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VPI Empower 5.

2-3a Product Management Release Notes Release Date: August 12, 2011

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OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................... 3 INSTALL WIZARD ...................................................................................................................... 3

Install Wizard Enhancements and Corrections ..............................................................................................3


NEW FEATURES ......................................................................................................................... 7

Export to Directory Meta Data ...........................................................................................................................7

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

ENHANCEMENTS AND CORRECTIONS ................................................................................ 8

User Interface ..............................................................................................................................................................8 Voice Capture............................................................................................................................................................ 11 Screen Capture ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Media Manager......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Event Center .............................................................................................................................................................. 14

5 6 7

KNOWN ISSUES ........................................................................................................................ 15 DOCUMENTATION ERRATA................................................................................................. 16 EMPOWER 5.2-3 BOM COMPONENT VERSIONS............................................................ 18

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1 Overview
These release notes are for the VPI Empower Suite 5.2-3a. Please note, to ease the plethora of version numbers in the product, we will start using the major released version plus a - number to identify the Install Wizard releases . The individual components along with their specific versions are listed in the Bill of Material at the end of this document and can also be found in the Release Matrix that is kept updated and can be found on our Downloads page. These release notes function as an addendum to the 5.2 Release Notes that were provided upon initial launch of 5.2. Please ensure that you refer to these notes, as well as the release notes for 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 for a complete view of contents of 5.2.

2 Install Wizard
There have been a few changes and enhancements to the Installer Wizard since the initial 5.2 release. As a reminder, starting with 5.2-1, the Install Wizard can now be used for most installation types: New Installs Single Server Installs Multi Server Installs Upgrades (from 5.1 to 5.2) The Install Wizard performs the following functions: Installs prerequisites Runs component installers Runs database scripts Distributed as an ISO There are some exceptions where the Install Wizard cannot be used, however with this release, the number of these exceptions continues to be reduced. Please refer to the Install Wizard documentation for more details. This document includes information about upgrading existing Empower Servers.

2.1 Install Wizard Enhancements and Corrections

5.2-3a of the Empower Automatic Installer Includes the following new major component updates: (See sections below for details): Vportal - Voice Capture - Media Manager- For a complete list of the current components of VPI Empower Suite, please reference Section 7 Empower 5.2-3a BOM.

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2.1.1 New Business Rules Requirement

With this new release, a new version of business rules has been released that requires Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2005 Service Pack Redistributable. Depending on the customers level of Windows Update, this may be already installed. However, if not, you will see the following error.

If you encounter this error, please install the VC++ 2005 Redistributable, which is contained on the 5.2-3a ISO. For more information on this see

2.1.2 Upgrading system using non-default install locations

Please review this important Information regarding using the Install Wizard when upgrading systems not using the default install location C:\program files\VPI. (Trac 7227) Earlier versions of the Install Wizard did not correctly set registry settings when installing to non-default locations. Therefore when upgrading these systems, it will be necessary to review two locations and potentially make manual changes to the registry settings to ensure proper operation. 1) \\HLM\Software\Voice Print International, Inc\VPortal The following registry keys need to be reviewed "BusRules InstallDir" "DataPump InstallDir" "LiveMonitor InstallDir" "Retrieval InstallDir" "Root InstallDir" "SQLDataAdapter InstallDir"

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The above entries need to point to their respective install folders. Root needs to point to the folder that contains the Coaching and Tickers folder. For example, C:\Program Files\VPI for a standard install. Make any modifications necessary.


HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Uninstall

Each version of VPortal has a different GUID. Browse through the folder until the folder representing VPortal is found. The example below is for VPortal The Install Location attribute needs to be set to the VPortal install directory. Locate the registry key for VPortal. Scan through the GUIDs until you find the one representing VPortal. Verify the Install Location entry points to the installed VPortal path. For example, C:\Program Files\VPI\VPortal or D:\VPI\VPortal. If it is not there, enter the missing value.

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2.1.3 Other Install Wizard Enhancements and Corrections

Item Description

4789 6202 7059 6820

6095 6421 6518 7085 7080

SSL Support has been added the Screen Capture installer Corrected the issue on a Screen Capture Host Upgrades where multiple files of the config file were being generated. Added MediaManagerLinkPlugin to installer Changed the Default value for Disconnect Host on Fail from 1 to now be 0. Now if a file transfer failure occurs, the server will not require a restart to resume screen captures. In the worst case, a may be stranded on the host, but can be later retrieved. This default change is applicable when using the standalone installer as well as the Install Wizard. Voice and View now copy fbclient to system32 (system was incorrect). Synway file SHP_A3.dll removed from installer. This file prevented newer Synway builds of Voice from starting. EventCenter SMTP settings will now be preserved on upgrades. EventCenter Alarm settings will now be preserved on upgrades. Install Wizard now correctly identifies correct Media Manager scripts to run during installs/upgrades.

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3 New Features
3.1 Export to Directory Meta Data
In Vportal, we released a new Export to Directory feature. In this release, we have extended this support to include meta data in addition to the media files that are being exported.

For more information on how to enable and use the Export to Directory feature, please refer to the 5.2-2 Release notes.

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4 Enhancements and Corrections

4.1 User Interface
Listed are changes since the last Maintenance Release of Vportal Description Item 4613 5139 6069 6156 6311 6318 6327 6360 Corrected an issue where the time was not working correctly when using a custom date picker. Corrected the Administration\Design\Search Grid capabilities. The Visablity Option from Static columns has been removed and changes are now saving. Added a "Sequential Playback" mode to local and remote playback. Corrected issue where data in Coaching Reports was displaying in US format when the customer machine was set to the UK format. Corrected an issue sometimes seen where previously deactivated agents were being associated with current audio captures. Added a warning message when an invalid date is entered in the Date Picker. Previously there was not warning to why no data appeared. Corrected issues where within the Message Recipient Reports: Active Messages were not separating groups properly Corrected an issue with Analysis Grid exports where the raw numbers/unformatted numbers were exported to Excel rather than the formatted numbers. Now the exported numbers have the same format as seen in the Analysis Grid. Users can now complete self evaluation on their own interactions or general performance. Corrected issue where Agent Evaluation widgets reported incorrect numbers of finalized evaluations. Resolved some overlapping display issues in the Agent Coaching Activity Trend Widget when setting the view by week and select date by this year. Removed unreleased Performance Widget- Scheduled Tasks Manager, as it is not complete and was not intended to be in 5.2. Corrected problem in Evaluations by Evaluator and Evaluator Evaluations Trend Widget where changing the evaluators in these widgets did not take effect. Corrected percentage format issues in the Agent Evaluation Status Trend/Evaluator Evaluation Status Trend widget. Corrected the issues where Evaluations Trend reports had QA averages over 100%. When exported to Directory, extraneous metadata was removed that had no external meeting. Corrected problem seen in Performance reports where changing a user from one group to another resulted in the user being in the same group multiple times. Corrected the issue where inactive groups were being included in widgets even though the "Include Inactive" option was not selected. Added a Legend on the Status Trend Widgets to indicate what the colored lines represent. Corrected an invalid warning when creating a Widget with a "View By: week and Select Date: last 12 months.

6454 6480 6524 6531 6533 6534 6550 6555 6567 6601 6606 6607

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Corrected the problems in the blue capsule Ticker template where the metrics were reversed in row 1 and 2. 6609 Corrected the intermittent problem where the published ticker was not always matching what was created in the Ticker Designer. 6610 Corrected the issue with the Ticker Manager - Blue capsule template where 2nd tab has 3 labels which was causing row/column problems 6611 Corrected the problem where after completing a coaching activity, My coaching reports that the module was completed at 12:00:00 AM of the day it was completed regardless of time. 6612 Resolved the issue seen when adding a group evaluation status widget and you get a error message that you can only select 20 nodes when selecting groups on newly added widget. 6627 Added a Redundant Logger checkbox in the general details of a resource to exclude calls from redundant loggers in Interaction Assembly. This fix eliminates audio quality problems and echoes with out-of-synch audio-overlay from redundant loggers. 6630 Corrected the problem in the Coaching/messaging reports where selecting the 'Go' button gave an error and redirected to the wrong URL. 6677 Corrected the problem seen were the Evaluation by Question report showed the incorrect Averages for questions. 6678 Corrected the problem when printing an Evaluation Detail Reports where it was not accurately reporting when the evaluation form was auto-failed. 6684 Agent Evaluation status widget does not allow non super users to see/select any agents 6690 Corrected the issue where an evaluation could not be committed. 6694 Changed the default in the Group Evaluation Status Trend widget to be active groups rather than inactive groups. 6720 Corrected condition where some Group Metric's in tickers were not receiving data 6724 Changed the Out of the box User Configuration template to have the default audio search to be Today's Calls instead of Inbound Audio Calls under 5 secs - last 48 hrs 6744 Corrected the issue with the Data Pump where the SCData Configuration was being overwritten. 6754 Corrected issue where Interaction Date in Time Range filter on Quality reports did not filter data correctly. 6755 Correct issue where Interaction information was erroneously missing from the evaluation summary report 6766 The Interaction Detail Reports now have the expected columns and totals. 6816 Corrected issue where deleted Scorecards were still being seen as active. 6833 My Evaluation Tasks now correctly saves selected status preferences 6846 Corrected issues seen where My Evaluation Tasks widget where randomly loading incorrectly 6866 Corrected the problem seen where the Evaluation scorecard next to the evaluation form was not reflecting the accurate running total scores by section and skill. 6896, Fixed the issue with Scorecards and Coaching/Messaging reports where a users computer 7190 format is UK, and the time format was displaying as US. 6929 Corrected issue seem when exporting Reports in PDF/Excel shows US format when in UK time format 6930 Corrected issue in Admin Report where User List shows US time format when in UK time format mode

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6951 6976

6988 7039 7057 7062 7088

7096 7118 7122 7133


7168 7181 7191

Make improvements to data maintenance in agObserverHistory function which has resulted in performance improvements when viewing history and status of Business Rules. Corrected the issue seen where standard business rules were not running when they were scheduled. Please Note: that rules that use the QA templates will need to be recreated to ensure this correction takes effect. Corrected the issue seen when using the hyperfilter to search for audio and including the autofail column in the search grid, data was never displayed. Corrected issues where the Avaya Current status reports (and possibly others) were not showing users that did not have historical data You can now successfully edit a comment in the media player without an issue. We have added the option to Sort Evaluations by Score Added support for UCCE data collection to accommodate some minor changes Cisco made to their database schema that broke our previous data collection process. Added a separate .config file to SQL Data Adapter for Cisco UCCE 8.0. The existing UCCE.config file is for versions 7 and earlier; UCCE8.config is for version 8. You no longer see an Error in Ticker Widget Group Picker Corrected the condition where you were unable to view data on a Scorecard for an agents primary group. Corrected the error seen when setting a date in Search Evaluations by Evaluator. Previously no results were returned. When using some versions of Excel, the Analysis Grid exports results in numbers storing as text cells in Excel due to an Excel configuration. If this happens, within Excel (depending on the excel version) this can be turned off with a global setting or on a case by case bases by changing the format from the warning message icon next to the cell itself. Corrected issue seen doing a search with the evaluators name as the criteria and selecting "prompt at run time" where the picker with evaluators names came up blank and then if you tried to use the search text box you get an "object reference error. Corrected the error seen when hitting the 'preview now' button after creation of a new interaction search with 'Start time' to prompt at run time. On the Flagged Media by type Widget, changed the left vertical axis title to be more specific Number of Occurances. Control charts now work correctly when 2 vportal servers are sharing a UNC physical path. Previously, an error was encountered. You can now successfully edit a comment in the media player without an issue. (Dup of 7057) The Agent Coaching Activity by Module and by Group widgets now display failure bars in red to better distinguish between the blue pass bars. We have added the ability to disable visibility of the heatmap, in the case where the customer is using an older version of Java than what is required for the heatmaps. If you want to remove the HeatMap tab, set the following to false in Web.Config: <add key="DisplayHeatMap?" value="false"/> Corrected the issue where some services could not run under npm-admin accounts.

7199 7207 7211


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4.2 Voice Capture

Item Description 6033 Improved Auto Recycle feature for use with non NAS archive devices. 6246 When posting transactions to Firebird and SQL dbs, and posting to SQL fails, files get uploaded to MediaManager but there is no link in SQL to those files in the offline INI files. 6359 Fixed registering software IP phones with CMAPI when using TSAPI Multiple Registration channel manager 6363 Fixed Cloggerservice shutting down Smartworks events thread for no reason 6393 Corrected CloggerConfig to add RAS Port information 6396 Corrected CloggerAudioRecovery from putting date imported as start date of calls that it imports 6412 Resolved ability to set RTP Routing - MT_RET_QUOTA_EXCEEDED 6444 Resolved CloggerService deployed with Avaya Multiple Registration Channel Manager RTP time out 6485 Fixed Missing Recordings - TSAPI Channel stops recording on specific channel 6504 Users can now busy-out & release their phones without a VPI or AES restart requirement 6516 Added D-Channel support for EVT_SUPERVISOR_LIGHT_ON/OFF 6542 Fixed TSAPI - SQL Exception when running Voice (AES 3.1) 6563 Can now see Terminal Unregistered Event in Avaya Multiple Registration Channel Manager 6564 Fixed Call terminating prior to completion Avaya Voice Portal Agent Greeting enabled 6568 Updated Ericsson H.323 to support multiple TCP ports 6592 Resolved IPX protocol UI fields not initialized correctly 6633 Fixed registering with Multiple Registration Channel Manager to support Digital Phones 6705 Resolved Avtec - Clogger RTP Port Errors 6709 Corrected Nortel VoIP - Recordings Not Triggering 6715 Fixed Instant Recall Client - Interface Pop-Up Appears When Mousing Over Second Monitor 6725 Corrected use of OnPostNewScript to set Agent ID to associate user to capture via Agent ID 6739 No longer posts a row to the vpVoiceObjectsANI table if the ani value is NULL. 6790 Fixed non CDR calls not making it to vpdata.gdb 6875 Fixed calls being tagged with incorrect "numberdialed" data 6937 Added UI for Additional Ports settings of IPX H.323 protocols 6939 Improved CME Firebird DB management. 7002 Fixed offline DB records to read V_ISTURRETTRANS field correctly when re-loaded 7006 Cisco 8.5.1 Added Multiple SIP Trunk support enhancement pointing at one logger 7011 Added TSAPI / Multiple Registration -> Security Code enhancement per station 7025 Added UI for Additional Ports setting of IPX SIP protocol 7026 Added UI for Non-Station IP setting of IPX Nortel Unistim protocol 7071 Corrected issues seen with Turret Service when multiple CDR records were generated within the same second and the end up with the same Call ID. This now longer will occur.

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4.3 Screen Capture

Item Description

4632 4654 4992 4996 5328 5329 5330 5332 5347 5381 5802 6028 6079 6321 6338 6543 6781 6843 6981

Corrected issue Filter by 'Unknown' Applications Resolved VBScripts and Event Center Exposed Classes Fixed System Tray icon to display error code for unknown status Resolved EventCenter Service starts pegging CPU at 70%.. and stays there even after shutting down all VPI apps Fixed Archive of Live Log so Compression Attribute is always set Resolved Popup errors when registering LogViewer without EventCenter COM object installed Fixed LogViewer COM object to use Apartment threading instead of Free threading Allow LogViewer to still run if EventCenter service COM object cannot be accessed Corrected VPIEVENT.MIB definition of logEventClientIP field using wrong spelling of INTEGER Fixed Access Violations in Service when firing events to client apps Implemented quick way to go back to "today" Fixed Nightly Log Maintenance Archive Fixed EventCenter leaking handles Implemented SMTP port to be configured in Event Center Resolved Screen Capture screen resolution error when set to 1440 X 900 Fixed Screen Host Error message in Event Center- (Caught outer-level exception) Fixed Screen host missing small number of recordings Resolved Screen Host terminating with a .NET Runtime 2.0 Error Fixed screen host not recording Windows 7 workstation when display size is set to 150%

4.4 Media Manager

General Improvements: Optimized NAS Plugin Remove File Processing and logging. Improved Media Manager Link Plug ins error logging and other miscellaneous functions. Improved stability and control of threading Enhanced overall performance of archive pending threads and event center logging Note: Media Manager registry keys for the Archive Pending Queue processing MUST be removed with this release. ArchivePendingQueueSleepInterval ArchivePendingQueueBatchSize

Item 6066 6116 6130 6204

Description CloudPlugin now returns correct Error values when access to cloud fails during a write attempt Fixed when a NAS and Cloud Plugin exist, files uploaded to Media Manager get stored on the NAS w/its default COS value and not the OnlineCopyCOS value Corrected ejecting DVDMirrors, failed to get handle to eject Slave device when it was busy Fixed Media Manager database script not migrating data records

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6230 6234 6257 6277 6411 6481 6519 6520 6526 6575 6578 6620 6622 6625 6644 6651 6652 6672 6673 6689 6691

6692 6701

Fixed Media manager taking a long time to validate database, fileSize Implemented remove check for Legacy column in vpFile Fixed Media Manager client thread terminates issue, can't archive Fixed Media Manager Error - Cannot remove file Corrected more offline notification messages are sent than offline requests Resolved Media Manager high memory usage, errors, stops responding to clients Fixed satisfying offline requests, if an Online Plugin already had that file, MMSvc would generate an error indicating duplicate keys in the db but leaves that file on the disk Resolved satisfying offline requests, if an Online Plugin already had that file, MMSvc would generate an error indicating duplicate keys in the db but leaves that file on the disk Corrected Media Manager - DVD media becomes write protected after being ejected and then reinserted Corrected when CommandThread shuts down its now "threadpooled" Worker Threads, it needs to allow WorkerThreads to "terminate" Fixed database exception occurs, clearing out the db connection pool elements causes EAccessViolations Fixed StoreFile still getting upload mismatches Fixed MMUtilities not updating registry for DB connection Windows 2008 R2 Resolved MediaManagerLinkPlugin does not send Media full event notification Corrected MediaManagerLinkPlugin's Connection pool objects have SSL support disabled Fixed race condition when loading the SSL library causes either the ConnectionMgr or the MediaManagerLink Plugin to hang at start up Fixed issues where MediaManagerLinkPlugin keepalive processing caused weird file mismatches during upload Fixed Media Manager Archive Pending Thread Error Archive Stopped on CloggerService Implemented Use local storage for archive pending when plugin available Optimized Processing of the database based archive pending queus to be able to handle millions of records. Improved debug error messaging when a throttle mechanism/condition has been encountered. A debug message is now seen every 15 minutes. Implemented Query to get Archive Pending Queue items if an Online Plugin is not available will generate an invalid query When adding new MediaManagerLinkPlugin DLL, default value for Connection Pool is now 100 (previously was 10). Corrected a db insert into vpFile or vpFileStorage fails due to duplicate key, dont force a MMSvc restart Fixed Media Manager Link Plugin not matching the number of files archived to NAS plugin Improved efficiency of clearing the Media Manager archive pending queue. Fixed Media Manager unable to create unique file name Implemented no need to check for existence of vpFileStorage row before deleting it Fixed MM not handling disruptions to database connections Correct the issue where the original IssuerGuid was not extracted and saved with the files meta datqa when it was archieve onto disk.

6710 6726 6750 6751 6779 6780 6797

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6799 6802 6856 6857 6860 6869 6873 6956 6968

Corrected a condition where a termination was seen on a remote Site server during a Media Manager reboot. In case of db insert failure because of duplicate file guid, generate a new file guid and archive Improved system performance by reducing extraneous pending queue queries. Improved Media Manager performance. Fixed TVPMediaManager library not handling xmlBusy With no media manager plugins enabled, the system no longer reports an exception Corrected Error seen when moving Archive Pending Queue records from the Registry to the Database Improved efficiency of Mediamanager.sql update running on large databases. No longer have worker thread completion errors in normal event logging

4.5 Event Center

Item Description

4632 4654 4992 4996 5328 5329 5330 5332 5347 5381 5802 6028 6079 6321

Corrected issue Filter by 'Unknown' Applications Resolved VBScripts and Event Center Exposed Classes Fixed System Tray icon to display error code for unknown status Resolved EventCenter Service starts pegging CPU at 70%.. and stays there even after shutting down all VPI apps Fixed Archive of Live Log so Compression Attribute is always set Resolved Popup errors when registering LogViewer without EventCenter COM object installed Fixed LogViewer COM object to use Apartment threading instead of Free threading Allow LogViewer to still run if EventCenter service COM object cannot be accessed Corrected VPIEVENT.MIB definition of logEventClientIP field using wrong spelling of INTEGER Fixed Access Violations in Service when firing events to client apps Implemented quick way to go back to "today" Fixed Nightly Log Maintenance Archive issue Fixed EventCenter leaking handles Implemented SMTP port to be configured in Event Center

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5 Known Issues
Item Description

6241 When using the Install Wizard to perform an upgrade, some custom services preserve the username and some reset it to the local system. Services that preserve username, but password is broken: VPI Voice VP Safe VPI Control Service VPI Media Manager Services that reset the username to the local system account: VPI Business Rules Service VPI Datapump Service VPI Live Monitor Service VPI Retrieval Service VPI SQL Data Adapter Service 6291 When performing a fresh install, service accounts may not be properly applied. You need to manually verify the service accounts and, where needed, manually apply. 6275 SQL Backup component install fails on 64 bit Operating Systems 6497 In topologies where the SQL database is on a separate server, the Install Wizard cannot be used for an upgrade as it has an issue installing the db script 5012 Install Wizard cannot run from DVD. Files need to be copied to the server prior to running Installer

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Documentation Errata

Please find the following important corrections for Empower Installation Guide, June 2011. These items will be incorporated in the next version of the guide. Page 37 (4.11 View Scheduler) o Correction: View Scheduler is an application; it does not run as a service. It requires local administrator rights when running. o Ignore the Service Permissions section and the Permissions section. These will be removed in the next revision. o Ignore the System Registry section, including instructions to modify the registry when using VPortal 4.x. The Empower Suite installs VPortal 5.x. Page 48 (5.2.1 Installing windows media encoder) o Missing note: 32 bit Windows Media Encoder is required. Page 50 ( Configuring VPI Screen Capture) o Correction: The standard Screen Capture Configuration screenshot is wrong. The View Server Transfer Port is 3104, and the value should be a 0.

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Page 50 (5.2.3 View Capture Citrix Requirements) o Correction: This section should include references to Windows Terminal Services. We can install with Windows Terminal Services as well. o Correction: 5.2.3 View Capture Citrix Requirements and Installation should be 5.2.3 View Capture, Citrix or Windows Terminal Services Requirements and Installation. o Add information: All steps must be performed on all Citrix Server(s) and Web Interface Server(s) described in this section. If using Windows Terminal Services, go directly to Installing Record Terminal Services. Note: If you have any comments, corrections or recommendations regarding the VPI documentation, please open a Trac ticket, email the &Docs distribution list, or report it to your VPI Support representative

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Empower 5.2-3a BOM Component Versions

The following components make up the Bill of Material for the Empower 5.2-3 suite of products upon initial GA release. Using the Install Wizard will ensure you have the most updated versions. Since components of this Bill of Material change frequently, please check the Release Matrix available to the VPI Support team prior to new installations or upgrades.
Component General Components Java Version Event Center SQL 2005 Version SP3, SQL 2008 (recommended) Firebird VPortal Web General Components Microsoft IIS (Web Server) NET Framework Version Silverlight VPI Components VPortal Business Rules Service Datapump Service Live Monitor Client Live Monitor Service Retrieval Service SQL Data Adapter Media Player VPTicker Client VPUtil.dll (required to be signed) Vportal Migrate Media Manager VPI Components Media Manager Service MMUtilities Plug ins CloudPlugin.dll DVDPlugin.dll NASPlugin.dll Legacy2000_DVDPlugin.dll VRAcos Plugin DVDMirrorPlugin.dll MediaManagerLinkPlug.dll Version Number Version 6 Update 13 or newer* Express / Standard /Enterprise 2.0.3

7.0 3.5 SP1 3.0.50106.0 or greater*# 1.2.12*#****#********#

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Component Version Number Voice Capture General Components SmartWorks32 (X86 32bit O/S for Audio boards, not required for SoftRTP solutions) SmartWorks64 (X86 32bit O/S for Audio boards, not required for SoftRTP solutions) VPI Components CloggerService CloggerConfig CLogger Utilities VPIXML.DLL View General Components Windows Media Encoder, Hot fix required for Vista & Win 7 VPI Components Scheduler View Client VPControlService VPSafe Screen Capture Host Client VPUtil.dll (required to be signed) FFMPED Dated 8/13/2010 Citrix/Terminal Services - RecordTS x86 (32bit) Citrix/Terminal Services - RecordTS x64 (64bit) Data Collector Cisco UCCX Data Adapter Avaya PC4 Avaya CMS Genesys Nortel Contact Center Mgr Other Applications Instant Recall VP Append VPClientTcp.dll VPLogin VPClient TCP (SDK) *Indicates changes since 5.2-2 # Indicates changes since 5.2-3***** 2.1.4239-x86 2.1.4239-x64 1.2.0*# 3.7.0

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