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- refers to time- space compressions (Harvey, 1989). -

refers to the integration of the world-economy (Glipin, 2001).
- is the de-territorialization – or ....the growth of
supraterritorial relations between people (Scholte, 2002). -
refers to the expansion and intensification of social relations
and consciousness across world-time and world-space
(Steger, 2010).
- is the inexorable integration of markets,
transportation systems, and communication systems to a
degree never witnessed before – in a way that is enabling
corporations, countries, and individuals to reach around the
world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before,
2. Dependency Theory (Frank)
and in a way that is enabling the world to reach into
corporations, countries, and individuals farther, faster, - An approach based on the periphery’s dependence
deeper, and cheaper than ever before (Friedman, 1999). to the core.
- the core exploits resources in the periphery resulting
- refers to the worldwide intensification of
in the periphery’s dependence on the core as it imports the
interactions and increased movement of money
core’s finished products.
People, goods, and ideas within and across national
borders (Guest, 2017).

KEY DYNAMICS OF GLOBALIZATION 3. World Systems Theory (Wallerstein)

1. Time-Space Compression - There is only one world – a complex world-systems theory –
in which nation-states compete for capital and labor.
- According to the theory of time- space compression, the
- The global economy is a market system with a fluid and
rapid innovation of communication and transportation
dynamic flow of countries and economies from periphery to
technologies has transformed the way we think about space
semi-periphery to core
(distances) and time.

4. Information Arbitrage (Friedman)

2. Flexible Accumulation
- To understand the complex system of globalization a
- reflects the fact that advances in transportation and
multilens perspective is needed.
communication have enabled companies to move
- Six dimensional information arbitrage is the best way
their production facilities and activities around the
to see the system of globalization; politics, culture, national
world - Reasons: cheaper labor, lower taxes, and
security, financial markets, technology, environmentalism.
fewer environmental regulations
a) Offshoring – is the relocation of a business process
from one country to another—typically an operational Perspectives on Globalization
process, such as manufacturing, or supporting processes, 1. Hyperglobalist Perspective
such as accounting. - This is an approach which sees globalization as a new
b) Outsourcing - is an agreement in which one epoch in human history.
company contracts its own internal activity to a different - This new epoch is characterized by the declining
company. It involves the contracting out of a business process relevance and authority of nation-states, brought about
and operational, and/or non-core functions to another party. largely through the economic logic of a global market.
2. Skeptical Perspective
3. Increasing Migration - This views current international processes as more by
- There is an accelerated movement of people both within fragmented and regionalized than globalized. - Current
countries and between countries. - 5,460 OFWs (Left the processes show, at best, a regionalization. - Authors with a
Philippines daily in 2017) skeptical perspective reject the notions of the
- 2.3 million Number of OFWs (PSA, 2018) development of a global culture or a global governance
4. Uneven Development 3. Transformationalist Perspective
- Although many people associate globalization with rapid - This perspective differs fundamentally from the other two
economic development and progress, globalization has not perspectives in that:
brought equal benefits to the world’s people. a) there is no single cause (that is, the market or
economic logic) behind globalization; and that
b) the outcome of processes of globalization is not
1. Modernization Theory (Rostow)
- Based on stages of economic growth and modernization
Globalization as Westernization
a) Traditional society
Westernization is a process whereby societies come under or
b) Pre-conditions for take-off
adopt Western culture in areas such as industry, technology,
c) Take-off
politics, economics, lifestyle, law, norms, mores, customs,
d) Drive to maturity
traditions, values, mentality, perceptions, diet, clothing,
e) The age of mass consumption
language, alphabet, religion, and philosophy.
- Modernization means Westernization
Americanization refers to the import by non - Americans of
products, images, technologies, practices and behavior that
are closely associated with America/Americans.
different views on what is right or wrong. The colonial aspects
Globalization as Glocalization of a growing business empire can be reduced by working
Glocalization is the simultaneous occurrence of both together and learning from the different views that people
universalizing and particularizing tendencies in contemporary have because people will work with other people to lift each
social, political, and economic systems. other.
3. A global community requires a global economy.
ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION Goods and services are already being bought from a global
- refers to the integrational mobility of individuals, capital, perspective. Thanks to many websites that allow individuals
technology, goods, and services. It's also about how in the to market their products or services to anyone with access to
global economy integrated countries are. It refers to how a computer or mobile device, a worldwide market exists
different countries and regions have become interdependent online. This means that when it comes to the initial first
across the globe. impression, someone with a home computer and a
broadband hookup can be as competitive as the big
(18h) People do not cross boundaries easily, but technologies, multinational corpocorporatio
and products do. According to one of the most often cited 4. It forces us to share financial considerations with
definitions, "economic globalization is a historical process, everyone. Instead ofhaving segmented pots of cash used for
the result of human innovation and technological progress. It personal needs, economic globalization creates a large pile of
refers to the increasing integration of economies around the money that can be used for everyone's benefit. Local
world, particularly through the movement of goods, services, expenditure will always occur, but the emphasis will shift first
and capital across borders. The term sometimes also refers to help meet the needs of the world instead of first meeting
the movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology) national needs from a business perspective once true
across international borders. (IMF. , 2008) globalization takes place.
5. It provides an opportunity for undeveloped countries
The phenomenon can thus have several interconnected to join the developed world. Many countries struggle to keep
dimensions, such as: pace with today's global changes. There is no doubt that
(1) the globalization of trade of goods and services: economic globalization would bring a new wave of
(2) the globalization of financial and capital markets; outsourcing to nations that could use a cash burst to work on
(3) the globalization of technology and communication; and their infrastructure and other domestic needs. Over time, it
(4) the globalization of production. could create a level of equality in development that has not
been seen since the Roman Empire ruled much of the known
(Dicken, 2004)
6. Innovations in some fields would create new
* Economic globalization - functional integration
technologies. If there is a need to reach a global audience for
between internationally dispersed activities'
real business success, many businesses will need to focus on
* Internationalization - is about the extension of
investment and innovation to make that happen. Whenever a
economic activities of nation-states across borders *
change takes place, new technologies also arrive in many
Economic globalization is rather a qualitative transformation
different fields. The result is a better living standard for all
than just a quantitative change. * If, however, globalization is
those involved in the process of development.
indeed a complex, indeterminate set of processes operating
very unevenly in both time and space' (Dicken, 2004), a more
Disadvantages of Economic Globalization
substantive definition for economic globalization is required
than the one offered by the IMF (2008). 1. It gives more power to businesses to influence civil
* In economic terms, globalization is nothing but a government. As businesses grow in wealth, political elections
process making the world economy an "Organic system" by can be better shaped. Because of their cash flow they car
extending transnational economic processes and economic lobby for laws that benefit their business. In the past, foreign
relations to more and more countries and by deepening the firms have been restricted influencing domestic elections, but
economic interdependencies among them.' ( Szentes (2003)) recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings and other legal entities
have made it more potent than ever before.
2. It removes local cultures' emphasis. There is no
* Economic development, apart from GDP growth,
doubt that in economic globalization, the American business
also includes improvements in literacy, life expectancy, and
revolution takes over the leading role. In Europe, the APAC
wellbeing for people.
region, and the Middle East, there are other multinationals,
* The trend of economic globalization has certain
but the US dominates the business world. This means that the
definite advantages to it, but some disadvantages must also
emphasis on local culture will be extinguished as globalization
be considered so that the economic opportunities continue to
continues. Instead of giving influence from a business
grow larger as the world becomes even smaller.
perspective, there will only be the three regions.
3. It encourages disease development and spread.
Advantages of Economic Globalization
Having a globalized economy means more people will travel
1. It promotes local growth by stimulating overall
internationally than ever before. As the 2014 Ebola outbreak
growth. The theory of trickledown economics works if it is
showed, when people hop on aircraft and travel anywhere in
appropriately implemented. That's because it is all about
the world in 2 days or less, the disease can spread rapidly.
spending. Multinational businesses spend through national
With more people doing this, more diseases will spread to
companies. Contributing public businesses through local
places around the world where they are not generally seen
businesses. Local businesses are providing their community
with jobs and dollars. If a business hoards their cash, the
4. In economic globalization, most of the world is
entire system will collapse, but the theory as a whole is right.
ignored. It is believed that the world's richest 20 percent
2. Higher levels of mutual trust would be created. If
consumes about 85 percent of the total resources of the
different people can trust each other, the only way business
world. That means that as the world becomes smaller, the
opportunities can grow. Different corners of the world have
undeveloped world will be left behind. Combined, developing Transitional economy refers to all states that attempt to
nations only get 15% of current resources as they are and as change their essential constitutional elements towards
business opportunities take on a global calling, inequality is market-style fundamentals. The best examples of transitional
likely to continue to grow over time. countries are China and Russia.
5. The exploitation of workers is likely to increase. 3. Developed countries are countries with a lot of
Because economic globalization is ultimately a quest for industrial activities and where people generally have high
greater profits, there will be a need to exploit the workers in incomes. They have postindustrial economies, meaning the
undeveloped nations that do not make a living wage service sector provides more wealth than the industrial area.
anywhere. Why pay somebody $20 an hour to make parts The United States of America, Australia, and most of the
when instead a worker can be paid $0.25 an hour? Most of European countries are examples of developed countries.
the world's workers today live on daily wages of just $2 or
less. As this becomes a business world, this will continue to * An economy can have sectors in both the developing and
increase. developed stages, but cannot be transitional at the same
6. It would change where there are unemployment and time. In developing countries, economic globalization is
poverty. If jobs are outsourced in a global economy, a reaping social benefits. Of course, in the direction of her life,
maximum global output will eventually be achieved. There she must navigate a fine line, balancing between optimizing
will be no room for growth anymore. This means that opportunities and realizing potential, creating her enemies
outsourced jobs in developed nations will create and thus becoming the architect of her demise. *
unemployment and potential poverty, shifting who holds Globalization's benefits are true because it has yielded
power in the global economy. Businesses are not concerned positive results just as often as it has caused ruin. It leads to
about frontiers.They are concerned about profits. Social increased internal security and stability. It leads to better
welfare or benefit programs ideas could cease to exist human well-being. And it shares developed countries'
entirely. luxuries. But, of course, much of globalization is a waiting
game; it's a time-consuming process indeed. The decision is
Aspects of Economic Globalization and International whether the ends justify the means, whether the wait is
Relations worth it, whether the long-term benefit is greater than the
1. Ensures a more natural movement across nations of short-term detriment. At its core, economic globalization is
goods and services. an investment for the future
2. To foster international economic ties, this is an
absolute necessity.
3. 'Leads to nationwide free trade. Several bilateral MARKET INTEGRATION
trade agreements have been signed between countries since -Integration shows the relationship of the firm in a market.
the early days of globalization. The extent of integration influences the conduct of the firms
4. The ensured information flows easier and faster and consequently their marketing efficiency.
across geographic boundaries. Economic relationship success
often depends on information. TYPES OF MARKET INTEGRATION
5. It has led to a reduction in cultural barriers that have • HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION – is a competitive strategy that
proved conducive to nationwide economic cooperation. 6. can create economies of scale, increase market power over
Movement of capital between countries due to globalization distribution and suppliers, increase product differentiation,
has also played an essential role in international economic
and help business expand their market or enter new markets.
Examples: The Walt Disney Company’s Acquisition of 21st
7. It has given rise to several multinational corporations
Century Fox: Facebook’s Acquisition of Instagram
which undertake economic activity across geographical
• VERTICAL INTEGRATION – When pursuing a vertical
8. It has helped to address environmental issues which
are strategic to international economic relations. integration strategy. A company involves in a new portion of
the value chain.
The Impact of Globalization on Developing, Examples: Tesla’s Vertical Integration in the Electric Vehicle
Transitional & Developed Countries Industry Amazon’s Vertical Integration in E-Commerce
1. Developing countries are forced, in effect, to hold vast
reserves in dollars or Euros, providing low or zero interest • BACKWARD VERTICAL INTEGRATION – Backward
loans from developing countries to developed countries. integration is a form of vertical integration in which a
International financial arrangements which increase risk and company expands its role to fulfill tasks formerly completed
force the developing countries to bear risk (e.g., associated by businesses up the supply chain. In other words, backward
with interest rate and exchange rate changes) increase the integration is when a company buys another company that
incomes of those who have a comparative advantage in supplies the products or services needed for production.
absorbing risk - the developed countries - at the expense of
those who have a relative disadvantage the developing • FORWARD VERTICAL INTEGRATION – Forward integration is
countries in East Asia. a type of vertical integration that involves taking control of
1. Developing countries are nations with a weak later stages in the production process while continuing to
industrial base where people have a lower life expectancy, manage earlier phases. This strategy can have many benefits
less education, and less income. Examples of developing for companies in various industries, helping them increase
countries are most of the countries in Africa and certain their market share and maximize profits.
countries in East Asia.
2. Transitional countries are those emerging from a • A CONGLOMERATE INTEGRATION – Is a fusion of
different type of economy towards a market-based economy.
companies involved in completely unrelated business
activities. There are two kinds of mergers of conglomerates:
Pure and mixed. Pure mergers of conglomerates involve
companies with nothing in common, while diverse mergers of
conglomerates involve companies looking for product
extensions or market extensions.
Examples of this mergers include Amazon and Whole Foods,
eBay, and PayPal, and Disney, and Pixar.

A conglomerate merger benefits from both companies
reaching a larger target audience. If Y, merges with Z, both
companies share the same market base, allowing them to
spread their operations.
* Diversification can sometimes can be a decline for individual
businesses they can spread in too many areas.
* Diversification is a strategy that mixes wide variety of
variety of investments within a portfolio in an attempt to
reduce portfolio risk. Diversification is most often done by
investing in different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real
estate, or cryptocurrency.

In summary, Market Integration occurs when prices among

different locations or related goods follow similar patterns
over a long period of time. Groups of goods often move
proportionally to each other and when this relation is very
clear among different markets it is said that the markets are

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