2nd Officer

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Mt.tirta Samudra XI pt.hengtat samudrea Bahari (chemical tanker)gt.

Mt.olympus 1 pt.waruna nusa sentana (oil tanker) gt.22184
Mv.galaxy 99 pt.bunga nusa Mahakam lct gt.581
Mv.galaxy 99 pt.bunga nusa Mahakam lct gt.581

Introduse your self

Good afternoon sir, Tanks for your give me time to introduce. I would like to
introduce my name for you. My name is deni setiawan,you can call me Denis.
I was bron on purbalingga 30 july 1998. I am 25 years old,
I am sailor and I holding deck officer class 3 Management level. My last
experience as 2nd officer on mv.galaxy 99 lct ship. Of company pt.bunga nusa
Mahakam for trading area Indonesia, trade area territory.
Responsbility 2nd off MY Responsibility as 2nd OFF IS :
*I will make a passage plan from departure port to the next port.
*chart corection fllowed by instructed from NTM.
*maintenance the Navigation Equipment
*If we don’t have 3rd off, I will take the responsibility about LSA/FFA.
*Second officer is responsible for familiar him self with procedure safety
management system and comply with same
*check up to date publication book on board
* the execution of medical treatment and sanitation management
*make a noon report
*make a look book GMDSS
*make a dpr daily progress
*make a compass observation
*Determing the time of departure of the ship, and the time of arrival
destination at port
A.Vessel on sail : to conduct OOW for watch keeping at bridge ( watch : 12-16
and 24-04 hours navigational watch )
B.Vessel at anchor : to conduct of officer on duty for anchor watch assist by AB
duty ( safety around made and security patrol )
C.Vessel at berth : to assist chief officer of cargo watch, safety and security also
mooring line watch to be maintained
*Second Officer is responsible for maintained abstract to navigational log

PASSAGE PLAN *The purpose of the passage plan is to prepare carefuly about
the voyage in order to ensure the safety of the ship on the voyage so that the
ship can arrive at the destination port safety.
Chart Publication (Nature of the sea bed, symbols and abbreviation used on BA
charts-NP 5011 ), Chart Catalogue ( NP 131 ), NTM ( Notoce to Mariners – 52
weekly edition in yearly ) added annually summary , Last Update chart ( Chart
Correction Record book ) Present Position.

1. what are the stages of a passage plan ?

 appraisal,planning,execution,monitoring
2. what is appraisal in the passage plan ?
 in this stage you need to geather all the information from below
sources before planning
3. what is an abourt poin ?
 the position beyong which will not be possible to retrun other than
proced, also know as’poin of no retrun factors to be considered while
deciding to abort draft,speed,turning circle,dangerous situation in
harbour,non availability of tug/berth,machinery malfungtion ets.
4. What is a contingency anchorage ?
 Even after crossing the abourt poin ship. May have to take emergency
action. The plan should include the safe anchorage,waiting
area,alternative routes etc.
5. What is a parallel index (pi)
 Parallel index is the technique used as a measure to monitor the
progress of a vessel on the track and to minimize cross track distance
and to keep vessel at safe distance from the shore line or a rock.
We can get in google the link is www.ukho.gov.uk
*insert (layout flare or add new information)
* change attribute on an object
*replace (object replacement)
*moving (change the position of an object)
*delete (deletion of an object)
1. open admiralty notice to marine
2. go to part II (index of charts affected) "map list" corrected this week. there
are permanent corrections and t&p corrections
3. then record the correction to "admiralty paper chart maitanance record"
> may not be write used pen (must use a pencil)
> copy corrections on a paper map, if there is a temporary correction
permanent map correction stages example
1. open the NTM which map will be corrected according to our passage
2. go to part II (index of charts affected) "map list" corrected this week.
there are permanent corrections and t&p corrections
3. then record the correction to "admiralty paper chart maitanance record"
4. find the position of latitude and longitude
5.strike with purple pen to remove flare
6. then we make a statement on the bottom side of the outside the map on
the left (right side of the big correction) we write the correction number,
namely: NTM.no 17/2022-199
7. we circle the map number that we have corrected. so we can move to the
next correction chart.
Water boundaries that are not allowed to be passed by ship in connecting with
the presence of nav hazards, including all areas with a smaller water depth
loaded with ship

The boundary of the safe area which is a straight line outside the no go area
and its pleacement depends on :
-the site of the ship
-*accuracy of the navy g system used
-characteristrik of ship og
-*local current situation
1.CHART KATALOG (katalog peta)
2.Chart (peta)
3.Tide tables (table pasang surut)
4.Admiralty list of radio signals (daftar signal radio)
5.Admiralty list of light & fog signal
6.Admiralty sailing direction
7.NTM (Nautice to marine)
8.Navigational warning
9.Admiralty distance tables
10.Marine’s hand book
11.Draft of ship
12.Personal experiens
13.Other resure information
ISM means the internasional safety management code for the safe operation of
ships and pollution prevention. To ensure safety at sea. Prevention of human
injury or loss of life and avoidance in ship operation and safe working
The porpuse applaying ism code:
1.safety of people on board
2.ship and cargo safety
3.safety of the marine environment from pulotion
- Entered into force on 1st July 1988 as SOLAS Chap.IX
- The ISM provides an international standard for the safe management and
operation of ships and for pollution prevention.
- Its objectives are ensuring safety at sea, preventing human injury and
fatalities and avoiding damage to the environment.
- It is applicable to all oceangoing ships over 500 GT and to the owner or
management company that has assumed the ship operation responsibility.
ISPS CODE It’s Mean (Internasional Ship and Port facility Security)
In based on solas chapter 11.2 requirement for ship pasangger and tanker ship,
have GRT 500 tons or more. Must be instaled AIS as per IMO convention on 1st
July 2004.
Divide by 2 section (part A and part B)
In 3 level : - level 1 (normal)
-level 2 (medium)
-level 3 (hight)
BRM It’s mean (BRIDGE RESOURSE MANAGEMENT) or as its also called bridge
team management (BTM). Is the effective management and utilization of all
resourse, human and technical. Available to the bridge team to ensure the safe
completision of the vessel voyage.
PMS ( plan maintenance system ).
-Conducted maintenance maintained and monitoring Check and inspection
with check list based on 2nd Officer file of SMS filling system on board for the
LSA /FFA , Navigation equipment,up date Chart correction and publication book
from NTM (notice to marine in 52 weekly edition added anually
summary),keeping log navigational watch , GMDSS equipment,Stationary
inventory,Flag signal inventory,Medical and hospital inventory
*PMS (Plan Maintenance System) general is a paper/ software base system
which allow the ship’s owner and /or operator of the vessel maintenance in
intervalsaccording to manufactures and class/ classification society
- The maintenance, primarily supervised by on board personnel, is then
credited towards inspection required by periodic surveys.
- The planning and scheduling of maintenance as well as
its document must be made according to a system that
is approved by classification society.
Assist Master responsibility as corleg
I will look out, around the ship and then see to the radar. If we have crossing
situation. I will tell to the master and calling vts the other ship. To measure ho
to passing to avoid the collution. When we see ship from strard board side.
Dipends on collution regulation rule no 14. about the crossing situation if we
see the other ship from the starboard side. I will changes my course to the
starboard and take the stren from her ship.

The fungtion of GMDSS ( vhf,hf,mf. Naftex,Inmarsat c,nbdp,epirb,sart)

The GMDSS is an internationally recognized distress and radio communication
safety system that has been in place for several decades. The GMDSS is an
automated ship-to-shore and ship-to-ship system using satellites and/or
terrestrial radio systems with digital selective calling technology
DAILY TEST RADIO VHF for testing the loop test:
1. click the menu, then
2. click maintenance
3. Click self test
4. Click dsc loop
5. select check all, if all is ok. Its means vhf in good condition


1.press menu
open the admiralty publication np285 list radio signal, to find the frequency of
the coastal radio station (the back says the MMSI NO of the coastal station)
2.click individual call => enter
don't forget to turn on jsb to set the frequency
3. after the data has been filled and then click call
4. Wait for a reply from the coast station
Daily TEST MF/HF test method:
1. click menu 2 times
2. Find and click self test
3. just test using 3 menus:
- modem loop test -display test -printer test
4. make sure before using the self-test the printer is connected
TEST SART 9 Ghz ( Duration on 96 hours/4 day off 5 years)
*prepare the sart
*trun on the radar x band. (cause only radar x band can capture about the sart
if we self test)
*trun the sart bottem to the test, and clik the bottem.
*if sart introgeted with radar, sart can beep and light is mean sart in good

TEST NAFTEX 400 Nm (518 Khz international 490 Khz local )


TEST EPIRB on 48 hours/2 day off 3 years frequensi 121.5-406 Mhz (Emergancy
Positioning indicating radio beacon)
1.open the cover and switch on
2.wait until the light flasing 3 times and swich off
3.result of the test. Its mean epirb in good condition.

ecdis ( electronic chart display and information system)

ensure that ecdis is introdeted with radar,ais,arpa,eco sonder, gps and Navtex
the fungtion of ecdis is a computer-based information navigation system that
complies with International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations and can
be used as an alternative to nautical chart paper
radar ( radio detection and ranging)
The most important Navigation in a Vessel, There is Sarver to Determing the
Posision of the Vessel and the other object in the Vicinity to “Prevent risk off
colution at sea” ( presence of ships, buoys, beach positions and other objects
around the ship, this tool can also provide bearing and distance between the
ship and these objects.)
*HEADING (HDG) is the direction of the ship's bow along the bow line
*Speed (spd)
is the speed of the ship measured along a continuous bow line
*COG (cross over ground)
is the direction of movement of the ship. relative to the surface of the seabed (the actual movement
of the ship on the surface of the earth)

*SOG (speed over ground) reported to the captain.

Ship speed is measured against the direction of movement of the ship.
short to ground movement
To Knowing ship posisition we can have 3 metode: when gps have problem
• Bearing and bearing
• Bearing and Distance
• Cros bearing
• Shift bearing
EBL (Elecronik bearing line)
to find out some of the bearing directions that we use to the island (000-360)
VRM (Variable Range Marker)
To find out the distance of the object (nm)
*Baringan menggunakan radar di peta symbol
*Baringan visual symbol
ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid)
is a tool that has an important role in the shipping lanes of ships because it is a
tool that functions to avoid danger from objects that are around the ship
*Baringan menggunakan radar di peta symbol
*Baringan visual symbol



Cargoes transported using Landing Craft – Tank (LCT) are heavy equipment,
machinery, cars, trucks, construction materials, logistics, and other goods that
are heavy and large in size.
What are the reporting items to the capten during the navigation wactch
(calling master) ?
 In case feel uneasiness(anisines) anything increase of navigation ship
or movement of other vessel.
 In case of visibility is restricted or expected.
 Found abnormal condition to keep the corse
 Could not find target that was found at estimated time or impossible
to make ships position
 Mal-fungtion of radio communication system
 When hull damage by weather is worried within heavy weather.
 Encountered drifting ice,floating matter etc,dangerous articie on
 When other all emergencies or doubt.
 When break doen engine,propeller not control,alaram,stering gear
faluer, or all emergency.
 In case of that the target is found unexpected potition or time, or
there is sudden change in sounding.`

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