File WhyShouldWeSelectYou

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Why Should We Select You?

Sample Answer:
The three things I surely bring to the table are: my knowledge of the commerce field, my
passion for advertisements and my curiosity to learn about startups. The reason I
applied for this program is not only because I’m keen on learning from my batch, the
professors and our alumni, but also because I believe in my potential to contribute to the
batch and the institution given my diverse perspective. If selected, I’ll make use of the
repository of marketing researches collated by the library, attend the special marketing
workshops conducted in September and take up the Innovation Live course by Prof
Apurv so as to utilise the most of what the institute has to offer me, I think that’s the
least I can do to justify the opportunity I’ll be given.


1. Top 3 USPs: This answer should start with your top 3 unique selling points
(green). USPs are always unique, so giving an answer like “I’m skilled at Excel”
or “I am a team-player” will not help. Think of what can you bring to the batch that
most people can’t - use your academic stream, work-experience, internship,
networking, hobbies to frame this part of the answer.

2. Learner Forever: This is an important point many students miss. While sharing
your USPs, you must hint that you’re equally curious and willing to learn from the
diverse experience of your batchmates (yellow). This shows humility and proves
you’re not overconfident in the interview. More on this towards the end of this

3. Research: This is the part that will show how eager are you to be selected and if
your game plan is ready (blue). At this point, the interviewers will be expecting
you to share what will you do if you get selected, so find some USPs of the
institute and fit them with your goals.

4. Grateful: You must showcase that you value this opportunity immensely
(orange). Once I was asked in an interview, “Aren’t you here only for the IIM
tag?” I answered, “Sir, I see it as a huge responsibility on my shoulders bearing
that tag, so yes, I am here for the tag but I am here to take it seriously.” Show
that you value the opportunity you have been given and it’s not another option for
Tricky Variant: How are you a better candidate than others?

An interviewer can also spin this question and ask you why should they select you but
not someone else out there or how are you a better candidate for that college. The only
difference in this case will be the starting lines:

Sample Answer:
Sir, I respect every individual who has been shortlisted for this opportunity and I’m sure
many of them will have great achievements and skills, in fact I hope the best of us make
it to the institute but I’d like to share the three things that I bring to the table: my
knowledge of the commerce field, my passion for advertisements and my curiosity to
learn about startups. The reason I applied for this program is not only because I’m keen
on learning from my batch, the professors and our alumni, but also because I believe in
my potential to contribute to the batch and the institution given my diverse perspective.
If selected, I’ll make use of the repository of marketing researches collated by the
library, attend the special marketing workshops conducted in September and take up
the Innovation Live course by Prof Apurv so as to utilise the most of what the institute
has to offer me, I think that’s the least I can do to justify the opportunity I’ll be given.


1. Humility: The only addition you need to make it to showcase that you’re a
humble person. You’re no one to judge whether you’re a better candidate or not,
you’re only there to share what you bring to the table. But, the answer can start
with these lines to show you respect others (green). This question is asked to
test if you’re an egoistic person and that is a big red flag in any interview.

2. Confidence vs Overconfidence: There is a thin line between confidence and

overconfidence. At any given point of time during the interview, don’t feel
underconfident - you’re no less than anybody. But, you’re also no better than
anybody - you’re not the one to judge that, it’s the interviewer’s job. So stay
confident, give them the reasons to select you, that’s what will help them make
the right choice and humility is a big criterion on their list, remember that.

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