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Which is bigger: a house or an apartment building?

Answer: An apartment building is bigger than a house

Which is hotter: Brazil or Russia?

Answer: Brazil is hotter than Russia

What planet is the closer to Earth: Mars or Saturn?

Answer: Mars is closer than Saturn

Which planet is bigger: Jupiter or Saturn?

Answer: Jupiter is bigger than Saturn

Which river is longer: the Nile or the Amazon?

Answer: The Nile is longer than the Amazon

Which city is more popular: Sao Paulo or Goiania?

Answer: Sao Paulo is more popular than Goiania

Which is heavier: an elephant or a blue whale?

Answer: A blue whale is heavier than an elephant

Which is more expensive: a laptop or a book?

Answer: A laptop is more expensive than a book

Which is larger: China or South Africa?

Answer: China is larger than South Africa

Which is colder: Canada or Argentina?

Answer: Canada is colder than Argentina

Which is older: The Lord of The Rings or Harry Potter?

Answer: The Lord of The Rings is older than Harry Potter
Which is cheaper: a notebook or a laptop?

Answer: A notebook is cheaper than a laptop

Which is more difficult: Physics or Math?

Answer: Physics is more difficult than Math

Which is taller: a giraffe or a zebra?

Answer: A giraffe is taller than a zebra

Which is smaller: an ant or a fly?

Answer: An ant is smaller than a fly

Which is shorter: a dog or a mouse?

Answer: A mouse is shorter than a dog

Which is more dangerous: a hippopotamus or a lion?

Answer: A hippopotamus is more dangerous than a lion

Which is more exciting: a drama movie or an action movie?

Answer: An action movie is more exciting than a drama movie

Which is healthier: cake or salad?

Answer: Salad is healthier than cake

Which is slower: bicycles or cars?

Answer: Bicycles are slower than cars

Anna is 15, Jane is 21. Which is older?

Answer: Jane is older than Anna

This black pen costs $5, that blue one costs $3. Which is more expensive?

Answer: The black pen is more expensive than the blue one
Which classmate is taller?

Which classmate is older?

Which classmate is shorter?

Which classmate is younger?

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