Unit 23 Hand Drawn Designs

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Sadie Hanrahan

P2 : Hand drawn designs

For this task I will be creating the final layout for my personal media profile based on my initial
designs I have created for a pevious task. In this task I will be developing these initial rough designs
into a final layout that I can use to represent the way I want my final design for my perosnal media
profile to look.

The blank layout

The first page I have created is a blank layout page, this is so I can see simply where the main aspects
would appear on everypage, for example I have placed all my buttons on the side of the page and I
have created a box for where the header of everypage will go and also a place for the information
and images.

The Home page

the second page I have created the layout for is the home page ,where I have inserted the pages title
with the colours I would like to use in my perosnal media profile. I have then added some place
holder text for where my information would go and I have also put in a box for where my images will
Sadie Hanrahan

Digtal media units

The third page I have created the layout for is the page that will show my work from my digtial media
units. For this page I have created two differnet versions of how I would show off my work, as I am
not sure which one will work better. The first layout has buttons at the top of the text box that will
link to six other pages that will have differnet pieces of work from each individual unit. And then has
a small bit of information telling the audience what the page is about. The second version doesn’t
have an extra set of buttons it just has all of the units on one page where people can look at all the
work in one place and then scroll down to see the other three units.


The fourth page I created is the contact page, rather than having to put in my phone number and
email address or even social media, I will have it so people can send me a direct message to my email
address, by simply putting in their name, email address, then typing up their message on the media
profile so they don’t have to exit the page to get intouch with me.
Sadie Hanrahan

Personal statement

The fifth page I have designed the layout for is the page that contains my personal statement. This
page is very simple as it only contains one thing. The page will have a small line of text telling the
audience that I have included my personal statement on my personal media profile. Then will have a
box containing my personal media profile.


the sixth page I have designed the final layout for is the qualifications page. For this page I have
added a small bit of text that will tell the audience what the page is about and under that text there
would be a be box for my qualifications to be listen in. This would contain my GSCE results and any
other qualifications I have.
Sadie Hanrahan

About me

the final page Layout I have designed is the About me page, this page Is similar to home page, but it
will provide just a bit more information about me. The home page will welcome someone to the
page but I will have an about me page so people can learn more about me if they want to. I have
included a small description about what would be on the page and the things I will included. And I
will want to include images on the page that are relevant to me so I have created spaces in which I
could insert pictures.

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