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Writing coursework, especially in subjects like Business Studies at the GCSE level, can be a

challenging and time-consuming task. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, strong
research skills, and the ability to articulate your thoughts effectively. Here are some challenges you
might face:

1. Complexity of the Subject: Business Studies involves various concepts, theories, and real-
world applications. Understanding and presenting these concepts coherently can be
2. Research Requirements: A well-crafted coursework often requires extensive research.
Gathering relevant and up-to-date information to support your arguments can be time-
3. Analytical Skills: Successful coursework often requires a critical analysis of theories and
case studies. Developing strong analytical skills to evaluate and interpret information is
4. Time Management: Balancing coursework with other academic and personal commitments
can be difficult. Meeting deadlines while ensuring the quality of your work adds an extra
layer of pressure.
5. Writing Proficiency: Expressing ideas clearly and concisely is a skill that not everyone
possesses naturally. Developing a coherent and well-structured piece of writing is a common

For those finding it difficult to manage these challenges, seeking help from reputable sources can be
a viable option. However, it's essential to choose reliable services. One such option is ⇒ ⇔, where you can find professional assistance tailored to your coursework needs.
They offer expert writers with subject-specific knowledge who can help you navigate the
complexities of your Business Studies coursework.

Remember, while seeking assistance is fine, it's crucial to ensure academic integrity and ethical
practices. Use external help as a learning aid rather than a substitute for your own efforts.
This data has not been gathered for any specific purpose, so it is very general. As a result, there is a
general trend in businesses moving towards internet advertising. I went on the AQA website but it
turns out you can choose your own project Business studies coursework is really easy, its a safe way
to get. A questionnaire can be carried out in the street, by telephone, by post, by e-mail. The two
presentations (33 slides) cover approximately three hours of learning; I delivered the assessment
objectives PowerPoint over two one hour lessons. It does this by typing up any letters and sending
them to the people they need to go to. I will only as people in my target group with a wage of
?15000. Information from all around the world is included on the web, so the boundaries for
searching are only limited by imagination. I have chosen this strategy because if I show a high price
it gives off a uniqueness of the product. A problem with business cards would be that it’s hard for
Errol to target new customers; he must decide where and when it would be appropriate to hand them
out; e.g. posting them in letterboxes around the neighbourhood, or at shopping centre car parks, etc.
Supermarkets often have economy brands for soups, spaghetti, etc. This type of financial implication
is good for Errol as. The result also shows that a third of people thought of the customer service as
unsatisfactory. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only
customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it
violates our terms and conditions. You must also take into account the number of people watching,
as this will effect the cost. Errol must use his own savings, or loan off banks or perhaps his family.
These are usually only in local newspapers, where small businesses pay to advertise around their area.
Many publishers also offer the option to have advertisements appear with a white background to
make them stand out more. GCSE Business Studies (Short Course) Award Code 4131 GCSE Applied
Business (Double Award) Award Code 4136. Nevertheless, despite the professional information
included on the card, Errol must make sure the actual card is high-quality, printed out on a quality
printer. Each resource can be edited fully to meet a groups needs, and I have included notes at the
foot of each resource to explain how they are intended to be used, including how to run the range of
activities each is reinforced with. To do this it will require to spend time, into researching the local
prices. For the benefit of all of our clients we provide productions which will always contain zero
plagiarism. We purvey a reimbursement warranty to satisfy your deadline with productivity. The
most common methods of market segmentation are: Life style A married person with kids who has
the same wage as a single person will buy different products. Another drawback is that this is a quite
costly option. Get Connect Disclaimer King Essay offers writing help, such as assignments, term
papers, essays, coursework, dissertations and other services including all research stuff, just for
assistance purpose. Also there is a large supermarket near by, because of that there is bus stop
opposite which makes it easy to get to my shop. I feel that even though I have included information,
I could include more without making the leaflet too cluttered; but nevertheless the leaflet seems of
adequate quality, ideal for captivating the target segment (who will be discussed in detail in the next
point). Pamphlets have also long been an important tool of political protest and political campaigning
for similar reasons.
This is because of the people surveyed the majority fit into this group, so it makes sense to primarily
aim for them, and then unskilled workers. Crucial price ponit- This means the pricing difference
between ?9.99 - ?10.00. A customer will feel that the ?9.99 is a lot cheaper then the ?10.00, even
though it is only a penny. The idea of the coupon is to get the person to buy the product more then
once. We are not planning to develop new GCSE Business and Communication Systems or GCSE
Applied Business Studies (Double Award) qualifications under. Leaflets are very important in
marketing as they are cheap to produce and can be distributed easily to customers. We also use third-
party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. There can also be social
benefits, this basically means what is gained by the local area from you placing your business there.
Money This covers against of money being lost, this includes more then theft and covers all cash,
cheques, and valuable documents that are in the business. This is because they are only dealing with
only a few retailers, instead of lots. What is the role of the wholesaler The wholesaler is very useful
to the local shop keeper and the large manufacture. A products that is to aimed art the highest income
group will have a high price, while a product aimed the lowest will have a low price. We assist our
customers to prepare their own papers with the help of provided material. Errol may have to travel
some distance between one interview and the next. This does not always involve face to face selling,
it could selling over the television. In some cases though a product must be made first before a
person realises that they need it. This includes building construction, utilities like water, electricity
and gas. This would not only reflect light well but would also match the blue exterior of the store.
Errol must use a mixture of closed and open questions. The loans is repaid over a certain period of
time and interest is paid. Errol would be able to easily distribute business cards wherever he goes. It
is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. A wholesaler
will normally give the shop keeper credit, so this free up cash, that can be used for other things.
Channel 4 of distribution This is when the product is sold through agents some times in different
countries. This also means that the advertising campaign will be different for each group. Below is a
list of each media I surmise is ideal for Errol. Tesco provide retail services them sell household items,
food items, kid’s items, and food items. In secondary sector they turn raw materials into finished
products. I will also make sure to have constant communication with the employees to see to there
needs and any suggestions that they might have for the business or any problems that need to be
resolved, this way I will be able to keep my employees happy. My business strategy- I will have a
product oriented market as I will be selling new technology that is constantly changing. Yes 85 No
15 Which of these would pay extra for? (you can tick more then one) Home delivery 35 Home
instillation 25 Extended guarantee 75 Other 19 Results The results are shown in bar chart form, as
some of the questions the person could tick more then one answer. AQA GCSE Business Controlled
Assessment 2017 Social Enterprise.
We are here to help scholars whose goals is to achieve a higher qualification in the race against time
and with the least amount of money possible. Employees are protected from: Discrimination Poor
working conditions Wage protection Discrimination The laws prevent there from being unfair
discrimination at work. Therefore, there is less likelihood of an advertisement being noticed. The
way institutes inform their scholars is that this business coursework will assess the following business
skills. We are not planning to develop new GCSE Business and Communication Systems or GCSE
Applied Business Studies (Double Award) qualifications under. There are many different media's
that can be for advertising a job. Once he makes these customers happy, they might know other
friends with these cars and, eventually, through word-of-mouth Errol’s business would gain a
respectable image in Harrow, especially among rich car owners. The owner of the business will also
decide what happens to the business in a limited company, it is a shareholder. Pamphlets have also
long been an important tool of political protest and political campaigning for similar reasons. My
budget- I have completed a budget on estimated, and exact costs that I know. For a advertising
campaign to be successful it must: Y Reach the right audience Y Be attractive and appealing Y Make
the money that the audience cost back in sales. They do not need to purchase a business package
most of which is worthless for them only to get specialised support. An example is a garage, a repair
may cost ?100, but when they add on there mark of 40% it comes to ?140 Hour based pricing- This
is where the work that is done is charged for by the hour. My place- My place is on Kenton road, this
is because it meets all of my criteria for my place. We are not planning to develop new GCSE
Business and Communication Systems or GCSE Applied Business Studies (Double Award)
qualifications under. There are some disadvantages primarily that there is no dedicated car park, and
that there are parking restrictions. Fire and other risks This is when your insure your business against
floods, fire and storms. This is very important where very expensive machines or stock are involved.
To do this you take out a contract that protects you against a certain risk. It allows the business to
examine its current position within the market, consider opportunities to strengthen that position and
determine the most effective method of implementing the required changes. These are the questions
that I asked him and his responses. Although this resource supports Edexcel 5BS03, I deliver it in
year 10 to be able to get my classes writing effectively early. The wholesaler may normally carry out
the promotion, saving the manufacture money on advertising. GCSE Business Studies provides
progression for those wishing to continue their coursework, which means that for two-thirds of the
Applied Business course. Conclusions from action plan 1 From my action plan I now know: Y My
place Y Pricing structure Y Target group Some of the information that was gathered will be used in
other action plans, as this will save me time. Government should introduce measures to force private
car drivers off the road. Which is better? Primary data is better as it normally more accurate, and as it
has been carried out just for your purpose it will have more specific information. Such methods
would exist in a medium such as radio which of course people only listen to. Business cards provide
the potential customer with crucial information such as the contact details, and the address of the
garage. My market- The market that I aiming at is the senior administrative workers in group C, that
earn around ?15000-?25000. You have the privilege of getting unlimited revisions or amendments to
the final creation if you are not satisfied with our work.
This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have
purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and
conditions. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?8.99 4.00 1
review BUY NOW Save for later ?8.99 4.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 22
February 2018 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share
through facebook Share through pinterest Workstation11's Shop 3.87 41 reviews Not the right
resource. I would recommend reading the notes at the bottom of each slide beforehand to know
when sugar paper, scissors glue and cut-ups need to be pre-prepared. It varies from Below the line,
which believes in unconventional strategies, such as direct mail, leaflets, posters, sales promotion,
etc. Also that people are willing to pay extra for some these extra services. A magazine is not suitable
as they are normally national. The geographical area in which the questionnaires are distributed is
obviously controlled; door-to-door, post, or hand out questionnaires would be within a set area in an
attempt to target only the residents of Harrow and perhaps some of Wembley (as he has a small
business and therefore only has one branch). I will group the people on there response to some
questionnaire in social grades. The main functions of the Marketing and Sales department are. They
have lots of choice of products as if they were to buy from a manufacture they might to be tied to
there line of products. A person who buys a expensive product will be influenced by a warranty, this
is because a customer wants to know that if the product goes wrong in a few months they can get it
fixed. This is so that I can see what a wide range of people think and want in the local area. Work
conditions, if the person is working in very comerfterale places then the pay mat be higher. A other
major advantage is that there is bank near by that has a cash point meaning it easy to withdraw cash.
Profits loss (Figures in red are estimates) It would be hard for me to create a break even point as I do
not have enough information to make a good prediction. Since the product is given to customers to
try for no charge, this would be appealing to them and they would generally be more willing to
answer questions and give a broad opinion. In tertiary sector where growth is not predicated within
transport services in the United Kingdom most people prefer to travel by car rather than public
transport. Region People in different areas of the country will buy different products. Additionally,
because many are situated where they will be seen by motorists and passengers on public transport,
who will only see them briefly, they have to communicate their message very quickly. Slogans 22%
Bright colours 18% Brand names 35% The shape of the paper the advert comes on 25% Results The
results are shown in pie char form as they best represent percentages. Commission could also be used
to add on to the basic, this is would reward the staff when they make a sale. Advantages u Detailed
information can be gathered u Customers options can be obtained Disadvantages u To carry out a
questionnaire it will take time, then it will also take time to analyse the results obtained. In order to
make a questionnaire that was suitable, I first found out from a member of that specific group of
people what they thought about the business. These include private individuals as well as large
institutional investors, such as pension funds and banks. There are many examples of promotional
pricing including approaches such as BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free). Questions When buying
from a shop, what is important to you? (You may tick more the one) Shop has a good reputation 15
Good after sales service 20 Home delivery 20 Home installation 16 Convenience 20 Extended
guarantee 45 Other 20 Never undersold guarantee 30 Would pay extra for these service. They do not
need to purchase a business package most of which is worthless for them only to get specialised
support. Also there is a large supermarket near by, because of that there is bus stop opposite which
makes it easy to get to my shop. Goods in transit Covers goods that are lost, or damaged while being
transported. We purvey a reimbursement warranty to satisfy your deadline with productivity.
We will also use surveys and market research panels to find out what consumers think of products.
Nevertheless, Errol must make sure he drives his van in the most professional fashion at all time; i.e.
no bad driving; it would create an undesirable image with potential customers. Since a business card
has to be constrained to a small font to fit everything in, lots of information shouldn’t be crammed
in; this would lead to it being thrown away and potential customers being put off. A problem.
Business Name - Books and Bobs; Proprietor - Malcolm Curtis; Address - 512 Heol Las, Birchgrove,
SWANSEA, SA7 9DX; Telephone Number 01792 524479. A business must find out how many
people there are whom will buy its product. My Benefits- To see what benefits a customer would
want from my product I will carry out a survey to see what benefits are important to a person. These
are usually only in local newspapers, where small businesses pay to advertise around their area. The
majority of listings are in plain small black text. He may want to concentrate on the local community
as he currently is by keeping all his existing customers and attract more from the local community.
This might mean that Errol would have to re-think his location, and perhaps relocate to a bigger
property, taking care to choose an appropriate placement so that it does not cause much
inconvenience to the increasing number of customers. We even provide seasonal and occasional
discounts over the course of the year by which customers can make savings and enjoy limitless career
options. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
The idea of these are to get the customer to buy your product. A newspaper can be local national, the
difference is that a national paper is available all other the country while a local is aimed at the local
area. Product liability Gives cover against any defects in any products that are on the shop premises
from causing injury to anyone. See other similar resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. GCSE Business Studies (Short Course) Award
Code 4131 GCSE Applied Business (Double Award) Award Code 4136. Y Higher price- If you
know that your product is better then your rivals, and your customers know that then you can charge
a higher price My price: My price will be as low is possible, so that I can attract the largest number of
customers. This would help to lighten the mood of people that go to the store and think better of the
store atmosphere. Errol, after having reached the highest possible status in the job next to Mr Turner,
continued to develop his customer service skills and broaden his ever-growing knowledge of cars.
Business Studies Case Study on a Music Industry (With Diagrams). These include private
individuals as well as large institutional investors, such as pension funds and banks. This is because
televisions, videos, and hi-fi can be very expensive, and from previous research I found that this is
very important. Fire and other risks This is when your insure your business against floods, fire and
storms. This is very important where very expensive machines or stock are involved. The resources
are designed to be fun and engaging, and meet a range of learning styles. How will I advertise for
staff- I will advertise in the local job centre, and the in the window of my shop. Magazines usually
have a clear target audience such as teenagers, males, females, car enthusiasts, etc. To take a random
sample, it’s necessary to take all the names of the people who live in a particular area (electoral
register) and use a systematic approach to selecting the sample, e.g. every 50 th person on the list. I
cannot discuss all of my competitive advantages but what I can say is that my store is closer to the
school than a nearby store that sells items that I also sell and also my store is open during both rush
hours and but the other store is only open during one. During a products life cycle the profit and
sales of the product are linked, so if sales fall so does profit.
If I put something at a certain price and only a small amount of people bought it, I would put the
price down so that more people will buy it. Also as I am a sole trader business there are less
regulations that I have to comply with. For example, if a supplier has views on ways of improving
quality or efficiency then Aemono will listen and possibly act on ideas if they made good business
sense. To do this I carry out questioners or use research already carried out by a other company. In
order to make a questionnaire that was suitable, I first found out from a member of that specific
group of people what they thought about the business. Yes 85 No 15 Which of these would pay
extra for? (you can tick more then one) Home delivery 35 Home instillation 25 Extended guarantee
75 Other 19 Results The results are shown in bar chart form, as some of the questions the person
could tick more then one answer. What planning restrictions apply to me- From research into local
planing restrictions have found that I must get permission for the following: Any ballads placed by
me near my shop Shutters Extra building at the rear of shop Any structural work I do not need to
worry about the replacement of doors and windows as my business is in a non listed building. The
advert is brief as there may not be time to read it. This method is only really used when products are
individual and expensive such as new windows for a house, which would cost a large sum of money,
since they have to match the attributes and measurements of the house. Coupons could be used,
these can be in leaflets, or come in a previous product that you buy. This is because research which I
discovered shows that most people hear about new chocolate bars on TV and Radio, I will also
consider creating billboard advertisements and advertising on bus shelters. See other similar
resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for.
Unlike questionnaires, interviews allow the consumer to consult the interviewer if a question is
difficult to understand. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch.
?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save
for later Last updated 2 August 2016 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share
through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Hannahlawrance21's Shop 2.25 37
reviews Not the right resource. This would not only reflect light well but would also match the blue
exterior of the store. The business needs to conduct market research using a variety of techniques to
be able to obtain this data and produce the products and services according to the customer’s wants.
Manufacturers of digital watches used a skimming approach in the 1970s. Errol could use the low
costs of this method of promotion to his advantage. This is, therefore, events such as sponsored
events, fun days, workshops or “box” collections. The interviewer would have a pre-set list of
questions to ask the interviewee, many of which would allow them to express their own opinion
(open questions). All the business or computer science coursework help will be administered with
complete confidentiality from start to finish. Conclusion form action plan From this final action plan
I now know: A rough idea of my budget How I will hire and pay staff What laws I must comply
with Which loan I would take out What insurance's I would take out This action plan covers all of
the points that I missed in previous action plans. The business is offering an investment opportunity
to people who want a good return from a more risky investment. He must “ration” his capital, as he
needs the money to pay back loans and as much money to fall back on as he can, in case of an
incident such as the opening of a rival garage who appeal more to Errol’s customers. Examples of
some of these factors are his media choices, market research, and marketing in general. However the
stakeholders that I will concentrate on most will be the shareowners, because if the shareowners are
unhappy they could see the business to someone else or make other changes, so in order to avoid this
I am going to concentrate on making sure that the shareowners are happy. I will also use leaflets as
this would mean that I could put in coupons for the reader. A company can make more then in
product this is called the product mix. They have to pay before using the services in telephone cards
like Vectone Gnanam Telecom while business like British Telecom they use to pay after the services
Users can access Vectone services by the Internet or telephone services from their landline, mobile
phone, PC or directly from a web site. I think that this technique can prove to be effective in many
ways while still suppressing costs for Errol.

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