2-ATS Units

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Infraestructures del

Transport Aeri

Introduction to airspace classes

and ATS units
Marc Melgosa Àlex Ramonjoan
marc.melgosa@upc.edu alex.ramonjoan@upc.edu

September 2020 – Version 2.0


VFR: Visual Flight Rules

• Visibility better than (5-)8 km (Special VFR)
• ATS flight plan optional (in «aeronautically developed»
• Fewer training and equipments required

IFR: Instrumental Flight Rules

• Use of Radionavigation means
• ATS flight plan must be filed AND approved
• More training/equipage is required

Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 2 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0
ATS units

ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) divides the

Earth in 9 FIR (Flight Information Regions):

• PAC (Pacific)
• NAM (North America)
• CAR (Central America)
• SAM (South America)
• NAT (North Atlantic)
• EUR (Europe)
• AFI (Africa)
• MID (Middle East)

The limits of these FIRs do not correspond to the borders of

the countries

Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 3 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0
ATS units

Each of the previous FIR is also sub-divided in more FIR.

In Spain, there are three FIR:

• FIR Madrid.
• FIR Barcelona.
• FIR Canarias.
• (FIR Sevilla is a delegation
of FIR Madrid).

Vertically, each FIR is already sub-subdivided:

• Lower airspace (FIR) – 0 to FL245.
• Upper Information Region (UIR) – FL245 to FL460.

Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 4 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0
ATS units




R,P,D or AWY



Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 5 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0
ATS units

ATZ (Aerodrome Traffic Zone)

• Dedicated to the movement of aircraft in the vicinity of an
• It may be inside a CTR (Controlled Traffic Region).

Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 6 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0
ATS units

CTR (Controlled Traffic Region)

• Associated to one aerodrome in order to protect the IFR
• One CTR can be used for more than one aerodrome.

Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 7 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0
ATS units

TMA (Terminal Manouvering Area)

• Typically above one or more airports were airways and
departure/arrival procedures converge.

Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 8 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0
ATS units

CTA (Controlled Traffic Area)

• Similar to TMA.
• Zone to be controlled because of an specific region.
• Can be set up over an airport or not.

Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 9 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0
ATS units

• Prohibited (“P”) – Forbidden.

• Restricted (“R”) – Restricted to specific conditions.
• Dangerous (“D”) – Some activities may affect aircraft.
• Zones Restricted Temporarily (ZRT) – Need of
reservation for specific users.
Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 10 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0
ICAO airspace classes

Airspace Controlled Non-Controlled

Class A B C D E F G
IFR allowed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Allowed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
VFR Allowed No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IFR / (S)VFR IFR / SVFR possible
Separation IFR / IFR
Traffic VFR / IFR / VFR if possible if possible NONE
information VFR VFR / VFR
Clearance Only for
Required Yes Yes Yes Yes IFR No No

National regulations may differ

from ICAO standards!
Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 11 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0
Thank you!!

Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 12 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0



Introduction to airspace classes and ATS units– 13 Marc Melgosa and Àlex Ramonjoan
Infraestructures del Transport Aeri (ITA) September 2020 – v2.0

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