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Candidate Name : PRANGYA PARAMITA SAHOO Assessment Name : A032589_E232399

Set Code : set_8 Candidate Id : TE0206036710

Mobile Number : 4548794512

* Correct Answer is in Bold and slightly bigger

* Candidate selected option is Underlined

English Language

Q2792688 Fill in the blank with the correct spelling from among the given options.

Bacteria and viruses living in your nose and sinuses can cause _________.

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) pneumonia
B) nuemonia
C) pneuemonia
D) pnuemonia

Q2790390 Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

As India’s water crisis gets visibly worse with every passing summer, the bureaucracy and policymakers are not working to find immediate and long-term
solutions. This time, the apathy seems to have worsened due to the ongoing elections. In Maharashtra and Kerala, for instance, the administrations have
taken refuge in the ‘model code of conduct’ for not taking steps to arrange for drinking water or fodder camps. Even though Maharashtra, Gujarat,
Karnataka, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan have declared many of their districts as drought hit, the requisite steps such as providing drinking water
and work under MGNREGA have yet to pick up. It hasn’t helped that the Centre altered the drought manual in 2016, making the parameters for declaring
drought more stringent. This has reduced the scope for Central assistance. Surprisingly, the NITI Aayog, which brought out its ‘Composite Water
Management Index’ last June and flagged the calamitous situation with respect to water, has not intervened in the interest of ‘cooperative federalism’. After
having rightly identified that “600 million people face high-to-extreme water stress; 75 per cent of households do not have drinking water on premises; and
70 per cent of our water is contaminated”, it could have initiated an action plan — instead of being content with merely ranking States on their performance
in water management. With well-endowed States such as Himachal Pradesh and Kerala facing water scarcity, it is obvious that the current apathy cannot
continue. It must be realised that while droughts bring upon a water crisis, floods do not necessarily mitigate it. The last four years have seen deficit
monsoon and post-monsoon (October-December) rainfall. Erratic rainfall, in terms of spatial and temporal distribution, must be accepted as a norm.

Q2790393 According to the passage, which of the following should be considered normal?

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Wet Summers
B) Extreme heat in Summers
C) Uneven Rainfall
D) Droughts

Q2790394 According to the passage, which of the following cannot alleviate water crisis?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Floods
B) Providing drinking water and work under MGNREGA
C) Short term steps to manage water crisis
D) Long term steps to manage water crisis

Q2790395 According to the passage, what could have made the Centre intervene?

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Stricter norms for drought prevention should have been made by NITI Aayog.
B) Greater allocation of funds from the government for drought management.
C) Mobilization of public opinion on the issue by the Media.
D) If the norms for declaring drought by the Centre were less strict.

Q2790392 What is the central idea of the passage?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Water Conservation is very important for human life. The society, the nation, the state and the people must collectively take steps to manage it.
B) With millions of people facing water crisis and rainfall becoming highly uneven, adequate steps have not been taken by the responsible in the States
and the Centre to manage water crisis.
C) The last four years have seen deficit monsoon and post-monsoon (October-December) rainfall. Erratic rainfall, in terms of spatial and temporal
distribution, must be accepted as a norm.
D) CSR activities by Public Sector Organizations and Multi-National Companies along with outreach by NGOs can play an important role in managing
drought crisis.

Q2790391 Which of the following states is/are well endowed with water?

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Kerala and Maharashtra

B) Kerala and Himanchal Pradesh
C) Maharashtra
D) Kerala, Maharashtra and Himanchal Pradesh

Q2792674 The pair of words given in capitalized letters is related in some way. From the options, choose the pair that exhibits the most similar relationship to
the given pair.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) school : foxes
B) pride : monkeys
C) murder : crows
D) herd : fish

Q2792668 Which prefix can be added to the word "mutable" to make a new word?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) ante
B) in
C) imp
D) im

Q2792638 Identify the meaning of the highlighted idiom- Beat around the bush

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) to avoid confusion about what is important

B) to avoid reading about what is important
C) to avoid talking about what is important
D) to avoid practicing what is not important

Q2792655 Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.

The thief tried to ______ the expensive ______ vessels and other valuables kept in thelocked house.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) steal, steal
B) steel, steel
C) steal, steel
D) steel, steal

Q2791138 UGC has introduced Swami Vivekananda Fellowship for Single Girl Child for research in Social Sciences with an aim to compensate direct costs
of higher education for
Score Obtained : -0.25

A) women scholars who happen to be from tribal families

B) girls who are physically handicapped
C) women scholars whose parents are ex-servicemen
D) girls who happen to be the only girl child in their family

Q2791089 A balloon inflated with helium gas floats in the air due which of the following reasons?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Helium and air have the same density

B) Air is lighter than helium
C) Helium is lighter than air
D) The density of helium is 1

Q2790474 In December 2020, farmers carried out protests in different parts of the country against the three farm bills passed by Parliament fearing that the new law will reduce
the scope of MSP led operations. What does MSP stand for?
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Maximum Supply Price

B) Minimum Support Price
C) Minimum Support Produce
D) Maximum Supply Produce

Q2791135 In 1928-29 which among the following committees was set-up as an auxiliary committee to Simon Commission to inquire into the existing system
of education in India?
Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Sargent Committee
B) Zakir-Hussain Committee
C) Abbot-Wood Committee
D) Hartog Committee

Q2791131 Identify the statutory body for Central and State Governments on all matters pertaining to teacher education which came into existence in 1995.

Score Obtained : 1.0


Q2792716 Ram, who was facing North direction turns right and walks for 10 Kms. After that he turns right and walks for another 20 Kms. Again he turns right and walks for 10
kms and finally he turns left and walks for 5 Kms. How far is he from the starting point and which direction is he facing?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) 25 Kms, South
B) 35 Kms, North
C) 45 Kms, South
D) 15 Kms, North

Q2791340 In a code language if "HELLO" is coded as "HLL", then how is "WELCOME" coded in the same code language?

Score Obtained : 1.0


Q2791355 Given below are 2 statements followed by 2 conclusions. Choose the conclusion/conclusions that follow(s) the given statements by selecting
the right option.

I. All A is B

II. Some C is A


I. Some C is B

II. All C is B
Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows

B) Only conclusion II follows
C) Only conclusion I follows
D) Both conclusions I and II follow

Q2792728 Given below a question followed by 2 statements numbered (I) and (II). Choose the statement/statements required to answer the question by
selecting a relevant option.

Question: If each of the students in the class gets different marks, then what is Ramu's rank in the class?

I.There are 29 students in the class

II.There are 17 students who have scored more than Ramu in the class
Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Statements (I) and (II) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient

B) Statement (II) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (I) alone is NOT sufficient
C) Statement (I) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (II) alone is NOT sufficient
D) BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient

Q2791322 In a colony, Tina's house is located in the first apartment whereas Hema's house is in the last (45th) apartment. If Kapil's house is in a building
exactly in the middle of the lane, then the rank of his building is:
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) 24th
B) 21st
C) 22nd
D) 23rd

Q2791175 Newspaper is a form of

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) aural media
B) print media
C) visual media
D) audio media

Q2792755 While planning a lesson, time management must include

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Sufficient time for humour and entertainment

B) Learning objectives and non-instruction routines
C) Only the lesson objectives
D) Time for assessing learning

Q2791205 Who is the current Chairman of UGC?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Prof. Arun S. Nigavekar

B) Prof D P Singh
C) Prof. Sukhadeo Thorat
D) Dr.V.S. Krishna

Q2792779 Inspite of significant contribution by great thinkers to education, the desire for transformation in education is still visible. The most practical tool to balance general
education according to Tagore is to

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Balance time between academics, extracurricular activities, self-time and life - skills
B) Establish balance between parental aspirations and social requirements
C) Develop generic and specific skills, open sources of learning and integrate society
D) Re-construct the board and re-frame the polices that frame education

Q2792809 AUTOMATICITY’ is the mental operation that can be performed with little conscious effort. An example of automaticity is

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Writing an essay
B) Driving a car
C) Learning to cook
D) Learning a new language

Q2792805 A teacher reinforces the rules that forbid students ridicule each other, particularly when they are in a discussion. Respect for one another is high priority. Such
reinforcement is an example of

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Classical Conditioning
B) Mentoring Children
C) Sensory Approach to Learning
D) Constructivist Learning

Q2791207 A teacher discovers that many students in her class are unable to solve the sums despite having been taught the chapter and given sums for home practice. The
teacher should initiate which type of research for finding a solution to this problem?
Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Action research
B) Basic Research
C) Applied Research
D) Fundamental Research

Q2792764 Mild learning issues are likely to crop up in any classroom and identifying it is key to effective management of classroom and learning. A learning disorder that
could show up as an inability to write proper spellings, inverted letters and a general inability to make sense of reading is

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Dyscalculia
B) Dyslexia
C) Dyspepsia
D) Dysgraphia

Q2792775 One of the guiding virtues of education majorly found in scriptures is that knowledge is

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) diverse
B) power
C) unity
D) integration

Q2791197 Micro teaching strategy was developed by

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Allen
B) Socrates
C) Allport
D) Froebel

Q2791566 Identify the sentence which is correctly punctuated:

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) the scene shows buildings, traffic, people and their actions.

B) the scene shows buildings traffic people and their actions
C) The scene shows buildings,traffic, people and their actions.
D) the scene shows buildings, traffic, people, and, their actions.

Q2791514 Choose the correct synonym of the underlined word :

He is determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Correct
B) Ensure
C) Adjust
D) Postpone

Q2791511 Choose the correct synonym of the underlined word :

Her voice dropped to a whisper.

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Tone
B) Murmur
C) Volume
D) Pitch

Q2791584 Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

We __________ repairing this machine since yesterday.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) have been
B) had been
C) has been
D) were

Q2791537 Choose the synonym of the given word. CONCISE

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Concentrate
B) Lengthy
C) Discursive
D) Brief

Q2791576 Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

When I ________ the bus stop, the bus ____________ already.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) reached, left
B) reach, left
C) reached, had left
D) reach, had left

Q2791516 Choose the correct synonym of the underlined word :

The whole plot of the film is ridiculously implausible.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Ideal
B) Imaginative
C) Likely
D) Unlikely

Q2791580 Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

I ______ the poor man a number of times since I first met him.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) help
B) helps
C) will help
D) have helped


Q2791590 Change the Simple sentence into Complex Sentence:

He confessed his guilt.

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) He confessed that he was guilty.

B) He was confessed guilty.
C) He had confessed that he was guilty.
D) He was guilty he confessed that.
Q2791462 Direction: Read the following passage and answer the questions based on the information provided in the passage.
Positioned at the bottom of caste, class and gender hierarchies, Dalit women experience gender and caste discrimination and violence as the outcome of
severely imbalanced social, economic and political power equations. Their socio-economic vulnerability and lack of political voice, when combined with the
dominant risk factors of being Dalit and female, increase their exposure to potentially violent situations while simultaneously reducing their ability to escape.
According to the census of 2011, there are about 200 million Dalits, equivalent to about 16.6 per cent of India’s population. If approximately half are women,
it means that 100 million Dalit women face multiple forms of discrimination in this country. The UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women has
noted that Dalit women face targeted violence, even rape and death from state actors and powerful members of dominant castes, used to inflict political
lessons and crush dissent within the community... Among the major forms of violence against Dalit women. Six pertain to violence in the general
community (physical assault, verbal abuse, sexual harassment and assault, rape, sexual exploitation, forced prostitution, kidnapping and abduction) and
three pertain to violence in the family (female foeticide and infanticide, child sexual abuse, and domestic violence). Child sexual abuse can also take the
form of particularly early child marriages and sexual relations with minor Dalit girls below the age of 16 years. A recent three-year study of 500 Dalit
women’s experiences of violence across four Indian states revealed that the majority of Dalit women faced one or more incidents of sexual harassment and
assault (46.8 per cent), physical assault (54.8 per cent), verbal abuse (62.4 per cent), domestic violence (43.0 per cent) and rape (23.2 per cent). The
systemic nature of violence against Dalit women is accompanied by low rates of conviction. In 2006, the official conviction rate for Dalit atrocity cases in
general was just 5.3 per cent. The study of 500 Dalit women’s cases of violence revealed:

The accused were convicted by the courts in less than 1 per cent of cases.
In 17.4 per cent of the cases, the police obstructed the women from obtaining justice.

In 26.5 per cent of the cases, the perpetrators and their supporters, and/or the community at large, prevented the women from obtaining justice.

In 40.2 per cent of the cases, the women did not attempt to obtain legal or community remedies for the violence primarily out of fear of the perpetrators or
social dishonour (if sexual violence was revealed), or ignorance of the law, or the belief that they would not get justice. (Excerpt from the 11th session of the
Human Rights Council)

Q2791465 A three-year study of 500 Dalit women’s experiences of violence across four Indian states revealed that the maximum form of harassment faced
by majority of Dalit women is
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Physical assault
B) Domestic violence
C) Sexual harassment
D) Verbal abuse

Q2791466 Out of every 100 people who had been accused of crimes against Dalit women, how many were acquitted by the courts?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) 0
B) 2
C) 99
D) 1

Q2791467 Out of every 100 cases of violence, Dalit women were prevented by police and the community from obtaining justice in approximately

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) 24 cases
B) 44 cases
C) 54 cases
D) 34 cases

Q2791464 From the above information, the total population of Indian can be estimated to be about

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) 1212 million
B) 1220 million
C) 1200 million
D) 1205 million

Q2791463 Dalit women experience greater violence due to

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Social and archaeological factors

B) Political and historical factors
C) Economic and discriminatory factors
D) Political, Social and Economic factors

Q2791568 Identify the sentence which is correctly punctuated:

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) it is however, too late to rectify, the matter

B) It is however too late to rectify the matter
C) It is however, too late, to rectify the matter
D) It is, however, too late to rectify the matter.



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Q2792069 Which among the following places or cities was the first to enter the well-framed Subsidiary Alliance System in India?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Kannauj
B) Ajmer
C) Hyderabad
D) Satara

Q2792101 Who among the following has declared Sati as illegal and punishable by the criminal courts, by the Regulation XVII of 1829?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Lord Dalhousie
B) Lord Ripon
C) Lord William Bentinck
D) Lord Lytton

Q2792153 Which article of the Indian Constitution was termed as ‘the heart and soul of the Indian Constitution’ by Dr B R Ambedkar?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Article 32 of the Constitution of India

B) Article 29 of the Constitution of India
C) Article 28 of the Constitution of India
D) Article 21 of the Constitution of India

Q2792010 Who among the following leaders formed the Swaraj Party?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Mahatma Gandhi and Sarojini Naidu

B) C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru
C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal
D) Jawahar Lal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose

Q2792064 Who among the following was the Mughal Emperor of India when the East India Company was formed?

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Humayun
B) Aurangzeb
C) Akbar
D) Salim

Q2792100 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the Arya Samaj and its founder Swami Dayanand Saraswati?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) The first meeting establishing the Arya Samaj was held in Ahmedabad on November 10, 1878
B) He was born in Gujarat in the year 1825 whose original name was Mula Sankara
C) Arya Samaj advocated the monotheistic Indian Hindu reform movement whose aim was to re-establish the Vedas as the supreme truth
D) A Hindu ascetic and social reformer Swami Dayanand Saraswati founded the Arya Samaj in the year 1875

Q2792137 The Constitution is declared to have been adopted and enacted by which body?

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Constituent Assembly
B) People of India
C) Indian Parliament
D) British Parliament

Q2792045 The new assembly formed under the Jacobin rule in France was called the Convention. It was significant as it allowed

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) only the men of 21 years and above from poor and the middle class to vote
B) the men and women of 21 years and above from poor and the middle class to vote
C) all men of 21 years and above, regardless of wealth, to vote
D) all men and women of 21 years and above, regardless of wealth, to vote

Q2792172 As per the Indian Parliament rules, the opposition party status is achieved by a particular political party in the Lok Sabha only if it has at least -

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) 5% of total seats
B) 15% of total seats
C) 10% of total seats
D) 25% of total seats

Q2792183 Article 127 has provisions for the which of the following options?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in regard to criminal matters

B) Original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
C) Appointment of ad hoc Judges
D) Attendance of retired Judges at sittings of the Supreme Court

Q2792165 The Parliament is authorised for the abolition of the Legislative Council in a particular state, if the resolution is passed by:

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) The Legislative Assembly of the concerned State

B) The Governor of the concerned State
C) The President of India
D) The Legislative Council of the concerned State

Q2792116 Which among the following movements was founded by Balak Singh (1797–1862), who did not believe in any religious ritual other than the repetition of God’s name?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Bhoodan Movement
B) Radha Soami Movement
C) Namdhari Movement
D) Chipko Movement

Q2792120 The efforts of which leader among the following was responsible for the passing of the Hindu Widow's Remarriage Act of 1856?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Keshab Chandra Sen

B) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
C) Annie Besant
D) Pandita Ramabai

Q2792056 Which one of the following events is INCORRECT regarding World War I?
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Bulgaria joined the War to support Britain in 1915 and fought against Germany
B) Greece joined the War in 1916 In favour of the Central Powers and fought against Britain
C) The US remained neutral and did not participate till the beginning of 1918
D) The Brest-Litovsk Treaty was signed between Russia and Germany in 1918

Q2792079 Select the CORRECT chronological order of the given historical events.

(1) Partition of Bengal

(2) Formation of Indian National Congress

(3) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

(4) Battle of Plassey

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) 1-2-4-3
B) 3-2-1-4
C) 4-1-2-3
D) 4-2-1-3

Q2792145 Which of the following is a basic characteristics of the Presidential form of Government?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Residual powers of the states

B) Supremacy of the Legislature
C) Rigid Constitution
D) Single Executive

Q2792037 Who was responsible for starting a system of secret alliances which contributed to World War I?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Woodrow Wilson
B) Louis XVI
C) Archduke Franz Ferdinand
D) Otto von Bismarck

Q2792029 Eastern India became a scene of no tax campaign during the Civil Disobedience Movement. Which tax did the villagers refused to pay?

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Chowkidari Tax
B) Land Tax
C) Forest Tax
D) Mahalwar Tax

Q2792018 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about Gandhiji's initial movements?
Score Obtained : -0.25

A) The Ahmedabad movement demanded better working conditions for textile mill workers
B) The Kheda movement aimed at remission of taxes for the peasants
C) The Champaran movement was related to peasants welfare
D) The Kheda movement took place in United Provinces
Q2792070 Read the following statements and choose the CORRECT option with respect to the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.

(i) The first Mughal Emperor who became the pensioner of the East India Company was Shah Alam II.

(ii) During the reign of Shah Alam II the first battle of Panipat took place in the year 1764.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) (i) is TRUE and (ii) is TRUE

B) (i) is FALSE and (ii) is TRUE
C) (i) is TRUE and (ii) is FALSE
D) (i) is FALSE and (ii) is FALSE

Q2792591 Assertion (A): The ecosystem has been disturbed due to excessive exploitation of plant and animal resources by human beings

Reason (R): The only major threat to nature is hunting by greedy hunters for commercial purposes

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) (A) is true but (R) is false

B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
C) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
D) (A) is false but (R) is true

Q2792585 Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through

1. Depletion of resources such as air, water, soil

2. Destruction of ecosystems

3. Progressive increase in wildlife

4. Extinction of wildlife

Select the CORRECT answer from the codes given below.

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) 1 only
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 1, 2, 4
D) 2, 4

Q2792519 In a recent situation, we are facing the issue of decreasing groundwater. Which of the following way is a suitable initiative to increase groundwater level?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Rainwater harvesting
B) Using less water
C) Recycling on rainfall
D) Stopping irrigation

Q2792393 In Peninsular India's uneven and rather rocky plateau, where rainfall is also very seasonal, what form of water conservation is visible?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Wells
B) Tubewells
C) Canals
D) Tanks

Q2792546 The belief that economic growth will percolate down to all sectors was known as:
Score Obtained : 0.0

A) pump priming
B) decentralised growth theory
C) dispersal theory
D) trickle down

Q2792386 If the time of sunrise in Arunachal Pradesh is 6.00 am, what will be the probable time of sunrise in Gujarat?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) 5.00 am
B) 8.00 am
C) 7.00 am
D) 6.00 am

Q2792530 Why do tropical forests are very difficult to exploit for commercial purposes?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Less population
B) Lack of water transport
C) Very less temperature
D) Heavy rainfall

Q2792375 What is the Meridian from which all other meridians radiate eastwards and westwards up to 180°?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Standard Meridian
B) Prime Meridian
C) Central Meridian
D) Equator

Q2792564 The Socio-Economic and Caste Census (2011) was unique in many respects. Which of the following were the special features of SECC?

1. It was conducted for the first time since 1931

2. It was conducted on one single day

3. It was a paperless exercise

4. A hand-held device was used for collecting and compiling the data

5. The Census was conducted by the Planning Commission

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) 2, 3, 5
B) 1, 2, 3, 4
C) 1, 3, 4
D) 1, 2, 4, 5

Q2791613 Who is known as the Father of Economics?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Alfred Marshall
B) Milton Friedman
C) Adam Smith
D) John Stuart Mil

Q2791606 TRYSEM was launched by the Government of India in 1979 as a separate national scheme for which of the following objectives?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Providing urban amenities in rural areas for improvement of quality of rural life
B) Providing basic housing and homestead to BPL household in rural areas
C) Providing technical and basic skills to rural youth from families below poverty line
D) Providing social assistance to the elderly, widow and disabled persons

Q2792403 Imagine your parents are planning to build a house. They ask you about the different landforms. In which landform, you would suggest them to build a house and

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Plain, because of its pleasant climate throughout the year

B) Mountain, because it is thinly populated and cold climate
C) Plateau, because it is rich in minerals and at high altitudes
D) Desert, because it is very hot during the day and cold during the night

Q2792575 What is the most endangered Asiatic which is top predator on the edge of extinction?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Siberian Tiger
B) Dhole
C) Black Bear
D) Asiatic Lion

Q2792555 The process of transformation of things available in our environment involves an interactive relationship between

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Nature and technology

B) Environment and nature
C) Nature, technology and institutions
D) Environment and technology

Q2792538 Look at the picture given below. We often find this kind of vegetation in the desert area. These plants have thorns, thick stems. What is the reason for that?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) To prevent the loss of moisture

B) Adaptation to save them from animals
C) To attack insect easily with thorn
D) To prevent from sandy wind

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