MK614 Course Outline For MBA Evening - August 2023 - 230823 - 173659

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MK614: Entrepreneurship and Business Planning

Course and Instructors’ Details

Instructor 1 Instructor 2
Course Instructors Dr. Isack S. Allan Dr. Fred P. Okangi
Office Location UDBS Block C Room No. C307 UDBS Block C Room No. C 623
Phone +255 713 273 570 +255 755 859 010
Consultation Time Thursday: 1500-1630 Hours
Lecture Hours Wednesday (02.08.2023 – 08.11.2023)
Time : 17.00 AM -20.00 PM
Venue UDBS Block B, Room No. B100

1. Synopsis
The significance of entrepreneurship and enterprising behaviour is underscored by the role it
plays in the creation of wealth and the provision of employment and income opportunities. Thus,
entrepreneurship issues constitute an essential dimension of decisions by both the state and non-
state actors. Overall, the importance of entrepreneurship goes far beyond the business sector and
affects virtually every aspect of economic, cultural and social life. Managers should be exposed to
a sufficient understanding of the meaning, determinants and role of entrepreneurship in both the
economic and non-economic life. They should also be aware of the work environments, which
promote enterprising behaviour.

2. Course Objectives
The aim of this course is to develop participants' appreciation and understanding of the meaning,
determinants and significance of entrepreneurship in the socio-economic vitality and development
as well as practical skills for planning the establishment and operations of businesses. Participants
should also understand the environment for entrepreneurship and small businesses development
in Tanzania and globally.

At the end of the course, participants should be able to:

 Explain the meaning and role of entrepreneurship in social and economic development
 Understand the main theories explaining entry and success in businesses as well as factors
which influence success in the Tanzanian environment

 Become aware of and able to create an environment which promotes enterprising
behaviour at the workplace
 Understand the macro, meso and micro dimensions of the environment for small business
and entrepreneurship in Tanzania, regionally and globally
 Understand the meaning and role of a business plan
 Identify and select business ideas and develop them into bankable business plans
 Start and run their own businesses with confidence
 Advise those starting or running their own businesses

3. Course Contents
The course is divided into two related parts: (1) Entrepreneurship and small business
development, and (2) Business planning.

3.1 Contents for Part 1: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development

Week Main Topic
1  Introduction: definitional problems (entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, MSMEs),
role of entrepreneurship in the socio-economic development and vitality of
2&3  History of entrepreneurship: understanding of entrepreneurship from trait,
behavioural and functional perspectives.
 Factors influencing entrepreneurial behaviour: psychological, sociological,
demographic, economic, cultural, etc.
4  General enterprising tendencies (GETs): macro, meso, and micro influences
5  The small business environment in Tanzania: macro, meso, and micro levels,
including critical constraints.
6  Gender and entrepreneurship
 Growth of small firms
 Family business and succession
7  Business Development Services in Tanzania
 Risks and rewards of the entrepreneurial career
 Financing of small and medium enterprises in Tanzania
8 Mid of Semester Test

3.2 Contents for Part 2: Business Planning Project

9  Introduction to the business plan
10  Practical development of business plans
 Opportunity analysis and selection of business ideas
 Defining vision, mission and objectives
11  Practical development of business plans

 Market assessment, analysis and marketing plan
 Operations Planning
12  Practical development of business plans
 Organization and management planning
 Financial Planning
 Sensitivity Analysis
 Project benefits
13  Practical development of business plans
 Compilation and packaging of the document
14  Presentations of business plans
15  Presentations of business plans
16  Final exam

4. Methodology
The course emphasizes active and experiential learning. Students will learn from the lecturers, but
more so from reading reference materials, discussing and sharing experiences in groups, actually
doing things, interviewing and relating experiences of real entrepreneurs and testing and reflecting
on their own potential and weaknesses. Since business-planning skills can only be acquired
through practice, this course is project-based. Participants learn about the process and
immediately practice the skills by actually identifying business ideas and developing these into
business plans.

4.1 Guest speakers

Whenever possible, we shall be bringing guest speakers, principally successful entrepreneurs to
stimulate your thinking and help you relate what you learn in class to practice. You are also
encouraged to volunteer sharing your own business experiences in the class and also suggesting
names of potential public speakers.

4.2 Assignments
The course involves a number of assignments, but only a few will be selected and marked for
course work assessment. Since you don’t know in advance the assignments that will be
selected, you are encouraged to put maximum effort in every assignment that you are

4.3. Business Plan Project

This entails a group business planning project (to be done in groups of 5 students), where
students will share their strengths and capabilities to develop comprehensive business plans. The
business plan has to demonstrate high (post-graduate/professional level) analytical, writing and
presentation skills as well as creativity and strategic approaches in coming-up with business ideas

and dealing with the barriers to success in business. The business plan is the core assignment,
wherein students integrate everything they have learnt. This has to be professionally written.

Assessment of the Business Plan (To Be Done in Groups of 5 Persons)

Quality of project idea (innovative) and description, how it fits vision and mission 3%
Market assessment and marketing plan (methodology, thoroughness, realisms, 5%
Operations analysis and plan 2%
Organisational and human resources mgt (analysis and plan) 2%
Financial plan (analysis, projections, etc) 4%
Overall organisation and packaging 4%
Total 20%

5. Assessment
The course grade shall be arrived at as follows:
a) Assignments 10%
b) Term Test 20%
c) Project – Business Plan 20%
d) Final Exam 50%
Total 100%

References For Part 1

1. Roy, R. (2010) Entrepreneurship. Oxford University Press. New Delhi.
2. Olomi, D. 2009. African Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development: Context and
Process. Otme Co. Ltd. Dar es Salaam.
3. Hisrich, R.D., Peters, M.P. 2002, Entrepreneurship, 5th edn, Boston, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
4. Rutashobya, L.K. and D. Olomi. 1999. African Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Development. DUP (1996) Ltd. Dar es Salaam.
5. Rutashobya, L. K. (2000): Female Entrepreneurship in Tanzania: Entre and Performance
Barriers. DUP (1996) Ltd. Dar es Salaam.
6. Spring A. & McDade B. E. (1998). African entrepreneurship. University Press of Florida,
Gainesville, USA.
7. ILO, 2003. Women Entrepreneurs in Tanzania: Going for Growth. ILO: Geneva
8. A brief history of
9. or
10. (for a variety of topics)
11. www.

References For Part 2

1. Roy, R. (2010) Entrepreneurship. Oxford University Press. New Delhi.
2. Barrow, C. 1999. The Business Plan Workbook. Kogan Page. NJ .
3. UDEC. 2002. Business planning workbook.
4. Any other relevant books on business planning

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