English Language A Level Coursework Investigation

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Writing a coursework, especially for a subject like English Language at the A Level, can be a

challenging and time-consuming task. A Level coursework often requires in-depth research, critical
analysis, and the ability to articulate ideas effectively. Students are expected to demonstrate a high
level of proficiency in the subject matter and showcase their analytical and writing skills.

The difficulty arises from the need to choose a compelling and relevant topic, conduct extensive
research, and present a well-structured and coherent argument. Additionally, the A Level coursework
for English Language often involves linguistic analysis, the exploration of literary theories, and the
application of language-related concepts. Meeting these requirements can be daunting for students
who may be grappling with various other academic commitments.

For those finding the process overwhelming, seeking assistance can be a sensible option. ⇒
HelpWriting.net ⇔ is a platform that offers coursework writing services, providing support to
students in need. Their experienced writers are well-versed in the intricacies of A Level English
Language coursework and can help streamline the process. By opting for professional assistance,
students can ensure the quality of their work, meet deadlines, and alleviate the stress associated with
coursework completion.

It's important to note that while seeking help is a valid choice, students should use such services
responsibly and in accordance with their educational institution's guidelines. Additionally, they
should consider these services as a supplement to their own learning, using the provided materials as
a reference for understanding and improving their coursework.
He struggles to speak eloquently and think about what he is planning to say before he pronounces it.
Many students make the mistake of making a point, giving a quick quotation in order to. AO3: use
integrated approaches to explore relationships between texts, analysing. The most protrusive symbol
in the novel evidently lies in. Students of all abilities will benefit from an example of effective essay
writing which they can emulate in their own work. I will also ask them to add any other comments
or impressions they have of the speaker. The MLK and Julius Caesar speech both have heavy
rhetorical features, and both are multi-modal texts, the differences are that the content of the
speeches are providing fairness for one man, and the other for thousands of people in America. See
other similar resources ?4.50 5.00 4 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were
looking for. The French speaker was said to sound more humorous, kind and religious. Again, this
shows why guests are so comfortable in Parkinson’s company that he does not nag them or put them
off. It goes through what it is and ideas for further research, plus topic suggestions. See other similar
resources ?6.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for.
This makes it the perfect example to show students what is required of them in the NEA. However,
what is most important with using literary criticism is to keep in mind how it. Ibsen, H. (1879). A
Doll’s House. Cambridge University Press. The modules are listed alphabetically, and you Turnitin
provides instructors with the tools to prevent plagiarism, engage students in the writing process, and
provide personalized feedback. I will have plag, and people to check if i.docx due in 4 hours 5
pages. Introductions can include historical context and biographical information but only if it. Dr.
NN Chavan Keynote address on ADNEXAL MASS- APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the.
Business Mathematics and Statistics Personal Statement. The reader has already come to dislike
Tobias as they have learnt Tobias has already killed Louisa once and caused both Louisa and Chris
much pain. Nora declaring “no more fancy dress” metaphorically serves as Ibsen stripping the
female. At the bottom of the social scale are the richest regional accents. Introductions can include
historical context and biographical information but only if it. Plath’s symbolic use of mirrors in the
novel exhibits this plight as Ether begins to believe her. It even seems as though he enjoys it, like a
couple dancing together would enjoy a waltz around the dance floor. Gill,J.(2008). The
CambridgeIntroductionto Sylvia Plath. I aim to do this by sampling random people at college, my
places of work and my parents' places of work. Ibsen conveying child-like diction in order to
emphasise Nora as Helmer’s “dolly-wife”; Ibsen. Comparing Mrs. Young To Her Husband And The
Rape Of The Lock Comparing Mrs. Young To Her Husband And The Rape Of The Lock 2011 Dais
2011 Dais Womanhood In The Scarlet Letter Womanhood In The Scarlet Letter Hour And Trifles
Hour And Trifles A-Level English Coursework 1.
I give you the notes so you can learn the theory and the example student written essay so you can see
how to tackle the exam question. Therefore I have chosen to see whether these patterns occur within
boys and girls aged 7-8 to see if they have developed these attributes even at an early age. However,
Parkinson often stutters, and occasionally pauses’, giving an indication that he is thinking of how to
phrase his next question. Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes. Plath’s symbolic use of
mirrors in the novel exhibits this plight as Ether begins to believe her. In my investigation I will
consider lexical, gramm. Nora declaring “no more fancy dress” metaphorically serves as Ibsen
stripping the female. Without having a fair and accurate experiment I cannot hope to draw any
conclusions. Their age group and gender will also be noted to aid in statistical analysis. Share to
Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Ibsen “strove to present objective reality” (Baxter,
1995) and gradually illustrates Nora. Another reason why I am doing this because I am interested
how we develop our skills when we are young, why we develop them and who influences us on the
language we use. Langas, P.U. (2006). What did Nora do?Thinking Genderwith A Doll's House. A2
English Language Investigation Coursework - The Student Room. Reviews Select overall rating (no
rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. He goes on to say that women are likely to
use more 'correct' language than men. Scarsbrook Othello by William Shakespeare, Notes, Quotes
and Analysis by T. Struggling to open your articles quickly with a creative headline and opening.
Trudgill claims that RP speakers have been judged as being 'more intelligent and educated, but less
friendly and less likeable, than the same speakers using a local accent-speaking guise.' He also points
out the implications on social events, where meeting someone for the first time, 'an RP may be
perceived, as soon as he starts speaking, as haughty and unfriendly by a non RP speaker, unless and
until he is able to demonstrate the contrary. He also points out how in schools, children with non-RP
accents may be perceived as less able and given less opportunity to prove otherwise. Investigating
from the 1980s, was a wide enough time frame to have allowed my study to elicit comparative
results, as society has significantly progressed since then. The modern accent has a strong lisp, in the
1600s a King of Spain spoke with a pronounced lisp, the Spanish people emulated the sound and the
accent took hold on the language. To reiterate, essays should deal with the nominated. I must ensure
that the quality of the recording is constant; a poor recording for one of the accents may lead to
poor opinion of the accent. Nora’s power inadequacy and how she was “rarely permitted to act
independently” (Baxter. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. Do not be tempted to ever finish a paragraph with a quotation. Check out my
shop for more essays and revision resources! Estuary has grown from Essex and sees to have centred
on Milton Keynes so much so that it is now being referred to as the Milton Keynes accent. Easily
turned into a mock question since data is included.
He also uses this technique on Caesar, describing him as an ambitious man. Another reason why I am
doing this because I am interested how we develop our skills when we are young, why we develop
them and who influences us on the language we use. Howells,C.A.(2006). The
CambridgeCompanion to MargaretAtwood. The Shakespeare text selected should be the focus of
students’ detailed study, as this. The reader has already come to dislike Tobias as they have learnt
Tobias has already killed Louisa once and caused both Louisa and Chris much pain. RP speakers
were rated more highly in terms of intelligence and ambition, though lower in terms of sense of
humour and talkativeness. He explains that this is true all over the word and in many different
languages. Dr. NN Chavan Keynote address on ADNEXAL MASS- APPROACH TO
MANAGEMENT in the. Lakoff also believed that women use more prestige grammar and clear
pronunciation with more intensifiers than men. Gill,J.(2008). The CambridgeIntroductionto Sylvia
Plath. Trudgill claims that RP speakers have been judged as being 'more intelligent and educated, but
less friendly and less likeable, than the same speakers using a local accent-speaking guise.' He also
points out the implications on social events, where meeting someone for the first time, 'an RP may be
perceived, as soon as he starts speaking, as haughty and unfriendly by a non RP speaker, unless and
until he is able to demonstrate the contrary. When preparing for A Level Psychology some of the
most crucial preparation is practice and this resource gives realistic, challenging and invaluable
suggested questions. Using integrated linguistic and literary approaches, discuss how language is
used. These topics are almost mixed together and the discussion constantly loops back to one or the
other. Language investigation Introduction In this investigation I shall be discovering if people feel
differently about Received Pronunciation accents and Estuary accents, and whether it makes a
difference if the speaker is male or female. This shows children are aware upon how to communicate
with others, therefore leading the possibility that even at a young age they have the same traits as an
adult. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
Demonstrates how to balance data analysis with theory application. It needs to be completely clear to
the reader exactly how that quotation supports the. Our customer service team will review your
report and will be in touch. ?8.99 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?8.99 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 9 February 2024 Share this Share through email
Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest
court2465 Not the right resource. It has a checklist encouraging them to plan the essay to pick the
most relevant ideas, then write it and most importantly get it marked for feedback. Students of all
abilities will benefit from an example of effective essay writing which they can emulate in their own
work. I shall be studying attitudes of the general public towards accents. Many students make the
mistake of making a point, giving a quick quotation in order to. Can be reworked as a template for
your future (brilliant!) essays. I particularly like the model CLD lesson and essay about Jess. This
needs to begin confidently by setting out exactly what you think the answer to the. She believed that
women had a greater lexis when describing subjects such as colours where men would have a greater
lexis in subjects such as sports. Atwood dissipates this harmonious concept and exposes the “violent
duality of oppositional. The forbidding restraints imposed by corrupt patriarchal cultures have
evolved the collective.
Introductions can include historical context and biographical information but only if it. A2 English
Language Investigation Coursework - The Student Room. Write a review Update existing review
Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. When you move onto the main part of your
essay, make sure that every paragraph. However, what is most important with using literary criticism
is to keep in mind how it. See other similar resources ?5.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save
for later Not quite what you were looking for. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest.
Scarsbrook Othello by William Shakespeare, Notes, Quotes and Analysis by T. Howard Giles carried
out a similar study using RP and non-standard regional accents in England. Reviews Select overall
rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Tennessee Williams’ Cat on a
HotTin Roof, explore the presentation of female protagonists. The purpose is set to inform and
persuade the audience about the murder of Julius Caesar. It seems as though Chris is patiently
waiting for Louisa to explain before he says his piece. This has lead to much prejudice against
speakers of regional accents, they are seen as less intelligent, less likely to succeed and in some
cases, lazy; There is no doubt that real Cockney despite all its delicious associations of pluck and
humour and broadmindedness is a very ugly wrenching of distinguishable sounds into
indistinguishable. Saunder,S.(2009). Sylvia Plath:An Analysisof The Bell Jar. This had been directed
to 200,000 of African Americans and civil rights supporters across the USA, informing and
demanding an end to racial inequality, and discrimination. I will aim to keep the surveying as
accurate and fair as I can and obtain a true sample of opinions of accents. At an early age children
are looking towards their families and peers to see how they should act. Watts, R. (2009). Gender,
Workand Education in Britain in the 1950s (review). He constantly uses flattery on Brutus for his
bravery creating a sarcastic tone. Students of all abilities will benefit from an example of effective
essay writing which they can emulate in their own work. Aims My aim is to discover the answer to
the question; how do people respond to RP and Estuary accents, and do they respond differently to
men and women with the same accent. To gain the higher marks at A Level you need to show some
awareness of how language. Be inspired to create a witty opening for every article. An example of
this is, “oh so y-you don’t think she has a er (.) crush on you”. This shows that Parkinson adopts a
friendly manner when talking to his guests, which makes them feel more relaxed in his company.
This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have
purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and
conditions. If and of my subjects have difficulty in reading the phrases, there may be a difference in
the results - those who stumble over words may be thought of as less intelligent than those who have
no difficulty reading. I feel this is borne out well by the media - evil geniuses are usually well
spoken with their 'hard men' being tough but stupid estuary speakers. It is important to remember that
AO3 is double weighted in this unit. University,M.S. (2005). Women in the Movies:The 1950s.
It even seems as though he enjoys it, like a couple dancing together would enjoy a waltz around the
dance floor. This sense of hate heightened by the fact that Louisa magically calls a weapon into
existence. See other similar resources ?5.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not
quite what you were looking for. Students of all abilities will benefit from an example of effective
essay writing which they can emulate in their own work. When you work with secondary criticism,
make sure that you resist the temptation to. European Studies:Vol.2,No.2.
MindenPulauPenang,Malaysia:School of Humanities,University. Once I am happy that they are
either Estuary or RP as I required I shall play all 8 recordings to 20 people of varying ages, social
class and gender. Two of each shall be RP speakers, two shall be estuary speakers. The characters
within it speak using well-structured sentences, and do not show examples of real speech like repairs
and stutters. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only
customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it
violates our terms and conditions. Using integrated linguistic and literary approaches, discuss how
language is used. Notes for all six topics in A Level English Language. This could branch onto
discrimination as this a topic seen throughout life and it may give reasons to why females are
discriminated more than males since they are not seen as the dominate gender. George Bernard
Shaw, Pygmalion, 1912, Preface Attitudes to accents have always been strong and vastly different.
This representation is open to criticism; the poor Eastender who has been taught an RP accent or the
self made millionaire from the Yorkshire Dales are obvious exceptions, though rare. Again, this
shows why guests are so comfortable in Parkinson’s company that he does not nag them or put them
off. Schommer,S.(2009). The Split Identityof Esther Greenwood in Sylvia Plath'sThe Bell Jar. It is
certainly true that as part of our 'language wardrobe', most people tend towards an RP accent in
formal situations. This makes it the perfect example to show students what is required of them in the
NEA. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company
registration number 07890590. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The Concept
of Feminism in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House by Rayees Ahmad Gana. OED 1999 The English have
no respect for their language, and will not teach their children to speak it.It is impossible for an
Englishman to open his mouth, without making some other Englishman despise him. Langas, P.U.
(2006). What did Nora do?Thinking Genderwith A Doll's House. Pinerova,K.(2012). Woman and
Her Identity in the Prison Subculturein the1950s. Students of all abilities will benefit from an
example of effective essay writing which they can emulate in their own work. He appears to echo his
opponent Brutus, almost creating a mocking tone. This essay demonstrates how to convey
understanding of linguistic ideas by evaluating and challenging the views presented in the question
and by other linguists. Easily turned into a mock question since data is included. Our customer
service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?4.50 5.00 4 reviews BUY NOW Save for
later ?4.50 5.00 4 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 9 February 2024 Share this Share
through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through
pinterest A Level English Language Revision 4.50 185 reviews Not the right resource.
This is significant as Muhammad Ali also became a big supporter of the Civil Rights Act which had
been legislated nine years before, supporting Martin Luther King. This brings proof to the theory that
the people are prepared to evaluate speakers on. He also uses this technique on Caesar, describing
him as an ambitious man. It even seems as though he enjoys it, like a couple dancing together would
enjoy a waltz around the dance floor. In Estuary, this sound is still found at the front of the mouth,
but the lips close as it is pronounced. This seems to be because Non Standard English is
stereotypically lined with lower class society and therefore violence, crime and general miscreance.
When you move onto the main part of your essay, make sure that every paragraph. I will ask each of
them to rate the speaker's friendliness and intelligence on a scale of 1-5, 1 being the highest. Many
students make the mistake of making a point, giving a quick quotation in order to. Compare how
language is used to establish power relationships in King Lear and. Language investigation course
book Contents Introduction - Teachit. This is apparent from Chris continually asking for
conformation that Louisa is back and no longer dead, for example, “Sen’ back. In doing this I aim to
discover what attitudes at accents are. The reader knows that you know what you are doing and
right. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. All
three authors convey emblematic undertones for the characters of their pieces that. See other similar
resources ?6.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for.
Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel markwright11 6 years
ago report 5 Very well done on producing this high quality piece of coursework and thank you for
sharing. I must ensure that the quality of the recording is constant; a poor recording for one of the
accents may lead to poor opinion of the accent. Title: An investigation into the language used by
politicians in resignation speeches. Students of all abilities will benefit from an example of effective
essay writing which they can emulate in their own work. George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion, 1912,
Preface Attitudes to accents have always been strong and vastly different. Dr. NN Chavan Keynote
address on ADNEXAL MASS- APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the. The model answer shows
how to approach an essay question requiring data analysis and application of theory. Not consenting
or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. A good example of the
language of the upper classes being copied is in the Spanish Language. This means that this point will
not apply here since the children are young. Be careful with grammar, as simple mistakes here can
obscure the meaning of the. AS and A-level English Language NEA sample investigation - AQA.
Instead of just stating that the “negro’s” are suffering, he uses abstract nouns to visually describe the

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