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Candon National High School

Bagani Campo, Candon City, Ilocos Sur

Senior High School

Closing Analysis


In Partial Fulfillment In the Subject

21st Century Literaturefrom the

Philippines and the World

Prepared by:

Janica Christelle A. Cacayan

Angel Mae H. Batin

11-HUMSS 1

Submitted To:

Mrs. Analyn Boc

Subject Teacher
I. Introduction


What is Chechnya all about? The story was titled as Chechnya because it is where the battle
took place, wherein a lot of people died fighting for their country, a lot of people was being
captivated, and a lot of people was being rushed and operated in the hospital. The story also
tells about a young doctor whom Akhmed asked to take care of the child who lost her parent
because the rebels took her father on Saturday and on Sunday the army took her mother.


The story is titled "Chechnya" because the location in which the battle took place is named
after the country in which it took place. The author of the story is Anthony Marra, an
American author known for his novels exploring the human conflict, such as "A
Constellation of Vital Phenomena" and "Mercury Pictures Presents". His writing has been
praised for its vivid descriptions and translated into over 20 languages. Chechnya is a
republic located in the Northern Caucasus region of Russia. It has a long and turbulent
history, marked by wars, insurgencies, and political instability. The Chechen's are a Nakh
people who have lived in the Caucasus Mountains for centuries. They are predominantly
Muslim and have a strong sense of national identity. In the 16th century, Chechnya came
under the control of the Russian Empire. The Chechens resisted Russian rule for centuries,
and they fought in a number of wars against the Russians.

II. Summary of the passage

The story Chechnya talks about a young woman doctor named Sonja, a woman who lost her
sister Natasha, wakes up in the hospital after her sister's death. She is greeted by Akhmed, a
medical student, who takes her to the trauma unit. The hospital provides humanitarian aid,
food, and clean water, regardless of ethnicity or military affiliation. Sonja is amazed by
Natasha's health and spends the week in a spare room.

III. Diction and tone

Chechen is the language that use in the story Chechnya because the story is happened in
Russia and the names of the character that use in the story. The tone of the story is sad and
emotional because of how brutality that happened in Russia, because of the war a lot of
people died fighting for their country.

The story has 3 paragraphs. The first paragraph describes the protagonist, Sonja, who sleeps
in the hospital after her sister’s death. The second paragraph introduces Akhmed, a man who
asks Sonja to take care of his daughter, Havaa. The third paragraph describes Sonja’s
decision to take care of Haava.The story is structured in a non-linear fashion, with the
narrative jumping back and forth between different time periods and characters.

IV. Themes/Meaning

Anthony Marra's book "Chechnya" is set in the Russian Caucasus and depicts a particular
period of the Caucasian War in Chechnya. The protagonist of the tale is a young doctor
named Sonia, who, unable to care for her patients, sisters, or herself, is asked to take care of
war orphans. The story's main themes warfare, brutality, murder, and human trafficking are
all thoroughly examined and illustrated. It also includes information about the horrific
brutality that occurred during the conflict.

Author’s Intent

The author wants to convey how the conflict has impacted common people’s lives and how
they have had to make does decisions in order to survive. The narrative also emphasizes the
human spirit’s tenacity and the strength of hope against insurmountable obstacle.


Summary of analysis

Chechnya is a story by Anthony Marra, set in the Russian Caucasus during the Caucasian
War. The story revolves around a young doctor named Sonja, who is asked to care for war
orphans after her sister Natasha's death. The story is a sad and emotional one, focusing on the
brutality and suffering endured by the Chechen people. The author uses Chechen language to
describe the story, which is structured in a non-linear fashion, with the narrative jumping
back and forth between different time periods and characters. The story is divided into eight
chapters, each focusing on a different character or set of characters. The main themes of the
story include warfare, brutality, murder, and human trafficking. The narrative emphasizes the
human spirit's tenacity and the strength of hope against insurmountable obstacles, as well as
the impact of the conflict on the lives of the common people.

The significance of the story lies in its portrayal of the human cost of war, and the complex
and often contradictory emotions that war evokes. The story also challenges the stereotypes
and prejudices that fuel the conflict, and reveals the commonalities and connections that exist
among people of different ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds. The story also celebrates
the power of storytelling, as the characters use stories to preserve their memories, identities,
and hopes, and to communicate with others across barriers of language and culture. The story
is based on historical events and real-life testimonies of survivors of the Chechen war, and
thus serves as a witness and a tribute to their suffering and courage.

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