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Travel | nagaland nagaland | Travel

I came to know a lot about themselves at the well. The whole soul.
the state from him. He said that process is carried out in a ritualistic Music, which has a wide
the Angamis celebrate Sekrenyi manner. The young men don two range of variety, is an essential
Angami in the month of February new shawls (the white MhoushÜ part of any festival here. They may
every year and I was very lucky and the black Lohe) and sprinkle worship a tradition, praise an act
to be there at that time. The next water on their chest, knees and of bravery heroism, or might even
day was 25th and Sekrenyi nor- on the right arm. This ceremony is relate to a love story. A common
mally falls on that day of the An- called the Dzüseva, which means musical instrument used by this
gami month of Kezei. This ten-day ‘touching the sleeping water’. tribe is the Petu, which the An-
festival is also called Phousanyi This assures them that the purified gamis and the Chakhesangs are
by the Angamis. water has washed all sins and extremely fond of. Another string
He guided the driver and misfortunes away. On their return instrument that I noticed them
me so that I can witness the fest, from the well, a cock is sacrificed playing on, is called the Theku,
which follows a circle of ritual by throttling it with bare hands. It besides the wind instrument,
and ceremony, the first of which is taken as a good omen when flute.
is Kezie. Let me take some space the right leg falls over the left leg My visit to this hill-state would
and time to share this story. as the cock falls. have been incomplete if I had should I buy, I thought. All the lent specimens of the Naga’s skill
A few drops of rice water is Starting from the fourth day not been to Japfu Peak, which items displayed were one better in woodwork. Finally I decided
taken from the top of a jug called of the festival, a three-day ses- stands at 3084 metres above sea than the other, wooden figures of to buy a few Naga shawls and
‘Zumho’ and sprinkled on some sion of singing and feasting be- level. The sunrise from this peak mithun head, hornbill, human fig- some of these figures for my peo-
leaves and placed at the three gins. The Thekra Hie is the best is an experience to remember ure, elephant, tiger, etc. The man ple back home.
main posts of the house by the part of the festival where the throughout life. Though the best there explained to me that these The small little town of Ko-
prepared in their style. The Nagas lady of the household. The first young people of the village sit to- season for climbing it is from No- have their usual symbolic mean- hima, situated at an altitude of
are very fond of chillies and so day begins with both young and gether and sing traditional songs vember to December, I, in the ing. 1444 metres above sea level en-
am I. They gave me the world fa- old going to the village well to throughout the day. On the sev- month of February did not miss The mithun represents wealth, chants all its travelers with its flaw-
mous Raja Mircha! It was a great bathe. At night, two young men enth day the young men go for out on that too. the hornbill valour, human figure less atmosphere of rich tradition
delight taking lunch there. As I go to the well to clean it. Some hunting. Until the close of the fes- You know what…in the Japfu symbolizing success in headhunt- imbibed in the hearts of its dwell-
ate, I found out the reason why of the village youth guard the tival no one goes to the fields and range is found the tallest Rho- ing, while elephant and tiger de- ers. Your experience here would
these people have such good well at night to ensure that af- all fieldwork ceases during this dodendron tree, which has fea- notes physical prowess. be altogether different. So why
skin. They generally have boiled ter cleaning is over, no one is al- season of feasting and singing. tured in the Guinness Book of Further, there were log-drums waste time? Come and explore
food or food and curries with very lowed to fetch water. The women The young unmarried girls with World Records. The tallest tree or xylophones, which are ardu- this unexplored and modest
less oil. Spices are a big no-no for especially are not allowed to closely shaven heads sit down is 109 feet high and the girth at ously hollowed out of the trunk place, which adds to the beauty
them. The restaurant owner was touch the well water. with the bronzed youths and sing the base measures more than 11 of a big tree. These are excel- of ever-attractive northeast!
present there at that time. I que- Early next morning, all the tunes of bygone ages, recreating feet. I thought that it was indeed
ried him to find out more about
their food habits. He shared with
young men of the village wash a past that touches every human an experience of a lifetime after FACTFILE
a five-hour long trek through the State capital: Kohima
me that meat could be beef, steep inclines to have a view of it Best Time to visit: September to April
pork and also chicken. They also in full bloom. Temperature: Summer: Maximum: 31°C; Minimum: 16°C
take mithun, dogs, cats, fish, spi- All these days, I had an inner Winter: Maximum: 24°C; Minimum: 4°C
ders and crabs sometimes. I also sorrow to have missed the famous Average Rainfall: 2000 mm to 2500 mm
had a chance to eat a piece of Hornbill festival, which is held ev-
dog meat. The preparation was ery December. But, after having How to reach there?
really good. Later I learnt that witnessing this peak and the Rho- By Air: The state has its airport in Dimapur, which is regularly serviced by
dog meat is hot and so it is taken dodendron, I was satisfied to the major airlines. The city is linked to the major Indian cities like Guwahati and
during winters to get rid of cold. core. I thought within my heart of Kolkata by air.
“The skin and intestines are heart, “may be I can come back By Road: A good road network covers the state. The state capital Kohima
eaten and the skin is spared only to this place next December, ex- is linked to Shillong and Guwahati, which are important cities in northeast-
if it is needed for making a shield,” clusively for the Hornbill festival.” ern India. Other cities of Nagaland are linked to Kohima by road.
he added. Sometimes the meat Just a day was left in hand. By Rail: The major railhead in the state is Dimapur, which is linked to
is smoke dried and preserved for I had to go to the marketplace Guwahati.
a long time. and buy little tokens for all at
Rice beer is the main drink. home and friends. I asked the Clothing Required:
“Generally of three kinds, Zutho, driver to be there at the hotel
Ruhi and Dzutse, they can be tak- next morning. Soon after break- Summer: Cotton
en at any time,” saying so, he of- fast, I asked him to take me to Winter: Heavy Woollens.
fered me some Ruhi. I took a glass an emporium. As I entered one,
of it and found it good. I was thoroughly confused. What

64 April 08 April 08 65

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