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Neuropharmacology 40 (2001) 911–917

4991W93, a potent blocker of neurogenic plasma protein

extravasation, inhibits trigeminal neurons at 5-hydroxytryptamine
(5-HT1B/1D) agonist doses夽
R. James Storer a, Simon Akerman a, Helen E. Connor b, Peter J. Goadsby a,*

Institute of Neurology, The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK
GlaxoWellcome Research and Development, Stevenage, UK

Received 14 September 2000; received in revised form 3 January 2001; accepted 5 January 2001


Triptans share the pharmacological profile of being 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT1B/1D) agonists and having potent anti-migraine
activity. The conformationally restricted zolmitriptan analogue 4991W93 was developed as a potent, and at low doses, specific,
non-vasconstrictor inhibitor of neurogenic dural plasma protein extravasation. Here, we sought to study the effect of 4991W93 at
plasma protein extravasation blocking and at 5-HT1B/1D agonist doses. Nociceptive cells with firing latencies consistent with Aδ
fibres were recorded in the dorsal horn region of the trigeminal nucleus caudalis after electrical stimulation of the sagittal sinus.
Both evoked (13 units) and free running (6 units) activity in cells linked to sagittal sinus stimulation were inhibited by 4991W93
delivered microiontophoretically or by intravenous administration at 10 µg/kg or 100 µg/kg, but not 0.1 µg/kg. When applied
iontophoretically, 4991W93 did not appear to have an additive effect over a 5-HT1B/1D agonist effective concentration of zolmitriptan.
These data suggest that 4991W93 is only effective at modulating the trigeminocervical complex at 5-HT1B/1D agonist doses. To
account for neurogenic dural plasma protein extravasation blockade in animal studies, 4991W93 might have non-5-HT1B/1D-based
pharmacological targets that are yet to be described.  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Migraine; Plasma protein extravasation; Trigeminal nucleus; Pharmacology; 4991W93

The pathophysiology of migraine involves trigeminal 1993). However, it is far from clear what the crucial
innervation of the large cranial vessels and dura mater mechanism, or mechanisms of action of triptans might
that may produce pain when stimulated (Goadsby, be (Humphrey and Goadsby, 1994).
2001). Stimulation of intracranial structures produces Current specific acute anti-migraine compounds, the
pain referred to areas innervated by the ophthalmic triptans, are all 5-HT1B/1D agonists (Goadsby, 2000).
division of the trigeminal nerve (Feindel et al., 1960; These drugs represent a significant advance in migraine
Nichols et al., 1990; Wolff, 1963) but the detail of the management. 5-HT1B receptors are mainly localised on
pain production in migraine has not yet been elucidated. cranial blood vessels (Longmore et al., 1997; Nilsson et
Electrical stimulation of the trigeminal ganglion leads to al., 1999a,b; Razzaque et al., 1999), and to a lesser
a sterile neurogenic dural plasma protein extravasation extent may also be found on the coronary vessels
(PPE) (Markowitz et al., 1987) which has been impli- (Nilsson et al., 1999a,b). The rare, but well described
cated in the pathophysiology of migraine and the action and potentially serious vascular side effects due to the
of acute anti-migraine drugs (Moskowitz and Cutrer, existence of 5-HT1B receptors on the coronary vessels
has driven the search to find anti-migraine drugs without
vasoconstrictor effects (Ferrari, 1998). Because neuro-
Abbreviations: 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine; PPE, plasma protein genic dural PPE can be blocked in rodents by pre-junc-
extravasation. tional non-vasoconstrictor effects of sumatriptan (Buzzi

Presented in part at the Xth International Headache Congress,
Barcelona, Spain, 24–26 June, 1999 (Storer et al., 1999) and Moskowitz, 1990), PPE has been used to detect non-
* Corresponding author. Fax: +44-20-7813-0349. vascular candidate anti-migraine compounds. CP122,288
E-mail address: (P.J. Goadsby). is a conformationally restricted analogue of sumatriptan

0028-3908/01/$ - see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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912 R.J. Storer et al. / Neuropharmacology 40 (2001) 911–917

(Gupta et al., 1995), while 4991W93 is a confor- venously at a rate of 5–10 mg/kg/h (Storer et al., 1997).
mationally restricted analogue of zolmitriptan with a The cats were intubated after local anaesthesia with lig-
similar 5-HT1B/1D binding affinity (Giles et al., 1999); nocaine hydrochloride (Intubeaze, Arnolds, Shrewsbury,
both are characterised by potent inhibition of neurogenic UK) and fixed in a stereotaxic frame (Kopf Instruments,
plasma protein extravasation at doses without vasocon- Tujunga, CA). A Jackson/Foley urethral catheter was
strictor effects (Giles et al., 1999; Lee and Moskowitz, inserted to drain the bladder providing more stable con-
1993). In the rat and guinea pig pre-treatment with an trol of blood pressure through control of bladder disten-
i.v. bolus dose of 4991W93 resulted in a potent and dose sion, and monitoring of urine output. Core temperature
dependent inhibition of neurogenic plasma protein was monitored and maintained between 37 and 39°C
extravasation, with ED50s of 0.077 and 0.013 µg/kg, using a rectal thermistor probe and a low noise emitting
respectively (Giles et al., 1999). These doses are homeothermic heater blanket system (Harvard Appar-
approximately 1000-fold more potent than sumatriptan atus, Holliston, MA). The cat was ventilated (Harvard
(Buzzi and Moskowitz, 1990) or zolmitriptan (Martin et Apparatus), end-tidal CO2 was maintained at 2–4% and
al., 1997) in inhibiting cranial neurogenic plasma protein inspired oxygen continuously monitored (Datex-
extravasation PPE. Ohmeda, Helsinki, Finland). Blood gas parameters were
Previously, it has been shown using c-Fos immunohis- measured at intervals throughout the experiment and
tochemistry in cat that non-vascular but PPE-effective kept within normal limits.
in rat doses of CP122,288 had no effect on nociceptive
processing in the trigemino-cervical complex (Goadsby 1.1. Surgery
and Hoskin, 1999). Furthermore, 4991W93 only inhibits
release of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the A midline craniotomy (20-mm diameter) and C1/C2
cat at 5-HT1B/1D agonist doses, such as 100 µg/kg laminectomy were performed allowing access to the
(Knight et al., 1999a,b). In this study we examined the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) and the recording site in the
ability of 4991W93 to inhibit trigeminal neurons in our spinal cord. The dura and falx cerebri adjacent to the
well-established model of craniovascular nociception in sinus were dissected over approximately 15 mm
the cat (Goadsby, 1999). We explored a range of doses allowing its isolation. A small polyethylene sheet was
with and without vasoconstrictor effects to determine inserted under the sinus and tucked under the outlying
whether 5-HT1B/1D agonist activity is essential for modu- dura. The isolated sinus was then gently lifted onto a
lation of trigeminocervical complex activity linked to pair of bipolar platinum hook electrodes. To prevent
sagittal sinus stimulation (SSS) in cat. We looked at the dehydration of the dura mater and underlying brain, and
effects of 4991W93 when it was delivered microionto- to provide electrical insulation to the cortex, a polypro-
phoretically to determine its effects on activity evoked plyene dam was sealed to the bone around the craini-
by SSS, spontaneous activity of cells linked to SSS, and otomy with dental acrylic (Vertex, Zeist, The
effect of 4991W93 on activity of cells linked to SSS Netherlands) and filled with paraffin oil. Possible arte-
evoked by dl-homocysteate as compared with ergome- facts from arterial pulsation and respiratory movement
trine and zolmitriptan. were reduced by bilateral pneumothoraces held patent
with polypropylene tubes; and through immobilisation
of the spine by clamping the thoracic spinous process,
1. Methods and clamping C1 transverse processes, and the C2 spin-
ous process to the stereotaxic frame.
All studies reported were carried out under a project
license issued by the Home Office of the United King- 1.2. Stimulation and recording
dom under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act,
1986. Fifteen cats weighing 2.99±0.54 kg (mean±SD) To activate primary trigeminal afferents, the SSS was
were anaesthetised with α-chloralose (60 mg/kg intrap- supramaximally stimulated with a Grass S88 stimulator
eritoneally; Sigma, St Louis, MO) and prepared for (20–28 V, 250 µs, 0.1–1.0 Hz) connected to a stimulus
physiological monitoring. Halothane (May & Baker; isolation unit (SIU5A; Grass Instruments, West War-
Rhone-Poulenc, Dagenham, UK/Fluothane, Zeneca, wick, RI) after the animals had been paralysed with gal-
Macclesfield, UK) (0.5–3%) was administered during lamine triethiodide (Concord, Essex, UK) (10–15 mg/kg
surgical procedures and then discontinued during experi- i.v., supplemented with 5–10 mg/kg/h). Extracellular
mental protocols. A catheter was placed in the femoral recordings were made using glass coated tungsten elec-
artery for continuous measurement of blood pressure and trodes with typical tip lengths of 10–15 µm and an
heart rate and a second catheter placed in the femoral impedance of approximately 500 k⍀ measured at 1 kHz
vein allowed for fluid and drug administration. Sup- in 0.9% saline. After limited removal of the dura and
plementary doses of α-chloralose in 2-hydroxypropyl-β- pia mater above the recording regions on the surface of
cyclodextrin (RBI, Natick, MA) were given intra- the spinal cord, the electrode was lowered into the cord
R.J. Storer et al. / Neuropharmacology 40 (2001) 911–917 913

substance caudal to the C2 roots in the area of the dorsal (approximately 5 nA). Ejection currents (2–200 nA) in
root entry zone. The electrode was advanced or retracted directions opposite to the retaining currents were used.
in the cord substance using a hydraulic microdrive (Kopf Current balancing was provided through a barrel con-
Instruments, Tujunga, CA). Tissue culture grade agar taining 1 M NaCl. 4991W93 was also prepared as an
(3% in saline; Sigma, St Louis, MO) was set over the acetate and administered intravenously at 0.1, 10 and
exposed cord after electrode insertion to reduce cardio- 100 µg/kg.
vascularly related movements. The signal from the rec-
ording electrode was fed to a Neurolog preamplifier 1.5. Statistical analysis
(Digitimer, Herts, UK) and then via a window discrimin-
ator to an A/D converter in an 80486-based microcom- Group data are expressed as mean±SEM unless other-
puter. Amplifier bandwidth was usually 300 Hz to 10 wise stated. The firing rates before and after iontophor-
kHz. When discriminating between somatic and axonal etic application of 4991W93 in spontaneously firing and
recordings, an amplifier bandwidth of d.c. to 30 kHz SSS-evoked units were compared with a Student’s
was used. paired t test (SPSS v9.0). The dose–response relationship
In order to record the response of single units to for 4991W93 inhibition of trigeminal firing was first
stimulation, post-stimulus histograms were constructed examined using a repeated measures analysis of variance
on-line and saved to disk. A delay line and averaging (SPSS v9.0). Significance was assessed at the p⬍0.05
routine were used to construct averaged action poten- level.
tials. Selected single-unit sites were marked for sub-
sequent identification by an electrolytic lesion made by
passing a 20–25 µA d.c. cathodal current through the 2. Results
recording electrode for 20–30 s. At the end of the experi-
ment the animal was given a lethal dose of sodium Animals from which data are reported in this study
pentobarbital (400 mg), followed by 10% KCl (5 ml). had cardio-respiratory parameters that were normal for
The section of spinal cord containing the recording sites the anaesthetised cat; notably arterial blood pH
was removed, fixed with neutral buffered 10% formalin, 7.39±0.01 and pCO2 3.14±0.1 kPa (mean±SD, n=15).
sectioned (40 µm), and stained with cresyl violet. The Neurones responded to electrical stimulation of the
recording sites were identified by reference to the superior sagittal sinus with latencies typically 8–10 ms,
microdrive readings and the lesion sites. consistent with transmission from A–δ fibres. All units
studied had a probability of firing of ⱖ0.4 to superior
1.3. Microiontophoresis sagittal sinus (SSS) stimulation. Extracellular responses
from 19 neuronal soma in lamina I and II of the trigemi-
Seven barrelled glass pipettes incorporating a central nocervical complex were recorded. Sodium or chloride
tungsten recording electrode (Hellier et al., 1990) were ions ejected from a barrel containing saline did not acti-
used for microiontophoresis. The recording electrode vate or suppress any units while all cells reported were
impedance was typically 400 k⍀ with an exposed tip activated by dl-homocysteate or l-glutamate.
length of 12 µm; after filling, the iontophoretic pipette
barrels had impedances of 60–150 M⍀. A microiontoph- 2.1. Iontophoretic application of 4991W93
oresis current generator (Dagan 6400, Dagan Corpor-
ation, Minneanapolis, MN) provided the current for Units responding to SSS stimulation (n=5) could be
ejecting test substances from the barrels. Retaining and reversibly inhibited by 4991W93 delivered microionto-
balancing currents were used routinely (Bloom, 1974). phoretically (ejection current 50 nA for 5 min) onto neu-
ronal soma by 43±12% (t4=3.5; p⬍0.03) Fig. 1). Spon-
1.4. Materials taneously firing units in the trigeminocervical complex,
also linked to SSS stimulation (n=6), could be signifi-
4991W93,4S-[3-(trans-3-dimethylamino-cyclobutyl)- cantly inhibited by 26±2% (t5=11.3; p⬍0.001) with
1H-indol-5-yl methyl] oxazolidin-2-one and zolmitriptan microiontophoretic application of 4991W93 (50 nA;
were obtained from GlaxoWellcome R&D (Stevenage, Fig. 2).
UK); 1.0 M l-glutamate, monosodium, pH 8.0 (Sigma);
1.0 M dl-homocysteate, sodium, pH 8.0 (ICN Pharma- 2.2. Iontophoretic application of 4991W93 —
ceuticals, Thame, UK); ergometrine maleate (RBI, Nat- comparison with other 5-HT1B/1D agonists
ick, MA). Zolmitriptan, 4991W93 and ergometrine were
ionised as cations and retained in the iontophoretic bar- Spontaneously firing units in the trigeminocervical
rels with small negative currents (approximately ⫺5 complex, also linked to SSS stimulation (n=6), could be
nA). dl-Homocysteate and l-glutamate were ionised as activated by ejection of dl-homocysteate or l-glutamate.
anions and retained with small positive currents The same units were inhibited by zolmitriptan, 4991W93
914 R.J. Storer et al. / Neuropharmacology 40 (2001) 911–917

Fig. 2. Reversible suppression of spontaneous (SSS)-linked neuronal

firing in the trigeminocervical complex by microiontophoretically
applied 4991W93 (40 nA for 10 s pulses, bars). Firing rate is plotted
for 1 s bins. Saline had no effect at 20 nA and dl-homocysteate (⫺2
nA) increased the firing rate (Figs. 3 and 4).

Fig. 1. Post-stimulus histograms illustrating typical reversible inhi-

bition of superior sagittal sinus (SSS)-evoked neuronal activity in the
trigeminocervical complex by 4991W93 applied microiontophoret-
ically to the cell soma. Panel (a) illustrates control activity with SSS
stimulation tightly linked; panel (b) demonstrates the effect of locally
applied 4991W93 (ejection current 50 nA for 5 min); panel (c) demon-
strates the recovery post-stimulus histogram 20 min after ejection of
4991W93 was ceased.

and ergometrine (Fig. 3). 4991W93 had no additional

effect on neuronal inhibition above that seen with either
zolmitriptan or ergometrine.

2.3. Intravenous administration of 4991W93

Considering all doses administered, units responding

to SSS stimulation (n=9) could be inhibited by i.v. Fig. 3. Reversible suppression of spontaneous superior sagittal sinus
4991W93 (F1,8=26.3; p⬍0.001). After i.v. adminis- (SSS)-linked neuronal firing in the trigeminocervical complex by
microiontophoretically applied zolmitriptan (100 nA), 4991W93 (100
tration of 4991W93 at 10 µg/kg (18±4%) (Fig. 4) and nA), ergometrine (60 nA), saline (50 nA), dl-homocysteate (⫺3 nA).
100 µg/kg (29±2%) (8 units) inhibition was observed,
but not at 0.1 µg/kg (⫺6±4%) (4 units). 4991W93 had
no systematic effect on resting cardiovascular para- sinus (SSS). Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of
meters. 4991W93 can be explained, at least in part, by direct
inhibition of neurones within the trigeminocervical com-
plex since a potent reversible inhibition was observed
3. Discussion after iontophoresis of 4991W93 onto both SSS-evoked
and spontaneously active neurones. However, there was
These data demonstrate that 4991W93 at 5-HT1B/1D no additional effect of 4991W93 over zolmitriptan, nor
agonist doses can inhibit trigeminocervical neuronal over a prototypic ergot-derivative, ergometrine, suggest-
activity evoked by stimulation of the superior sagittal ing that 4991W93’s central inhibitory effects can be
R.J. Storer et al. / Neuropharmacology 40 (2001) 911–917 915

4991W93 at 10 µg/kg is just sub-threshold for causing

cranial vasoconstriction in cats, but 100-fold the dose
required to maximally inhibit dural plasma protein
extravasation (PPE) in rodents. The 0.1 µg/kg dose was
ineffective at inhibiting SSS-evoked activity but is a
maximally effective PPE inhibiting dose in rodents
(Giles et al., 1999). Similarly, the conformationally
restricted sumatriptan analogue CP122,288 (Gupta et al.,
1995) is a potent inhibitor of neurogenic PPE in rodent
(Lee and Moskowitz, 1993). However, as with
4991W93, it does not block SSS-evoked trigeminocerv-
ical activity in the cat (Goadsby and Hoskin, 1999) at
low doses that are effective in the rodent PPE model.
These data are consistent with clinical observations that
4991W93 was not effective as an acute anti-migraine
compound at non-vasoconstrictor doses up to 2.5 mg
intravenously (Earl et al., 1999) and similarly, that
CP122,288 is ineffective in the treatment of acute mig-
raine (Roon et al., 2000). Whether contrast between the
rat data and the cat data/human outcome is due to a dis-
Fig. 4. Post-stimulus histograms illustrating the inhibition of (panel tinct receptor agonist difference, or intra-cellular events,
(a) — control) superior sagittal sinus (SSS)-evoked trigeminocervical such as differences in coupling efficiency or variations
complex activity (panel b) 20 min after 10 µg/kg i.v. 4991W93.
in second message utilisation, are not clear.
A reliable marker of trigeminovascular activation in
accounted for by 5-HT1B/1D agonist activity. Moreover, humans during trigeminal ganglion stimulation
4991W93 had no effect on central trigeminal activity (Goadsby et al., 1988) or primary neurovascular head-
when administered in doses that potently inhibit neuro- ache, such as migraine (Goadsby et al., 1990) or cluster
genic plasma protein extravasation in rodents, suggesting headache (Fanciullacci et al., 1995; Goadsby and
that this mechanism does not play an important role in Edvinsson, 1994), is elevation of calcitonin gene-related
the SSS stimulation model system in the cat. peptide (CGRP) levels in plasma. Stimulation of the
In contrast to sumatriptan (Buzzi and Moskowitz, superior sagittal sinus (SSS) leads to elevation of CGRP
1990) or zolmitriptan (Martin, 1997), which produce levels in the cranial circulation of the cat (Zagami et
vasoconstriction at the same doses required for inhibition al., 1990). Effective anti-migraine compounds, such as
of neurogenic dural plasma protein extravasation, sumatriptan (Goadsby and Edvinsson, 1993) and zolmi-
4991W93 has only very limited vasoconstrictor activity triptan (Goadsby and Hoskin, 1996), block CGRP
(Giles et al., 1999). No significant blood pressure release associated with SSS stimulation in the cat at
changes were produced in rats or guinea pigs following clinically relevant doses. In contrast, CP122,288, which
administration of doses up to 30–100 µg/kg intra- is clinically ineffective (Roon et al., 2000), does not
venously, although significant increases in blood press- block CGRP release in the cat model at a dose relevant
ure were observed with higher doses (ⱖ300 µg/kg). to PPE (Knight et al., 1999a,b). Similarly, 4991W93
There were no significant changes in ear skin vascular does not inhibit SSS-evoked CGRP release in the cat
conductance following the i.v. administration doses of unless it is administered in 5-HT1B/1D agonist doses
4991W93 up to 100 µg/kg, although small decreases (up (Knight et al., 1999a,b).
to 11±8%) were observed at higher doses (Honey, A., SSS-evoked activity in the trigeminocervical complex
GlaxoWellcome R&D, unpublished data). 4991W93 is, was also inhibited by 4991W93 applied directly on neu-
however, a potent inhibitor of neurogenic plasma protein ronal cell bodies by microiontophoresis as previously
extravasation (Giles et al., 1999). seen with the serotonin 5-HT1B/1D agonists sumatriptan
Each of zolmitriptan (Goadsby and Hoskin, 1996), riz- and the non-specific 5-HT1 agonist, ergometrine (Storer
atriptan (Cumberbatch et al., 1997) and naratriptan and Goadsby, 1997). Each of these observations makes
(Cumberbatch et al., 1998; Goadsby and Knight, 1997) clear the possibility that specific anti-migraine com-
modulates nociceptive neurotransmission in the trigemi- pounds may act in the brain. The effect of 4991W93
nocervical complex, as does 4991W93 when adminis- administered intravenously was comparable to the pre-
tered at 5-HT1B/1D agonist doses (Goadsby, 2000). Inhi- viously published effects of zolmitriptan in the same
bition of SSS-evoked activity in the trigeminocervical model of SSS stimulation in the cat (Goadsby and Hos-
complex in this study was only seen at doses which had kin, 1996). dl-Homocysteate or l-glutamate activated
cranial vasoconstrictor effects (Giles et al., 1999). and spontaneous activity of cells linked to SSS were also
916 R.J. Storer et al. / Neuropharmacology 40 (2001) 911–917

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Acknowledgements Goadsby, P.J., Hoskin, K.L., 1996. Inhibition of trigeminal neurons
by intravenous administration of the serotonin (5HT)-1-D receptor
The authors thank Michele Lasalandra, Yolande agonist zolmitriptan (311C90): are brain stem sites a therapeutic
Knight and Paul Hammond for their assistance in con- target in migraine? Pain 67, 355–359.
ducting the studies. Dr G. Martin’s insight-producing Goadsby, P.J., Hoskin, K.L., 1999. Differential effects of low dose
CP122,288 and eletriptan on Fos expression due to stimulation of
comments during the formative stages of this project are the superior sagittal sinus in the cat. Pain 82, 15–22.
gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by Goadsby, P.J., Knight, Y.E., 1997. Naratriptan inhibits trigeminal neu-
GlaxoWellcome R&D and The Wellcome Trust. PJG is rons after intravenous administration through an action at the sero-
a Wellcome Senior Research Fellow. tonin (5HT1B/1D) receptors. British Journal of Pharmacology 122,
Gupta, P., Brown, D., Butler, P., Ellis, P., Grayson, K.L., Land, G.C.,
Macor, J.E., Robson, S.F., Wythes, M.J., Shepperson, N.B., 1995.
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