English Writing

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After reading in your article about plans to redevelop a riverside area and popular open-air swimming location into a

luxury hotel, I felt compelled to write in order to express my opposition to the scheme. Not only is the proposal
unnecessary, but it would also prove very unpopular with the local community, that’s why I’m asking you to change your

I do recognize that the place is excellent fit for a luxury hotel, considering the fact that the view is breathtaking, but I
firmly believe that this type of landscapes is far more suited for entertaining zones. Furthermore, hotel wastes will
pollute the river and young people wouldn’t be too keen on it, since they love swimming in it. Modifying this current
swimming area a little without changing its purpose is certainly a better idea as well as low-cost.

If this location is altered enough to attract tourists, the local economy will escalate, and there will be more job
opportunities as well. The area will become place for both young and old, who will also benefit from clean air.

To sum up, I feel that this proposal is entirely unsuitable, and the sooner it is abandoned the better. In no way does it
meet the needs of the local community, nor s it acceptable to the local environment. I firmly believe that, were the
council to embark on a full consultation with locals, a wide variety of exciting schemes would be suggested.
It is believed by many people that the use of nuclear weapons have prevented a third world war. This article will discuss
the benefits and drawbacks of nuclear weapons possession, as well as how it affects other nations.

To begin with, it is known that nuclear power is ferociously dangerous for everyone, that is what makes it the best
strategy for country defense. Those nations that possess nuclear weapons do not worry about invasions from other
counties, since they can always strike back causing a terrible destruction. Having such power will prevent country leaders
from launching any type of attack towards each other, being aware that this will trigger the apocalypse.

By contrast, there are lots of nations that don’t own nuclear weapons therefore they can easily be threatened and
manipulated by other more powerful countries. It is also said that weak countries like that will soon be gone since they
will be occupied by those around them. This is clearly an example of an asymmetric power between rich and poor

Overall, possessing nuclear weapons does prevent third world war from breaking out in view of the fact that this will
touch off the end of the planet. However, for small and poor countries not having a nuclear weapon is a downside,
because today mighty nations are in control of everything.
Hi friend,

Thanks for your email – it was great to hear from you! I’m glad to hear that you got in the uni you wanted the most –

Believe me I know how you feel, if it’s any consolation, you aren’t the only one who’s dreading. I also got excepted by uni
I wanted to study at. What’s more they said they have dorm rooms for studants and there are three people living in one,
imagine how petrified would I be, what if I won’t get along with them at all? But I guess there is no point in worrying
about that now, right? I mean we shouldn’t judge situation beforehead.

I see where you coming from with your question about leaving home – nearly all my friends are in the same situation at
the moment. I don’t know about you but leaving my family is what makes me anxious the most. I’ve never been so far
from my family for more than two weeks so that troubles me. Talking about fam how are yours doing? You told me your
sis is year younger than you, meaning she must be finishing school this year. Did she choose the uni yet? If she’ll need
help tell her I’m here to assist! Anyway, try not to worry about future too much.

Well, it’s time for me to go. Enjoy there last few weeks before moving out, and stay cool! I’m sure everything will turn out
all right in the end.

Best wishes,

Some people say the fashion industry has a bad effect on people’s lives.

It is often said that fashion has a bad influence on people’s everyday life. I agree with this statement for some specific
reasons: people’s appearance is not really important, plus the prices of clothes are overrated and most important is that
how people dress becomes the subject of gossip and people start judging each other.

Firstly, how people look isn’t as important as some people think, what really matters is what person is like on the inside.
But nowadays everyone think that material things is what matters the most. Everyone has different opinion in fashion so
it is totally normal for people to look different.

Secondly, these days all the fashionable clothes’ prices exceed earning of a person, so they usually buy whatever they
can afford. This might be a reason for those people to not feel like a part of society, which leads to them isolating
themselves from others.

And thirdly, because of fashion industries everyone starts gossiping about each other, talking about each other behind
their backs, which in the end becomes the reason of lots of people wracking their friendships. This is also is a result of
fashion existence in the world.

In conclusion, I concur with this given topic, that fashion influences people’s lives for the worst.

211 სიტყვა კარგია ხომ? 😊

Keeping the air quality in city centers at healthy levels for their residents is a concern for many places. How can we solve
the problem of pollution in city centers?

Write about:

 Automobiles
 Factories
 Cutting down trees

Balancing the oxygen level within the air for the residents of big cities has become a great concern. This problem has
emerged from following sources: vehicle emissions, industrial activities and impact of urban expansion on green spaces.
To fight with these issues effectively, a comprehensive strategy is needed.

To start with, automobiles’ emission of carbon dioxide is the number one concern for everyone. It is known, that this
toxic gas has negative effect on both people’s health and the ozone layer, which protects us from the sun radiation and
its ultraviolet light. The main thing that the people themselves can do is to switch to electric cars, rather than buying
vehicles that run on fuel. This will ensure healthier air quality for everyone.

To continue with, factories pollute air just as badly as cars do. Emitting harmful chemical waste can lead to contamination
of air, water and soil, and all these can seriously damage human health. To solve this problem industries must be
equipped with powerful filters, or they can use the waste to generate energy or recycle them by breaking down into
easier chemical components.

Last but not least, another big problem for megacities is lack of green environment. When it is obvious that air is being
polluted by all kinds of dangerous acids and gases, government should put some of its budget into building parks full
with trees and fountains not skyscrapers and apartments that we have already had enough of. Constructing new building
in the city centers is the worst decision architectural companies can make.

To conclude what we have discussed, there are various methods of solutions for these main pollution problems, all that
we must do is to take action.
Ivybridge Camp helper course


The aim of this report is to assess the effectiveness of the helper course I recently participated in, identify the most
valuable part of the course, and make some recommendations for improvements.


On the whole, I gained a great deal from the course. As well as different techniques for dealing with children in different
situations, I acquired a thorough knowledge of psychology and how children’s mindset works, and basic first-aid skills.
The only downside of the course was that the morning courses were ending way too quicky, because of way big groups
of kids, who just couldn’t be left alone.

Theory vs practice

In terms of teaching, the afternoon practice was definitely had the edge over the morning classes because it was more
productive. The morning classes were well planned and interesting but as soon as all kids woke up it was impossible to
keep learning. While in the afternoon I actually gained knowledge and understanding of children’s emotions and actions.
This meant we did not spend much time studying the psychology tricks, so it was mostly on us to work something out
while practicing. Therefore, I would say that I benefited more from the practicing part of the course than the theory part.


As a result of me experience, I would like to suggest the following:

 The morning classes should be more structured to allow for better use of time available.
 The children should be divided into more groups, since it was not easy to handle that many of them at the same
 It would be better for this programme to have a website of its own, it would be easier to find for everyone

If this recommendations are carried out, the helper course at Ivybridge Camp is bound to improve.
Is it worth learning a foreign language?

1. Using a foreign language for work

2. Using a foreign language for travel
3. How learning a new language affects our brain

Should people learn a new language? Is it worth an effort and time? I think it is and here are some reasons why: people
sometimes need to travel for work related reasons, some just want to spend their holidays abroad and some just know
what good impact learning has on brain.

To begin with, nowadays our planet is full of jobs that offer abroad trips to do businesses. In order to do this given job
fantastically people tend to learn foreign languages, additionally this is another way to leave a good impression on boss.
Knowing a language other than their native opens tons of possibilities in their own country as well. I’ve heard lots of
people saying they regret not studying a language when they had time, everyone understands it’s importance in job
related reasons.

To continue with, these last few years tourist companies are thriving in business, since more and more people started
traveling across the globe. However before leaving they usually try and learn few phrases or even start speaking fluently
in a foreign language. When in Rome do as they do, when you speak for example Italian and you visit Italy you eventually
start to blend in and act more like them. After all, then you will feel the taste of true travel.

And last but not least, only few people understand the benefit of learning a foreign language. Students are taught at
school, but no one ever tells them the good they will get from learning a language. It boosts the performance of our
brains; we develop critical thinking. You might even become a completely different person. Lot of scientific experiments
prove that brain works in a completely different way, a better way.

To conclude what we have discussed above, I can say that learning a foreign language is worth all the effort and time that
we put in it.
Do you think it is better to use public transport than travel by car?

1. Environmental effects
2. Cost
3. Comfort

Should individuals prioritize public transport over personal vehicles? This is the question every single person asks
themselves and here are some reasons why: environmental effects, cost and comfort.

Firstly, it is well known fact that everything a human has a bad impact on the nature around. In the end this affects our
health and not in good ways. Car emits carbon dioxide into the air, it destroys the ozone layer which is meant to protect
us from sun’s deadly ultraviolet light. However, if citizens start using public transports more, it will be hundred times less
emitions, meaning hundred times healthier life.

Secondly, cost of public transports is much cheaper than that of gas and fuel. While people tend to complain about how
high the prices are, they should switch to cheaper and more affordable lifestyle. This has another positive effect, you will
save up money, which you can use for something way more useful. I personally believe that fuel prices are mushrooming
because they want us to live a healthier lives.

Thirdly, thing that attracts human the most is comfort. This is a point for automobiles, since that is the space where you
can be yourself. In a personal vehicle there are no rules. Our actions do not bother others when we are sitting in our car.
On the other hand, people are trying to as polite as possible while they sit in public transports like bus, metro and so on.

To conclude the discussed, I can say that overall traveling by public transport has more benefits. Especially for
environment. If a person is going to work or to school, an hour of a little less comfortable travel is not much to take.

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