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Bases del espacio

Game Design Document (template)

Copyright Information
Version history
Time Author Changes

Table of Contents

Game Design Document (template)
Copyright Information
Version history
Table of Contents
Game Overview
∙ Game Name
∙ Genre
∙ Target Audience
∙ Game Flow
∙ Look and Feel
∙ Project Scope
Gameplay and Mechanics
∙ Gameplay
o Game Progression
o Mission/challenge Structure
o Puzzle Structure
o Objectives – What are the objectives of the game?
o Play Flow – How does the game flow for the game player
∙ Mechanics
∙ Movement
∙ Objects
∙ Actions
∙ Combat – If there is combat or even conflict, how is this specifically modeled?
∙ Economy – What is the economy of the game? How does it work?
Screen Flow
∙ Screen Flow Chart – A graphical description of how each screen is related to
every other
∙ Screen Descriptions – What is the purpose of each screen?
▪ Game Options – What are the options and how do they affect game play and
▪ Replaying and Saving
▪ Cheats and Easter Eggs
Story, Setting and Character
∙ Story and Narrative - Specific details like scripts and cut scenes may not be in this
document but be in the Story Bible.
o Back story
o Plot Elements
o Game Progression
o License Considerations
o Cut Scenes
Game World
∙ General look and feel of world
∙ Area #1
∙ Characters
o Character #1
∙ Level #1
o Synopsis
o Introductory Material (Cut scene? Mission briefing?)
o Objectives
o Physical Description
o Map
o Critical Path
o Encounters
o Level Walkthrough
o Closing Material
∙ Interface
o Visual System
▪ HUD - What controls
▪ Menus
▪ Rendering System
▪ Camera
▪ Lighting Models
∙ Control System – How does the game player control the game? What are the
specific commands?
∙ Audio
o Music
o Sound Effects
∙ Help System
Artificial Intelligence
∙ Opponent AI – The active opponent that plays against the game player and
therefore requires strategic decision making (example, Civilization or Chess, how is it
to be designed?
∙ Enemy AI – Villains and Monsters
∙ Non-combat Characters
∙ Friendly Characters
∙ Support AI
∙ Player and Collision Detection
∙ Pathfinding
∙ Target Hardware
∙ Development hardware and software
∙ Development procedures and standards
∙ Game Engine
∙ Network
∙ Scripting Language
Game Art
∙ Concept Art
∙ Style Guides
∙ Characters
∙ Environments
∙ Equipment
∙ Cut scenes
∙ Miscellaneous
Secondary Software
∙ Editor
∙ Installer
∙ Update software
∙ Detailed Schedule
∙ Budget
∙ Risk Analysis
∙ Localization Plan
∙ Test Plan
∙ Asset List
o Art
o Sound
o Music
Game Overview

● Game Name
“”Bases del espacio”” nombre temporal.

● Genre

● Target Audience
● De 16 a 35 años, hombres. Fans de la ciencia ficción y juegos de estrategía. tipo
jugadores medio (mid-core) aficionados a la CC y amantes de los juegos de

● Game Flow
Loop: 2 fases claras, configuración-mejora de tu base (manager), y combates con los
rivales (action phase). A DESARROLLAR.

● Look and Feel

Clash Royale + Boom Beach + Sky Force + Space Run (pero que las naves no den

Manager: Space Run + Boom Beach

Action phase: sensacion similar al Skyforce + Space Run.

Visual style? Semi-Realista simplificado (con referencias al Boom Beach y Sky


● Project Scope
A summary of the scope of the game.
Gameplay and Mechanics
● Gameplay
o Game Progression

o Mission/challenge Structure

o Puzzle Structure

o Objectives – What are the objectives of the game?

Tener la estacion espacial mas poderosa del espacio. mas puntos y mas

o Play Flow – How does the game flow for the game player

● Mechanics
What are the rules to the game, both implicit and explicit. This is the model of the
universe that the game works under. Think of it as a simulation of a world, how do
all the pieces interact? This actually can be a very large section.

● Para evitar que te ataquen puedes activar el modo ocultación (como en star trek ;))
pero este modo consume energía que necesitas para otras cosas.
● Para el modo SP: llamarlo entrenador o simulador, atacas a otras bases que son
bot y consigues progreso en este modo que se muestra al resto de jugadores
(usamos bots de tu mismo nivel para cuando no tienes conexión puedas jugar).
● Para empezar un ataque, tap en el espacio posiciona la nave y a continuación tap
en un nodo de la base que quieres destruir, cuando el nodo es destruido la nave se
queda esperando nuevas órdenes, tap sobre la nave y tap sobre nuevo objetivo..
● Cuando destruyes nodos u otras naves aparecen objetos recolectables haciendo tap
sobre ellos, esos objetos son los que necesitas para evolucionar en el juego (en el
clash of clans, recolectas de los edificios).
● Cuando destruyes nodos u otras naves aparecen personas que tienes que rescatar
manteniendo el dedo sobre ellas un tiempo (como en el sky force).
● Otro modo de SP puede ser lluvia de asteroides, en lugar de atacarte naves vienen
un montón de asteroides que tienes que destruir y que te dan recursos. Puede ser
un gatcha o un plus de puntos (como el coche de street fighters).
● En lugar de atacar a otra base con tu base, podemos usar naves más pequeñas
usando nodos como en la base, asi tienen que crear más nodos y se monetiza más.

● Movement

o General Movement

o Other Movement

● Objects

o Picking Up Objects

o Moving Objects

● Actions

o Switches and Buttons

o Picking Up, Carrying and Dropping

o Talking

o Reading

● Combat – If there is combat or even conflict, how is this

specifically modeled?

● Economy – What is the economy of the game? How does it

Screen Flow
● Screen Flow Chart – A graphical description of how each
screen is related to every other

● Screen Descriptions – What is the purpose of each screen?

o Main Menu Screen

o Options Screen

▪ Game Options – What are the options and how

do they affect game play and mechanics?

▪ Replaying and Saving

▪ Cheats and Easter Eggs

Story, Setting and Character
● Story and Narrative - Specific details like scripts and cut
scenes may not be in this document but be in the Story
o Back story

o Plot Elements

o Game Progression

o License Considerations

o Cut Scenes

▪ Cut scene #1
▪ Actors

▪ Description

▪ Storyboard

▪ Script

Game World
● General look and feel of world

● Area #1

o General Description

o Physical Characteristics

o Levels that use area

o Connections to other areas

● Characters no hay personajes
o Character #1

o Back story

o Personality

o Look
o Physical characteristics

o Animations

o Special Abilities

o Relevance to game story

o Relationship to other characters

o Statistics
● Level #1
o Synopsis

o Introductory Material (Cut scene? Mission briefing?)

o Objectives

o Physical Description

o Map

o Critical Path

o Encounters

o Level Walkthrough

o Closing Material

● Interface

o Visual System
▪ HUD - What controls

▪ Menus

▪ Rendering System

▪ Camera

▪ Lighting Models

● Control System – How does the game player control the

game? What are the specific commands?

● Audio

o Music

o Sound Effects
● Help System

Artificial Intelligence
● Opponent AI – The active opponent that plays against the
game player and therefore requires strategic decision
making (example, Civilization or Chess, how is it to be

● Enemy AI – Villains and Monsters

● Non-combat Characters

● Friendly Characters

● Support AI

● Player and Collision Detection

● Pathfinding

● Target Hardware

● Development hardware and software

● Development procedures and standards

● Game Engine

● Network

● Scripting Language

Game Art
● Concept Art

● Style Guides

● Characters
● Environments

● Equipment

● Cut scenes

● Miscellaneous

Secondary Software
● Editor

● Installer

● Update software

● Detailed Schedule

● Budget

● Risk Analysis

● Localization Plan

● Test Plan

● Asset List
o Art

▪ Model and Texture List

▪ Animation List

▪ Effects List

▪ Interface Art List

▪ Cut scene List

o Sound

▪ Environmental Sounds!/content/10169

▪ Weapon Sounds!/content/10169

▪ Interface Sounds!/content/10169

o Music
Intentar colaborar con Ivan Torrent (poniendo un enlace a su trabajo en la
pagina de carga o algo similar).

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