NTUN - Sem 2 - Final M6 - Money and Function 2024 - Guide

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Name__________________________________________________ No._____M.



Section 1: Multiple choice questions
𝑥 𝑎 𝑎+𝑏 𝑥𝑏 𝑥 𝑐 𝑐+𝑎
1. Given 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = ( ) ∙( ) ∙( ) , where 𝑎, 𝑏 and 𝑐 are any constant. Find the
𝑥𝑏 𝑥𝑐 𝑥𝑎
possible value of 𝑓(𝑥) .
2. If 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = (5√3)(𝑥 √𝑥 ) then find 𝑓 (2).

3. A graph of 4 − 𝑦 = √𝑥 − 2 has a set of domain: ____________ .

4. If f(𝑥 + 1) = 2𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 + 1, then f(𝑥 ) = ___________.

5. William borrowed money from a bank $90,000 with interest 7% per annum (ต่อปี). William
made a contract to return the money within t months. At the end of the contract,
he returned money $94,200. Find t .

6. David invested $22,500 at return rate of 12% compounded quarterly (ต่อ 3 เดือน หรือ 4 ครั้ง
ต่อปี). How much money of his investment after 2 years? (Approximately)

1.034 = 1.2 1.0312 = 1.4 1.124 = 1.6 1.1212 = 3.9

1.038 = 1.3 1.0324 = 2.0 1.128 = 2.5 1.1224 = 15.2

7. Paul deposited money $30,000 with intertest 3% compounded every four months (ต่อ 4
เดือน หรือ 3 ครั้งต่อปี). If he deposited money for 8 months, then how much money he gained
more at the end of 8 months?

Name__________________________________________________ No._____M.5/_____

8. At the beginning of the month Francis purchased a car at the price of $25,000 with 12%
down payment of car price (จ่ า ยเงิ น ดาวน์ 12 % ของราคารถยนต์ ). He agreed to make monthly

payment at the end of each month (ผ่ อ นช าระเท่ า กั น ทุ ก ๆสิ ้ น เดื อ น ) for 2 years. How much does
Francis need to pay in each month if interest rate is 15% monthly compounded?
0.015 0.0125
a) 25, 000 ( ) b) 25, 000 ( )
1−(1.015)−24 1−(1.0125)−24
0.015 0.0125
c) 22, 000 ( ) d) 22, 000 ( )
1−(1.015)−24 1−(1.0125)−24

9. Chris borrowed an amount of money from the bank with the interest 4% compounded
quarterly (ต่อ 3 เดือน หรือ 4 ครั้งต่อปี) for three years. Chirs needs to pay the money back to the
bank only one time at the end of year three for an amount of $56,341.25, find an amount of
money that Chris borrowed from the bank.
1 1−(1.01)−12
a) 56,341.25(
) b) 56,341.25( )
c) 56,341.25(1.01)12 d) 56,341.25(

Section 2: Writing questions

1. Given the function 𝑓(𝑥) = √𝑥 2 + 9, find domain and range.

2. Pat deposited money every 6 months with interest 4% compounded semiannually (ต่อ 6
เดือน หรือ 2 ครั้งต่อปี). Pat will have $350,198.60 at the end of one and a half year. How much
money he needs to deposit at the present time? (Approximately)

1.023 = 1.06 1.026 = 1.13 1.043 = 1.12 1.046 = 1.27

(Please show your complete work for full credits.)

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