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1/2 kg pork meat, sliced in 1.Let's begin by first frying the potato
cubes and carrots in hot oil until lightly
125 g pork liver, sliced in browned. Remove from oil and transfer
cubes on a plate lined with paper towels.
1 pcs Knorr Pork Cubes Set aside.
1 pc small onion, chopped 2.In the same pan, throw in the garlic
3 cloves garlic, minced and onions.
2 pcs medium potatoes, sliced 3.Add the Pork meat next and fry until
in cubes slightly brown in color before adding
2 pcs carrots, sliced in cubes the liver. Cook for 4 minutes.
1 pack (250 g) tomato sauce 4.Drop in the Knorr Pork Broth Cubes and
1 cup water give this a nice stir to dissolve
1 tsp sugar completely before adding the tomato
½ green bell pepper, sliced in sauce, water, sugar and black pepper.
cubes Mix this well.
½ red bell pepper, sliced in 5.Now, gently place the fried potatoes
cubes and carrots in the pan. Continue to
2 pcs bay leaves (laurel cook over low heat until meat and
leaves) potatoes are cooked through and the
1 tbsp fish sauce sauce has thickened.
salt and pepper, to taste 6.Finally, add bell peppers and just
3 tbsp cooking oil allow to cook for 2 minutes longer.

1/2 kg pork meats (P160.00) 1 tsp sugar (P10.00)
125 g pork liver (P50.00) ½ green bell pepper (P10.00)
1 pcs Knorr Pork Cubes (P7.00) ½ red bell pepper (P10.00)
1 pc small onion, chopped (P5.00) 2 pcs bay leaves (laurel leaves)
3 cloves garlic, minced (P5.00) (P5.00)
2 pcs medium potatoes (P30.00)
2 pcs carrots (P20.00)
1 pack (250 g) tomato sauce (P30.00)
1 tbsp fish sauce
salt and pepper > (P5.00)
3 tbsp cooking oil (P10.00)
1 cup water

TOTAl: P357.00

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