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Sinif ___VI__ Monitorinq

1. Choose the line of adjective forming suffixes

A) -able,-y,-ly, -ous
B) able, - less,- hood,-tion.
C) -ness,- ous, -teen,- al
D)-ship, -ly,-th,-ful
2. Choose the correct preposition.
Big Ben is the heaviest clock ....... the world
A) with B) on. C) in. D) at
3. Complete the sentence
We didn’t go out because...........
A) it was sunny
B) the weather was fine
c) we had much time
D) it was rainy
4. Choose the correct modal verbs.
If you want to be healthy you ....... .. eat healthy food.
1. must 4.should
2. can’t 5. mustn’t
3. shouldn’t
5. Choose the correct words
Mike was very. ... to his classmates, He was friendly.
1. Polite 4, selfish
2. angry 5.unkind
3. helpful

6. Choose the antonym of the underlined word

There was a good film on TV yesterday evening
A) bad. B) wonderful. C) Beautiful. D)fantastic
7. Choose the correct tense form.
Tom .... an English film on the computer now
A)watched B) is watching c) watch D) are watchina
8. Choose the correct pronoun
She does her homework.......................
A) yourself B) himself. c) herself. D) itself
9. Complete the sentence
A foreigner is a person who.................
A) serves people in a restaurant
B) comes from a different country
C) works at the post office
D) brings you parcels
10. Choose the correct word...............
There is ....... time left. We must hurry to the Museum.
1.Few 2)no. 3) little 4) Much.
11. ..............the symbol of Halloween
A) a card. B)candy. c) a. pumpkin. D) a balloon
12. Choose the correct pronouns
.. spend un summer holidays in Britain
A) I, My. B) he, his. c) they, them. D) she, her
13. Choose the wrong word.
You need ... to make a poster
A) pencils. B) umbrellas. C)crayons. D) paper.
14. Choose the line of compound nouns
A) football, weekend, bookshelf
B) screen, railway, guide
c) newspaper, headache, nature
D) Workshop, channel, homework
15) Choose the correct word
You can, watch karate on a .... channel
A)Quiz. B) news. C) nature. D) sports

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