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Kicking off Community Resources...

Assuming Positive Intent and Communicating Across Difference
Liane Davey, "A Mental Trick to Help With Challenging Conversations," HBR
Blog, December 16, 2015.

Being the person to speak up when others are keeping silent (Video)
Margaret Heffernan, "The Dangers of 'Willful Blindness'," TEDxDanubia video,
14:38, March 2013.

Combatting unconscious bias (Infographics)

Catalyst, How to Combat Unconscious Bias as an Individual (February 11, 2015).
Catalyst, How to Combat Unconscious Bias as a Leader in Your
Organization (December 11, 2014).
Catalyst, What is Unconscious Bias? (December 11, 2014).

Communicating across global teams and boosting efficiency (Video)

"How to Lead a Successful Global Team," YouTube video, 3:51, posted by
"Strategy+Business," November 21, 2014.

In search of what makes us human, and how we connect (Video)

Brené Brown, "The Power of Vulnerability," TEDxHouston video, 20:19, June
Revealing your most authentic self to connect across differences
Bruce Muzik, "The Big Secret Nobody Wants to Tell: Bruce Muzik@TEDxSinCity,"
TEDxSinCity video, 20:02, June 6, 2011.

Speaking up as an ally is powerful (Video)

"Cracking the Codes: Joy DeGruy, A Trip to the Grocery Store," YouTube video
(via World Trust), 3:39, May 14, 2013.

Steps to interrupt emotionally volatile conversations (Article)

Ron Friedman, "Defusing an Emotionally Charged Conversation With a
Colleague," HBR Blog, January 12, 2016.

Kicking off Community Resources...

Are you a good listener? Find out (Quiz)

Psychology Today, "Listening Skills Test."

Are you a good listener? Find out (Quiz)

Mind Tools, "How Good are Your Listening Skills? Understanding Someone's Entire

Active listening and attending behaviors (Video)

"Active Listening: Katie Owens at TEDxYouth@Conejo," YouTube video, posted
by "TEDx Talks," 3:18, January 21, 2013.

Getting past roadblocks to effective listening (Video)

"Listening and Its Enemies: Avi Kluger: TEDxLaçador," YouTube video, posted by
"TEDx Talks," 17:20, May 29, 2015.

Good leaders ask questions and listen thoroughly (Article)

Chris Baréz-Brown, "3 Habits of Humble Yet Effective Leaders," Fast Company,
October 26, 2015.
Six stories from StoryCorps, where people share stories from their lives
The Rauch Brothers, "Listening Is an Act of Love," StoryCorps via POV video,
22:36, November 28, 2013.

Holding people responsible through setting expectations and giving

feedback (Article)
Peter Bregman "The Right Way to Hold People Accountable," HBR Blog, January
11, 2016.

Do you come across the way you intend to? (Quiz)

Heidi Grant, "Assessment: Are People Likely to Misunderstand You?," HBR Blog,
April 24, 2015.

Strategically knowing when not to communicate (Article)

Deborah Grayson Riegel, "When to Skip a Difficult Conversation," HBR Blog,
March 1, 2016.

Knowing how to negotiate difficult conversations by email (Article)

Joseph Grenny, "You Can Have Constructive Conflict Over Email," HBR Blog,
March 24, 2015.

Using continuous communication to have collective impact (Article)

John Kania, Fay Hanleybrown, and Jennifer Splansky Juster, "Essential
Mindset Shifts for Collective Impact," Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall

Men using their voices to create inclusive workplaces (Website)

MARC, "Getting Started with MARC."

Small changes can lead to big changes (Article)

Noah Prince, "Big Wins Have Small Beginnings," Marc Blog, April 28, 2015.

Steps to check your assumptions and see (at least) the two sides to
every story (Article)
Jamie Resker, "Check Your Assumptions When Communicating With
Others," Talent Space Blog, May 15, 2014.

Inclusive leadership communicated through artistic mediums (Article)

Raphael Travis, "Using Hip Hop to Be the Change EACH of Us Wants to
See," Catalyzing, February 12, 2016.

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