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Mutation, by Anna-Sanziana Beschia, Leonor Campillo, Martin Anderson

As the title suggests, “Mutation” is about a metamorphosis, a transformation. It is about an amorphous

earth-bound tight shape that gradually evolves into a lighter, airier, entity. One cand think of the
caterpillar/butterfly transformation.

The piece should have at least 5 dancers, possibly more (it can also be staged with 4 dancers if the rest of
the casting does not allow for 5 or more dancers)

Props/ requisite

There should be either pebbles, or patches of moss, or tree trunks (something that evokes nature). The
number of pebbles, moss patches or trunks should match the number of dancers.

A big stretchy piece of cloth, preferably translucent, white, beige, light grey.. (bigger than the one we
used in JOYN). All the dancers should be able to fit under it, cover themselves with it, and move in it.


The initial skin colour Sacre costumes we did not use, or something to that effect

A pair of coloured wings (or something reminiscent of wings), to put quickly over the unitard. Light and


“Hijod”, Viktor Orri Arnason and Yair Elazar Glotman (only first minute or first 2 minutes, fade out and
fade into the next)

“Life”, Viktor Orri Arnason and Yair Elazar Glotman

“Luna”, Pascal Schumacher, Echo Collective (until 4 min 40 sec, then fade out).

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