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INSTRUKCJA – wersja 0.9.3 – 30.07.


UWAGI AUTORA INSTRUKCJI: oznaczenia z fioletowym tłem, są informacjami tylko dla wersji prototypu na którym będziecie grali
Docelowo będzie inaczej.

Long ago, the Great State of Ravenshire sent geologists to find new resources. Nardir Badger went to no-man’s land,
an unfriendly, desolate land, where in the near mountains he discovered a new valuable resource that in the future,
was about to change the world as it allowed for rapid technological development. That resource was coal.

In his honour the land was named Nardir. News of the discovery rapidly reached the nearby nations of Calestia and

All three nations created a few settlements around the mountain, and as time passed, they grew into large cities.

New mining technologies emerged thanks to the cooperation of Ravenshire and Awhar allowing for rapid economic
growth and development. Calestia was not pleased with such a turn of events and wanted to take over the resources
for themselves. Under General Marcus Zaini’s command, it attacked the Brukas settlement. Only thanks to joint
defense was the attack pushed back, this is how multiple years of the Great War began. Through the mutual effort of
Ravenshire and Awhar under the command of Sybilla Hawk and Sebastian Harriden, Calestia was defeated.

After the war was over, Ravenshire, Awhar, and Calestia decided to cooperate to secure further development and

In this world of difficult negotiations and politics, in striving for peace and setting the terms of the covenant, a major
role was played by barons of four factions: the Steambridges, the Iron Horses, the Skycarriers, and the Clockworks.

One of their ideas for further development, and exploitation was to build a railroad that would connect three nations,
this would allow them to trade, exchange goods, resources, and technologies, and states would not interfere with their

Today, as a descendant of one of the Barons fight for influence by transporting required resources and quietly lobbying
clerks in state positions. Faction that will have the most influence on the economy - will dominate the market and win
– will it be you?


GAME COMPONENTS: .......................................................................................................................4

PLAYER’S COMPONENTS: ................................................................................................................6
INTRODUCTION AND GOAL OF THE GAME .....................................................................................7
SETTING UP THE GAME .................................................................................................................. 10
DESCRIPTION OF MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE GAME ..................................................................... 15
CITY .................................................................................................................................................. 19
ECONOMIC AREA ............................................................................................................................ 20
RAILWAY SIDING ............................................................................................................................. 21
BLACK MARKET ............................................................................................................................... 21
THE COURSE OF THE GAME .......................................................................................................... 30
I. Auction Phase. ................................................................................................................................ 30
II. Lobbying Phase. ............................................................................................................................ 31

III. Income Phase. ..................................................................................................................... 33

IV. Investment Phase. ............................................................................................................ 34

V. Movement Phase........................................................................................................................... 40
CITY ACTION .................................................................................................................................... 42
BLACK MARKET ACTION ................................................................................................................. 44
RAILWAY SIDING ACTION. .............................................................................................................. 47
VI. Mission Phase. ............................................................................................................................. 50
VII. End of Round Phase.................................................................................................................... 51
THE END OF THE GAME. ................................................................................................................. 52
FINAL SCORING. .............................................................................................................................. 52
Appendix A: Action Cards .................................................................................................................. 58
Appendix B: Railway Siding Bonuses................................................................................................. 60
Appendix C: Hero Cards .................................................................................................................... 62



Game Author: Sebastian Szponar

Game Development: Marcin „Silent” Kupiec

Illustrations: Marek Frankowski

Graphics Project and DTP:

Rulebook DTP:

Rulebook: Marcin „Silent” Kupiec

Corrections: Mariusz „Bogas” Bogacki

© 2021 More Than Explore. All rights reserved.

More information about TRAIN RUSH on website www.

This game is a high quality product. It’s been completed with care. If your copy of the game is missing some
elements, we sincerely apologize. In such a case please reach out to our Customer Care department using the
contact form on our website: https://

to Podziękowania od Sebastiana dla ….. za testy oraz specjalne podziękowania dla testerów: …..

Author and More Than Explore would like to thank for tests, advice, and suggestions to the following people:


Main board – size 720x480 mm Management Board – Size 480x480mm


20 markers 20 markers 1 Round Marker 45 Investment Markers

of value 1 (brass) of value 2 (water)

20 markers 20 markers 12 packages Tokens 40 Coal Markers

of value 3 (food) of value 4 (copper)

20 markers 27 Contractors Rulebook

of value 5 (gold) (9 for each state)

front reverse

48 Action Cards
front reverse
18 Hero Cards ( 6 for each state)

front reverse

48 State Contracts tiles

front (Wagon) reverse front (Special Wagon)

52 Wagon tiles + 12 Special Wagon tiles

front reverse
47 Railway Siding Bonus tiles

front (movement points) reverse (information on VP)

18 Movement tokens

9 Mission tokens

4 Player boards in 4 colours of the players – size 380x170 mm


In each colour:

1 Locomotive 4 Victory Point markers (VP) 1 Order marker

6 Transfer Stations 12 Warehouses 11 Progress markers

9 City markers 12 Contract markers

9 Spies (numbered 1 to 9) 15 Agents

Train Rush is a board game for 2-4 players aged 12 and up, with a playtime of approximately 60
minutes per player.

In Train Rush players take a role of faction leaders fighting for influence in 3 prospering Regions within
3 States (Ravenshire, Awhar and Calestia) to profit on the railway transportation of goods and resources.
Due to rough sandy terrain, regional authorities decided to join efforts and build railway infrastructure
(railway tracks, tunnels, railway sidings) between 9 cities. Moreover they designated 12 Economic Areas
in which you can build Transfer Stations and Warehouses.

Players have to plan their movements ahead of time, to compete for the most lucrative railway contracts
and the best locations for their infrastructure.

The game lasts for 8 rounds (9 rounds in a 2 player game) or until one player visits all 9 Cities. Detailed
course of the game was explained on page 30.

Each round is divided into 7 phases:

I. Auction Phase

During Auction Phase the order of play during current Round is decided, through players playing
Spies (numbered meeples) which later will be sent to the Influence Areas. Round order is decided
according to the played numbers starting with the highest.

Details on playing Phase I are on the page 30.

II. Lobbying Phase

During Lobbying Phase, Spies played in the first Phase are sent to the Influence Areas. Whoever
plays the Spies with a higher number will be able to select State from which they want to gain advantage
first. Each state has got 5 areas in which players will be allowed to advance on specific Development

1. Investments - Regional Authorities give players funds (Investment Markers) in each Round.

2. Coal - Regional Authorities help players secure the required Coal from mines which they will
receive each round. Coal is required for Locomotive Movement.

3. Loading - Regional Authorities give players the technology to build machines to allow them
to load Wagons faster each round.

4. Unloading - Regional Authorities give players the technology to allow them to unload cargo
faster. (Depending on the level of unloading players can unload more cargo in one action.)

5. Wagons - Regional Authorities give players the technology to improve the Locomotive
allowing for transportation of more wagons.

Details on playing Phase II are on the page 31.

III. Income Phase

In the Income Phase, depending on the level of players’ markers on specific spaces in the
Development Track they receive:

1. Investment Markers – required to perform actions on the management board, to develop

railway infrastructure, and expanding the Rolling Stock.
2. Coal Markers - required to perform movement with the Locomotive.
3. Loading Wagons Action – players can load Resources onto specific amount of Wagons.

Details on playing Phase III are on the page 33.

IV. Investment Phase

During Investment Phase players can spend Investment Markers on Actions, especially buying
Coal, building Warehouses, Transfer Stations, and expanding the Rolling Stock.

All Actions are performed in the Region, in which players’ Locomotive is currently at. Players
perform 1 Action alternating according to the Round Order until all players will pass.

Details on playing Phase IV are on the page 34.

V. Movement Phase

During the Movement Phase players play 1 Action card from their hand, on which there are
Locomotive Movement Actions. Each Movement Action determines how many spaces Locomotive
has to move, and how many Coal Markers are to be paid. Players have to finish each Movement
Action before they proceed with the next one.

During Movement Action players will visit Cities, Black Market, and Economic Areas through
Railway Sidings.

Details on playing Phase V are on the page 40.

VI. Mission Phase

During the Mission Phase players play 1 Hero Card from their hand if the conditions to fulfil the
Mission are met. At the end of the game, for each Mission players will receive Victory Points for the
specific Resources on their Wagons.

Details on playing Phase VI are on the page 50.

VII. End of Round Phase

Phase to prepare for the next Round.

Details on playing Phase VII are on the page 51.

Faction that will have the most influence on the economic growth of the entire Nardir desolate
lands will win.
The player with the most Victory Points is the Winner at the end of the game.
Players gain Victory Points (VP) in different moments during the game. The moment of getting points
is marked by the icon presenting front of the Locomotive.

5 VP (1VP) gained immediately (exclamation mark on the “bumper” lub brak zderzaka lub
wykorzyknka [ikona do poprawy). Move VP Marker by 5 spaces on the Scoring track going
from the bottom to the left on the Management Board.

6 VP gained at the end of the game, during Final Scoring, if player met the conditions as
first person to do so (number I on the “bumper”)

2 VP gained at the end of the game, during Final Scoring, if player met the conditions as
first person to do so (number II on the “bumper”)

In case of a Draw details are described in the End of the Game description for each Scoring.

x45 x40 x12 5x20

Differences dependent on how many players are playing.
Depending on the amount of players in game there are certain changes in the way the game is played.
They will be specifically marked as per below:

- (4 Players game), the recommended default amount of players for which the rules were

- (3 Players game).

- (2 Players game).

1. Place the Main Board (Map) and the Management Board in the middle of the table
next to players.

Main Board Preparation

2. Place all the Resource markers , Coal markers , Packages tokens and
Investment markers next to the board, creating pile of general resources.
3. Place the Round marker on space no. 1 on the Round Track.
4. In each of 9 Cities place the corresponding Mission token. [tymczasowo: walec]
5. In each of 9 Cities place 3 Contractors, (1 red , 1 blue ,
1 green ) on the designated spaces in the City.
6. Sort the Movement tokens according to the VP on their back. Next place the corresponding
token on the designated space with VP, on the first two spaces from the left in each of the
9 Cities.

Management Board Preparation

7. Sort State Contract tiles onto 4 piles based on the amount of resources on them. Shuffle
the tiles and place them with reverse towards the bottom in the Contract Area on the
designated black spaces marked with the amount of resources. Pick 3 tiles from each pile
and place them on 3 spaces above the respective pile.
8. Shuffle the Railway Siding Bonus tiles and place them randomly on the fields 1-9 in
the Railway Siding Bonus spaces. Create 3 piles from the remaining tiles (due to the
amount of tiles) and place them covered on the side of created rows.

Players preparation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

9. Give each player their Player’s board along with the wooden elements in their selected
colour. Each players should now:
A. Place 1 Victory Points (VP) Marker on the space on the points track running
along Management Board.
B. Place Locomotive on the Start Space on the Map.
C. Place 1 Progress Marker on the lowest space in each one of 5 Progess Tracks.
D. Place Warehouses , Transfer Stations and Contract Markers , on
the Players’ board on the spaces with indicated icons, those will be players’

E. Place the remaining 6 Progress Markers and Agents next to the Players’
board, they will be players’ reserves.
F. Place City Markers on the Players’ board on the Cities track marked with the
following icon: .
1. Place 8 Spies on the players’ board numbered from 1 to
8 so that the digits are visible to other players on spaces
marked with the following icon: .

2. Place 9 Spies on the players’ board numbered from 1 to

9 so that the digits are visible to other players on spaces
marked with the following icon .

10. Set Special Wagon Tiles aside for the time being, and shuffle the remaining Wagon tiles
onto 3 stacks according to how many Resources they can carry.
A. Each player takes 1 Wagon with 1 space for brown resource and any resource
that they put uncovered on their play area on the right side of their Player’s
Board. Player’s Board shows Locomotive to which player can attach their
Wagons. Put the remaining Wagons tiles with 1 space back to box.

B. Each player takes brass ( ) and places it on thier Wagon with 1 space for the
brown resource then each player takes any resource and places it on their
Wagon with 1 space for any resource .
C. Shuffle separately piles of wagon tiles with 2 and 3 spaces for resources and place
them covered next to the board in a place where every player can see them. Next
uncover 5 tiles from each stack – they will be the pool of available Wagon Tiles.
Next to the tiles create space for discarded tiles.
D. Sort previously set aside Special Wagon Tiles onto 2 piles with 2 and 3 places
for Packages and place them covered next to the board in a place where every
player can see them.

11. Select the First Player at random. During the first round of the game that player starts and
the order of playing is clockwise. Mark the order by placing Order Markers on the Order
track on the Main Board starting with number 1.

Example: Violet starts and is the First Player. Black player is the Second in order,
Yellow is the third and White is the fourth.

12. Shuffle the Action Cards deck and place them covered next to the board in a place where
every player can see them. Afterwards uncover from top of the deck:
5 Action cards ,

4 Action cards ,

3 Action cards ,

which will create pool of available Action cards. Next to the deck leave space for the
discard pile.
13. Give each player 5 Action cards . Each player selects 3 cards which will create the
initial Action cards hand, and then they put the remaining 2 cards onto the bottom of the
deck. Action cards are hidden from other players.

14. Shuffle Hero cards deck and give each player 4 cards. Afterwards perform
card selection via draft and put the remaining 2 cards back in the box without
showing anyone which cards were discarded.

Shuffle Hero cards deck and give each player 6 cards. Afterwards perform
card selection via draft. After the full draft had been completed each player
selects 5 Hero cards to keep and put the remaining card back in the box
without showing anyone which card was discarded.

Shuffle Hero cards deck and give each player 9 cards. Afterwards perform
card selection of 6 cards via draft. After the full draft had been completed
put the remaining 3 cards back in the box without showing the other player
which cards were discarded.

Each player should view their 4 cards 6 cards 9 cards and select one to
keep and put aside, afterwards players shall hand the remaining cards to the player on their
left side. They should follow same procedure with the cards received from the
neighbouring player. The procedure is repeated until each player will have 4 cards
5 cards 6 cards set aside.
Only when all the cards are set aside, the players takes them to their hands. Those will be
their hand of Hero Cards. Cards are put face down on the Player’s board on designated
space .

In the first playthrough we recommend to give players Hero Cards at random skipping
the draft.

15. You’re ready, time to start the game!

Description of the main elements of the game is here to allow players to familiarize with the
basic icons, markings, and placement of specific areas, thus it contains unknown definitions
that will be explained in the further part of the rulebook.
Action Cards will be played in V phase of the game (Movement Phase). Each card contains 4

Amount of Movement
Action I (Movement Points (specified by
Action) number, and graphically
Action II (Movement on a bar, colours are only
Action) for visual aid).

Action III (Movement Action Cost in Coal

Action) Markers. Closed furnace
means the action is free.

Special Action
– player receives
immediately 5 VP.

Card Number (All cards are

described in appendix A).
Action IV (Special Action)

Hero Cards will be played in Phase VI of the game (Mission Phase).

Mission Bonus
City Name and Crest after playing the
(Mission Target) card – you receive 1
Colour of the card, Coal marker.
represents Region in
which the card can be
played. Victory Points at the
end of the game for
Name of the Hero collecting the specific
amount of Resources
on your Wagons.

Card Number (All cards are

described in appendix A).
Game board is split into two parts:

A. Main board, also Map of Nardir, on which players will be moving their Locomotive using Action
Cards which will allow them to visit Cities and Economic Areas in 3 different Regions.
In the Economic Areas players will build Warehouses and Transfer Stations,
and in the Cities players will complete Contracts and rent their Warehouses to the Contractors.


Map of Nardir shows the railway line that moves through 3 Regions. Spaces in the green colour
belong to Military state of Calestia. Spaces in the red colour belong to the Mining State of
Ravenshire. Spaces with tracks in blue colour belong to the Technological state of Awhar.

Railway tracks connect 9 Cities and 12 Economic Areas with Railway Siding . Each
Region contains of 3 Cities and 4 Economib Areas, in the colour of their State.

Important: For the purpose of the game mechanics: Green Region = Calestia state;
Blue Region= Awhar state, Red Region = Ravenshire state.

All actions performed in the game Train Rush are connected with Region in which your Locomotive
currently is.

For the sake of Rulebook such Region will be called Active Region ( ). As such it is of a great
importance how players will plan their movement and which space their Locomotive will finish the

In each Region players will find one very useful point of interest – Black Market on which they
will find valuable prizes for trading Resources depending on how much of them were sold.

In the center of the Main Board you can find Round Track with Round Marker ,

On space no.8 there is information that for the 3 and 4 player game the game ends
after this round is completed . On space no.9 there is an information that in a 2
player game the game ends after the round 9 is completed.

and a reminder :

If any player visits 9th City, the game ends at the end of the current round.
(Details on page 51.)

Under the Round Track there is Order Track and Auction Track .
In the game players move their Locomotive by playing Action Card in the Phase V which determines
how many spaces they can move it, or alternatively by using Movement Action in Phase IV.
Locomotive movement starts from the START space in the centre of the Map. Player that moves his
Locomotive is called Active Player.

Important: Locomotive on the START space is not in any Region.

During Locomotive movement there are several restrictions:

1. Locomotive movment is always clockwise. In the centre of the Main Board there is a reminder
of this rule .
2. Only ONE Locomotive is allowed to stay on any ONE space with the exception of City Space
and Black Market . If player would finish their Movement on space with another
players’ Locomotive, they have to choose different Action (not applicable to point 3).
3. Locomotive Movement has to use precisely the amount of spaces indicated by the Movement
points on the Movement Action from the played Action card (the rule also applies for the
Movement Action in the Action Area ). The only exceptions from this rule are City Spaces
and Black Market spaces where players can finish their Movement sooner, and the
surplus is lost. For the Movement indicated on the Action Card players pay with Coal
markers should it be required.
4. Movement around the map goes through 3 loops (inner, middle, outside). Only place where the
loop can be changed are Tunnels and Exits . Movement through Tunnels takes place
according to the drawn arrows. Tunnel does NOT use movement points.

Outside loop

Middle loop

Inner loop

Example: Vioelt starts and moves by 4 spaces,

moving through the Tunnel according to indicated arrows.
Black moves by 2 spaces, Yellow moves by 4 spaces,
and cannot go through the Tunnel as they cannot stand on the same field along with Violet. White

can play Action card that allows movement only by 2 and 4 fields, so they cannot move during this


Visiting Cities symbolises development of Faction through increase of Area of Influence. In cities
players can complete available contracts and hire their Warehouses to Contractors.

10. City Crest – Each of the 9 Cities has got different Crest which is used to complete goals on Hero

Cards and points to available Contracts for completion in the Contracts area on the
Management board. In Phase VI players will collect Mission Tokens from this space, if the Hero
Mission target is the appointed City.

11. City Name – is used to complete goals on Hero Cards and points to possible Contracts for

completion in Contracts area on the Management Board.

City Colours – Colour is directly tied to the Region and State, that rules over the City.
(Green= Calestia; Blue= Awhar, Red= Ravenshire).

12. Place for 3 Contractors – Contractors represent the largest corporations in specific States
working in the Cities. Players will compete between each other on the Contractors Track for the
biggest cooperation with each corporation. At the start of the game in each city there will be 3
Contractor Meeples in 3 colours corresponding to each State. Warehouses can be rented

to the Contractors (built on space in the Economic Area), by performing City Action (details
on page 42).

13. City Rank– City Rank determines technological advancement of the specific City and is determined
by the number over the suitcase depending on the loop on which it is placed
(1 = inner, 2 = middle, 3 = outside). City rank is tied to Contractors, thus the more advanced
technologically is the City the cooperation with the Contractor in more valuable. Technological
State Awhar (blue Region) has 2 Cities with Rank 2 and 1 City with Rank 3 contrary to other Cities.

14. Spaces for City Markers and Movement tokens – player which will reach the City marks their
presence using City Marker on the first space from the left and takes Movement token if it is
available on this space (details of City Actions are on page 42).

15. City Action start Space – details of City Actions are on page 42. On this space several Locomotives
may stand at the same time.

ECONOMIC AREA - always neighbours with RAILWAY SIDING

Economic Area is a perfect place to develop players infrastructure (Warehouses and Transfer Stations)
which will allow attracting future Contractors to cooperate with them.

To rent players
Warehouse to a
Contractor there has
to be Transfer station
already built in this
Economic Area

16. Space for 3 Contractors - by playing City Action (page 42), players can rent their Warehouse

built on the space to the Contractor from the space . To rent Warehouse to the
Contractor, the Transfer Station has to be built in this Economic Area (regardless of which player

built it) on space . For the rented Warehouse players advance on corresponding Contractor
Track (page 26) whenever the Contractor is placed on the space and each time during
Economic Area Scoring (page 48).

Important: Each Economic Area can contain only ONE contractor of each colour,
Additionally Contractor colour = colour of the Contractors Track.

17. Space for 3 Warehouses - On those spaces players build Warehouse using variety of Actions.
Warehouse can be always built even if there is no Transfer Station built yet in the Economic Area

on the space . For building the Warehouse players advance on the Infrastructure Track (page

24) whenever they place it on the space .

18. Space for 1 Transfer Station - On this space players built Transfer Station using a variety of
Actions. Whenever Transfer Station is built precious resources are discovered which will appear
as a Package marker . For building the Transfer Station players do not advance on the
Infrastructure Track when it is placed. Only during each Economic Area Scoring (page 48)
players advance by 1 space for each rented Warehouse in this Economic Area.

19. Space for the Package marker - Package markers appear only after the Transfer Station is
built. At the end of the game they give VP depending on how many packages are carried. Special
Wagons are required to carry Package Markers (page 55).


Using railway siding profits all the players which have their infrastructure built in the neighbouring
Economic Area.

Railway Siding , is always placed in the same Region as the neighbouring Economic Area.
Numbers 1-9 on the Railway Siding are closely tied to spaces 1-9 on the Management board on which
there are Railway Siding tiles. Locomotive that will finish Movement Action on the corresponding
space performs Railway Siding Action (page 47) through which they get the corresponding Railway
Siding Bonus Tile.
Important: during the following movements, players have to follow the specific railway
siding track that was chose. For example from space no. 6 movement cannot be made to
space no. 7
During this Action player can take the Package marker as long as they have Special Wagon destined
to carry such packages.
Additionally Economic Area Scoring is triggered (details on page 48) each time any Locomotive will
finish movement on the Siding. Reminder of the scoring can be found on the Players Board.

Important: on each Railway Siding space only 1 Locomotive can stand at the time.


On the Black Market players can sell their Resources for special opportunities.

Red region Green region Blue region

(Ravenshire) (Calestia) (Awhar)

20. Space to start Black Market Action – On this space there multiple Locomotives can stand at
the same time. Details of the Black Market Action are described on the page 44.

B. Management Board, on which players will perform main Actions during the game to get
advantages in corresponding areas for each of the 3 Regions.

Resources Sector Logistics Sector Trade Sector Technology Sector

Finance Sector




21. Influence Area

This area presents 5 Influence Sectors (Financial, Resource, Logistics, Trade, Technological
sectors) in each of the 3 States (Regions), in which players will spy and lobby to gain support from
one of them. Each Sector allows for advancement in corresponding Technology Track .
Additionally at the end of the game each of the 15 Sectors (5 Sectors x3 Regions) will bring
Victory points (6 VP for the 1st place and 2 VP for the 2nd place) to the players which have the
advantage in it – the player which has the most Spies and Agents wins (draws are won by the player
who has their meeple closest to the 1st spot). Each sector has spaces 1-4 (available only in Phase
II for Spies) and spaces 5-8 (available for Agents).

22. Technology Track

This area shows 5 Technology Tracks on which players will advance during the game.
At the start of the game all players put their Progress markers on the lowest space in each Track.
Advancing on relevant Technology track is performed by advancing the Progress marker one level
above and occurs every time when:

• Action with the following icon is chosen (players can advance on Any of the
Technology Tracks).
• Action with one of the bellow icons is performed:

Advance on Investment Track – Progress marker position on this Track shows

how many Investment markers players will receive each round in Phase III (Income
Phase). Investment Markers are used to buy Actions in Phase IV (Investment Phase).

Advance on Coal Track - Progress marker position on this Track shows how many
Coal markers players will receive each round in Phase III (Income Phase). Coal is
required to perform Movement Actions during Phase V (Movement Phase).

Advance on Loading Track – Progress Marker position on this Track show show
many Wagons can players fully load with Resources (does not matter how many
resources are on specific Wagons). Each Wagon has specific types and amounts of
Resources that can be loaded on it.

Advance on Unloading Track – Progress Marker on this Track shows how many
Resources players can unload when completing Contracts during City Action
(page 42) and when selling Resources during Black Market Action (page 44).

Advance on Wagon Track – Progress Marker on this Track shows how many
Wagons players can carry with their Locomotive (including Special Wagons).

Top space on each Technology Track can be reached only by 1 player. This player receives 10 VP
at the end of the game.

23. Investment Area

Investment Area is used in Phase IV (Investment Phase).

Players can select from 7 Investment Areas for which they pay with Investment Markers.

1. Market Actions.
2. Building Actions.
3. Loading Actions.
4. Movement Actions.
5. Exchange Actions.
6. Planning Actions.
7. Corruption Actions.

All of the above Actions were described in detail on page 33.

24. Infrastructure Track

Building Warehouses and Transfer Stations, which earn in Economic Areas,

allowing the owner to constantly develop their infrastructure, buy new technologies and bribe
whover you have to bribe to succeed.

Infrastructure Track contains 3 Tracks in colour of each Region on which players will compete
with each other. At the end of the game on each Track points are awarded for the most developed
infrastructure in the specific Region: 12 VP for the 1st place and 6 VP for the 2nd place.
On the Tracks players advance every time the following Action is performed:
Advance on the Infrastructure Track.
Advance by 1 space moving the Progress marker on the Infrastructure Track in the colour
of Region in which the Warehouse had been built..
This action can be performer in two moments when:
➢ Players build Warehouse in Economic Area in the Active Region.
After taking Warehous from Players Board, the Action has to be performed .

Discard outside the board

Example: Yellow performs Build Warehouse action from the Railway Siding Bonus tile from
space no. 3 takes Warehouse from their Player Board and places it on any Economic Area in the red
Region due to their Locomotive being in there. Afterwards they perform Action discovered on the
Player’s Board after taking the Warehouse and move their Progress marker by one space to the right

on the Infrastructure Track. (in this case yellow received 1st point on this Track, Thus the Progress
marker is taken from the resources set aside on the Players Board and placed on the first space on the
left side).
➢ any player completes their Movement Action on the Railway Siding , triggers Economic
Area Scoring (page 48). In step B, the owner of the Transfer station (player which has marker
on the space ) in the Economic Area neighbouring with that Siding, advances on the
Infrastructure Track in the colour of the Active Region by 1 space for each renter
Warehouse (one that contains Contractor above the Warehouse). Rules for Economic Area
Scoring are defined through icons on the Players board.

When player’s
completes movement
on the Railway
Siding, perform step
A and B

Owner of the Perform action Advance on the

Transfer Station Infrastructure Track for each
Warehouse with Contractor

On Infrastructure Track there are Bonus Actions that players receive immediately when the Progress
marker is placed or crosses space with this Action.

Player can perform Action: Advance on Any Technology Track.

Player can perform Corruption Action (Exception: only sectors in Green Region)

Player can perform Corruption Action (Exception: only sectors in Blue Region)

Player can perform Corruption Action (Exception: only sectors in Red Region)

Player can perform Corruption Action (Exception: only sectors in Green Region and 2
Agents can be placed instead of 1 to the same sector)
Player can perform Corruption Action (Exception: only sectors in Blue Region and 2 Agents
can be placed instead of 1 to the same sector)
Player can perform Corruption Action (Exception: only sectors in Red Region and 2 Agents
can be placed instead of 1 to the same sector)

25. Contractors Track

The more rented Warehouses, the better the cooperation with the Contractors (City Rank is very
important), thus the better cooperation the better the benefits players receive (symbolised by
bonuses on the track).

Contractors Track contains 3 tracks in the colour of each Contractor on which players will
compete with each other. At the end of the game on each Track Victory Points are awarded for the
best cooperation with the Contractors from the specific State: 12 VP for the 1st place and 6 VP
for the 2nd place.

Players advance on Tracks every time the following Action is selected:

Advance on the Contractors Track

On the tracks players advance each time they rent their Warehouse (in any
Region) to one of the available Contractors during City Action. Players
advance by moving their Progress marker on the Contractors Track in the
colour of taken meeple by the amount of spaces equal to the City Rank.

Advance on the
City Contractors Track action
Rank = 2 in the colour of taken
meeple by 2 spaces
Active player’s
Any players’
Transfer Station

Example: Yellow player performs City Action in Vardimium City where one of the things they
do is renting Warehouse to one of the available Contractros. Yellow built 2 Warehouses in 2
different Economic Areas. They can rent the Warehouse only in the Economic Area in which
there is a Transfer Station built. The only Economic Area that meets the criteria is the one
where Violet player built the Station. Thus Yellow can rent their Warehouse only to the Blue
Contractor as it is the only colour that is not yet placed in this Area.

Remember! In the Economic Area W Strefie Ekonomicznej nie może znajdować się 2
Kontrahentów w tym samym kolorze.

After moving the Contractor to their Warehouse Yellow player performs Advance on the
Contractors Track Action on the blue track by 2 spcaes as they moved blue Contractor and the
City Rank of Varmidium is 2.

Players also advance on Tracks every time the following Action is selected:

Advance on the Contractors Track by 1 space.

Whenever any player completes Movement Action on the Railway Siding ,

Economic Area Scoring is triggered (page 48). In step A, each owner of the rented
Warehouse in the Economic Area neighbouring with this Railway Siding advances
on the Contractors Track by 1 space in the colour of renting contractor. Rules for
Economic Area Scoring are described through icons on Players Board.

Every owner of the rented Perform Action Advance on the

Warehouse with a Contractor Contractors track in colour of renting
Contractor by 1 space.

When the Locomotive
completes Movement on
Railway Siding spaces
perform step A and B

Players can find Bonus Actions On the Infrastructure Track which they receive immediately when
the Progress marker is placed or crosses space with this Action.

Player can perform Action from any Railway Siding Bonus tile, afterwards discarding
it off the board and putting new one in its place from the Railway Siding Bonus tiles

Player can perform free Special Action no IV from any 1 Action Card on hand.
(Important! Card from which player performs the free action is discarded and
NOT replaced by drawing new Action Card).

Player can perform free Special Action no IV from any 2 Action Cards on hand.
(Important! Cards from which player performs the free action are discarded and
NOT replaced by drawing new Action Cards).

26. Railway Siding Bonus Area

Numbers 1-9 in Railway Siding Bonus Area on which Railway Siding Bonus Tiles are placed
are tightly connected with fields 1-9 on the Railway Siding. Locomotive, which completes the
Movement Action on the respectively numbered field gains the Railway Siding Bonus Tile.

Action from the Railway Siding Bonus Tile has to be performed immediately and the tile
discarded to the discard pile. In place of the discarded tile new one is placed from any pile of
Railway Siding Bonuses. In case all the piles are exhausted new piles are created from the
discarded tiles.

All Railway siding Bonus Tiles were described in appendix B to the rulebook.

27. Contracts Area

Contracts Area covers all 9 Cities in 3 Regions. Each City offers 1 contract with 2,3,4,5

Contract can be completed:

a) by performing City Action in selected City through unloading relevant Resources shown on
the Contract tile in the Active Region in the State Contracts Area .
Afterwards the Contract Tile is discarded and Contract Completion should be marked with
Contract Marker on the space with City corresponding to the amount of Resources unloaded.
Only 1 marker can be placed on each space. If the space is already occupied, player cannot
complete this type of Contract (for example contract with 2 resources if such contract had
already been completed).

Important: The amount of unloaded resources depends on players position on the

Unloading Track in the Technology Tracks section.

b) by performing Black Market Action – completion of Contract with X (2-5) Resources. Place
the Contract Marker on any space with X amount of resources in the Contracts area on any
City space in the colour of Active Region. Player does not discard any Contract from the State
Contracts area.

At the end of the game each Region will be scored – 12 VP for the 1st place and 6 VP for the 2nd
place. Each Region is won by the player who in total delivered the most Resource markers to all
of the specific Region Cities.

28. State Contracts Area

This area contains Contract Tiles divided by the required Resources to deliver within specific
Region. After the Contract completion its tile is discarded and immediately new contract is put in
its place from the relevant pile.

Icon on the Contract tile means any Resource.

29. Victory Points Track (VP)

On the Victory Points Track players will mark Victory Points (VP) they collect throughout the
game using Scoring markers. In case a player passes space no. 50 they start collecting additional
points from the 1st space with an additional Scoring marker and put the previous one on the space
to mark collecting 50 VP.


Game lasts 8 Rounds ( - 9 Rounds) or until the end of the Round in which any player visits all of
the 9 Cities. Each Round is divided into 7 Phases. In each Phase players will play their turns according
to the Order Track.

I. Auction Phase.

Each player has got numbered Spies on their Player Board, one for each round. During the Auction
Phase in order from Order Track each player plays 1 selected Spy onto space under their Order
marker. When all players play their Spies new order is settled for the current round starting with the
highest to lowest numbered spy. In case of any draw, player who played their Spy first (closest to the
left side) wins. Order markers are then adjusted on the Order Track according to Spies number.
From this point onwards numbers on spies are irrelevant for the purpose of the game.

Important: Numbers on Spy meeples on the Player Board should be visible to all the players

Order before the Auction Phase set in the Game Preparation.

2 3 6 6

Yellow and White players played Spy with numer 6, Black played Spy with number 3, and Violet
played spy with number 2. After all Spies were played, new order is set.

6 6 3 2

Yellow player wins the auction and becomes the First Player as they played Spy with number 6 before
the White player whom also played Spy with number 6 at the same time taking the 2nd position. Black
takes the 3rd place, and Violet the 4th place.

II. Lobbying Phase.

During Lobbying Phase playesr send Spies played in the Acution Phase to the Influence Area
onto 1 of 15 Sectors. Each State(Region) contains of 5 Sectors and allows players to advance on
corresponding Technology Track . Additionally each of the 15 Sectors will give VP to the players
who have advantage in it.

Starting with the First Player and continuing according to the Order Track each player plays their turn:

1. Players move their Spies from the Auction Track to 1 of 5 Sectors in the Available State ont the
first free space on the left side from the available spaces 1-4 marked with the icon . Place the
Spy in the laying position to mark which State was selected.

Available State is the State in which there is no Spy played yet (spy in the laying position) in
this Phase. In player game, 4th player can place their Spy in Sector belonging to any State
(disregarding the Availability rule).
Important: In each Financial Sector every player can place only 1 Spy for the entirety of the
game – on the board such sectors are marked with the icon . All the other sectors do
not have such limitation.
2. Perform the Advancement Action on the corresponding Technology Track.
3. Get the one-time Bonus marked on the space on which the Spy was placed.

Before the next player starts performing their turn the player before has to complete all of the above

After all turns are complete, Spies in thy lying position are put to the standing position.

3 2

Example: Yellow player starts their turn first, they move their Spy to the green Finance Sector of
Calestia on the first available space no. 1. Afterwards they perform Advancement Action on the
Investment Track and additionally receive one-time bonus from the space no. 1 in form of 1
Investment marker.
Now White player starts their turn and moves their Spy to the blue Resources Sector of Awhar on the
first available space no. 1. White was unable to choose any of the green Sectors as Yellow already
selected it before. White now performs the Advancement Action on the Coal Track , and receives
one-time bonus from space no.1 in form of 1 Coal marker.

Afterwards Black player starts their turn, they select red Financial Sector of Ravenshire and move
their Spy onto the first available space no. 1. Black was unable to choose any of the green and blue
Sectors as Yellow and White already selected them before. Black now performs the Advancement
Action on the Investment Track , and receives one-time bonus from space no.1 in form of 1
Investment marker.
Next Violet player starts their turn and as the fourth player in order they can select any Sector. They
select red Financial Sector of Ravenshire and move their Spy onto the first available space no. 2.
Violet now performs the Advancement Action on the Investment Track , and receives one-time bonus
from space no.2 in form of 1 Investment marker.


Thanks to the Spies actions players will receive the following advantages in the following Sectors:

1. Financial Sector – Regional Authorities provide funds (Investment markers) for the company

ACTION: Advancement on the Investment Track .

BONUS: Spaces no. 1-2 – Player receives 1 Investment marker .

2. Resources Sector – Regional Authorities assist with securing the Coal from mines required for

ACTION: Advance on the Coal Track .

BONUS: Spaces no 1-2 – Player receives 1 Coal marker .

3. Logistics Sector – Regional Authorities give players the technology to build machines to allow them
to load Wagons faster each round..

ACTION: Advance on the Loading Track .

BONUS: Space no. 1 – Player can perform Loading 1 Wagon Action .

4. Trade Sector – Regional Authorities give players access to more valuable contracts.

ACTION: Advance on the Unloading Track .


5. Technology Sector - Regional Authorities give players the technology to improve the Locomotive
allowing for transportation of more wagons. At the start of the game
players can carry only 3 Wagons.

Action: Advance on Wagons Track .

BONUS: Spaces no. 1-2 – Draw a Wagon 2:

Player can draw a wagon from the pool of available Wagon Tiles (or from Special Wagons
pile) any Wagon with 2 spaces for Resources (or Packages) which then is added to the
already carried Wagons. Afterwards if player selected a Wagon with 2 spaces for Resources
add new Wagon with 2 spaces for Resource to the pool of available Wagon Tiles from the
corresponding pile.

Important: Maximum Wagons that player can have is shown by the Progress marker
on the Wagons Track. If player has maximum Wagons they cannot perform this Action.

III. Income Phase.

Income Phase can be played by all players at the same time. If however Loading Wagons of other
players will be important for any player then the action is performed with the order according to Order

Every player receives Income corresponding to the Income Track:

1. Investment Markers – required to perform Actions in the Actions Area .

Players collect Investment Markers from the pool in the amount pointed by the Progress
marker on the Investment Track.
2. Coal Markers – required to perform Locomotive Movement Actions.

Players collect Coal Markers from the pool in the amount pointed by the Progress marker on
the Coal Track..
3. Loading Action – players can load Resources onto the specified amount of Wagons.

Players perform the Loading Action of 1 Wagon as many times as their Progress marker
points on the Loading Track.

Important: there is no possibility to remove Resources at will from Wagons or Packages from
Special Wagons (to do so players have to perform relevant: Exchange Actions in Phase IV.
Players cannot move Resources between Wagons and Packages between Special Wagons.

Important: In a very rare case when there are no resources in the general pool replacements
should be used.

Example: Yellow receives income in Phase III. Accordint
to the position on the Investment Track receives 2
Investment markers. On Coal Track they are on position
3, thus receiving 3 Coal Markers. On Loading Track also
position 3 thus they can fully load 3 Wagons with the
relevant Resources. In Wagon no. 1 they can load Any

Wagon no. 1 Wagon no. 2 Wagon no. 3

IV. Investment Phase.

During this Phase players play their turns according to set order on the Order Track . Each player
plays their turn only after the previous one finished their turn. When the last player completes their turn
the First Player starts the turn again. Turns play out until all the players will pass.
Players can chose from 7 Investment areas. In their turn they have to perform 1 of 14 Actions or pass.
If the player passes until end of this phase they cannot perform any Action.

Placing required amount of Investment markers in the selected area allows players to perform 1
chosen Action in this area. Investment Markers are placed (spent) one by one on the free investment
spaces in the amount equal to the cost of Action (space limitations depend on the amount of players
and are described below). If there is insufficient amount of spaces to spend the whole cost in Investment
Markers players have to choose different kind of Action or pass.

At the end of the Round all Investment markers are removed from the Investment Area to the
general pool. Investment markers that were not spent in this Phase stay within players game area and
can be used in future Investment Phases during next rounds.

In each Action area the amount of spaces for Investment markers is determined by the number of
players playing:

• - all Investment spaces are available,
• - only 3 Investment spaces are available. Unavailable spaces are marked Niedostępne

with the following icon .

Important: All Actions in areas with icon are performed in the Active Region (state) in which
players Locomotive is currently at. Above mentioned rule also applies to the Actions on the Action
Cards, Railway Siding Bonus tiles, and Hero Cards. If Action does not have the following icon
the action can be performed in Any Region

Players can chose from the available Actions below:

1. Market Actions: - symbolises buying Coal.

Player can spend 2 Investment markers to receive 1 Coal marker.

Player can spend 3 Investment markers to receive 2 Coal markers.

2. Building Actions:

Players can spend 1 Investment marker to perform the Building Warehouse Action.
Warehouse has to be built on available space in the Economic Area in Region in
which player’s Locomotive is currently in. After building the Warehouse, Advance
on the Infrastructure Track .

Players can spend 3 Investment marker to perform the Building Warehouse Action
twice. Warehouse have to be built on available space in the Economic Area in Region
in which player’s Locomotive is currently in. After building the Warehouse, Advance
on the Infrastructure Track . Building Warehouse Action has to be completed
before it will be performed the 2nd time.

Players can spend 2 Investment markers to perform the Building Transfer Station
Action. Transfer station has to be built on the available space in the Economic Area
in Region in which player’s Locomotive is currently in. After building Transfer
Station player places Package marker on the dedicated space in this Area.

3. Loading Actions:

Players can spend 1 Investment marker to perform the Loading 1 Wagon Action.
Player fully loads 1 Wagon with the Resources (does not apply to the Special
Wagons), Wagon has to be fully loaded.

Players can spend 2 Investment marker to perform the Loading 1 Wagon Action
twice. Player fully loads 2 Wagons with the Resources (does not apply to the Special
Wagons), Wagons have to be fully loaded.

4. Movement Actions:

Players can spend 1 Investment marker to perform Movement Action by 3 spaces

according to normal Movement Rules (described on page 17).

Players can spend 2 Investment markers to perform Movement Action by 6 spaces

according to normal Movement Rules (described on page 17).

Important: To the above Movement Actions players cannot add Movement Tokens.

5. Exchange Actions:

Players can spend 2 Investment markers to perform Exchange Wagon 1-2 Action:
• Player can exchange 1 of their Wagons that has 1 space for Resources onto
new Wagon with 2 spaces for Resources from the pool of available Wagons.
• Player can exchange 1 of their Wagons that has 1 space for Resources onto
new Special Wagon with 2 spaces for Packages from the pile of Special

Players can spend 3 Investment markers to perform Exchange Wagon 2-3 Action:
• Player can exchange 1 of their Wagons that has 2 Resource spaces onto new
Wagon with 3 Resource spaces from the pool of available Wagons,
• Player can exchange 1 of their Wagons that has 2 spaces for Resources onto
new Special Wagon with 3 spaces for Packages the pile of Special Wagons,
• Player can exchange 1 of their Special Wagons that has 2 spaces for
Packages onto new Wagon with 3 spaces for Resources from the pool of
available Wagons,
• Player can exchange 1 of their Special Wagons that has 2 spaces for
Packages onto new Special Wagon with 3 spaces for Packages from the pile
of Special Wagons.

Players can spend 3 Investment markers to perform Exchange Wagon 3-3 Action:
• Player can exchange 1 of their Wagons that has 3 Resource spaces onto new
Wagon with 3 Resource spaces from the pool of available Wagons,
• Player can exchange 1 of their Wagons that has 3 spaces for Resources onto
new Special Wagon with 3 spaces for Packages the pile of Special Wagons,
• Player can exchange 1 of their Special Wagons that has 3 spaces for
Packages onto new Wagon with 3 spaces for Resources from the pool of
available Wagons.

1. Exchanged Wagon is discarded outside the board, and the Resources that were
placed on it are put back to the general pool. There is no possibility to move
Resources before discarding the Wagon.
2. Exchanged Special Wagon is placed back on the corresponding Special Wagons
pile and Package tokens that were placed on it are put back to the general pool.

6. Planning Action:

Players can spend 2 Investment Markers to take 3 Action cards from the Action
Cards Pile, player can keep 1 of those cards on hand, the 2 remaining cards are
discarded to the discard pile.

Important: Maximum amount of cards on hand is 5. If player has more than 5

cards at any given moment they discard the excess to the discard pile.

7. Corruption Action:

Players can spend 2 Investment markers to send their Agent to 1 of 5 State Sectors
onto the Influence area in colour of Active Region. Agent is placed on spaces 5-
8 (first available space from the left side) marked with the following icon .
Players do not receive any bonus, however Agents are used to gain advantage over
other players in the specific Sector to get more VP during the Final Scoring.

Remember: Agents are not limited for any single player in any Sector other than the
amount of spaces (maximum of 4 Agents).

Example: Black performs the Corruption Action and

sends their Agent to the Financial Sector in
Ravenshire onto the last free space no. 8. Thanks to
5 8 this wins during Scoring in this Sector as they have 2
meeples (1 Spy + 1 Agent) exactly the same as other
players, however her Spy was placed as first.


1. 3.

5 10


2. 4.

9 11

1. Yellow starts the Investment Phase, in their turn they chose Market Action for 3 Investment
markers and gets 2 Coal markers.
2. Nextly White performs their turn, and chooses the Building Transfer Station Action for 2
Investment markers, builds it in any Economic Area in the Region their Locomotive is currently
3. Next turn is performed by Violet who also chose Market Action for 2 Investment markers and
receives 1 Coal marker. This round no one else can select the Market Action as the minimum cost
is 2 Investment markers and there is only 1 space left.
4. Black performs their turn and selects Movement Action by 3 spaces for 1 Investment marker.
Performs the movement with their Locomotive by 3 spaces and enters the Rackglen City, performs
fully City Action.
5. Next turn is played again by Yellow, though they pass as they decided to keep remaining 1
Investment marker for the next Round.
6. Next turn is played by White and is used to perform Building Warehouse Action for 1 Investment
marker. Builds it in the same Economic Area in which in previous turn they built the Transfer

7. The same Action is performed by Violet for 1 Investment marker.
8. Nextly Black performs Planning Action and takes 3 cards from the Action cards pile and takes
one card on hand discarding the 2 remaining cards.
9. Yellow already passed so it’s White’s turn which is also pass to keep 1 Investment marker for the
next Round.
10. Violet also passes, as they no longer have Investment markers..
11. Black also passes, as they no longer have Investment markers. All players passed and the Phase
IV is complete.

V. Movement Phase.
During this Phase players perform their turns according to the order set on the Order Track. Each
player starts their turn only after the previous player finished theirs. Players perform only 1 turn during
this Phase.

During players turn they can play only 1 Action card from hand and perform its 4 actions in order
starting from the top of the card.

Important: Actions cannot be skipped. Players don’t have to complete all Actions on the played
card. If a player is unable to perform any Action from any of their cards they have to pass, and
they don’t draw a new Action card. Do not let this happen!

After completing all the Actions the Action card is discarded onto the discard pile. If players performer
Special Action from another card than the played one this card i salso discarded onto discard pile.
Nextly draw 1 card from the available Action cards pool.

Important: After drawing card from the available Action cards pool do not add new card into its
place. Pool will be replenished in phase VII.

Remember: Maximum amount of cards on hand is 5. If player has more than 5 cards at any given
moment they discard the excess to the discard pile.

Every Action card has got 4 Actions on it that have to be played in order from top to bottom:

• I – III – Movement Action, that shows how many spaces Locomotive has to move for according
to the Movement rules and its cost in Coal markers that have to be paid to the general pool to
perform the Action.

It is recommended to put the Coal markers temporarily on the Action card (on the place of
Action cost) to mark which Action has already been played. After completion of the turn
all the Coal markers used are discarded to the general pool.

Movement Action has to be fully completed before the next Movement Action on the selected
Action card (Locomotive Movement can trigger other Actions such as City Action (page 42) ,
Black Market Action (page 44), or Economic Area Scoring (page 48)).

The amount of Movement points shown on the Action card can be increased by using the
Movement token (maximum of 1 Movement token for 1 Movement Action). Add the full value
from the Movement token to the Movement Action. Put the used Movement token back into
the box, it will no longer be used during this game.

• IV – Special Action – can only be performed as a reward for playing all the previous 3 Actions
I-III which were completed and paid for . The cost of such action is always 1 Coal marker.

Instead of playing Special Action from the played card players can select Special Action from
any other Action card on hand (Movement Action from such card is NOT performed). In such
a case after playing Action no. IV from another card both cards are discarded but the player draws
only 1 Action card from the available pool of Action cards.

Remember: Players always can play Special Action from any card on hand but they have
to discard it as well as the originally used card.

Important: Special Actions with icon are performed in the Active Region (State), in
which player’s Locomotive is in. If the Action does not have the icon it can be played
in any region.

Example of playing Movement Phase is shown on page 48

Performing the Locomotive Movement depending on the amount of Movement points player can
complete their every Movement Action earlier in 3 places that allow performing the below Actions:

Remember: Locomotive movement can always complete (shorten) in City and Black Market
(remaining movement points are lost). This rule does not apply to the Railway Siding.

CITY ACTION – In the City players can complete available Contract or rent their Warehouse.

City Action can be played when players Locomotive completes Movement on the space in the
City. Players can always complete their Movement on the City space (remaining movement points are

City Action is played by performing the below activities in any order:

a) Marking player’s presence using the City marker on the first space from the left. Player
immediately receives Victory Points (VP) if they are shown on the space. If there is a
Movement token on the space, it is taken by the player to their playing area and placed front
upwards. Movement token from now on shows the additional Movement points (2-6 pts.)
which can be used one-time only to add to one of player’s Movement Action. There are no
limits of how many Movement tokens one player can have.

b) renting their Warehouse , built in any Region, to one of the Contractors available in

the City. Afterwards Advance on the Contractors Track in colour of the taken
meeple by moving Progress marker by the amount of spaces equal to the rank of the City
(number above the suitcase).

Attention: In the Economic Area in which the Warehouse is at there has to be Transfer
Station built to be able to rent it. Additionally in the Economic Area there cannot be
Contractors in the same colour as the selected one.

c) Contract Completion.

Player can complete Contracts with the cumulative value of Resources equal to their
position on the Unloading Track.

REMEMBER: Players can complete multiple contracts during one action.

Contract is completed through unloading required Resources shown on the Contract tile

in the Active Region in the State Contracts area . Contract tile is then discarded. After
completing the Contract player marks its completion with Contract marker on the City
space in the Contract Area that corresponds to the unloaded Resources. On any single
space only 1 marker can be placed. If that space is already occupied by any marker the
Contract cannot be completed.

Afterwards replenish empty spaces on the State Contracts area with new Contracts
from their respective piles.





3c 3b
Example: Yellow performs the City Action in Vardimium they can perform any of the activities in any
1. As first they chose to mark their presence:
a) Uses City marker on the first space from the left. They are first in this City, thus they immediately
get 4 VP shown on the space.
b) Takes the Movement token and uncovers it with Movement points to the front. They now can use
it during Movement Action played from Action card.

2. Nextly they perform the renting Warehouse action to one of the available Contractors:
a) Yellow has got 2 unrented Warehouses in 2 different Economic Areas. They can rent their
Warehouse only in the Economic Area in which there is a Transfer Station. The only Economic
Area that meets this criteria is the one in which Violet built the Transfer Station. Thus Yellow
can rent their Warehouse only to the Red Contractor as it is the only one not yet placed in the
Area. (In any given Economic Area only 1 Contractor of each colour can be placed).
b) After moving the red Contractor to their Warehouse, Yellow performs Advance on Contractors
Track Action in red colour by 2 spaces because they moved red Contractor and the City Rank
of Vardimium is 2.

3. Final activity that the Yellow does is completing Contracts in Vardimium City:
a) Their position on the Unloading Track points to the possibility to unload 5 Resources.
b) Resources that they have on their 3 Wagons match all 4 Contracts in the Active Region. They
decide to complete the Contract with 2 Resources and the Contract with 3 Resources. For the
Contract with 2 Resources they discard to the general pool brass and gold, immediately receives
5 VP. With the Contract marker they mark in the Contracts Area that they completed the
Contract with 2 Resources in the Vardimium City.

c) For the Contract with 2 Resources they discard to the general pool Water, Food, and any
Resource immediately receives 6 VP and with the Contract marker they mark in the Contracts
Area that they completed the Contract with 3 Resources in the Vardimium City. After all those
activities Yellow’s City Action is completed.

BLACK MARKET ACTION - On the Black Market players can sell their Resources for additional

Black Market Action can be played when their Locomotive completes movement on the Black

Market space . Players can always complete their Movement on the Black Market space (
remaining movement points are then lost).

During Black Market Action the following activities are performed:

a) Player can sell any Resource from their Wagon with value shown on the Players Board
(Brass – 1, Food – 2, Water – 3, Copper – 4, Gold – 5 ) for the virtual currency, which can
immediately be exchanged to 1 of the below Actions (Not spent currency is lost). The amount
of Resources, that player can spend depends on the Unloading Track.

➢ 2 currency can be exchanged for:

Action to take 2 Action cards from the pile of Action cards (Limited to 5 Action
Cards on hand).

➢ 4 currency can be exchanged for:

Exchange Wagon 2-2 Action:

• Player can exchange 1 of their Wagons that has 2 spaces for Resources onto
new Wagon with 2 spaces for Resources from the pool of available
• Player can exchange 1 of their Wagons that has 2 spaces for Resources onto
new Special Wagon with 2 spaces for Resources from the pile of Special

• Player can exchange 1 of their Special Wagons that has 2 space for Packages
onto new Wagon with 2 spaces for Resources from the pool of available

(Resources from the discarded Wagon and Packages from the discarded Special
Wagon are to be discarded as well.).

➢ 5 currency can be exchanged for:

Exchange Wagon 2-3 Action (described on page 36).

Exchange Wagon 3-3 Action (described on page 36).

Corruption Action (described on page 38).

➢ 6 currency can be exchanged for:

Receive 3 Investment markers.

Advance on any Technology Track.

Receive 2 VP. Place Contract marker on any free space with 2 Resources in the
Contracts Area in any City in the Active Region. If all spaces are already
occupied you cannot perform this Action. Contract tiles do not matter in this

➢ 10 currency can be exchanged for:

Receive 3 VP. Place Contract marker on any free space with 3 Resources in the
Contracts Area in any City in the Active Region. If all spaces are already
occupied you cannot perform this Action. Contract tiles do not matter in this

➢ 16 currency can be exchanged for:

Receive 4 VP. Place Contract marker on any free space with 4 Resources in the
Contracts Area in any City in the Active Region. If all spaces are already
occupied you cannot perform this Action. Contract tiles do not matter in this

➢ 20 currency can be exchanged for:

Receive 5 VP. Place Contract marker on any free space with 5 Resources in the
Contracts Area in any City in the Active Region. If all spaces are already

occupied you cannot perform this Action. Contract tiles do not matter in this

Important: players perform only 1 Black Market Action after „selling” Resources.

Example: Yellow reached Black Market in the blue Region. Player wants to perform Action to place
Contract Marker for 2 VP (the only available space in the blue Region is Vexbourne City), to do so
they have to discard Resources with the minimum value of 6. Player discards 3 Brass Markers – each
1 for 1 virtual currency and 1 Copper marker for 4 virtual currency (overspent currency is lost) for a
total of 7 virtual currency. They can perform such action cause their position on the Unloading Track
is 5 thus they can unload up to 5 Resources.

Locomotive that completes their Movement Action on the specific space of Railway Siding ( further
called Active Railway Siding), takes the corresponding Railway Siding Bonus tile (important: in
further movements player has to move on the relevant track of siding that has been chosen e.g.:
player cannot move from space no. 6 to space no. 7). Additionally player can take the Package
marker if they have Special Wagon used to transport such packages. Furthermore Scoring of
Economic Area is triggered.

Remember: On each space of the Railway Siding only 1 Locomotive can stay at the same time.
Important: All of the above activities can be performed in any order.


1 4



Example. Yellow completed their Movement Action on space 6 on the Railway Siding in
the red Region thus starts the Railway Siding Action:
1. Takes the Railway Siding Bonus tile from space no. 6 performs the pointed
Corruption Action and discards the used tile outside the board, places the
new Railway Siding Bonus tile in its place.
2. In Corruption Action they send their Agent to 1 out of 5 red Sectors in
the Influence Area. Yellow chose Financial Sector in Ravenshire and placed
Agent on space no. 7.
3. Yellow has got Special Wagon so they take the Package token that is
currently in the Economic Area, it appeared there when Violet built the
Transfer Station there.
4. Afterwards the Economic Area Scoring is triggered (next page).


Players check how the Economic Area is developing. Rented Warehouses owners are tightening their
cooperation with the Contractors in the area, and the better the cooperation the bigger the benefits.
Transfer station earns more with more Contractors it can serve, and the collected funds allow its owner
for further improvement of their infrastructure to buy new technologies, and to bribe whoever they need
to in order to succeed.


In the step A each owner of the rented Warehouse in the Economic Area neighbouring with the
Active Railway Siding advances on the Contractors Track in the colour of the renting Contractor
by 1 space.

Continuation of the example:

5. Yellow has got 2 Warehouses in this Economic Area but only 1 of them
is rented by a Contractor (blue), as such they Advance by 1 space on the
Contractors Track in blue colour. Yellow advanced to the space 5 on
the Track and gets the possibility to take Action from any Railway Siding
Bonus tile. Choses Bonus from the tile no. 8 and receives 3 Coal markers
that will be useful to them when performing another Movement Action
from the Action card.
6. Yellow also has got the second Warehouse, but it is not rented (no
Contractor in it), thus this Warehouse is not scored.
7. Black also has rented Warehouse in this Economic Area as there is a
Contractor in it (red), thus Advances by 1 space on the Contractors Track

in the red colour.

In the step B, owner of the Transfer Station in the Economic Area neighbouring with the Active
Railway Siding, advances on the Infrastructure Track in the colour of the Active Region by 1 space
for each rented Warehouse (one with the Contractor in it)

Continuation of the example:

8. Violet is the owner of the Transfer Station, Active Region is red, and in
the Economic Area there are 2 Warehouses that are rented, 1 by Yellow,

and 1 by Black, thus Violet Advances on the Infrastructure Track

in the red colour by 2 spaces.
9. Violet by advancing by 2 spaces stopped on the space with Advance on

any Technology Track space , and chose Advance on the Unloading

Track Action.



Action Card
1 1




Example: Yellow starts their turn in phase V. They play the Action Card A34 and perform Movement
Actions in order from top to bottom.
I. Movement Action I allows to Move by 3 spaces for 1 Coal marker (Yellow could spend the
Movement Token with the value of 5 to increase the value of Movement Action to 8, but decides
to not use it as they would pass through the Railway Siding). Yellow performs Movement by 3
spaces and spends 1 Coal Marker. Completes the Movement Action on the space no. 3 on the
Railway Siding. Afterwards performs the Railway Siding Action described in the example on
page 47.

II. Nextly they perform the Movement Action no. II which allows to move by 4 spaces for 1 Coal
marker (Yellow again did not want to use Movement token). Yellow performs Movement by 4
spaces and spends 1 Coal marker.
III. Next Movement Action no. III allows to Move by 6 spaces for 2 Coal markers. Yellow cannot
make such movement as there can be only 1 Locomotive on one space (with the exception of
City and Black Market), and on this field there is already Black’s Locomotive. Yellow would
have to pass, but they have the Movement token which they decide to use and increase the
Movement Action no. III by 5 spaces which will allow to Move by 11 spaces for 2 Coal
markers. Yellow wants to stop in the Vardimium City, so they stop on the City and perform the
City Action according to the example on page 42 (remaining 4 Movement points are lost).
Used Movement token is discarded to the box.
IV. Yellow performed all 3 Actions, and as such as a reward they can perform Special Action from
the card that they played or any card on hand. From the played Action card A34 they would
receive 3 Investment markers¸ from the Action card A19 they would be able to perform the
Build Warehouse Action in the green Region, from the Action card A27 they could perform
Advance on any Technology Track. They spend 1 Coal marker and perform the Special Action
from the A27 card – Advance on the Unloading Track.

If an Action requires to pay cost in the Coal markers, and Yellow would not have those markers or
decided not to spend them, they could not perform an Action and would have to pass.
At the end of the turn Yellow discards both cards: played card A34 and card A27 from which they
performed Special Action. Afterwards they draw 1 new Action card from the available pool of Action
Cards. Yellow’s turn is completed.

VI. Mission Phase.

In this Phase players perform their turns according to the order set on the Order Track. Every player
starts their turn only after the player before them finished theirs. Players perform only 1 turn in this

In each players turn they can play 1 Hero card from their hand under the conditio that the City pointed
on the card is currently in the Active Region and that in this City there is Mission token. If the
conditions are met to play the card, then players perform the following steps:

1. Place the card in the players game area on the left side of the Players Board and start the Mission
(From this point the played Hero card will be described as Mission), for which at the end of the
game players will receive VP for the pointed Resource markers gathered on their Wagons.
2. Players collect the Mission token from the City shown on the card, and place its crest on the played
3. Players receive Mission Bonus (right hand top corner of the played card).

Important: Players are limited to performing only 1 Mission per 1 City. Mission cards will be
scored only at the end of the game.

Remember: If in the City there already is no Mission token, the Hero card with this city cannot
be played.


3 Example: Yellow is currently in the red Region and in phase VI

performs their turn as first, plays the Hero card PIETIA RABOV.
They can play this card because the City pointed on the card
BLACKBOROUGH still has the Mission token and is in the Active
Region (as the Yellow’s Locomotive completed the Movement in
the red Region).
1. Played card is placed on their gameplay area as Mission, at the
end of the game they will receive VP for the amount of markers
1 of Water collected on their Wagons.
2. Puts the Mission token on the crest of the played card.
3. Receives Mission Bonus as Build Transfer Station Action that
can be performed in the Active Region.

VII. End of Round Phase.


If any of the players visited all 9 Cities or it is the 8th round ( - 9th Round), the game ends at this
moment, and the Final Scoring starts.

Otherwise perform preparation for the next round activities.

Perform the following steps:

1. Move the Round marker to the next space on the Round Track.
2. Discard all the played Investment markers from the Action Area to the general pool.
3. Remove the remaining Action cards from the pool of available Action cards. Nextly
uncover 5 new Action cards that will be creating new pool of available Action cards for the
next round.

If at any moment in the game there are no more Action cards in the pile, new pile is created from
Action cards that are on the discarded cards pile.

The Game ends after the resolution of the Phase VII in Round 8 ( - Round 9) or if any of the
players visited all 9 Cities then the game ends at the end of the current Round.


Apart from the Victory Points gathered throughout the game the points will be additionally awarded

1. Players who have their City markers in all the 9 Cities receive 10 VP.
2. Players who reached top space on the Technology Track receive 10 VP.

Example: Yellow receives 20 VP, for reaching the top spot on the Coal Track (10 VP) and
Loading Track (10 VP). Black receives 10 VP for the top spot on the Investment Track.

3. Influence Area - 6 VP for the 1st place and 2 VP for the 2nd place in each of the 15 Sectors.
Winning player is the one who placed more meeples (Spies + Agents) in the specific Sector.
Draws are resolved in favour of the player who placed their Spy or Agent meeple earlier
(starting with space no. 1).

6 7 5 6 7 1 8 4 1 3 5
3 8 5 4 6
4 1
1 2
2 6
8 5 16 5 6 4 2 1 2 4 3 6
5 1 4
8 2 1
4 6 2
1 6
2 4 8 7 2 8 7 3
6 3 1 8

Example: Scoring of the 5 green Sectors in Calestia State begins:

➢ Finance Sector: Yellow gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP, because they have 2 meeples (1
Spy + 1 Agent). White gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP (their Spy[7] wins the draw with
other players because it was placed earlier.
➢ Resources Sector: Black gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP. No points are awarded for the
2nd place.
➢ Logistics Sector: Yellow gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP, because they have 2 meeples (1
Spy + 1 Agent). Violet gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP.
➢ Trade Sector: Violet gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP. No points are awarded for the 2nd
➢ Technology Sector: Black gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP because they have 2 meeples (2
Agents). White gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP.

Nextly Scoring for the 5 blue Sectors in Awhar state begins:

➢ Finance Sector: Violet gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP, because they have 2 meeples (1
Spy + 2 Agents). Yellow gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP because they have 2 meeples (1
Spy + 1 Agent).
➢ Resources Sector: White gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP, (because their Spy[6] was placed
earlier). Yellow gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP.
➢ Logistics Sector: White gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP, (because their Spy[2] was placed
earlier). Violet gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP.
➢ Trade Sector: Black gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP, (because their Spy[4] was placed
earlier). Yellow gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP.
➢ Technology Sector: Yellow gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP, because they have 2 meeples
(1 Spy + 1 Agent). Black gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP.

Nextly Scoring for the 5 red Sectors in Ravenshire state begins:
➢ Finance Sector: Violet gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP, because they have 3 meeples (1
Spy + 2 Agents). Black gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP because their Spy[3] was placed
➢ Resources Sector Violet gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP, (because their Spy[8] was placed
earlier). Yellow gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP.
➢ Logistics Sector: White gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP, because they have 2 meeples (1
Spy + 1 Agent), the same as Yellow, but their Spy[8] was played earlier. Yellow gets the 2nd
place and receives 2 VP.
➢ Trade Sector: Black gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP (because their Agent was placed
earlier). Violet gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP.
➢ Technoloy Sector: White gets the 1st place and receives 6 VP, because they have 2 meeples (1
Spy + 1 Agent). Violet gets the 2nd place and receives 2 VP.

4. Infrastructure Tracks for each of the 3 Regions – 12 VP for the 1st place and 6 VP for the
2nd place. In case of a draw on the 1st place, sum the VP for the 1st and the 2nd place (12+6 =18
VP) and divide them equally between all the players which are part of the draw rounding down.
No other player receives VP for the 2nd place. In case of the draw on the 2nd place, divide 6 VP
between all the players which are part of the draw.

Example: Scoring of the Infrastructure Track

➢ in the green Region of Calestia looks as follows:
Yellow gets the 1st place and receives 12 VP, Black gets the 2nd place and receives 6 VP.
➢ in the blue Region of Awhar looks as follows:
Black gets the 1st place and receives 12 VP, Yellow and Violet draws on the 2nd place, thus
both receive 3 VP each (6VP/ 2 players = 3 VP)
➢ in the red Region of Ravenshire:
White and Violet draw on the 1st place, thus both receive 9 VP (18 VP/2 players = 9 VP).
Other players do not receive VP.

5. Contractor Tracks in 3 colours of the Contractors – 12 VP for the 1st place and 6 VP for the
2nd place. In case of a draw on the 1st place, sum the VP for the 1st and the 2nd place (12+6 =18
VP) and divide them equally between all the players which are part of the draw rounding down.
No other player receives VP for the 2nd place. In case of the draw on the 2nd place, divide 6 VP
between all the players which are part of the draw.

Example: Scoring of the Contractor Tracks:

➢ for the green Contractors looks as follows:
Yellow gets the 1st place and receives 12 VP, White, Black, and Violet draw on the 2nd place,
thus all 3 players receive 2 VP each (6 VP/3 players = 2 VP)
➢ for the blue Contractors looks as follows:
White, Black, and Violet draw on the Biały, Czarna i Fioletowa remisują na 1 miejscu, w
związku z tym wszyscy troje otrzymują po 6 PZ (18 PZ/3 graczy = 6 PZ). Żółty nie otrzymuje
➢ for the red Contractors looks as follows:
White, Yellow, Black, Violet draw on the 1st place thus all four receive 4 VP rounding down
(18 VP/4 players = 4,5 VP rounded down to 4 VP).
6. Special Wagons – each player scores full Special Wagons.
On all the spaces there have to be Package tokens to receive Victory Points.

Example: Black has got 2 Special Wagons, unfortunately they did not get the last Package
Token to their Special Wagon with 3 spaces for Packages and does not receive Victory Points
for it. In the second Special Wagon they managed to collect the required 2 Package tokens,
thus Black receives 10 VP.

7. Contracts Area in 3 Regions – 12 VP for the 1st place and 6 VP for the 2nd place. In each
Region wins the player who delivered the most Resource markers in total to all of its Cities.
In case of a draw the player with more Contract markers wins the area. In case of further
draw sum VP for the 1st and the 2nd place (12 + 6 = 18) and divide them equally between all
the players in the draw rounding down, no other player receives VP for the 2nd place. In case of
a draw on the 2nd place (same amount of the Resources and Contract markers), divide 6 VP
between all the drawing players.

Example: In Green Region of Calestia, Black completed contracts for 2, 3, and 3 = 8, Yellow contracts
for 3 and 5 = 8 meaning both delivered 8 Resources, draw is won by Black who has more Contract
markers in this Region. 12 VP for the 1st place goes to Black, 6 VP for the 2nd place goes to Yellow.

In the blue Region of Awhar, Black completed contracts for 2 and 5 = 7 and gets the 1st place receiving
12 VP. Yellow and Violet draw for the 2nd place (both delivered 5 Resources each and have 2 Contract
markers), thus they both receive 3 VP (6 VP / 2 players = 3 VP).

In the red Region of Ravenshire, Yellow, White, and Violet draw on the 1st place, because each of them
completed 2 Contracts with a sum of 7 Resources. Every player receives 6 VP (18 VP/ 3 players = 6
VP). Black does not receive any VP.

8. Mission – Each player performs scoring of the played Missions according to the Scoring
shown on the card. (Hero Cards, which were not played are discarded outside the board).

Resources have to be on the Wagons at the end of the game to be able to perform Mission
Scoring. Resources don’t have to be discarded after receiving VP for the Mission.

Example: Yellow has got 3 Missions in their game area. In the first Mission VP is awarded
for however many Gold markers there are on their Wagons. Yellow has got 4 Gold markers
thus receives 5 VP. Second Mission also requires Gold, thus again receives 5 VP. Third
Mission requires Water. Yellow has got 2 Water markers, thus receives 2 VP. In total from 3
Mission cards they receive 12 VP

Important: Resource Markers have to be on the wagons. Empty wagons do not count towards the

The winner of Train Rush is the player with the most Victory Points. In case of a draw, the winning
player is the one who placed more City markers on the board. In case of further draw, players share
the victory.

Appendix A: Action Cards
Here you will find a brief description of Action Cards used in the game.

Number Special Action Description

A01 Immediately receive 5 VP.

A02 Immediately receive 7 VP.

A03 Immediately receive 6 VP.

A04 Immediately receive 3 VP.

Perform the Build Transfer Station Action in Any
A07-A09, Perform the Corruption Action in Sectors in the colour of
A11-A12 the Active Region.
Perform the Corruption Action twice in Sectors in the
A10, A13 colour of the Active Region. Agent have to be placed in
different Sectors.
Perform the Build Warehouse Action 3 times in Any
A14 Region. Warehouses have to be built in different Economic
Areas in Any of the Regions.
Perform the Build Warehouse Action twice in Any Region.
Warehouses have to be built in different Economic Areas
in Any of the Regions.

A19-A21 Perform the Build Warehouse Action in Any Region.

A22 Perform the Advance on the Wagons Track Action twice.

A23 Perform the Advance on the Loading Track Action.

Perform the Advance on any Technology Track Action

A25-A28 Perform the Advance on any Technology Track Action.
Perform the Exchange Wagon 1-3 Action.
A29 / or
Perform the Exchange Wagon 3-3 Action.
Perform the Exchange Wagon 1-2 Action.
A30 / / Perform the Exchange Wagon 2-3 Action.
Perform the Exchange Wagon 1-3 Action.
A31-A33 Perform Load 1 Wagon Action twice.
Receive 3 Investment markers.
A38, Receive 2 Investment markers.
A37 Perform the Exchange Wagon 1-3 Action.
Receive 1 Investment marker.

Rent your Warehouse, built in any Region to one of the
available Contractors in any City. Afterwards Advance on
A48-A49 Contractors Track in the colour of taken meeple, moving
Progress marker by the amount of spaces equal to City
Rank of this City (number above the suitcase).

Perform any Action costing 1 Investment marker from the

A50 Actions area for free according to normal rules of such
Perform any Action costing 2 Investment markers from the
A51 Actions area for free according to normal rules of such
Perform Draw the Wagon 3 Action (the same as Draw the
Wagon 2 Action, but specifically for the Wagons with 3
spaces for Resources and Special Wagons with 3 spaces
for packages.
Important: Maximum numer of Wagons that player can
own is pointed by Progress marker on the Wagons
Track. If a player has got maximum amount of the
Wagons they cannot perform this Action.
Perform Draw the Wagon 2 Action (page 33)

Important: Maximum numer of Wagons that player can

own is pointed by Progress marker on the Wagons
Track. If a player has got maximum amount of the
Wagons they cannot perform this Action.

Appendix B: Railway Siding Bonuses
Here you will find a brief description of Railway Siding tiles bonuses used in the game.

Number Siding Bonus Description

Take 3 Action cards from the Action Cards Pile, player can
keep 2 of those cards on hand, the remaining card is discarded
B01-B02 to the discard pile.

Remember: Limit of Action cards on hand is 5.

Take 3 Action cards from the Action Cards Pile, player can
keep 1 of those cards on hand, the remaining cards are
B03-B04 discarded to the discard pile.

Remember: Limit of Action cards on hand is 5.

B05-B09 Perform the Advance on any Technology Track Action.

Perform the Build Warehouse Action twice in the Active

B10-B11 Region. Warehouses have to be built in different Economic
Areas in the Active Region.

B12-B16 Perform the Build Warehouse Action in the Active Region.

B17 Perform the Exchange Wagon 1-3 Action.

Perform the Exchange Wagon 1-2 Action.

B18 Or
Perform the Exchange Wagon 2-3 Action.
Perform the Draw the Wagon 2 Action (page 33)

Important: Maximum numer of Wagons that player can

own is pointed by Progress marker on the Wagons Track.
If a player has got maximum amount of the Wagons they
cannot perform this Action.
Perform the Draw the Wagon 3 Action (the same as Draw
the Wagon 2 Action, but specifically for the Wagons with 3
spaces for Resources and Special Wagons with 3 spaces
for packages.
Important: Maximum numer of Wagons that player can
own is pointed by Progress marker on the Wagons Track.
If a player has got maximum amount of the Wagons they
cannot perform this Action.

Perform the Corruption Action in Sectors of the Active

B22-B27 Region.

B28-B29 Perform the Loading 1 Wagon Action Twice.

B31 Perform Loading 1 Wagon Action.

B32 Receive 3 Investment markers.

B33-B37 Receive 2 Investment markers.

B38-B40 Receive 1 Investment marker.

B41 Receive 3 Coal markers.

B42-B44 Receive 2 Coal markers.

B45-B47 Receive 1 Coal marker.

Appendix C: Hero Cards
Here you will find a brief description of Mission Bonuses used in the game.

Number Mission Bonus Description

C01, C17 Receive 1 Investment marker.

C02, Perform the Build Warehouse Action in the Active

C10, C14 Region.
Player can perform Special Action no. IV from any 1 Action
card on hand for free.
C03, C15 (Attention! Card from which the free Special Action is
performed is discarded. No new Action card is drawn in
its place.)
Perform Action from any Railway Siding Bonus tile.
Discard the tile afterwards and place a new one in its place.

C05 Perform the Advance on Wagons Track Action.

C06 Receive 1 Coal marker.

Perform the Build Transfer Station Action in the Active


C08 Receive 2 Investment markers.

C09, Perform the Corruption Action in Sectors of the Active

C13, C16 Region.

C11 Perform the Advance on Unloading Track Action.

C12 Receive 2 Coal markers.

C18 Perform the Advance on Loading Track Action.


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