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dance, clouds, water, eyebrows, bottle, nervous, apartment, pink

The stage is a busy room with coloured fabrics hanging in the air, soft lights, a
curtain, two chairs, some glasses half empty and clothes on the floor. There is a
busy table on the side, someone is standing behind it, the bartender.
THE VOICE : Faye is an extravagant girl, she’s always smiling, singing,
dancing. She’s not afraid of anything. She likes watching the sunrise, actually she
likes going to parties until the sun rises. She’s doing horse riding but also kick
boxing and fencing. Faye is confident, full of promises. She’s a star, a daily life
Mild is a lovely girl, a sweet, a soft girl. Her neighbours smile fondly at her when
she walks past them every morning. She likes reading, cooking and sleeping. She
falls asleep so easily. Mild has a dog, called Poppy, a name just as adorable as she
is. And finally, Mild has as secret dream, she wants to be a prime minister.
Today, Mild and Faye are both invited to the same party, to Luc’s party, the music
is loud, people are drunk, they are having fun and the two girls are dancing….
Mild and Faye are dancing, they collide.
FAYE faltering : Gosh, excuse me, I’m so drunk I can’t see anything!
She trips, Mild catches her, laughing.
MILD : Wow wow okay… Maybe you should take a seat or you’ll end up hurting
FAYE shaking her head : I don’t wanna sit alone.
MILD : Let me sit with you then, I’m tired anyway.
They both sit.
FAYE : Sooo, dear stranger… What’s your name ?
MILD : Mild.
FAYE : I’m Faye, Luc’s cousin. He’s quite the partygoer, isn’t he ?
MILD : Yeah, it’s the first time I’m invited to one of his parties, but his reputation
precedes him.
FAYE : How do you uuuuh know each other ??
MILD : We have biology together.
FAYE : Ouh nice, biology, body, sex !
MILD smiling : Yeah, you’re definitely drunk.
FAYE : Damn, my head hurts so much, it’s like a hundred horses are stepping on
MILD laughing : Okay, let’s get you some water then. She stands, come on.
FAYE whining : Heeeelp me, I can’t walk.
They both stand and walk with difficulty to the bar.
THE BARTENDER : What can I do for you ladies ?
MILD : Just give us two glasses of water please, she’s completely wasted.
FAYE : Hey! I’m still hearing you!
THE BARTENDER : Two glasses of water it is then. He hands them to the two
girls. But you should take something to eat, drinking water won’t be enough, here,
I have some crips, it’s not the best, but it’ll do.
MILD : Thank you. I’m gonna get her outside, some fresh air will do good.
FAYE : Noo, I’m cold, I wanna stay here.
MILD sighing : Ok spoiled child, we’re staying there.
On their way, Faye opens the bag of crips. She takes a grip of them, half of it fall
on the floor, she exclaims :
FAYE : Look! I’m a tree!
MILD : What ?
FAYE : I’m a tree, it’s autumn, I’m losing my leaves!
MILD : Ok little tree, well your roots are over there (the chairs),so you better
hurry up to them if you don’t wanna dry out.
Faye runs to her seat.
FAYE : I’m planted again.
MILD : Nice.
FAYE : You know, I’m not joking about being a tree.
MILD : Maybe I’m drunk but I can assure you that you’re not a tree.
FAYE : You don’t understand, I’m a tree, maybe not the one with a trunk and
leaves but still. I’ve been living here for 20 years, my friends are the same since
I’m six, I’m seeing my parents every week-end, I’m going to the same café every
morning. I’m a tree, my roots are invisibles but they are attached to the people
around me and to the places of the city. sighing I’m a weeping willow.
Slow / calm music. The bartender starts cleaning the place, it’s almost like a
dance. Mild and Faye are quiet. It lasts about a minute or two. Then,
MILD : We should go outside.
Curtain closing
Outside, like a rooftop, a big wire delimit the perimeter of the space. The two
chairs are still there, as is the curtain but all bottles, glasses and clothes are out.
There is no more coloured fabrics hanging in the air. Everything looks darker.
Both girls are sitting.
MILD : Trees aren’t made to be inside, it makes them sick.
FAYE : You’re right, I’m sick!
MILD : You’re not sick, you’re drunk. Eat your crips and drink your water.
Faye starts to eat in silence. Mild stands up and starts walking around.
MILD : I want an apartment like this, with a rooftop to see the sky.
FAYE : You don’t need a rooftop to see the sky.
Music : Just the two of us, Grover Washington, Jr (?)
MILD : There aren’t any clouds tonight. Too bad, I like them. long silence When
I was six, my favourite colour was pink. Because my cuddle toy was pink. It was
a pink pickle. I hate pickles. But then one day, my father brought me to this
astronomical observatory, unfortunately it was a cloudy day and we couldn't see
anything. So we spent two hours looking at the clouds, drawing characters and
stories from their forms. She pauses Pink is pink. It never changes. It’s always
this bright and vivid colour. But clouds change, they’re sometimes white,
sometimes grey or even dark. Like me, like everyone… What do you think Faye
She turns around but Faye is deeply asleep. She laughs.
MILD : Well, you don’t think anything. You’re a tree.
She then go next to her, cover her with a plaid and sit.
Same stage. Mild is asleep. Faye wakes up. She looks around her, slowly move
not to awake Mild and covers her. She hums a melody while doing it. She then
wraps herself with a plaid and starts dancing around while singing softly “I’m a
weeping willow”. Soon after, she opens her arms wildly, still holding the plaid.
She starts to wiggle and sing louder and louder “I’m a weeping willow”. She
finishes by screaming it. Mild wakes up with a start.
MILD : For God’s sake! Are you out of your mind ?
FAYE : I’m a weeping willow out of my mind ! Tatata ! My favourite colour is
Pink ! Oh no, wait, it’s clouds! She bursts into laughter.
MILD : Mock me all you want, I’m not the one screaming I’m a tree.
Music : Sweet home Alabama ?
FAYE : But you should! She grabs her hands and starts dancing with her. Music
fades away. You should be a tree too! Which one do you wanna be ?
MILD : I don’t want to be any tree. As soon as I can, I get out of this town.
FAYE : Oooh excuse me miss “I believe in my dreams” !
MILD : As you should, miss “I’m bitter”.
FAYE : I’m not bitter. I’m a realistic girl.
MILD : You don’t even know what I want to do.
FAYE : Fine. Tell me.
MILD shyly : I want to become a prime minister.
Faye laughs.
FAYE : Oh yeah, you surely need to come down to earth.
MILD : Why ?
FAYE : Because you’re living in Waterbeach ! I mean, look at the name of your
They both start to laugh.
FAYE : Gosh, I’m joking of course. This is…Impressive. You’re ambitious.
MILD : You’re not ?
FAYE : I’m confident in what I do because I only do things I’m good at. I’m not
ambitious, ‘cause ambition means risks. Means failing.
MILD joking : Yeah, that’s the best part !
FAYE smiling : No, I don’t risk, I have too much to lose.
MILD : What ? Your reputation ?
MILD : You know, I think you can still be a cool badass girl even if you fail.
FAYE : The alcohol is making me say crazy things and you’re going emotional.
Let’s just go back to sleep.
She starts to move but stops when Mild speaks.
MILD : No, I’m serious. Honestly, I don’t think you’re a weeping willow. I don’t
know you well, I mean we’re going at the same high school but we don’t really
talk. But from what I’ve seen tonight, you’re a colourful yet thoughtful girl.
You’re very… Attaching. And not like a weeping willow, more like an apple tree.
You see, apple trees don’t always have perfect apples and that’s okay, people love
apple trees anyway.
Silence, then :
FAYE : I know I’m actually noticing this very late but are you actually aware that
you have washi tape on your right eyebrow..?
MILD : What?
FAYE : You have London washi tape on your right eyebrow. No joke.
MILD she touches it : Ooh, you’re right! I couldn’t understand why my forehead
was itching so much!
FAYE : Okay seeing it is making me nervous, can you take it off ?
MILD : Yeah yeah, she starts moving but then stops. Wait, what if… What if
when I take it off it plucks my eyebrow ?
FAYE : That would be funny.
MILD : What ? No ! I don’t wanna go around with one eyebrow missing.
FAYE : What do you have to lose ? Your reputation ?
MILD stares at her : It’s not funny! What do we do ?
FAYE : Gosh, just sit here, I’ll take it off slowly and everything will be fine.
MILD : You sure ?
FAYE : I told you, I only do the things I’m confident in !
MILD threatening : If I leave this party with an eyebrow missing, I’ll tell
everyone that you’re taking yourself for a weeping willow.
FAYE : I’m an apple tree!
MILD groaning : Argh, just get on with it.
Faye moves one of the chair in the middle, Mild sits on it. Faye rolls up her sleeves
and take a very serious look. She then slowly starts taking off the washi tape. Mild
FAYE : You see? Your eyebrow’s still there!

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