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3. In a drama competition, there are 9 contestants.

How many ways for contestants to have

gold medal and silver medal?
1) 20 2) 30 3) 42 4) 72
4. How many ways to construct a word (either meaningful or non-meaningful) from characters
9! 9! 9! 9!
1) 2) 3) 4)
2! 2!2! 4! 4!4!

7. Find the coefficient of x4 when expanding (x + )10
10! 10! 10! 10!
1) 2) 3) 4)
9! 8!2! 7!3! 6!4!
10. Determine the following events:
A.) Choosing a marble from a jar and landing on heads after tossing a coin.
B.) Choosing a 3 from a deck of cards, replacing it, and then choosing an ace as
the second card.
C.) Rolling a 4 on a single 6-sided die, and then rolling a 1 on a second roll of the die.
Which one is/are the independent event(s)?
1) A only 2) B only 3) A and B only 4) All of them

12.There are 4 boys and 4 girls. How many ways to set them sit in a round table when it is
required the boy to sit next to the girl only?
1) 24 2) 6 3) 144 4) 82
13.An observation results from 200 NTUN students show that there are 50% who love math.
The probability of students to love art is 70%. The probability of students to love both math
and art is 30%. How many students who love either math or art.
1) 200 2) 180 3) 140 4) 120
16. How many way(s) to set up a group of 3 committees from 3 male students, 4 female students
and 5 teachers when it is required that the chairman must be a teacher, vice chairman must be
a female student and the other one must be a male student?
1) 20 2) 40 3) 60 4) 80

19. How many way(s) to deal 3 cards to 2 players from a 52 cards deck?
1) 20 2) 40 3) 21 4) 80
20. Find probability to answer 10 four-multiple-choice questions with all incorrect answers.
1 3
1) 410 2) 104 3) ( )10 4) ( )10
4 4

21. How many ways to create a word (both meaningful and non-meaningful) from the characters
“ILOVEYOU” , when it requires to have the last character to be vowel (a, e, i, o, u) only.
(Note: Your answer may be in a form of factorial.)
23. You are given Pn,4 =30 Cn,5 , solve for n.
24. S={a1 , a2, a3}, A={a1}, B={a2}, C={a3 } and P(C) = 2P(B) and P(B) = 3P(A), find P(A).

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