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By Criss Wall

I started crocheting small toys to leave around for people to find. It is heaps of fun but some
patterns can take a while to do. I wanted to start creating a few small patterns for myself
and others. I decided to start with Jellyfish as they seem to be everyone’s favourites. This is
my mini version.
I know that there are heaps of beautiful Jellyfish patterns out there already. I specifically
wanted an All in One jellyfish pattern that didn’t involve joining on any other parts. This
pattern contains basic instructions meant for someone who is familiar crocheting amigurumi.


 Each Jellyfish uses about 15 metres of yarn when made with a 8ply/DK and a 3.5mm
 Optional – 8mm safety eyes but you can easily sew on facial features or leave the
Jellyfish plain.
 This pattern is meant to be used with your scrap yarn so hook sizes will vary. Please
pick the size of hook you are comfortable using with your yarn choice. As a guide I
use a 4mm hook with 10ply/Aran yarn and a 3.5mm hook with 8ply/DK yarn.
 They measure around 12cm long.

Row 1 6 SC into a magic ring (6 stitches)
Row 2 “INC in each stitch” repeat around
(12 stitches)
Row 3 *INC, SC 2*, repeat around
(16 stitches)
Row 4-7 SC 16 (16 stitches)
Row 8 In the front loop only from Row 7 - SC 16 (16 stitches) With this row, the front
loops from the row will be used to make the skirt or frill. The back loops will be
used to close the bottom of the Jellyfish.
Eyes Add eyes now and any other embroidery you like – cheeks, eyelashes,
eyebrows, mouth….etc.
Row 9 Working through both loops of Row 8 - slip stich into the next stitch then *skip
1 stitch, 5 SC in the next stitch, skip one stitch, slip stitch in next stitch*, repeat
around. You should have 4 little frills on the bottom. The next row is worked
underneath the frill. Chain two and slip stitch into one of the back loops inside
the jellyfish to begin row 10. The chain will be hidden under the frill.

Criss Wall

I have added two alternatives to closing the jellyfish. Row 10 gives the bottom a
tapered look and makes the frills stick out. Row 10a and Row 11a leaves the
sides and the frills of the jellyfish straight.
Row 10 (Tapered bottom). Decrease every stitch (8 stitches). Continue on with the
tentacles. If you are having trouble working in the back loops, it does help to
fold and roll the frill outwards and down.
Row 10a (Straight sides and frills). Working in the back loops from Row 8 - *DEC, SC 2*
repeat around (12 stitches).
Row 11a (Straight sides and frills). *DEC, SC 1* repeat around (8 stitches)
Stuff Stuff the jellyfish lightly.

Tentacles Complete the tentacles using one of the following options. You can change
colours now as well if you choose.
Option 1 - Chain loop tentacles
Slip stitch into the next stitch. *Chain 50 and slip stitch into the next stitch on
the bottom of the Jellyfish*. Repeat around for all the stitches left. You will
have “loops of chains” hanging down from the body of your Jellyfish. You can
make as many or as few tentacles as you like. Just either add more tentacles
to the spaces or miss a few. It all works.
My favourite thing to do with this row is add twists to the chain lengths. If you
allow the head of the jellyfish to hang from your hook, you can twirl the head
around putting a twist in the chain loops before anchoring back up to the body.
The chain loops will twist over themselves and add some cool little curls to the
Option 2 - Separate tentacles
Slip stitch into the next stitch. *Chain 60 and slip stitch back into the next stitch
on the bottom of the Jellyfish*. Repeat around for all the stitches left. You will
have “loops of chains” hanging down from the body of your Jellyfish. Continue
on with closing the bottom of the jellyfish. When it is finished, you need to cut
each tentacle in the middle and tie a knot in the end of each to secure.

Bind Secure the end of your yarn and bind off leaving a long tail. Using your needle,
thread around the bottom of open gap of the jellyfish and pull closed. I thread
the yarn under the “V” stitches but you close it anyway you choose. Tie off and
thread the long tail back up through the body out the top of the head.

Criss Wall

Criss Wall

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