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Degree : M.Sc., Information Technology Year and Semester : II Year/ IV SEM

Subject Name : Network security Sub. Code : GIT 42
Duration : 2 Hour Maximum marks : 5 0 Marks
Date & Session : 23.01.2024 (AN)

SECTION - A (5 X 2 = 10)
Answer ALL Questions
(Each Question carries 2 Marks)
1. What is a cryptography?
2. Define computer security?
3. What is a Access control?
4. What is a data confidentiality?
5. What is a data integrity?

SECTION - B (4 X 5 = 20)
Answer four Question
(Each Question carries 5 Marks)
6. Explain in detail about computer security concepts.
7. what are the challenges of computer security?
8. Explain about the symmetric encryption principles.
9. Explian in detail about security attacks.
10.Explain about the services in network security

SECTION – C (2 X 10 = 20)
(Each Question carries 10 Marks)
11. Explain in detail about a model for network security.
12. Explain about the DES algorithm in detail.

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