Economic Buyer

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Money Talks: How

to Win Over the

Economic Buyer
with a Smile
Vijay Kadli
Money Talks
Learn how to win over the economic
buyer with a smile. In this presentation,
we'll cover tips and tricks to make your
next sales pitch a success. Get ready to
close more deals and boost your
Know Your Buyer
To win over the economic buyer, you
need to understand their needs and
pain points. Research their company
and industry, and tailor your pitch
accordingly. Use data and statistics to
back up your claims and show your
value proposition.
Speak Their Language

Use the economic buyer's own

language to communicate your
message effectively. Avoid jargon and
technical terms that they may not
understand. Focus on the benefits of
your product or service, and how it can
solve their specific problems.
Build Relationships
Building a relationship with the economic buyer
is key to closing the deal. Be friendly,
personable, and genuine. Listen to their
concerns and feedback, and address them in a
timely manner. Follow up regularly to stay top
of mind.
Handle Objections
Be prepared to handle objections from
the economic buyer. Anticipate their
concerns and have a response ready.
Use stories and examples to illustrate
how your product or service has
helped other companies. Don't be
defensive, but instead, be empathetic
and understanding.
Closing the Deal
When it's time to close the deal with the
economic buyer, be confident and
assertive. Recap the benefits of your
product or service, and ask for the sale.
Use a sense of urgency to create a
deadline for the decision. And always
remember to smile!
Thank You!
Thank you for joining us today to learn about how to
win over the economic buyer with a smile. We hope
you found these tips and tricks helpful. Now go out
there and close some deals!
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