Marketing 26

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Vocabular section

1.Rearrange the words to make complete sentences.

1. is / band / a / tonight / playing / there / jazz

2. channel / DNB / news / best / is / the
3. album / their / new / you / have / heard / ?
4. an / show / the / on / night / television / was / last / there / interesting
5. favourite / of / lots / posters / have / I / singer / of / my
6. can / Paris / in / culture / of / lots / you / living / experience
7. Byzantine / exhibition / at / museum / the / art / there / is / of / an
8. performance / minute / will / ten / a / be / there / interval / through / the / halfway
9. important / the / play / in / part / plays / my / an / friend
10. Gallery / the / art / Britain / in / National / the / biggest / has / collection
11. were / of / children / lots /audience / in /sitting / the / there
12. likely / another / become / book / his / is / bestseller / to
13. the / the / film / famous / of / cast / actors / are / all
14. are / editions / dictionary / paperback / there / and / of / hardback / the
15. shown / the / the / war / news / disturbing / were / on / images / the / of
16. film / the / has / plot / a / very / simple
17. the / received / bad / good / and / film / reviews / some / ones / some
18. scenes / painted / Lowry / street

2. FILL IN the blanks with keywords from the word box.

Abundant/ bestow/ eager/ fragrant/ heroic/ invade/ persist/ spectacle/ triumph/ vigorous

Dear Jenna,

That was quite a________ you put on today. I had no idea you were capable of such_________ acts. I
can’t believe you were so___________ to rescue us and put yourself in danger. Who could have
predicted that a swarm of bees would_________ our lunch area? They must have been attracted to
the___________ flowers, or maybe it was the____________ amounts of perfume Counselor Kim was
wearing. When I heard the buzzing sound, I crawled under the picnic table. It was the
most____________ workout I’ve had all summer! It’s a good thing that you’re not allergic to bees.
Amber said you had to really__________ to get rid of all the bees. The counselors are going
to__________ on you the title of Camp Iwannagohome’s Bravest Camper! Congratulations on
your__________ !

Your BFF, Marcus

3. MATCH each word in the moon column to its antonym in the sun column.

Moon Sun

1. eager a. cowardly

2. triumph b. weak

3. vigorous c. reluctant

4. bestow d. defeat

5. persist e. discontinue

6. fragrant f. withdraw
7. spectacle g. empty

8. invade h. take away

9. heroic i. stinky

10. abundant j. normality

Grammar section

1A. Articles: More Exercises for Intermediate Students

I have two brothers. One, Greg, is still in __________ college, and other, Mike, has already graduated.
Mike is _______kind of guy that is very serious. I don't remember ____________ last time I saw him. It
may have been in ___________ August. He was wearing ________ red sweater. It matched his red hair.
After __________ dinner, I usually wash _________ dishes. My wife hates doing it. I waste a lot of
_______water when I do it. That's bad for ___________environment, I think. We live near __________
sea. Most__________ houses in this area are expensive.
1B. Articles: More Exercises for Advanced Students
When I drive to ________ work, usually ___________ highways are really busy. If there's __________
accident during ________ rush hour, it can be __________ chaos on the roads.
I don't watch____ TV. I get ________ information and ________ news, etc., from __________ Internet. I
don't often go to __________ cinema, either.
I'm interested in ________ finance. I heard___________ Euro is losing value, compared to _______ US
dollar. I like Japan. _________is infrequent there. When I fly to Japan, I usually fly to _______Narita
Airport. The last time I was in Japan, I climbed _________ Mount Fuji. It was fun.

Circle your choice. Then underline the word it modifies. (Hint: adverbs usually, but not always, end in

1. The house looked (empty, emptily).

2. Jason pitched (wild, wildly).
3. The choir sang (good, well).
4. Those hills look (beautiful, beautifully).
5. The teams were matched (even, evenly).
6. The cheese on this cracker tastes (strange, strangely).
7. You print so (neat, neatly).
8. Ron arrived (prompt, promptly) at ten.
9. I go to the gym (regular, regularly).
10.The snow fell (steady, steadily).
11.The solution to the crime seemed (obvious, obviously).
12.The hem of the skirt was (real, really) crooked.

2B. Directions: Choose the correct item from the choices in the parentheses.

1. He (correct, correctly) defined the terms. The answer sounded (correctly, correct).
2. She (quickly, quick) adjusted the fees. She adapted (quick, quickly) to any situation.
3. He measured the floor (exact, exactly). They proved to be (perfectly, perfect)
(exact, exactly) measurements.
4. The stillness of the tomb was (awfully, awful). The tomb was (awfully, awful)still.
5. It was a (dangerously, dangerous) lake to swim in. The man was (dangerous dangerously) drunk. The
gas smelled (dangerously, dangerous).
6. She performed (magnificent, magnificently). It was a (magnificent,magnificently) beautiful
7. Her voice sounds (beautifully, beautiful). She sang the song (exact, exactly) as it was written. We
heard it (perfectly, perfect).
8. He was a very (sensibly, sensible) person. He acted very (sensible, sensibly).
9. Mike wrote too (slow, slowly) on the exam. He always writes (slow, slowly).
10. Talk (softly, soft) or don't talk at all. The music played (softly, soft).
11. Andrea knows the material very (good, well). She always treats us (good, well).
12. You must send payments (regular, regularly). We deal on a (strictly, strict) cash
13. The mechanic's tools were (well, good). The foreman said that his work was (good, well) done.
14. She worked (careful, carefully) with the sick child. She was a very (careful,
carefully) worker.
15. He did not pass the course as (easy, easily) as he thought he would.
16. I find this novel very (interesting, interestingly). It was (interesting, interestingly) written.

3A. Modal Verbs: Have to, Don’t Have to, Must, Must not _Mark and Pamela are at a party. Read the
conversation and choose the correct option.

Pamela: Mark, do you want some birthday cake? You must not/don’t have to try it if you
don’t want to, but it’s really delicious!
Mark: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to/must not go home now.
Pamela: What? But it’s so early! Why do you have to/has to go home so early?
Mark: Because I don’t have to/must work tomorrow.
Pamela: But Mark, tomorrow is a public holiday. We must not/don’t have to work
Mark: I know. But I work in a cafe and we are open tomorrow, so I have to/has to work.
Pamela: Oh that’s too bad. Is your boss working tomorrow too?
Mark: No, there will not be many customers tomorrow, so he doesn’t have to/must not.

3B. Read the sentences and make a follow-up sentence with the verb in brackets.

a) I am working tomorrow at 8am.

E.g ____I have to wake up at 6 am. __________________________________________(wake up)
b) Winter is coming and I don’t have a jacket.
c) Sarah’s house is dirty, and her friends are coming to her house for dinner tonight.
d) It’s Sunday tomorrow, so I don’t have classes.
__________________________________________________________________________(go to school)
e) Mark is not hungry.
f) This email is very important.
g) I work from home.
__________________________________________________________________________(drive to
h) My girlfriend’s birthday is next week.
i) Sarah is very sick.
___________________________________________________________________________(stay at

4. Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
Manuel and Lila Vega (1) have (have) a busy lifestyle. Manuel is a doctor at a hospital. He works at night,
so he (2)______ (go) to work at 7:00 p.m. and comes home at 7:00 a.m. His wife Lila works at a bank.
She (3)__________ (go) to work at 8:00 a.m. and comes home at 6:00 p.m. They don’t see each other a
lot during the week. Manuel and Lila also (4)_______ (have) two children, Luis and Carla. Every morning
they all (5)________ (have) breakfast together at 7:30. Then, Luis and Carla (6)______ (go) to school,
and Lila (7) (go) to work. Manuel (8)______ (do) the dishes, and then (9)_______ (go) to bed. Carla
usually (10) _________(do) her homework at a friend’s house in the afternoon, and Luis (11)______
(have) soccer practice. Manuel gets up at 4:00 p.m. At 6:00 p.m., he (12)_________ (have) dinner with
Lila, Luis, and Carla. After dinner, he (13)________ (go) to work. Manuel and Lila (14)_______ (have) a
busy schedule during the week, but on weekends they relax.

5.Fill in the correct form of the past tense: simple or progressive.

1. While the policeman __________________ out of the window, he __________________ that a blue
SUV __________________ down the road. (LOOK, NOTICE, PARK) 2. I __________________ on my
report when the phone __________________. My wife ____________ to know when I
__________________ home. (WORK, RING, WANT, COME) 3. He __________________ down the street
when he __________________ his old schoolteacher on the other side. (WALK, SEE) 4. During the time I
__________________ in South Africa I never __________________ a serious crime. (SPEND, SEE) 5.
While they __________________ lunch at the new restaurant, a journalist __________________ up to
them and __________________ to ask a few questions. (HAVE, COME, WANT) 6. The farmer
__________________ the whole neighbourhood with fruit and vegetables. (SUPPLY) 7. The hairdresser
__________________ up her shop, __________________ into the car and __________________ home.
(LOCK, GET, DRIVE) 8. My brother __________________ to contact me at the office, but he
__________________ me because I __________________ lunch with a customer. (TRY, CANNOT
REACH, HAVE) 9. Jack __________________ over the carpet because he __________________ attention
to where he __________________. (TRIP, NOT PAY, GO) 10.Where __________________ when I
__________________ across you yesterday? (YOU GO, COME) 11.I __________________ him off at the
airport when the police __________________ and __________________ him. (SEE, COME, ARREST)
12.The old man __________________ on the pavement, so James __________________ to help him.
(FALL, STOP) 13.How __________________ your leg? – Well, I __________________ on the ladder
when, suddenly, I __________________ my balance and __________________. (YOU BREAK, STAND,
LOSE, FALL) 14.She __________________ in France at the time she __________________ the bad news.
(LIVE, RECEIVE) 15.I __________________ the new Prime Minister while I __________________ the
press conference. (MEET, ATTEND) 16. While I __________________ on the motorway, more and more
police cars __________________ in my direction. (DRIVE, COME)

6. Half a Conversation

Person 1: Hello!
Person 2:
Person 1: What do you mean?
Person 2:
Person 1: I don’t believe you.
Person 2:
Person 1: Oh, wow! You were telling the truth!
Person 2:
Person 1: Can you carry this for me?
Person 2:
Person 1: I always knew that this would come in handy.
Person 2:
Person 1: You’re lucky to have me as a friend.

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