A2 History Coursework Arab Israeli Conflict

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Writing coursework can be quite the challenge, especially when diving into a complex topic like the

Arab-Israeli Conflict. It requires thorough research, critical analysis, and a knack for presenting
information in a structured and coherent manner. The depth of historical context and the need for
unbiased representation can make it a daunting task.

While I understand the struggle, I'd advise caution when considering external help. It's essential to
ensure academic integrity and personal growth. If you find yourself overwhelmed, reaching out to
professors or seeking guidance from academic resources might be a more enriching approach.

That being said, if you're pressed for time or need a bit of assistance, services like ⇒
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supplementary tool rather than a shortcut.
The Palestinian Arabs objected to this plan, mainly because the Jews were to acquire the larger part
of the division. Like Arafat, he was concerned at the idea that Hamas might replace the PLO as the
main representative of the Palestinian people. They used Yom Kippur, they Israeli holy day, to attack
Israel. None of the statements in the sources have any evidence, which questions its reliability. The
source was probably purposely biased with only one viewpoint as it was intentional to get people
thinking about the issue and to gain support for the Palestinian cause. Ben-Gurion, unlike
Weizmann, had come up in politics the hard way. Oil did not have a part to play in 1967, however in
the war of 1973, oil was a huge factor. As it was the fact that the Israelis believed that Palestine was
their homeland that made them invade and take over Palestinian land in the first place. There are
other key factors in why Israel was able to beat the Arabs. They felt that the Western Powers should
find a home for them elsewhere; after all, it wasn’t the Arabs who were responsible for the
holocaust. The source explains how the PLO have, “more sophisticated weapons than most armies.”
From my own knowledge I know that this is false as it is a fact that Israel has much more modern
and advanced weaponry as it is supplied by other countries, mainly the USA, with a vast amount of
money and weaponry. Reading this source alone, one would believe that the entire refugee problem
would be the fault of the Israelis, but the source is heavily biased and given in the Palestinian point
of view. The Palestinian describes this when they say, “For 22 years we have waited for the United
Nations and the United States, for liberty, for freedom and democracy. Finally, there are those, on
the Palestinian side, who still believe that all of Palestine must be restored to the Palestinians, even if
it means the destruction of Israel in the process. The sources give so diverse facts and opinions, it is
impossible to draw conclusions about who is to blame for the refugee problem, we can only have our
own opinion. Neither of the sources either have proof to support the opinions, for example source B
tells us that the massacre was undertaken by people who had nothing to do with the government, but
the Israelis have no evidence for this, so we have no reason to believe this. The Palestinians
themselves had been dispersed among a number of countries, and they lacked organized leadership;
as a result their political activity was limited. After several weeks of fighting, Israeli troops
surrounded the Lebanese capital of Beirut, which for several years had been the PLO's headquarters.
In 1972, nine Palestinians murdered eleven Israeli athletes at the Olympic Games in Germany.
Swamps were drained and modern sanitation, hospitals, and schools were built for both
communities. The Jews reluctantly accepted the plan but many weren’t completely happy as many
Jewish settlements and Jerusalem, their holy city, was to be part of the new Arab state. They also
didn’t like the idea of there not being an Arab East Jerusalem in the agreement and that Israeli armed
troops remained present in the Palestinian territories. As this book goes to press, Abdullah’s great-
grandson, King Abdullah II, continues to rule over a kingdom of Jordan that against all odds has
survived hostile neighbors on every side to become and remain— without benefit of any oil
revenues—a relatively prosperous nation and one of the safest and most stable in the entire Middle
East over the past century. I believe that oil did play an important part in some of the wars; however
there are other causes why war broke out. The governments of surrounding Arab nations Egypt, Iraq,
and Saudi Arabia, eager to distract their own populations from domestic issues and establish their
own credentials, followed Husseini’s lead. For the next eleven years he was the unrivalled leader of
the Palestinian Arab community and the worst they ever had. The refugee problem and the
conditions of the refugee camps is the next highest factor as the number of refugees made the
conditions of the refugee camps worse; therefore angering more refugees which the PLO was mainly
made up of. According to the source the Arab leaders who led the armies told all the Arabs living in
Palestine to evacuate the country so the armies could get in, forcing them to live in refugee camps.
When that moment comes Nasser can deny oil to Western Europe and we shall all be at his mercy”. T
he Arab-Israeli conflict today isn’t about borders and never was.
They differ in almost every way, and each source is extremely biased, the sources are not reliable at
all, we can only use them to see individual opinions. How could Britain keep Russia on its feet and
America committed in the meantime. France was given a mandate over Syria and Lebanon, and
Britain was given a mandate over Iraq and Palestine. Religion is a major factor to the current
conflict. However, there are quite a few considerable dangers to the peace process. Russia was
floundering and on the verge of being knocked out of the war, and it would be many months,
perhaps more than a year, before new American armies could be trained, transported, and organized
to plug the holes on the weakened Western Front. Although the Arabs, united, seemed strong, they
were easily taken out by the Israel army because of their surprising attack and their planning.
However, the countries had been weakened by losses from the war, and were concerned with their
own losses than the Palestinians. His young soldiers and students included men who would become
the greatest generals in Israel’s wars of survival in the first twenty years of its existence: Moshe
Dayan, Yigael Allon, and Yitzhak Rabin. After the British withdrawal from Israel in spring 1948, the
armies of all the neighboring Arab states invaded, determined to extinguish the infant Jewish state.
But during the middle ages, the Jews were expelled from Western Europe and many settled in the
East, in Russia and Poland. Due to the communist government in Russia collapsing, therefore not
supporting the Arab states as much, the USA was put this pressure on Israel with more ease, and no
fear of a Russian threat in the Middle East anymore. The British accepted the terms, and in 1915 it
was written up in a letter to Hussein, more commonly known as the McMahon letter, due to the
person who wrote it. The new leader of the Zionists, Chaim Weizmann, was a friend of a few
leading politicians such as Balfour and the present Prime minister, Lloyd George. But the British
didn’t need the embarrassment of kicking him out of Transjordan, and they needed to set up some
kind of government to keep the peace on the cheap. This caused a lot of unpopularity for the Israelis,
so instead the Israelis took up a policy of “might, power and beatings”. This was not out of British
love for the Jews and the Zionists among them. (Zionist is a loaded word, to be sure, but it literally
means someone who believes in a Jewish state.) The Balfour Declaration was actually based on the
ludicrous belief that the Zionist leaders of the time controlled the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
and the political destiny of the United States. Turkey had decided to take the side of the Axis against
Britain and its allies. Oil did not have a part to play in 1967, however in the war of 1973, oil was a
huge factor. There had always been significant numbers of Jews there, especially in Jerusalem. Local
Palestinians refused to cut their links with Arafat. However, this did not go to plan to the Arab liking
because Israeli soldiers were quickly all at home, were quickly contacted to fight against the Arab. I
believe that these wars were due to the behaviour and actions of Colonel Nasser. On the other hand,
the Jews did not get Jerusalem, their homeland, included in their area. France was given a mandate
over Syria and Lebanon, and Britain was given a mandate over Iraq and Palestine. The Israelis also
believe that the land of Palestine has been promised to them by God as it is to be their homeland.
However, with the Palestinians in such a desperate situation, it would only take time for a group such
as the PLO to emerge out of the hate. I believe that oil did play an important part in some of the
wars; however there are other causes why war broke out. They were driven out by Jewish forces and
scattered into neighbouring Arab States as refugees. It is hard to say if they were a threat to each
other because of the arms (in which case the arms suppliers would be to blame for the war) or if they
were a threat to each other because they themselves were aggressive towards each other (in which
case it would be the countries themselves that were to blame).
The increase in Jews from mainly America also helped to force the Palestinians out. Worst of all, he
listened to the supposed “expertise” of American military adventurer Colonel Mickey Marcus, who,
though a professional, was no more gifted a strategist or tactician than Ben-Gurion. The source fails
to mention a few major details which could help you conclude, such as the intifada that happened
when the Palestinians started to fight back against the Israelis, and the various s terrorist attacks they
made to try and get their land back. The quote was published in a history book, which makes it most
likely to be reliable and accurate. Under the kings David and Solomon the Jews reached a peak of
power in the 10 th century before Christ. Tension between the two neighbouring states had been
building for some time. This let them stop the Syrians attacking from the north. Source A contradicts
source B, and source C contradicts source B. The source was published in a history book and is most
likely to be reliable. Rumours spread that it was a deliberate act of revenge for the killing of two
Israelis two days before. The Arab leader, Sherif Hussein, agreed to help defeat the Turks, on the
condition that at the end of the war, the Arabs would get their freedom. Not surprisingly, their
favorites turned out to be equally vicious enemies of the British as well. The new United Nations
voted to approve the creation of two new states in the Palestine Mandate area: one Jewish, one
Arab. According to the source the Arab leaders who led the armies told all the Arabs living in
Palestine to evacuate the country so the armies could get in, forcing them to live in refugee camps.
But the British were determined to hold on to the fabulously oil-rich territories they had finally
conquered with such difficulty in the closing period of World War I. Britain became afraid that it’s
much needed oil supply from Persia (or modern-day Iran) would be cut-off by the Turks. He then
continues to explain how all the attacks are aimed at the military targets and not aimed at civilians.
The PLO during this period also recognized United Nations resolutions 242 and 338, thereby
acknowledging Israel's right to exist. The Jews (or Israelites) had lived there nearly 2500 years
before and where several thousands still remained. After this, terrorist activities were heightened,
seen by the actions of the Black September group, as well as numerous plane hijackings, while
military advances became less common. We need more evidence and facts to come to a firm
conclusion. The partition meant that majority of the population, the Arabs, would get less land that
the Jews. Then he organized the main labor left-ofcenter political party in Jewish Palestine. The
Palestinian Arabs objected to this plan, mainly because the Jews were to acquire the larger part of the
division. During the fighting many civilians were killed on both sides. The source cleverly accuses
the Arab armies for the Arab refugees. For the next eighty years, ultra-right Jewish and Zionist
nationalists attacked the “treachery” of cutting off Jordan—more than half the territory Britain
controlled after World War I. It was true that there were a disproportionate number of Jews among
the Bolshevik leadership, most notably Leon Trotsky. It says there were even appeals to stay put in
Palestine, which contradicts source B. The Israelis also believe that the land of Palestine has been
promised to them by God as it is to be their homeland.
By noon on the same day they had killed everyone in the entire village - women and children
included. The source was published in a history book and is most likely to be reliable. This caused
many violent riots to break out in Palestine where many Palestinians, Jews and British died and
Britain was accused by the Palestinians of being Pro-Zionist. In 1995, Yitzhak Rabin was
assassinated, yet not by an Arab. But to this day, Dowbiggin’s report remains the most important
document for any Western policymaker grappling with the tactical problems of maintaining law and
order in an occupied society. The Jewish version of this period is told in the Bible. Wingate drew
tactical lessons and doctrines from the campaigns and victories of such biblical heroes as Joshua,
Gideon, and David. I believe the reasons for war were because of Colonel Nasser’s personality and
actions. The United Nations now reckons that there is about 2 500 000 Palestinian refugees today. I
know from my own knowledge that in 1972, 11 Israeli civilians were murdered at the Olympic
Games. They deeply offended Palestinians because they saw it as a threat to their holy places. Once
again, the Israeli approach was a key factor to their triumph. The new Israeli Prime Minister was the
Labour Party leader, Yitzhak Rabin. After this war Palestinians everywhere lost faith in the inability
of the Arab states to defeat Israel. This land was known to the Jews as the “Promised Land”, so
called because the Jews believed God promised it to them. Religion is both sides strongest claim to
Palestine; therefore it has the highest significance to the conflict. Churchill’s Cairo legacy therefore
remains a mixed one, to put it mildly. The USA depended on the support of the Arabs, so became
worried on the criticism that it received. He summoned his heroes T. E. Lawrence and Gertrude Bell
to meet with him. The British High Commissioner in Egypt, Sir Herbert McMahon exchanged several
letters with Hussein, the Sharif of Mecca who was an important Arab Muslim figure. The
Palestinians would now be desperate after 22 years of being homeless. Events that have encouraged
the peace process have been that in 1994 Jordan signed a treaty with Israel, meaning that their
dispute over the boarders had been settled. The Arab army were unable to fight against this
surprising attack, and they were soon beaten. It is also most likely to be biased and the citizen has
been brought up with this view and never considered or possibly known any other view. This shows
how conflict changed in that there was even more involvement from the superpowers, and it was the
first real sign of Arab success. Nasser took extreme actions which he knew would anger western
countries and upset Israel but he still went along with them. As a result of negotiations, most
Palestinians evacuated Beirut for transportation to sympathetic Arab nations. He expressed his
concern over the growing relationship between the USSR and Egypt, and also feared that Nasser will
be able to cut off oil supplies and soon Britain will suffer. I know from my own knowledge that the
Six Day War had ended the year before, in which the Israelis had won against Egypt Jordan and
Syria. They began to depend less on governments and began to develop their own organisations.
The British prime minister, Anthony Eden feared that Nasser “will have to place their united oil
resources under the control of a united Arabia led by Egypt and under Russian. A century of war
might well have been inevitable in any case. We are told when the book was published and the page
it is to be found in. Nasser’s behaviour led to extreme actions which was enough to anger Israel and
force war. People get assinated and new powers come in with new ideas to make the country there
own way. The Jews (or Israelites) had lived there nearly 2500 years before and where several
thousands still remained. In this essay I will analyse the six sources given in turn, which include
sources D and E, and explain why the interpretations disagree with each other. The refugee problem
and the conditions of the refugee camps is the next highest factor as the number of refugees made
the conditions of the refugee camps worse; therefore angering more refugees which the PLO was
mainly made up of. The increase in Jews from mainly America also helped to force the Palestinians
out. During those fateful years, officers and administrators at the highest level of the British
bureaucracy gave encouragement, protection, and promotion to the most murderous and extreme
anti-Jewish Palestinian leaders. The Israelis were condemned for their actions by world-wide
opinion. They say that the massacre at Deir Yassin was committed by terrorists, and was nothing to
do with the Jewish government. At the end of the Cold War, the Soviet help to the Arabs reduced,
so the USA no longer needed to support Israel as much. By 1936, when the main Palestinian Arab
revolt began against the British rulers and the Jewish Zionist settlers, Husseini was the undoubted
dominant figure among Palestinian Arabs. Baker worked for President Bush, who was prepared to
get tough with the Israeli government. The Jewish Defence Force, Haganah, mobilised and organised
the Jewish defence. In March 1997 Netanyahu announced plans for a massive expansion of Jewish
settlements in east Jerusalem. Although the Arabs, united, seemed strong, they were easily taken out
by the Israel army because of their surprising attack and their planning. They also outlasted old
Sherif Hussein, humiliatingly kicked out of Mecca only a few years after the Cairo Conference by
Abdulaziz ibn Saud, the real warrior hero and statesman whom Churchill, Bell, and T. E. Lawrence
“of Arabia” had no time for. Both are probably biased, as they are published by two of the countries
involved in the conflict. These weapons were very effective, and after the truce had ended with the
assassination of Bernadotte, the Arabs were easily pushed back. Although in many of the sources
Israel is defended (sources A, H and J) none of them suggest that Israel expected to come out of war
as well as they did, while many of the Sources (sources B, F, G and K) sympathizing with the Arabs
do suggest that the Arabic states expected to regain The land of Israel. The changes that have
occurred to make the peace deal possible are. This was enough to encourage the US government to
put more pressure on Israel. In the letter he expresses the feelings of not just himself, but many
Palestinians. Husseini was also a close personal friend of Adolf Eichmann and Heinrich Himmler. An
agreement may have been reached, but there is still a long way to go before lasting peace is achieved.
He emphasized the importance of maintaining excellent roads and telephone communications
between outlying police stations and the capital, and of having fast-reacting reserves of police who
could quickly be sent to trouble spots. As well as this, the various terrorist acts committed before the
source was written aren't included in the source, so anyone that reads this source will not think badly
of the Palestinians. It does not tell us about the Israeli argument and want of a homeland.
Both, therefore, bearing claim to the city and ready to fight for it. This source pretty much proves
that the Arabs are causing the refugee problem. Abdullah—small, shrewd, not very handsome, and
always soft spoken— was in their eyes the least of the three. The Infitada happened before the
source was written, so they have no excuse for not writing about it in the pamphlet. So, in 1968 the
Israelis launched a full-scale attack on a major Fatah base in Karameh. These views were
understandably received with some surprise, not to mention suspicion, by both British military
commanders and Jewish community leaders in the Mandate. From the late 1960s, the PLO organized
and launched terrorist attacks against Israel from its bases in Jordan. Israel, at that time had secure
boarders as they occupied all Palestine i.e. the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights in Syria and
Sinai Desert in Egypt. There were attempts by Israel to destroy the PLO bases there. Samuel was
Jewish, but more importantly, he was a high-minded, do-gooding fool who later opposed Churchill’s
warnings about the rise of Nazi Germany. He was photographed alongside his friends sitting on a
camel. The two main factors which caused the war, in my opinion, are Nasser’s behaviour and oil.
Thousands of innocents on both sides would pay with their lives for Sir Samuel’s progressive high-
mindedness. This made the PLO unpopular at first, but when people learnt more about the
Palestinian’s situation and how they were subjected to refugee camps with no hope, the question of
“What’s the difference between terrorism and freedom fighting?” came up. The Jew was not born in
Palestine, but she can return there any time she wants. But Weizmann had no sense of government or
strategy. The source was also published in a history book, so is therefore probably reliable. In
December 1947 violence broke out between them and they grew more and more aggressive until
massacre itself in April the next year. They then carry on to say, “At least the world is talking about
us now.” This tells us that they have achieved their aim and reinstates that it was their initial aim. He
was a disaster for his people, but he was also popular among them. It doesn’t explain the cause of the
problem, but it tells us that the problem has not been solved yet. Baker worked for President Bush,
who was prepared to get tough with the Israeli government. Understandably, these details of the
agreement were all kept secrets at first, but just before the war ended, all the information came out.
Then the new Tsar’s government encouraged the persecution of Jews. The British limited the number
of Jewish immigrants based on presumed economic absorptive capacity if the land. Three modern
Middle East nations were created by the decisions Churchill made and the lines he drew at the
epochal Cairo Conference. But twenty years after Churchill’s hour of triumph in Cairo, the Arab
houses of cards he had so flamboyantly created came crashing down on his head. It was thought that
the Jews in America and Russia had a lot of money and power, and so would therefore encourage
their governments to continue in the war. From 1945 to 1947 a fierce guerrilla revolt by two
Palestinian Jewish groups—the Irgun Zvai Leumi, or National Military Organization, led by
Menachem Begin; and the Lehi, or Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, led by Yitzhak
Shamir—forced the British to give up their Mandate. By September 1988, 346 Palestinians had been
killed, many were under 16.

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