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JOAN SADA ACHIENG: HDE121-C004-0399/2021

NEMA AMBARI :HDE121-C004-0529/2021

LISA MUTHONI: HDE121-C004-0602/2021






Controlling can be defined as a function of making sure that actions of the employees of an

organization are directed towards the attainment of a common goal and the work is being

performed as planned by the management for example;

a. Performance measurement

It is the role of management to assign a task to employees and then measure their

performance. By measuring the performance of each employee, management can know-

how about the efforts and actions of each employee and using this information, they can

take important decisions to give promotion or salary hike or bonus, etc.

b. .Strategy planning

Management plays an important role in strategic planning and deciding the goal for the

organization, and they also plan how these goals can be achieved within available


c. Managing Finances

Management is responsible for managing the finances of the organization. They take

important decisions like how much funds should be allocated to a particular project, etc.

They also make sure that whether the project was profitable for the organization or not and

take corrective actions accordingly.

d. Supervising people

The role of management is to supervise the work of employees and increase the productivity

and efficiency of their employees. A manager makes sure that all his employees work at

their optimum capacity, and they work to achieve the objective of the organization.

e. Controlling risk

Management identifies and analyses the risks involved at an early stage and takes

precautionary steps to avoid them or to minimize their impact.

6.Improving performance

Controlling in management is necessarily required to continuously improve the performance

of the whole team continuously. The manager can analyze the performance of each

employee and help or give them instructions to improve their performance in order to attain

the organizational goal.

f. Inventory Management

The management is responsible for controlling the inventory so that there is never a
shortage or surplus of supply, and everything works without trouble.

g. Ensuring Quality

Control is important to ensure quality. Some organizations are known for their quality, and

they might face a blow to their business if they don’t take care of the quality. Therefore, in

such organizations, the manager does everything to keep up with the quality standards.

(a) purpose of controlling

1. Accomplishing Organizational Goals

The controlling function is an accomplishment of measures that further makes progress

towards the organizational goals & brings to light the deviations, & indicates

action. Therefore it helps in guiding the organizational goals which can be achieved by

performing a controlling function.

2. Judging Accuracy of Standards

A good control system enables management to verify whether the standards set are

accurate & objective. The efficient control system also helps in keeping careful and

check on the changes which help in taking the major place in the organization & in the

environment and also helps to review & revise the standards in light of such changes.

3. Making Efficient use of Resources

Another important function of controlling is that in this, each activity is performed in such a

manner and in accordance with predetermined standards & norms so as to ensure that the

resources are used in the most effective & efficient manner for the further availability of

4. Improving Employee Motivation

Another important function is that controlling help in accommodating a good control system

which ensures that each employee knows well in advance what they expect & what are the

standards of performance on the basis of which they will be appraised. Therefore it helps in

motivating and increasing their potential so to make them & helps them to give better


5. Ensuring Order & Discipline

Controlling creates an atmosphere of order & discipline in the organization which helps to

minimize dishonest behavior on the part of the employees. It keeps a close check on the

activities of employees and the company can be able to track and find out the dishonest

employees by using computer monitoring as a part of their control system.

6. Facilitating Coordination in Action

The last important function of controlling is that each department & employee is governed

such predetermined standards and goals which are well versed and coordinated with one

another. This ensures that overall organizational objectives are accomplished in an overall


(b)relationship in planning

● Planning Originates Controlling

In planning the objectives or targets are set in order to achieve these targets control

procedure is needed. So planning precedes control.

● Controlling Sustains Planning

Controlling directs the course of planning. Controlling spots the areas where planning is


● Controlling Provides Information for Planning

In controlling the real performance is compared to the standards set and records the

deviations, if any. The information collected for exercising control is used for planning also.

● Controlling measures plans

Controlling measures are taken in accordance with the predetermined plans, programs, and

targets. Planning is the initial step and controlling is in the process and required at every


● Planning and controlling, both are forward-looking

Both planning and controlling aim at the future prospects of the business. Planning is always

for the future and control is also forward-looking. Their combined efforts are to reach

maximum output with a minimum of cost.

(C.)Essential of control

1. Simplicity

A good control system must be simple and easily understandable so that all the managers

can apply it effectively.

2. Objectivity

The standards of performance should be objective and specific, quantified and verifiable.

They should be based on the facts so that control is acceptable and workable.

3. Promptness

The control system should provide information soon enough so that the managers can
detect and report the deviations promptly and necessary corrective actions may be taken in

proper time. Corrective measures are of no value if those are taken too late.

4. Economy

The control system must justify the expenses involved. In other words, anticipated earnings

from it should be greater than the expected costs in its working. A small organisation cannot

use the expensive control technique applied in large enterprises.

5. Flexibility

Internal goals and strategies must be responsive to the changes in the environment and the

control system should be flexible enough to adapt the changing conditions or unforeseen

situations. It should be adaptable to the new developments. Flexibility in the control system

can be introduced by making alternative plans.

6. Accuracy

The control system should encourage accurate information in order to detect deviations. The

technique of control used should be appropriate to the work being controlled.

7. Suitability

Control must reflect the needs and nature of the activities of the organisation, The control

system should focus on achieving the organisational goals.

8. Forward-looking Nature:

The control system must be directed towards the future. It must pay attention to how the

future actions can be conformed with the plans adopted.

Characteristics of controlling

● Controlling is an end function- A function which comes once the performances are
Made in conformity with plans.

● Controlling is a pervasive function- which means it is performed by managers at all

Levels and in all types of concerns.

● Controlling is forward looking- because effective control is not possible without the

past being controlled. Controlling always looks to the future so that follow-up can be

made whenever required.

● Controlling is a dynamic process- since controlling requires taking reviewable methods,

Changes have to be made wherever possible.

● Controlling is related with planning- Planning and Controlling are two inseparable

functions of management. Without planning, controlling is a meaningless exercise

and without controlling, planning is useless. Planning presupposes controlling and

controlling succeeds planning.


Coordination is the function of management which ensures that different departments and

groups work in sync. Therefore, there is unity of action among the employees, groups, and


(a.)methods and essentials

methods of coordinating.

1. Sound planning

Unity of purpose is the first essential condition of coordination. Therefore, the goals of the

organization and goals of its units must be clearly defined. Every member of the organization

must understand fully how his job contributes to the overall objectives. Planning is the ideal

stage for coordination.

2.simplified organisation

A simple and sound organization is an important means of coordination. The line of authority

and responsibility from top to the bottom of the organisation structure should be clearly

defined. Clear-cut definition of authority and responsibility of each department and individual

helps to avoid conflicts.

3.Effective communication

Open and regular communication is coordination. Effective inter-change of opinions and

information helps in resolving differences and in creating mutual understanding. Personal or

face-to-face contacts are the most effective means of communication and coordination.

4.Effective leadership and supervision

Effective leadership ensures coordination of efforts both at the planning and the execution

stage. A good leader can continuously guide the activities of his subordinates in the right

direction and can inspire them to pull together for the accomplishment of common


5.Chain of Command

Authority is the supreme coordinating power in an organization. Exercise of authority through

the chain of command or hierarchy is the traditional means of coordination. Chain of

command brings together the different parts of an organization and relates them to a central


6. Indoctrination and incentives

Indoctrinating organizational members with the goals and mission of the organization can

transform a neutral body into a committed body. Similarly, incentives may be used to rebate
mutuality of interest and to reduce conflicts.

7.Liaison departments

Where frequent contact between different organizational units is necessary, liaison officers

may be employed. For instance, a liaison department may ensure that the production

department is meeting the delivery dates and specifications promised by the sales


8.General staff

In large organizations, a centralized pool of staff experts is used for coordination. A common

staff group serves as the clearing house of information and specialized advice to all the

departments of the enterprise.

Such general staff is very helpful in achieving inter-departmental or horizontal coordination.

9. Voluntary coordination

When every organizational unit appreciates the working of related units and modifies its own

functioning to suit them, there is self-coordination. Self-coordination of voluntary coordination

is possible in a climate of dedication and mutual cooperation. It results from mutual

consultation and team-spirit among the members of the organization.

Essential of coordinating

1. Balancing: Efforts, jobs and activities of all departments must be balanced. In other words,

the entire work must be divided and assigned to each department evenly.

2. Timing: Timing involves scheduling of operations in a suitable order. Time schedules for

beginning and completing the jobs must be fixed well in advance and efforts should be taken

to complete them as per the schedule.

3. Integration: Integration refers to the unification of all unrelated and diverse activities in
such a manner as to accomplish the job efficiently.

Benefits of Coordination

1. Coordination ensures unity of direction through arranging spontaneous collaboration on

the part of different departments.

2. It promotes the efficiency of the enterprise and employees.

3. It increases employee morale and provides job satisfaction and avoids conflicts between


4. It is a creative force, i.e., it creates something new out of the group which is always

greater than isolated or individual efforts.

5. It develops team spirit and ensures a favorable environment for work.

6. It avoids interruptions on operations due to omission or wrong allocation of duties.

7. It eliminates inconsistencies in the objectives and policies.

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