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Read each selection and choose the best answer by writing the letter in youranswer sheet.

1.Which tone is represented in the following passage, ― Wow! With a top speed of one hundred fifty miles per hour,
that car can almost fly!

A.Calm B.Annoyed C.Scary D.Excited

Which tone is represented in the following passage,―She delicately placed the cool baby on a soft, freshly cleaned blanket.

A.Calm B.Annoyed C.Scary D.Excited

Which tone is represented in the following passage
As the hurricane threatened, the wind's blast caused angry fifteen-foot waves to crash over the small houses near
the shore?

A.Calm B.Annoyed C.Scary D.Excited

4.Which tone is represented in the following passage,

Ugh! Do I have to sit through another boring lecture on data entry again?

A.Calm B.Annoyed C.Scary D.Excited

5.Which tone is represented in the following passage,

―I will not be left at the mercyof our enemies while you slink away!‖
A.Angry B.happy C.Scary D.Excited

Part II
1. Often you feel you‘ve done nothing when you‘ve actually done a lot. That‘s because what you did do seem
beneath notice—it was so small that it didn‘t―count.‖ But it did— just as each stitch counts toward a finished dress,
each brickor nail toward a house you can live in, each mistake toward knowing how to dothings right.
A.Hesitant B.Encouraging C.Amused D.Amazed
2.A vaccine is a preparation of killed or weakened germs that is injected under theskin and causes the blood to
produce antibodies against the disease. Effective vaccines, for instance, have been developed for small pox, rabies,
and polio.
A.Objective B.Arrogant C.Regretful D.Determined

3. They lived bravely and they died too soon, leaving behind grieving wives and bewildered children. We bid em a
final farewell.
A.Forgiving B.Sorrowful C.Angry D.Emptiness
4. .Why do these things always happen to me? Brad wondered. First, I forgot an
important meeting and nobody reminds me until it‘s over. Then my boss dumps a big project on my desk and wants it
done by yesterday. And to top everything off, I left my wallet on the bus.
A.Comic B.Self-pitying C.Optimistic D.Forgiving

5.Each year in the middle of February, when slush is underfoot and the sky is a depressing gray, I begin dreaming of
warm beaches, tropical fruits and sunset. If only I could save enough for a winter vacation! Maybe next year I‘ll win
the lottery. Meanwhile, I‘ll read travel brochures and sigh.
A.Unsure B.Joyous C.Longing D.Loneliness

Read each paragraph. Then, select the answer inside the box that best describes
the author‘s purpose in writing. Do it in your answer sheet.

To inform To persuade To entertain

6.I will try to give the person reading this article some idea of the real nature of Gothic Architecture, not just of
Venice, but of Universal Gothic. One of the most interesting parts of our study will be to find out how far Venetian
Architecture went in achieving the perfect type of Gothic, and how far it fell short of it.
7.Tofu is a product that is becoming very popular as a low calorie, cholesterol-free meat substitute. This white,
cheese -like substance is made from the condensed milk of soybeans. It is extremely high in protein and low in
sodium. Tofu is almost tasteless by itself, but it can be easily mixed into sauces and soups.

8.The purple aliens landed with a crash and a boom. The residents of the smalltown ran in all directions as the multi-
fingered creatures got off their spaceship. They landed right in front of a cellphone store. Aliens checked on the
Earth‘s communication technology and discovered that cellphones were cool. The friendly purple creatures learned
how to text so quickly. Maybe friendly aliens would do well on Earth after all.
9.First, mix one box of pudding with 2 cups of milk. Beat for 2 minutes until pudding is thick and smooth. Then, blend
in ½ cup of pumpkin pie filling and ½ 6 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice. Finally, fold in 1 cup of Cool Whip. Chill in
refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

10.What do you do with aluminum cans? Do you throw them in the trash, or do you recycle when you are finished
with them? At the rate we are filling our landfills, we will not have anywhere else to put our trash. If you recycle, you
will \help the environment. The next time you throw away your Coke can, think about putting it in a recycling bin. Your
effort will help save your community.

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