require the use of fringe projection interfer-
ometers to generate a fringe pattern inside a moving fluid.
With the help of an additional lens, it would be possible to
project 共inside the moving fluid兲 the fringe pattern generated
Fig. 7. Fringes projected on a small ball. There is a p / 4 fringe-shift between by a CD pickup and scan across the flow using the fine focus
consecutive images.
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of these potential applications will be given in future publi-
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607 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 6, June 2010 Ferrari et al. 607

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