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Writing coursework, especially on a specialized topic like Shadow Stick Astronomy, can be a

challenging task for many students. This particular subject requires a deep understanding of
astronomical concepts, observational skills, and the ability to analyze and interpret data accurately.
The coursework may involve complex calculations, observational data collection, and the synthesis of
information from various sources.

Furthermore, students may face challenges in structuring their coursework, adhering to academic
guidelines, and presenting their findings in a coherent and well-organized manner. The meticulous
nature of astronomy coursework, coupled with the need for precision and attention to detail, can add
to the difficulty.

For those finding it challenging to cope with the demands of such coursework, seeking assistance
from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ could be a viable solution. These
services often provide expert writers who are well-versed in the subject matter and can deliver high-
quality, well-researched content within the stipulated time frame.

However, it's important for students to use such services responsibly and ensure that they understand
the content provided to them. Collaboration with writing services should be seen as a supplement to
one's own learning and not as a substitute for personal effort and understanding.

In conclusion, tackling coursework on a complex topic like Shadow Stick Astronomy can be a
daunting task. Seeking assistance from reputable writing services may help students overcome
challenges and deliver a well-crafted coursework. If you decide to use such services, be sure to
choose a reliable platform like ⇒ ⇔ and use the provided materials as a learning
aid rather than a shortcut.
The Solar System is made up of 8 planets, some asteroids, comets, a Tesla convertible, and other
smaller objects. They also would not be able to drill past 8 miles because they don't have a drill long
enough, so they would have to get in the hole with the drill and if they hit magma they would burn
just like we mentioned above. In 1811-12 there was probably not near as much buildings or special
landforms that could be destroyed, but at this moment there are many buildings, homes, stores, etc.
It reminds if I strive for the best, I won't have to worry about the rest. We also know from your
postcode that if you wanted to go to where the Sun was overhead, you would have to walk south for
3340 km. Then he made a slim triangle did some math magic and his calculations showed the Moon
was 67 Earth's from the Moon. The reflecting area gradually reducing to a narrow slitver on the
apparent. We get the heat from the sun, in the summer, while the southern hemisphere gets the cold.
He knew that he had to go when the Sun was directly overhead too, and in Alexandria the Sun
doesn't go directly overhead, because he knew the Earth was tilted. Data processing and error
calculations are also discussed. No, I don’t think there is a high chance of an earthquake like the one
in 1811-12 to occur in my lifetime. Based on the shadow's length and the height of the shadow stick
we can position the angle of the sun. 2.If the shadow stick was outside our school the shadow of the
shadow stick would be longer in the morning and shorter in the afternoon. Then locate a smooth area
out in the sun that will not be affected by the shadows of other surrounding objects. The shape of
the shadow resembles the shape of the object. The straighter and longer, the better but most
importantly it must be as perpendicular to the ground as possible. This is why we want to collect as
many measurements as possible. The real measure of the Earth today is: 6,370 kilometers. The shadow
stick's shadow would be long because on the first day of winter the sun is the farthest away from 90
degrees and the farther from 90 degrees the longer the shadow would be. The shadow from the stick
will start to shrink throughout the day close to noon and then begin to extend once again later in the
afternoon. One way to determine if an earthquake can be a disaster is its location. After about 20
minutes, place another stone (or mark the ground) at the end of the shadow. That means that all the
way around the world - the circumference - would be 41500 km and the diameter of the Earth would
be 13200 km. It is also helpful to make a semi-permanent structure to depict your directions
afterward if you are not departing right away so that a flash rain, snow, high winds, or any other of
the elements do not disturb your findings. Shadows move counter clockwise in the Southern
Hemisphere and clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. An advantage of having a transparent non-
digital clock is that you would be able to tell which position the hands are in, so you could tell what
time it is, so if you had an appointment, you wouldn't be late. After a while, he got in a better mood
and was less scared becuase he could now see around himself and a little farther away. Reply Delete
Replies Reply Sophia Charles November 19, 2019 at 5:51 PM The sun is soooooooooooooo much
bigger than the earth. This method is best used before 10 A.M. and after 2 P.M. Begin by making one
mark where the tip of the sticks shadow meets the ground, this marking will represent your West
heading. If we are going to visit other planets how do we know how far away we are from a certain
planet. Website users are fully responsible for ensuring that any activity, including practical work,
which they carry out is in accordance with current regulations related to health and safety and that
an appropriate risk assessment has been carried out.
Basic, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west - but not EXACTLY. Mark this spot in the
afternoon arch as your East heading. If you want to see exactly how we worked this out, the full
working is below. Reply Delete Replies Reply Sophia Charles November 19, 2019 at 5:51 PM The
sun is soooooooooooooo much bigger than the earth. Now use this same distance to draw an arch or
circle around the stick. Instead he took a stick to Alexandria and calculated the shadow of that stick.
Then wait approximately 15 minutes and make another mark where the sticks shadow meets the
ground, this marking will represent your East heading. The location is important because if an
earthquake hits a wheat field then there would be no sign that an earthquake had hit, but if an
earthquake hit a city then there would be a lot of buildings destroyed and lots of lives taken. Now
Use your hands to form a shadow picture on the wall. The Solar System is made up of 8 planets,
some asteroids, comets, a Tesla convertible, and other smaller objects. In the morning we would have
a long shadow because the sun is farther from 90 degrees in the sky. The equipment and tools you
need (and don’t) to make the difference. That is how shadows provide eveidence that light travels in
straight lines. When light shines on an object some rays are blocked by the object while other rays
continue to travel in a straight line. The shadow in the afternoon would be short because the sun is
closer to 90 degrees in the sky. Any kinks in or twisting of thre thread must be avoided. Stroking.
The actual hemispheres themselves can be indicated by the direction a shadow moves. Now connect
the two marks for your East and West line of direction. Also, there would be a high increase of death
toll. We also know from your postcode that if you wanted to go to where the Sun was overhead, you
would have to walk south for 3340 km. If you are within the Northern hemisphere then the sun will
be due South at noon and if you are within the Southern hemisphere then it will be due North. The
second way we think would determine if an earthquake is a disaster is how big the scale is, from 1-
10.If an earthquake is a 1 than it is very small and you probably wouldn’t feel it, but if it was a 10
then you better take cover because stuff would be coming down on top of you. This method is best
used before 10 A.M. and after 2 P.M. Begin by making one mark where the tip of the sticks shadow
meets the ground, this marking will represent your West heading. The sun rises from the Eastern
hemisphere and sets in the Western hemisphere. University of York, Heslington, York Y010 5DD
01904 328300 STEM Google play apps STEM Apple store apps. If we are going to visit other
planets how do we know how far away we are from a certain planet. The real measure of the Earth
today is: 6,370 kilometers. Would the shadow from the stick be shorter or longer on the first day of
our winter? Explain. Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth was: 6,250 kilometers.
The ancient scientists in Greece already knew this because they stayed up in the dark and stared at
the sky, every night, making observations, taking notes and drawing models of what they saw.
He also found a lantern full of oil. (note: light sources are matches and a lantern.) He decided to take
the matches and use them to light the wick on the lantern. The following are several tried and true
methods using the simplest of techniques and equipment to orient yourself. The location is important
because if an earthquake hits a wheat field then there would be no sign that an earthquake had hit,
but if an earthquake hit a city then there would be a lot of buildings destroyed and lots of lives
taken. The shadow on the first day of winter in Missouri would be getting longer than in fall because
in the fall and summer and spring we are tilted more to the sun which would make the shadows
shorter. Based on the shadow's length and the height of the shadow stick we can position the angle
of the sun. 2.If the shadow stick was outside our school the shadow of the shadow stick would be
longer in the morning and shorter in the afternoon. In the morning we would have a long shadow
because the sun is farther from 90 degrees in the sky. In the aftrenooon the shadow would get longer
because the sun's angle is low again. 3. The shadow would long all the time as to in the summer were
the shadow gets shorter. In the morning we would have a long shadow because the sun is farther
from 90 degrees in the sky. We also know from your postcode that if you wanted to go to where the
Sun was overhead, you would have to walk south for 3340 km. Instead he took a stick to Alexandria
and calculated the shadow of that stick. That is how shadows provide eveidence that light travels in
straight lines. For this experiment we are using two maps: a small scale map to find the distance from
one place in the UK to the Tropic of Cancer (we chose the Greenwich Observatory in London) and a
larger scale map of the UK to find out how far north or south you are from Greenwich. They also
would not be able to drill past 8 miles because they don't have a drill long enough, so they would
have to get in the hole with the drill and if they hit magma they would burn just like we mentioned
above. Also, try to position the stick as vertically level as possible. This method is best used before
10 A.M. and after 2 P.M. Begin by making one mark where the tip of the sticks shadow meets the
ground, this marking will represent your West heading. So, if we get lots of results and average
them, all the errors will start to cancel out, and the final value will be much better than any single
answer could possibly be. Then the magma would fill up in the hole and burn them. At this time
many people would have been killed because there’s a higher population. The shadow stick's shadow
would be long because on the first day of winter the sun is the farthest away from 90 degrees and the
farther from 90 degrees the longer the shadow would be. It is furthest north on June 21, crosses the
equator on September 21, is farthest south on December 21 and recrosses the equator on it’s way
north on March 21. Think how excited they would be to use one of our telescopes. If you want to
see exactly how we worked this out, the full working is below. To see how to enable JavaScript,
Please click here. Now using a piece of string or other cordage, measure the distance from this point
to the base of the stick. There are no stars near the South Celestial Pole bright enough to be easily. If
this shadow stick were just outside our school, how would the length of the shadow change from the
morning to the afternoon? 3. That means that all the way around the world - the circumference -
would be 41500 km and the diameter of the Earth would be 13200 km. Would the shadow from the
stick be shorter or longer on the first day of our winter? Explain. Now use this same distance to draw
an arch or circle around the stick.
These three opinions are what we think that determine if an earthquake is a disaster. The sun rises
from the Eastern hemisphere and sets in the Western hemisphere. Please take note of the geographical
limitations of some of these methods in one hemisphere or the other or if you are very close to the
Equator. This is why we want to collect as many measurements as possible. This method is best used
before 10 A.M. and after 2 P.M. Begin by making one mark where the tip of the sticks shadow meets
the ground, this marking will represent your West heading. Any kinks in or twisting of thre thread
must be avoided. Stroking. In the morning we would have a long shadow because the sun is farther
from 90 degrees in the sky. When light shines on an object some rays are blocked by the object
while other rays continue to travel in a straight line. The easiest way to check is to make a quick
homemade plumbing bob by tying a rock to some cordage and hanging it by hand close to the stick
to compare them, adjust if needed. There are many places that have magma, but does not have a lot
of pressure so it does not erupt.We the Science Smarties don’t ever except that Missouri will erupt of
magma because it is flat and we don’t think that there is enough pressure built up to make Missouri
erupt with magma. University of York, Heslington, York Y010 5DD 01904 328300 STEM Google
play apps STEM Apple store apps. The location is important because if an earthquake hits a wheat
field then there would be no sign that an earthquake had hit, but if an earthquake hit a city then there
would be a lot of buildings destroyed and lots of lives taken. After a while, he got in a better mood
and was less scared becuase he could now see around himself and a little farther away. I think this
because the boot of Missouri is not right next to a fault line and fault lines increase chances of
earthquakes. But, did you ever sit and think that the sun can help you find your direction. The Solar
System is made up of 8 planets, some asteroids, comets, a Tesla convertible, and other smaller
objects. He heard that in Alexandria you could stick your head in a well and see a reflection of the
Sun without burning your eyes out. The reflecting area gradually reducing to a narrow slitver on the
apparent. The straighter and longer, the better but most importantly it must be as perpendicular to the
ground as possible. Now connect both marks and you will have your line of direction pointing from
East to West. After about 20 minutes, place another stone (or mark the ground) at the end of the
shadow. If you want to see exactly how we worked this out, the full working is below. That is what
we believe is the cause of the weird temperature difference. The scientific reason is that the water
refracts the light. Place a stone (or mark the ground) at the end of the shadow cast by the stick. It
uses a concave lense and makes the light bend outward. Altho the shadow stick shows general
direction, so a half hour test may be all one needs. The shadow of the stick is shorter on the first day
of winter beacuse the Earth is tilted farther away from the sun. An advantage of having a transparent
non-digital clock is that you would be able to tell which position the hands are in, so you could tell
what time it is, so if you had an appointment, you wouldn't be late. The reason we chose tracing
paper was when you want to draw a picture, but not wanting to do a bad drawing so you find
something to trace and tracing paper helps for you to see the drawing lines easier.
If it is a rocky or sandy area, then you can drive the stick as far down as possible and then secure it
with some type of cordage to help keep it upright and straight. It is also helpful to make a semi-
permanent structure to depict your directions afterward if you are not departing right away so that a
flash rain, snow, high winds, or any other of the elements do not disturb your findings. Fortunately
we know (as did ancient astronomers like Eratosthenes ) that on the summer Solstice, the Sun will be
exactly overhead in the middle of the day anywhere along the Tropic of Cancer (which is an
imaginary line which runs round the world a bit north of the Equator). Place a stone (or mark the
ground) at the end of the shadow cast by the stick. Now connect both marks and you will have your
line of direction pointing from East to West. The setup is identical as Method A but only requires that
you make two marks within approximately 15 minutes of each other. Then wait approximately 15
minutes and make another mark where the sticks shadow meets the ground, this marking will
represent your East heading. It helps because when your in a movie theater instead of looking on a
small screen more people can come and watch on a big screen. In Science, we have been
investigating how the length of shadows change, the further the opaque object is placed away from
the light source. So, if we get lots of results and average them, all the errors will start to cancel out,
and the final value will be much better than any single answer could possibly be. Then the magma
would fill up in the hole and burn them. This method is best used before 10 A.M. and after 2 P.M.
Begin by making one mark where the tip of the sticks shadow meets the ground, this marking will
represent your West heading. The location is important because if an earthquake hits a wheat field
then there would be no sign that an earthquake had hit, but if an earthquake hit a city then there
would be a lot of buildings destroyed and lots of lives taken. Observations and calculations are
made as part of the coursework requirements and guidance on collecting the required data is
provided. We also know from your postcode that if you wanted to go to where the Sun was
overhead, you would have to walk south for 3340 km. The real measure of the Earth today is: 6,370
kilometers. By doing this he could figure out what part in the circle of the Earth Alexandria was part
of. The shadow in the afternoon would be short because the sun is closer to 90 degrees in the sky. In
the aftrenooon the shadow would get longer because the sun's angle is low again. 3. The shadow
would long all the time as to in the summer were the shadow gets shorter. Now use this same
distance to draw an arch or circle around the stick. Data processing and error calculations are also
discussed. The reflecting area gradually reducing to a narrow slitver on the apparent. If you want to
see what the final result is, come back in a few days when we have all the measurements in! The
shadow stick's shadow would be long because on the first day of winter the sun is the farthest away
from 90 degrees and the farther from 90 degrees the longer the shadow would be. At this time many
people would have been killed because there’s a higher population. It uses a concave lense and makes
the light bend outward. He saw his house destroyed so he ran to the closest house that was standing,
and was finally okay. (note:the darkness was scaring him, then the light from the lantern gave him
more hope. Ask them to make shadow pictures with their hands. He heard that in Alexandria you
could stick your head in a well and see a reflection of the Sun without burning your eyes out.

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