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BBC Login for myDevelopment: How to activate your account

(External Partners )

What is BBC Login: BBC Login is a sign in platform developed by the BBC designed to be used by
both internal and external users. It allows users to access various BBC systems using a single
username and password, reducing the need to remember lots of passwords, making it easier to
work with the BBC.

You will be sent an email to your personal email address to activate your BBC Login/account.
Once you have done this you will be able to log into myDevelopment to access any required BBC
training via BBC Login.

 Click on Request your BBC Login

The Request details cannot be changed, if anything is incorrect, you will need to contact the
Requestor/BBC Contact

 Complete your first and last names

 Add a password (following the guidelines on the right about password creation)
 Click on Submit Request

This will then go back to your BBC contact who will approve your account. Once done, you will
receive an email to say your login is ready up to 14 days before the day you are due to start, to
enable you to complete any required training before your start date.

 Click on Log in now

 You will be taken to the BBC Login page, type in your personal email address (the one you
used to register) and the password you set up

Your account is now active, and you will be able to use myDevelopment to complete any required
If you have any issues, please view the FAQs or get in touch with your BBC contact.

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