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Section 2 - Networking

2.1.1 - Networking Devices

ARPANet → Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

● It was an early form of packet switching wide area network, that connected a number of

LAN (Local Area Network): They are small networks inside a building, which connects
computers and shared devices

WAN (Wide Area Network): Consists of LANs joined together. It is a private network that
requires passwords and userIDs

Internet: It has a vast number of decentralised networks and computers, which have a common
point of access

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): Larger than LANs. They connect LANs in different buildings
within a city

Note: MANs cover a city. WANs cover a country/continent

Benefits of Networking Computers: Drawbacks of Networking Computers:

1. Devices, such as printers, are 1. Cabling and servers are expensive
shared 2. Complex and difficult to manage
2. Users can share files and data 3. Malware can affect entire networks
3. Users can communicate using email

Networked Computers: An infrastructure which allows internal and external communication to

take place
● Hardware: Routers, Switches and Cabling
● Software: Operation of Firewall, Operation/Management of Network
● Services: Wireless Protocols and IP addressing

Two Types of Networks: Private and Public

- Private Networks: owned by a single company. They are responsible for purchase of
equipment/software and maintenance of network

- Public Networks: Owned by a communications carrier company. Organisations use the

network. No password requirements to enter
WANs and LANs

LANs: Contained within a building. Consists of devices connected to hubs/switches

- One of the hubs is connected to a router for internet access

WLANS: Similar to LAN but no cables. Uses radio/infrared signals instead

Wireless Access Point (WAP): Connected to the wired network at fixed locations. Helps provide
uninterrupted wireless communications
- Uses spread spectrum technology
WAP receives and transmits data between the WLAN and the wired structure

WANs: Used when computers/networks are a long distance from each other, or when LANs are
connected together using a router
- Due to long distances, WANs use telephone lines. They consist of end systems and
intermediate systems

Note: A network of ATMs is a WAN

Deciding whether a network is a LAN/MAN/WAN/PAN:

● WAN: 100 - 1000 km ● LAN: 10 - 1000 m

● MAN: 1 - 100 km ● PAN: 1 - 10 m

2.1.2 - Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer Networking Models

Client-Server Model: Uses dedicated servers and specific client workstations

● Users can access their files on dedicated servers

● The server tells which users can access which files

● The model allows installation of software on a client’s computer

● The model requires password and userID to gain access

● Can be made as large as needed

File Server is used and responsible for:

➔ Central storage and management of data files
➔ Allows users to share information without offline devices
Reasons for using client-server network model:
1. Company has a large user base
2. The need for good network security
3. Requires data to be free from accidental data loss

Example: Amazon website

Peer-to-Peer Model: This model doesn’t have a central server. Each node is connected to one
another and can share files. They offer little data security.

- Other users on the network can access data from another node
- Peers can be both suppliers and consumers
- Peers participate as equals

Reasons for using peer-to-peer network model:

- Number of users is small
- No need for security

Example: A small business with frequent user interaction

Thick and Thin Clients

A client-server model has 2 types of clients:

- Thick Clients
- Thin Clients

Thin Client: A client that is heavily dependent on having access to a server, without it, it will not
work. It can be either hardware or software.
- Hardware: POS terminal
- Software: Web Browser

Thick Client: A client that can work offline/online. It can do some processing whether connected
to a server or not. It can be either hardware or software.
- Hardware: Laptop
- Software: A computer game that can run on a computer but also connect to a server
Thick Clients Thin Clients

Pros - More robust - All devices linked to a

- Clients have more server
control - Server offers
protection against

Cons - Less secure - High reliance on

- Data integrity issues server
- Start-up costs are

Difference between Thick and Thin Client:

Thin Client: Thick Client:

1. Relies on a connection to a server 1. Can run some of the features of
2. Requires few local resources software when not connected to a
3. Data stored on a server server
2. Relies heavily on local resources
3. Data stored on local resources

2.1.3 - Network Topologies

Types of Networks: Bus Network, Star Network, Mesh Network and Hybrid Network

Bus Network Topology: Uses a single central cable in which all devices are connected. Easy to
expand. They are peer-to-peer

- Data travels in one direction. If data is sent between nodes, other nodes can’t transmit
- Terminators are at each end to prevent signal reflection

Advantages: Disadvantages:
- If one node fails, the network still - If main cable fails, the network goes
functions down
- Easy to increase size of network - Network performance deteriorates
with heavy loading
- Not secure because packet passes
each node
How does the bus network function?
Each node looks at each packet and checks the address of the recipient of the packet. If they
match, the packet is accepted, else rejected.

Example: Used by small companies

Star Network Topology: Uses a central hub/switch and each node is connected to it. Data going
from host to host is through the central node. They are client-server.

Advantages: Disadvantages:
- Reduced data collisions - High installation cost
- More secure due to security - If central node fails, entire network
applications goes down

How does the star network function?

It depends if the central node is a hub or switch

1. Hub: All packets are sent to every node on the network. If the address of the packet
matches the node, it is accepted, else ignored

2. Switch: The packet is sent to the node where the packet and node address match

Example: Used for networks where nodes are added/removed frequently

Mesh Network Topology: There are two types, routing and flooding. They are peer-to-peer

- Routing: Works by giving the nodes routing logic, so that data is directed to its
destination in the shortest route

- Flooding: Sends data via all the nodes and uses no routing logic. Leads to unnecessary

Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. Easy to identify where faults occur 1. Large amount of cabling, which is
2. Easy to expand expensive
3. Good privacy and security 2. Maintenance is difficult

Example: The internet uses a mesh network. Mesh networks are needed for medical monitoring
of patients

Hybrid Network: It is a mixture of two or more different topologies

Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. Can handle large volumes of traffic 1. Complex to install, configure and
2. Easy to identify network fault maintain

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