Activity 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila


Name: Baliwas, Kc Alecks V.

Course&Section: BTLED – Industrial Arts 3
Professor: Prof. Centrey L. Ramos

Activity #01

Purpose: Make metacognition visible, helping students recognize and refine their cognitive

1. Analyzing: In my problem-solving approach, I first break down the problem into manageable parts.
Then, I gather relevant information to understand the problem better. The initial step is determined
by identifying the part that can be solved independently. My decision-making is guided by logical
reasoning, critical thinking, and past experience.
2. Synthesizing: To comprehend the problem's complexity, I synthesize key elements and
strategically plan my approach. This involves breaking down the problem, gathering relevant
information, and determining an initial step. Logical reasoning and critical thinking guide my
decision-making for an effective solution.
3. Assessing: I select cognitive strategies based on the problem's nature, available resources, and my
strengths. I assess their effectiveness by evaluating their impact on the problem-solving process and
adapt if needed.
4. Applying: I use my existing knowledge and past experiences to shape my unique approach to
problem-solving, drawing upon relevant concepts, reflecting on past successes and failures, and
making connections between current and previous problems.
5. Comparing and Contrasting: Comparing patterns and similarities between the current problem
and others I've encountered informs my current approach by providing valuable insights. It helps me
identify common principles, strategies, or solutions that have been effective in similar situations. This
allows me to adapt and apply successful approaches from the past to the current problem, while also
anticipating potential challenges based on previous experiences. These comparisons serve as a
framework for problem-solving, enhancing the effectiveness of my current approach.
6. Monitoring and Modifying: I monitor progress in problem-solving by setting indicators and
regularly evaluating my performance. If I encounter obstacles or lack progress, I adjust my approach
to increase effectiveness. This flexibility and adaptation ensure successful problem-solving outcomes.
7. Critical Thinking: When considering alternative solutions, I evaluate their viability and potential
effectiveness based on feasibility, alignment with desired outcomes, impact and benefits, risks and
drawbacks, available resources, time constraints, and ethical considerations.
8. Problem Anticipation and Planning: Anticipating challenges influenced my initial planning, and
I strategically planned to overcome them by identifying solutions, seeking resources, and developing
mitigation strategies.
Republic of the Philippines


Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila


9. Metacognition and Reflection: My metacognitive awareness has evolved, prompting reflective

thinking moments that enhance problem-solving by questioning assumptions, considering
alternative perspectives, and making necessary adjustments.
10. Reflective Thinking: I consciously paused during problem-solving to assess my thinking process
when encountering challenges, feeling stuck, or noticing ineffective strategies. These reflective
moments prompted me to question assumptions, consider alternatives, and make necessary
11. Self-Awareness and Refinement of Strategies: Self-awareness enhances my problem-solving
approach by recognizing cognitive processes, strengths, and limitations. This awareness drives
ongoing refinement of cognitive strategies through challenging assumptions and adopting more
effective techniques.
12. Adaptation and Flexibility: To ensure clear communication, I employ strategies such as
organizing my thoughts, using concise language, providing relevant examples, and actively listening
to others to ensure understanding.
13. Communication and Clarity: I ensure clear communication by using concise language,
organizing my thoughts logically, and actively listening to others. I adapt my communication style to
the audience, provide examples, and seek feedback for understanding.
14. Utilizing Metacognitive Skills: For example, problem-solving. Planning helps me break down
tasks, monitoring keeps me on track, and evaluating allows me to assess and improve my approach.
15. Considering the Effect: Verbalizing my thought process enhances my understanding and
problem-solving ability by promoting clarity, identifying gaps in thinking, and gaining valuable
insights from others.

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