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Writing coursework can be a challenging task, and it often requires a significant amount of time,

effort, and dedication. GCSE Physics Crater Coursework, specifically, involves conducting
experiments, collecting data, analyzing results, and presenting findings in a structured and coherent
manner. Here are some reasons why writing coursework can be difficult:

1. Research and Experimentation: Crafting a GCSE Physics Crater Coursework involves

conducting experiments, which can be time-consuming and may require specialized
equipment. Accurate data collection and interpretation are crucial.
2. Data Analysis: Analyzing the data collected during experiments is a critical aspect of
coursework. This requires a good understanding of statistical methods, graphs, and charts to
present the findings effectively.
3. Writing Skills: Communicating scientific ideas in a clear and concise manner can be
challenging. Students need to articulate their thoughts logically and use appropriate scientific
4. Time Management: Balancing coursework with other academic and personal commitments
can be difficult. Meeting deadlines is crucial, and procrastination can lead to rushed work
and lower-quality outcomes.
5. Subject Complexity: Physics, as a subject, can be intricate and may involve complex
concepts. Understanding and applying these concepts accurately in the coursework can be

While some students may find the coursework manageable, others may seek additional help to
ensure the quality of their work. For those who are struggling, considering external assistance can be
a viable option.

One such option is ⇒ ⇔, a site that offers support for academic writing tasks.
They can provide expert guidance, assistance, and even custom-written content tailored to your
coursework requirements. It's important to note that seeking help is not about avoiding the learning
process but rather ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject while managing the
challenges associated with coursework.

Remember to use such services responsibly, adhering to ethical guidelines and academic integrity.
Seeking help when needed can contribute to a better understanding of the coursework material and
improve overall academic performance.
To investigate the height dropped from a crater and the affect in the size. I can also change the height
of the claw and the tightness of the claw. Also as can be seen, a curve is formed which argues my
prediction is incorrect. It was useful to see how different factors affect the size of craters. Even
though my results showed a positive correlation they did not at all show even gaps in diameter. If the
sand was compact then the marble would make a less deep crater than if the sand was less compact.
Some meteorites have dense lumps of iron and nickel, which show marks of slow cooling; these may
have come from the violent history of our solar system. From this table of results, it is quite simple to
spot a trend. As a result, the force of impact of the ball on the surface will increase because all the
potential energy will be changed into kinetic energy (velocity) of the ball just before its impact on
the sand. However this still leaves the question of those early angles, why aren’t they following any
kind of trend. This will vary my results, therefore making it easier and more reliable to make a clear
conclusion on my results. And the height and surface medium are set as the control variables. The
weight was changed by adding iron balls each time. Originally only 3 repeat readings were taken but
to make the average more reliable a fourth repeat reading was taken. Therefore I cannot prove with
this experiment that gravitational potential energy is equal to work done because the force is
different. By this I can decide not to use these outliers for my averages and my graphs, but as they
are not that major and wouldn’t make much a difference to the trend that is being spotted. I had to
be extremely accurate with my compass, and had to make sure I measured from the very end of the
crater to the other. If all of these improvements where carried out I think the new results would be
more accurate. The volume of same is measured by pouring it into a beaker and then weighed on an
electronic weighing balance for further accuracy. For instance if the sand I was dropping the marble
into had already been disturbed, my results would be different to what they should have been,
therefore giving me an inaccurate datum. With more time it would have been interesting to drop more
balls at these lower heights to investigate the way in which the sand behaves on impact.
PLASTICINE MASS (G) AVERAGE CRATER SIZE (MM) 5 45 0 52.66 5 63.33 20 66.66 25 75
30 79.66 35 82 Refer to graph 4. I have not found any anomalous readings and this shows that the
results collected were accurate enough. Small, slow-moving objects have low impact energy and
cause small craters. Whereas my predicted graph showed that (y) was proportional to (x). This could
have been counteracted by dropping the ball down a pipe which was clamped above the centre of
the tray of sand. Although the points do not form a perfect straight line, using the line of best fit it is
possible to determine the sizes of craters produced by any given mass. All of the gravitational
potential energy is converted into kinetic energy when the ball reaches the surface, resulting in a
larger crater. This will vary my results, therefore making it easier and more reliable to make a clear
conclusion on my results. This was overcome by placing a wooden stick across the diameter of the
crater and placing the calibrating stick vertically from the bottom of the crater and where the
calibrating stick met the stick lying across the diameter, the reading was taken.
However it is optional to wear safety goggles in order to avoid a rare occasion of any fine aquarium
gravel coming into contact with eyes. Possibly a rake or a large flat object could have been used to
level the sand and break up any clumps. And by using a formula results according to the accuracy of
the diameters would be more reliable. Our customer service team will review your report and will be
in touch. ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY
NOW Save for later Last updated 23 September 2019 Share this Share through email Share through
twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest GorillaPhysics
Resources 4.59 31 reviews Not the right resource. The range of readings was adequate but would
benefit from some more readings. For example it takes a dropped, small ball longer to hit the surface
than a larger ball. I am going to do this by dropping a ball bearing with a mass of 63.7g, from
varying heights into a tub of sand and then measuring the width of the crater it made. In this
demonstration, a very standard crater is formed by dropping a ball bearing straight down into a few
layers of sand. Height and surface medium will need to be experimented in order to determine the
most advantageous constant height at which the object will be dropped from to use and the optimal
directed surface where the ball will land. For Deep Impact, this stage is not very important, since the
low gravity on the comet will probably only cause some small amount of collapse near the rim.
Therefore I cannot prove with this experiment that gravitational potential energy is equal to work
done because the force is different. This concern has been popularised in many forms and everyday
the rate of technology intended to reduce the impact of any likely future asteroid collision is
expanding. As a result, the force of impact of the ball on the surface will increase because all the
potential energy will be changed into kinetic energy (velocity) of the ball just before its impact on
the sand. A longer tray would have been able to produce a wider range of results. However if you
were to drop the marble from a high distance, the gravitational potential energy is much higher, as it
has more time to build up this energy, which gives you a bigger crater and more kinetic energy.
(MM) 2 3 MEAN 5 00 Fine aquarium gravel 44 45 46 45 0 00 Fine aquarium gravel 52 53 53 52.66 5
00 Fine aquarium gravel 64 62 64 63.33 20 00 Fine aquarium gravel 66 67 67 66.66 25 00 Fine
aquarium gravel 74 77 74 75 30 00 Fine aquarium gravel 79 81 79 79.66 35 00 Fine aquarium gravel
81 83 82 82 As can be seen, each recording was repeated three times. Potential energy is energy
stored in matter which appears in many different forms, and is defined as the energy in matter due to
its position or the arrangement of its parts. And as usual general safety will need to be carried out.
These 3 factors will all have a form of involvement, however I will primarily only concentrate on
one, thus my aim: AIM: To investigate how mass affects the diameter of an impact crater. This
determines my prediction: PREDICTION: Crater diameter increases with increasing mass. I can also
change the height of the claw and the tightness of the claw. When they hit the earth’s surface they
are called meteorites. An Investigation to find out how Dropping Height affects size of a Crater c. In
order to display a visual demonstration of the proportionality of gravitational potential energy and
kinetic energy, below are the calculations tabulated and then presented as a line graph. In many
cases, there is a central peak or several peaks within a crater. The minority of results that didn’t fit the
trend my have been due to. The reason they were proportional is because the deeper the crater
produced the wider it must be and therefore they should be reasonably proportional. The meteorite
weighed 300,000 tons and travelled at a speed of 26,000 miles per hour (12 kilometers per second).
When the boss for the plasticine was positioned, it may have not been precisely 1 metre as the metre
ruler was placed on the opposite side. Keeping all variables other than the height dropped constant
allowed a fair test to be performed.
The measurements were obtained with great attention as it is important to get readings as accurate as
possible to work out an average. As the pendulum ball hits the surface of the sand, the kinetic
energy will disperse into these spaces. This shows that the current method is not extremely reliable
and changes can be made to improve the experiment. Millions of tons of limestone and sandstone
were blasted out of the crater, covering the ground for a mile in every direction. (From source 5).
Even though there may be one or two at times that are not as attached as the others, these cannot be
described as anomalies. When it hits the sand the kinetic energy is transferred into the sand as heat
and more kinetic energy moving the sand out of the way. This was because the ball was creating a
crater in the loose surface sand which was easily moved outwards when the ball hit the surface. I
have not found any anomalous readings and this shows that the results collected were accurate
enough. From this video I can tell that heat energy and light energy is produced. For instance when I
any movement of the tin of sand could disturb the created crater and therefore changing the diameter
of the crater. From this I should be able to calculate an average which will help me in selecting a
reasonable criterion for each variable. The second is evenly between air resistance and gravity. They
are thought to be huge lava flows that spread over an area after most of the craters have already been
formed. PHYSICS COURSEWORK ASTEROIDS Asteroids, also known as small or minor
planets are irregular bodies that vary in size and composition. This was based on the scientific
knowledge that as the Ball Bearing gets higher it gains more Gravitational Potential Energy,
therefore there is a bigger force which in turn will make the size of the crater bigger. Layers of
material that were initially below the surface of the target are now exposed and transported up to lie
around the impact site. However the curve of best fit shows that the average crater size (y) is directly
proportional to the square root of mass (x). One thing I can predict with my graph is that there is a
limit to how big the crater can become this is clear from the graph because on both graphs there is a
slight curve near to the end which I predict that will level off at some point due to the fact the it will
not be able to gain anymore speed at some point onwards. Hence this shows that the heavier an
object is, the more gravitational potential energy it has, and the higher an object is, the more
gravitational potential energy it has. As a result, the wave actually spreads upwards from the
impactor, and sends some of the target material up and out from the impact site. Therefore, a smaller
crater would be formed because the pendulum ball has less energy. The calculations of the square
root of mass are also tabulated below. Preliminary results: Varying height HEIGHT (CM) SURFACE
MEDIUM MASS (G) CRATER SIZE (MM) 2 3 Mean 20 Fine aquarium gravel Golf ball (42) 65 64
63 64 40 Fine aquarium gravel Golf ball (42) 86 86 87 86.33 60 Fine aquarium gravel Golf ball (42)
93 93 92 92.66 The table shows that as the height at which the ball is dropped from increases the
crater size also increases. In this case before you drop the ball bearing it has GPE which is
transferred into KE when you realise it. By means of altering the mass for each recording I will be
able to pre-set the intervals by 5g. Sending a shock through the sand and pushing the sand out
around the hole produced. I then took the average from the repeated results. Once the ball is raised it
will have a potential energy equal to work done. The basic trend of the graph shows that as the mass
increases so does the average crater size formed, which partially proves my prediction is correct.
However it is optional to wear safety goggles in order to avoid a rare occasion of any fine aquarium
gravel coming into contact with eyes.
Some are large - the biggest is Ceres with a diameter of nearly 600 miles (950km) - and are
sometimes called minor planets or planetoids. This will allow me to notify the trend of varying mass
in detail. In some craters, a central peak may form as some of the target material splashes back
upwards at the initial point of impact. The second is evenly between air resistance and gravity.
Fractures often spread down into the target from the crater site as well. Furthermore, studying the
craters left from impacts throughout the history of our solar system helps us to gain knowledge on
how it was formed and the geological history of our own planet. Therefore, a smaller crater would
be formed because the pendulum ball has less energy. Our customer service team will review your
report and will be in touch. ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?1.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 23 September 2019 Share this Share through email
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GorillaPhysics Resources 4.59 31 reviews Not the right resource. This meant that the entry speed of
the ball would be the same at each angle. The energy from the impact forces the surface it strikes to
move. To make the experiment more accurate with the same apparatus I could have emptied the sand
container as previously mentioned. Crater diameter has its anomalous result at the very lowest drop
height. So therefore the more energy the ball bearing has when it hits the sand the wider the crater it
should make. I will use wet sand because I think that it will be easier to measure the diameter as the
sand wont be easily moved as I take the plasticine ball out of the crater. I will. This could be due to
the masses of the balls being slightly different. The output variable (what I will measure) will be the
size of the crater produced. The mound produced will be bigger as the height increases. From this I
should be able to calculate an average which will help me in selecting a reasonable criterion for each
variable. Investigate a factor that might affect the size of a crater made by a falli. I should have
taken readings from 0cm up to 20cm in 5cm intervals and I should have also taken more readings
maybe up to as high as 1 meter. This is to ensure these variables compliment and help produce
accurate results when varying masses. I could then be sure that the marble was dropped from the
right distance. The advantages were that I did not have to worry about the density of the sand. This
is because the force by the sand would have to be a constant. The only way to know for sure is to
plot a graph of log length against Angle for those last five points. Small, slow-moving objects have
low impact energy and cause small craters. Overall in this experiment there is a minimal chance of
being injured. Improvements: No matter how accurate produced results are, due to the restriction in
apparatus provided and the time to complete the investigation, improvements will always be
applicable. The line graph does not pass through the origin (0,0) because the graph paper is too small
to accommodate 10 sets of results (average of both sets of data). However, if I could I would like to
use a ruler with an even smaller scale, maybe with tenths of millimetres on as this would allow me to
be more precise and accurate when I measure the diameter of my crater.
Nevertheless it is far too early to validate this since there is insufficient evidence. Furthermore,
studying the craters left from impacts throughout the history of our solar system helps us to gain
knowledge on how it was formed and the geological history of our own planet. The output variable
(what I will measure) will be the size of the crater produced. The higher you drop the marble the
bigger the diameter of the crater will be. To make it a fair test I will have to drop the object from the
same angle ever time. By dropping the golf ball from the same angle but at a higher distance it will
create a larger crater because the force of gravity makes the object increase its speed with time. I
have chosen to vary the height of the marble being dropper from. For example using an electronic
tape measure it would not only measure the crater size formed, but would also calculate other useful
related information to the result using its built-in functionalities. I will drop the ball from 90 degrees
above the surface of the sand, this will create a crater which is nearly even, meaning that the radius
from the centre to the outside edge of the crater would be the same length. Also as this is set as an
independent variable, I will have independent control over the values I set it to prior to
experimentation. Meteorites hitting the lunar surface at high velocity produced most of the large
craters. This would allow me to show that distance across the crater is proportional to depth. For
example a Vmass of 2g would form a crater size of 40mm. Investigate a factor that might affect the
size of a crater made by a falli. Varying surface medium SURFACE MEDIUM HEIGHT (CM)
MASS (G) CRATER SIZE (MM) 2 3 Mean Fine aquarium gravel 50 Golf ball (42) 91 91 92 91.33
Silver sand 50 Golf ball (42) 93 94 93 93.33 Fine sand 50 Golf ball (42) 94 94 94 94 As can be seen
from the table, there is not much difference between the crater sizes produced when the golf ball is
dropped into different surfaces mediums. However if my intervals of height were higher then more
disperse results would most likely be produced. To predict this I had to assume that width across the
crater was proportional to depth because if a graph of depth versus height dropped from was plotted
a straight line should have been produced. You could drop the marble with different amounts of force
to see if that would make a difference to the results. This is because at a higher point there is more
gravitational potential energy. From this video I can tell that heat energy and light energy is
produced. I also had to be careful with the dropping of the marble. The measurements were obtained
with great attention as it is important to get readings as accurate as possible to work out an average.
They are usually found in the inner solar system among planets and primarily move in indirect orbits
between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars, however some orbit relatively nearby to Earth. The small
increments of 5cm allowed me to work with a lot of results and a lot more accurate results. Potential
energy is energy stored in matter which appears in many different forms, and is defined as the energy
in matter due to its position or the arrangement of its parts. I have chosen to use a marble because it
is perfectly rounded without any jagged edges, which will make the almost perfect semi-sphere for a
crater. When the ball hits the ground all of the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. This
was because the ball was creating a crater in the loose surface sand which was easily moved
outwards when the ball hit the surface. Then I will carefully pick the plasticine ball out of the sand
and measure the diameter of the crater. Using a compass would not cause disturbance in the sand but
a ruler might, this is why it is a more accurate way of measuring the diameter. The second is evenly
between air resistance and gravity.
A lot more reasonable than holding the ruler upright with my hand. But on the whole I believe using
the compass made my results far more accurate than they would be if I just used the ruler. This could
be done by continuing to increase the height until the width of the crater did not continue to get
wider. This is to ensure these variables compliment and help produce accurate results when varying
masses. However the curve of best fit shows that the average crater size (y) is directly proportional to
the square root of mass (x). They are thought to be huge lava flows that spread over an area after
most of the craters have already been formed. I predicted that crater diameter increases with
increasing mass, which is correct. Suitable intervals were taken because the range of results was wide
apart, they vary well and it is possible to distinguish between the points, rather than the results at
each height being too close together. I have chosen to vary the height of the marble being dropper
from. If I didn’t use the ruler, I would be judging the height from eye, and this could change the
results completely. There are a range of factors that could have affected all my recordings, but do not
influence a change in trend as these would simply add constant to my results. The aim of this
investigation is to investigate how varying the vertical he. I have also joined all the data with a dark
blue, again indicating the strong correlation. By dropping the golf ball from the same angle but at a
higher distance it will create a larger crater because the force of gravity makes the object increase its
speed with time. The volume of same is measured by pouring it into a beaker and then weighed on
an electronic weighing balance for further accuracy. Therefore, a smaller crater would be formed
because the pendulum ball has less energy. By using averages, it is much easier to make a clear
judgment of how the results are. As the ball falls it will accelerate due to the force of gravity. The
advantages were that I did not have to worry about the density of the sand. Each of the above
mentioned factors do have a form of influence to an asteroid collision, however not all can be
recreated in accordance to my experiment. The widths may have been easier to measure if larger
equipment was used because then the range of measurements would be greater. All recordings will
be repeated three times; this will allow me to identify any recording that doesn't follow the usual
trend and furthermore calculate an average. Energy is the ability of an object to cause change. Any
outliers are highlighted in red; this helps me distinguish accurate results to inaccurate results. How
does the drop height of a small and a large marble affect the size of t. This was because the higher
the object was dropped from the more gravitational potential energy the object gathered, increasing
the speed of the ball, concluding the ball had more of an impact on the surface, creating a bigger
crater as the gravitational energy was transferred as kinetic energy to the sand. These can be divided
into two main types: simple and complex. However this still leaves the question of those early
angles, why aren’t they following any kind of trend. Any sort of precautions has to be kept the same
otherwise it could disturb any pattern on my results and therefore giving me a false interpretation on
the experiment. There are just two obvious and clear outliers, which I have circled in blue as well.

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