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Writing coursework can be quite the challenge, especially when delving into complex topics like

schizophrenia in biology. It requires thorough research, a deep understanding of the subject matter,
and the ability to articulate your thoughts effectively. For some, it might feel like navigating a maze
of scientific jargon and intricate concepts.

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Onset can be sudden e.g. as the individual starts at either university or at a new career. Deficits of
glutamate are also found in the post-mortem brains of patients with Schizophrenia. Brain dysfunction
is linked to the negative symptoms of. The two groups were matched on variables such as sex and
age. This shows that those brain abnormalities may predate the illness rather than develop as a result
of untreated psychosis. In typical participants, the response to the second click is less marked than
the first click that is equal in Schizophrenia. The rate-limiting step in its formation involves
tryptophan hydroxylase. 5-HT is catabolised by monoamine oxidase to form 5-hydroxyindolacetic
acid. However, the cost of these scans has meant that almost all studies are retrospective; conducted
after diagnosis of schizophrenia. Information about these conflicts and traumas is stored in the
unconscious mind, and treatment involves trying to resolves these internal conflicts. Thus, currently,
new drugs for Schizophrenia have been designed to activate glutamate receptors. MRI scans when
comparing the brains of schizophrenic and non-. Retrospective studies or trying to study the
childhood of people diagnosed with Schizophrenia in the present provide some evidence for this.
Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a bursa sac. However, it found that the time of onset for
Schizophrenia, symptoms, type of Schizophrenia, course of the disorder, and ultimately the outcomes
differed significantly from one sister to another. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your
rating is required to reflect your happiness. Delusions arise from misinterpretation of events and
objects whereas hallucinations occur in the absence of any external stimuli. By reducing the effects
of dopamine, positive symptoms such as hallucinations can be reduced, in line with the view of the
dopamine hypothesis. Report Back from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2023:
Spotlight. If there was no genetic factor then there should be no difference between MZ and DZ
twins. Complete questions 1 to 4 on page 11 in booklet 2. 3. Draw a mind map or create a set of cue
cards for the genetic explanation of schizophrenia. 4. Prepare to complete a timed summary: -
Outline any one biological explanation of schizophrenia (9 marks) Genetics Page 18. More recent
studies have confirmed this explanation of hallucinations (Frith, 1992). Subjects in both groups were
examined using the following. The rate of schizophrenia did not differ for adoptive families that had
adopted a child who became, or did not become, schizophrenic. Clinically useful drugs that are
selective partial agonists at this receptor are buspirone and ipsapirone, both used in the treatment of
anxiety. Another study examines the rates of Schizophrenia in offsprings of discordant twins (one
sibling has Schizophrenia and the other didn’t) and found the rate the same (17%). Therefore
environmental and psychological factors must also be accounted for. For example, the COMT gene
(Catecholamine O-methyl Transferase) on chromosome 22 is in particular important, because it has
involved in dopamine metabolism. Lecturer of Psychology Nature V Nurture in Psychology. This
suggests that brain differences are strongly linked with the. This suggests that disturbances in eye-
tracking have a genetic basis.
Neurological abnormalities tend to be reported more often in people with schizophrenia than in other
individuals and more often in patients with negative symptoms if schizophrenia. See other similar
resources ?6.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for.
Brain dysfunction is linked to the negative symptoms of. Write a review Update existing review
Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The basic view of the biological approach is
that things go wrong with thinking, emotion and behaviour because things have gone wrong with the
brain. Concordance rates: These show the percentage of family members developing schizophrenia.
Page 4. Intra- and inter-individual differences increase the complexity of the disorder, which
complicates accurate diagnosis, management. The gene mapping study was conducted on a restricted
number of families and has failed to be replicated; which shows the problems of sample bias. See
other similar resources ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. In other cases, onset is relatively sudden or acute, with the onset of positive
symptoms marking a sharp deviation in development. Behavior may also be abnormal and
manifested as strange mannerisms, doing seemingly senseless things or assuming bizarre postures.
Studies have evaluated the development of the offspring of mothers with schizophrenia have
observed cognitive difficulties during the pre-teen and teenage years in these high-risk children (p.
1106). And in terms of family relations, there is some evidence that parents of schizophrenics are
emotionally disturbed more often than the patterns of normal children and that more of the mothers
have schizoid personality traits. More recent studies have confirmed this explanation of
hallucinations (Frith, 1992). Therapeutic Pharmacological Targets in Schizophrenia. Also, Bateson’s
theory was not replicated in Prentice’s (2000) results when he carried out his study. However a more
recent analysis of that study by Ross and Read has suggested that its results were misleading: as all
those studied, including those who took placebos, were on antipsychotics before the study began, it
was, rather than a study comparing treatment to non-treatment, a comparison between continued
treatment and withdrawn treatment. Ross and. Discuss biological and psychological explanations of
depression. Evidence shows that the phenothiazines reduce dopamine activity in the brain by
blocking dopamine receptor sites in postsynaptic neurons. If there was no genetic element then there
should be no difference in the level of risk between first degree relatives and a random member of
the public. Proof suggests that people with Schizophrenia aren’t producing excessive dopamine, but
have an increased number of dopamine receptors. Adoption studies suggest that the concordance rate
is higher between biological relatives and not adoptive relations of people who go on to develop
Schizophrenia. Where cause and effect cannot be inferred, the argument is weakened because there is
no definite way of ensuring one or the other. The reproductive suppression hypothesis Surbey (1987)
adolescent girls desire to control their weight. Therapeutic Pharmacological Targets in Schizophrenia.
Research evidence has looked at both high and low levels of neurological activity. Patients may
repeat sounds (echolalia) or use invented words (neologisms). Further, it’s been found that all types
of Schizophrenia are often seen during a family. This suggest that brain damage is a predisposing
factor in the. However, Andreasen, (1995) stressed that although positive, negative and disorganized
features suggestive of schizophrenia may be present, none of these clinical features are pathognomic.
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Sighted in Eve, C. Johnstone, Stephen, M. Lawrie. (1998). Companion to Psychiatry Studies:
Schizophrenia and Related Disorders. Even the more complex and challenging vocabulary is spelt
correctly and the sentences structures lend themselves well to the analytical writing style. This
produces a seizure lasting around a minute, affecting the entire brain; though exactly how or why this
effect occurs is still unknown. However, an important difference is that schizophrenics have
regressed or returned to an earlier stage of psychosexual development whereas this not true for
anxious or depressed patients. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to
reflect your happiness. Gottesman (1991) summarised about 40 studies and found that the
concordance rate for schizophrenia for MZ twins was around 48% but only 17% concordance for
DZ twins. The rate of schizophrenia did not differ for adoptive families that had adopted a child who
became, or did not become, schizophrenic. New theories of schizophrenia are constantly being
developed each having their own advantages and disadvantages. He becomes convinced that he is
being watched or followed that someone is trying to impose their will on his. These include
delusions which are false beliefs without any basis in reality and which are not in keeping with the
person's educational, cultural and religious background. General malnourishment is connected to
abnormal brain development. This is in fact the case, and MZ twins are two to four times more likely
to develop schizophrenia than DZ twins. Brain dysfunction is linked to the negative symptoms of.
This is in fact the case, and MZ twins are two to four times more likely to develop schizophrenia.
This suggest that brain damage is a predisposing factor in the development of schizophrenia Page 28.
They are also found in some healthy individuals, and in persons with mood disorders, alcohol and
substance abuse, and organic impairment. Journal of Consult Clinical Psychology, Vol. 58. p. 741 -
747. Davis, J.M. (1976). Sighted in Eve, C. Johnstone, Stephen, M. Lawrie. (1998). Companion to
Psychiatry Studies: Schizophrenia and Related Disorders. That helps to explain why schizophrenia
often develops in late adolescence. The born criminal. but, three main strands later considered
biology environment psychology criminaloid opportunist. There are two versions of the booklet;
student and teacher. MRI studies have revealed that schizophrenia sufferers have certain structural
abnormalities of the brain some of which include reduced brain weight and enlarged ventricles
(Brown et al, 1986), a smaller anterior hypothalamus (Suddath et al, 1990), abnormalities in the
prefrontal and frontal cortex, basal ganglia, and the hippocampus. Studies have found that the rate of
schizophrenia is about 2.1% in males who are Rh-incompatible with their mothers. This hypothesis
states that schizophrenia may result from excess dopamine activity at certain synaptic sites. Lecturer
of Psychology Nature V Nurture in Psychology. Therefore, it is hard to establish if these
abnormalities are a cause or an effect, so the explanation can be questioned. Wong et al suggested
that persons who suffer from schizophrenia may have more dopamine receptors than others.
Complete questions 1 to 4 on page 11 in booklet 2. 3. Draw a mind map or create a set of cue cards
for the genetic explanation of schizophrenia. 4. Prepare to complete a timed summary: - Outline any
one biological explanation of schizophrenia (9 marks) Genetics Page 18. Kendler et al (1985) found
that the first-degree relatives of. Learning Outcomes. Outline the cognitive explanations for
Schizophrenia Explore the cognitive reasons for Psychotic symptoms Explore and evaluate the
scientific model of delusional thinking Explore research which demonstrates a cognitive explanation.
Overall, studies suggest that Schizophrenia is polygenic.
This suggests that genetics do play a part, but not completely based on genetics. Kety et al. (1978)
considered adults who had been adopted at an early age between 1924 and 1947. He assumed that
neuroses occurred as a result of severe conflicts and traumatic experiences. Tienari (1991) compared
155 adoptive children of schizophrenic mothers with 155 adoptive children who didn’t have
schizophrenic mothers and found that in the children of the schizophrenics there was a 10.3%
incidence of schizophrenia as adults compared with the 1.1% offspring of the non-schizophrenics.
The dopamine receptors have been found to inhibit the release of glutamate. This suggests that
genetics are more significant than the environment. I believe that these resources are suitable for
remote learning. See other similar resources ?5.00 4.50 2 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not
quite what you were looking for. It has also been noted that dopamine receptors decrease with age,
perhaps this could be responsible for the decrease in schizophrenic symptoms in older people.
However, because the concordance rate is never 100%, we can question the reliability of findings.
Symptoms of schizophrenia are generally divided into three categories: positive, negative and
disorganized symptoms (Andreasen, 1995 pg. 477 - 81). Positive symptoms refer to the presence of
mental features that should not be normally present. The gene mapping study was conducted on a
restricted number of families and has failed to be replicated; which shows the problems of sample
bias. For example, Andereasen (1988) found that ventricles (cavities in the brain) were 20% to 50%
higher in schizophrenic individuals. Wong et al (1986) found a 2-fold increase in density of.
Therapeutic Pharmacological Targets in Schizophrenia. They are probably a significant advance, but
it is important to note that no trial comparing long-term relapse rates on daily tablets and fortnightly
injections has demonstrated any clear advantage for the latter. Objective: Previous studies have
suggested that decreased N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type. Thus it does not reveal which
elements of the treatment package were most important, but rather, there is no single good evidence
that any one therapeutic model is better than another (Johnstone and Lawrie, 1998 p. 412), and thus
a structured and educational approach may use to improve social and interpersonal skills (Benton and
Schroeder, 1990). Ms. Carmelitano. Bell Ringer. Define Altruism: When one person helps another for
no reward, and even at some cost to themselves. MRI studies have revealed that schizophrenia
sufferers have certain structural abnormalities of the brain some of which include reduced brain
weight and enlarged ventricles (Brown et al, 1986), a smaller anterior hypothalamus (Suddath et al,
1990), abnormalities in the prefrontal and frontal cortex, basal ganglia, and the hippocampus. BUT -
VE: Again, it is unlikely that the twins spent all of their childhood apart. MRI’s have also shown
reduction in the prefrontal cortex grey matter in schizophrenics (Buchanan et al, 1998). Recent
studies have made it evident that the underlying deterioration associated with schizophrenia
principally occurs during the onset of illness and the first half of the middle phase, rather than over
the remaining course of illness. However a more recent analysis of that study by Ross and Read has
suggested that its results were misleading: as all those studied, including those who took placebos,
were on antipsychotics before the study began, it was, rather than a study comparing treatment to
non-treatment, a comparison between continued treatment and withdrawn treatment. It has made it
clear that genes are important in making a person vulnerable to Schizophrenia. The rate of
schizophrenia did not differ for adoptive families that had adopted a child who became, or did not
become, schizophrenic. The concept that genetic factors are important in producing schizophrenia is
supported by adoption studies. Shields (1962) can be criticised because in the studies of twins.
Researchers favouring the biological explanation look at genetic factors, brain structure and
biochemical explanations. That helps to explain why schizophrenia often develops in late
adolescence. For example, researchers found lower concordance rates between biological mothers
with Schizophrenia.

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