Discount Customers

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GROUP 2 – Discount Customers

Group Members:
Wensworth Santino Ckiel R. Diamsay – Narrator
Jonalyn Mae Quiape – Mother of Chelsea
Chelsea Grace Pandis – Daughter of Jonalyn
Kashieca Cordero – Cashier
CJ Garcia – Sale Representative

Discount customers. This are the clients who purchase frequently from stores, but their buying
interest depends largely on the markdown price that the company offers. For me my idea for this
kind of discount customers are those who usually owns a Sari-sari store and buy their products in a
supermarket. Usually, supermarkets offers markdown on their items whenever there is a sale. Even
the supermarket products are being sold-out still a discount customers like a Sari-sari store owners
are also gaining their profit. Because when a supermarket gives their sale on their product usually,
they offer markdown, buy one take one or 50% discounts. That’s just a few examples of the
privileges being given to discount customers. Imagine buying two product for a price of one then a
Sari-sari store owner can sell their purchase for two regular prices and also if a store offers for 50%
discount a discount customer buys the product for half but he can sell it again for a regular price.
That is the few example of a discount customers.
So here is our short play showing you an example of a kind of discount customers. Our play is about
those customers who owns a Sari-sari store and always buy at the supermarket.
But before we start, I want to introduce our group to you I am Wensworth R. Diamsay your narrator,
Jonalyn will play the role of the mother who owns a Sari-sari store, Chelsea will be her daughter
who helps her mother in their small store. CJ is the sale representative of the Wild Market store and
Kashieca is the Cashier in the said store.
Narrator: One afternoon a mother and daughter tandem who owns sari-sari store heard that there
will be an ongoing sale on the supermarket where they frequently buy some of their products. So,
they prepare to go to the supermarket to check what’s on sale on the supermarket.
Narrator: Meanwhile, in the supermarket the sale representative is busy putting stocks on the
shelves to be prepared because she knows that a lot of customers will buy a lot of their sale
products. And the cashier is also busy scanning items because there are lots of customers who are
availing for their markdown sale.
Jona (Mother): Daughter go fix yourself and be ready I heard that there is a big sale on the Wild
market today. Let’s check what we can get from the store.
Chelsea (Daughter): Right mother, I have seen it in their page on Facebook they posted a lot of sales
on their items like some of their products are markdown on prices, buy one take one, 50%
discounts on some items and a lot more.
Jona: So, what are you waiting for let’s go! (While dancing in happiness) I am super excited!
In the supermarket
CJ (Sale Representative): What a day! I am so tired refilling all the stocks why does these customers
are not getting tired on buying. They are just here because of the markdown of our products. I
haven’t seen some of them here. Some are new in our store. What if I will hide all the stocks so that
they cannot buy anything. (Evil laughing) I wish even there is no markdown there will still be a lot
of customers daily even it is tiring. (Laughing again while nailing)
Kashieca (Cashier): Yeah, right! Me too if this scanning machine can talk it will say the same thing. I
bet this machine is also tired on beeping. Like toot! Toot! Toot! (Laughing too)
Jona: Look daughter there are lots of people who goes crazy on the sale. Let’s start getting what we
need before the stock will run out. (Shocked expression a bit exag so it's funny while panicking a bit
Chelsea: Hey mother, don’t panic I know there are lots of stock for their sale. Let’s just enjoyed
choosing for the right product that we are going to get so that our profit will double. I know you love
that mother. Because you are a very wise Sari-sari store owner. (Laughing) (While nailing) Who
wouldn’t love this kind of sale. (Smiling)
Jona: (Laughing) You know me so well my daughter. My dear daughter you really know this strategy
in this kind of business, this discount for us customers our profit will benefit us a lot. And this is
also for you. (Laughing) Because you are snatching money on our store. (Laughing) Just kidding my
(Both laughed)
Narrator: And they start buying their products. They wander around the Wild Market. They made
sure that all the items they will get are all discounted prices or the products are markdown in
prices. They all get the items that they know they will earn a lot. And they made sure that there is no
item who’s on sale that they haven’t get. What a brainy and wise mother and daughter tandem.
CJ: Hey ma’am you’re here I know you won’t miss this big sale in our store. You always buy here but I
know that you won’t be absent in our markdown price sale. And look what you’ve got! You have
massive of shopping on your pushcarts. Before I see you with just a small basket. (Laughing) Just
kidding ma’am.
Jona: You know me so well CJ. Who would miss this kind of sale? Wild Market is the best
supermarket in town. (Flattering) Every customers should be very wise in spending money just like
CJ: Right ma’am is there anything you need? I can help you Ma’am. I can get you stock in our stock
room if you wished for.
Jona: No worries, Cj. We are good, I know you’re tired refilling. We already get what we need. Thank
you for assisting us. I really appreciate you’re hard work.
CJ: Thank you ma’am. Have a good day and happy shopping in Wild Market!
Narrator: The mother and daughter tandem are now done getting all the items they need. They are
both happy because the sale on Wild Market is really wild. This kind of discount for their customers
benefits both the company and the customers for sure.
In the counter
Kashieca: Hello ma’am. I’m waiting for you because I know you will not miss this sale. You are a
frequent customer here especially when there is a markdown on our items. I bet you have a lots of
purchase for today. (Shocked) Wow! Ma’am you have 10 pushcarts? Really?
Chelsea: Hi miss cashier. You know what this kind of discount really helps us small owner of Sari-
sari store to gain or double our profit. Not just us but even the other customers who are here. I
know the owner of this supermarket gained a lot of profit but this kind of sale or markdown is a big
help to us who owns a small business and for others who also buy for their own consume. Imagine
that markdown on some products we can still sell them in a regular price. And the total discount we
save. Thanks to your management! (Smiling)
Kashieca: You are right ma’am as of now we are sold out but still we earn our target profit and its all
because of our customers. You are one of the customers who always look out for our products that’s
on sale and definitely wouldn’t miss this sale. All of the customers here right now are truly a wise
(Both are laughing)
- The End
A discount customers plays an important role in turning over a company’s inventory. They are also a
key contributor to a company’s cashflow. This type of customers seldom purchases products at full
price and shop around for the best markdowns. Even they are frequent buyers they tend towards
buying more when there is a big discount. They usually look for the best deal as possible. This kind
of customers always feel that they get a good deal. Customers play the most significant part in very
business. In fact, customers are the actual boss in a deal and they are responsible for actual profit of
a business. So, it is very important for a business to retain customers even there are different types
of customers who exist.

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